Read Someone Like You Online

Authors: Susan Mallery

Someone Like You (14 page)

BOOK: Someone Like You
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“I know.”

He was a good man, she thought. Nothing like Lyle, who refused to take responsibility for anything. Mac cared about Emily and the town and he believed in doing the right thing. Plus he was totally hot.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“That I had good taste even when I was eighteen and tried to get you to sleep with me.”

He chuckled. “I would question your taste for wanting to be with a guy who was too drunk to notice you were naked. I can't tell you how much I regret that.”

Her, too. “It was a never-to-be-repeated opportunity.”

Or was it? Jill had a sudden flash of inspiration and she knew she had to act on it before she lost her nerve. She stood, pulled up her skirt to mid-thigh, then turned toward Mac and straddled his lap.

He looked more than a little startled, but he didn't pull back. “Want to explain yourself?” he asked, even as he rested his hands on her hips and settled her more firmly on his groin.

They were close enough to kiss. Her legs pressed against his. Heat filled her, making her want and need and melt.

“You can't seriously be confused about my intentions,” she murmured as she put her hands on his shoulders. “Weren't you the one saying something about a rain check?”

As she spoke, she felt him get hard. It took all of three seconds. She rubbed against him, making them both breathe a little faster.

“We talked about this not being a good idea,” he said, his voice low and strained.

She nipped at his jaw. “Did we? I don't remember.” She leaned closer. “You need to let your thing about my father go. Trust me, you're not his type. He's deeply into younger women, if you'll excuse the pun.”

Mac chuckled. “Thanks for the tip.” He cupped her face and stared into her eyes. “I don't have a hell of a lot to offer anyone right now.”

She rotated her center over his erection. “All evidence to the contrary?”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do.” She brushed her fingertips against his mouth. “I'm not looking for anything long-term, Mac, and neither are you. I know you're worried about your daughter finding out so I promise to be quiet and leave long before dawn. Maybe it's the night. Maybe it's all those unfulfilled desires from when I was younger. Maybe it's how you make me feel when we're together. Regardless of the reason, I want this. I think you do, too. Wouldn't a smart man simply shut up and kiss me?”

“Hell of a good idea,” he said, and did just that.

The openmouthed kiss was hungry, hot and tempting. Jill let herself be swept away by the feel of his tongue brushing against her lower lip, then slipping inside. He moved his hands up and down her back before returning them to her hips, where he took control of the rhythm of her pulsing movements.

With his fingers rubbing against the fabric of her suit, he slowed her way down, but exaggerated the movements so she slid forward and back against his hardness. As she drew back, he pushed up, bringing
him in direct contact with about two million of her favorite nerve cells.

She sucked in a breath, then clamped her lips around his tongue. In response, he surged against her.

Between her panties she felt herself go from damp and intrigued to wet and ready. Her breasts swelled, her nipples got hard and the need to be naked and making love right that second nearly overwhelmed her.

He broke the kiss and slid down her jaw to her throat. Soft, damp kisses made her skin pucker, her body tense and her head loll back. She moved closer to give him plenty of access, at the same time she shrugged out of her jacket and thrust her breasts forward as suggestively as she could.

She loved that the man got it in one. His hands moved from her hips to her waist to her rib cage. Higher and higher until he—

In the distance a car door slammed, then an engine started. Jill resurfaced long enough to realize they were on her front porch, under the light, in full view of anyone who wanted to watch.

Mac dropped his hands to her legs and squeezed. “May I suggest a change of location? My room?”

“You betcha.”

She scooted off him and stood. After putting her jacket, stockings, shoes and purse inside the house, she took his hand and followed him across the two lawns and up the front porch into his house.

There were only a few lights on in the living room and hall. Mac ignored them and headed directly for the stairs. She tiptoed after him, trying not to make
any noise or think too much about what they were about to do. She didn't want to risk getting herself out of the mood.

At the top of the stairs, he pulled her close and kissed her.

“I need to check on Em,” he whispered. “Meet me in bed?”

“Sure,” she said when he pointed to a half-open door at the end of the hall.

Jill made her way inside and clicked on a light. The room was fairly basic. Bed, nightstand, dresser, TV. She debated what to do next. Start getting naked? Make her self comfortable on the bed? Pull off just her panties so they could do it like animals?

Mac returned before she could decide.

“She's sleeping,” he said in a low voice as he closed and locked the door behind him. A slow smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “And here I had this fantasy about you letting me redeem myself.”

“In what way?”

He crossed to her and pulled her hard against him. “If you'd been naked, I would have proven how much I wanted to make up for what happened last time.”

“I thought about taking my clothes off, but it seemed a little forward.”

“Next time,” he breathed, and kissed her.

Next time? She let the delightful promise sink into her consciousness as she gave in to the seduction of his kiss. As he teased and delighted her mouth and tongue, she felt his fingers unfasten the button at the top of the zipper. The metal teeth gave way, then the skirt slipped
to the floor. He tugged at the lace elastic of her panties, soon freeing her of them, as well. Which left her standing in her blouse and bra.

Gently he pushed against her until she took a step back, then another until they were up against the mattress. He turned so, when they sat, she was in front of him and he behind, her bare bottom nestled against his crotch. Unfortunately, he was still wearing jeans, but the proximity was nice.

“You're so beautiful,” he murmured as he reached around her for the buttons on her blouse. “Delicate, feminine. Sexy.”

“The last one is my favorite,” she admitted as he pulled open the silk blouse but didn't remove it.

“You're a huge turn-on. You know that, right?”

Not even on a good day, but she was willing to be convinced.

He reached between her breasts for the catch on her bra. She'd never had a man do this from behind her, pressed against her back, both of them watching. She felt his chin on her shoulder, his breath on her cheek. The bra hook released and the cups slipped back to re veal her modest curves.

She was about to apologize for them when he groaned low in his throat and covered her breasts with his hands.

There was something in the way he touched her—sensually, almost reverently. As if her breasts had somehow made his day. Which she would have thought was crazy if she hadn't heard his intake of breath and felt his erection surge against her.

He rubbed his palms against her nipples, which was so delicious that she forgot to think, then he dropped one hand between her legs.

There was too much, she thought hazily as he slipped between her curls into the slick, hungry heat. Too many sensations, too many things to watch. He moved his left hand from breast to breast while the fingers of his right explored her, slipping inside, pulling out, then centering on that place right above her opening.

Her chest tightened as all her muscles tensed. He quickly moved her long hair aside and began to nibble on her neck. Thumb and forefinger teased her tight, sensitive nipples. Between her legs he circled around and around. Sensations met, grew, exploded until every part of her body was aroused and on fire and she could only breathe her way through the pleasure. Faster and faster and more and more until her eyes drifted closed and she gave herself up to the—

“Oh, Mac,” she gasped as her body convulsed into orgasm. She clung to him, her hands reaching behind her to grab his hips as she spread her legs more and pushed against his touch, wanting more, wanting it harder and harder and…

The contractions claimed her again. She shuddered and breathed and lost herself in all that he did to her body. When the last waves had faded, she surfaced to find him still gently kissing her neck and rubbing between her legs.

“Wow,” she murmured.

He chuckled. “I like wow.”

As he spoke he stretched out on the bed, drawing her
down with him. She turned so she lay on top of him. Her hair spilled down around them both. He was still hard and despite what had just happened, she found herself rubbing against him.

His blue eyes darkened with passion. “I'd like to do that inside of you.”

“Mmm, sounds good.”

She straddled his hips, then pushed up so she could shrug out of her blouse and bra. He fumbled with his belt.

“Maybe I could get naked,” he said as he unfastened his jeans.

“You do that.”

He grinned. “You're going to have to move.”

She liked looking down at him and feeling his hands bump the inside of her thighs as he pushed at the denim.

“Maybe I don't want to.”

“If you don't, I can't be inside.”

As if to demonstrate the plus side of actual entry, he slid one finger inside of her and rotated it.

She sank down, pushing him deeper. Her muscles quivered.

“Okay,” she said, sliding off him. “Good point. Hurry.”

He kicked off his shoes, then pushed down jeans, briefs and socks in one quick movement. “Top drawer,” he said. “Condoms.”

Yikes. Protection. She was still on the Pill, but this wasn't safe married sex.

Thank God, she thought as she pulled out the un
opened box and broke the seal before pulling out a condom. Married sex hadn't been nearly this exciting and, what with Lyle and his chickie collection, not all that safe.

She turned back to find a very naked Mac lunging for her. He grabbed her around the waist and gently tossed her onto her back. She landed with a bounce and a giggle. She handed over the condom. He bent over and kissed her, not even watching while he slid on the protection, which she thought was a neat trick. Then he was between her legs and things went from funny to fabulous with the first thrust.

He filled her until she thought she might have to scream from how good it was. The feel of his body, the fierce possessiveness of his kiss, the slick friction as he slid in and out in a rhythm designed to make her faint.

It was good. It was better than good, she thought, as she grabbed his hips and drew him all the way in. Then she lost it in a release so unexpected and powerful that she was afraid she was going to pass out. Still, she hung on enough to keep climaxing until he stiffened and shuddered, then broke the kiss long enough to whisper her name.


around Jill as she stretched out next to him, her head on his chest. He felt good being next to her. Really good.

“Don't let me fall asleep,” she said as she stroked up and down the center of his chest. “That would require too much to explain to both Emily and Bev.”

“I don't think Bev would mind.”

“Probably not. If anything, she'd want details.”

He grimaced. “I don't want to know if you tell her.”

She shifted so she could rest her chin on his chest and grin at him. “Shy?”

“Scared, as any rational male would be. Guys don't want to know how much women tell each other. We think it's weird and a little threatening.”

“Afraid we'll compare?”

He chuckled. “Of course.”

She sighed and her expression softened. “Oh, honey, you don't have to worry on that account. You would definitely come in first on my list.”


She nodded.

He fingered a strand of her hair. “How long's the list?”

Her eyes widened, then slammed shut. “Let's not go there.”

“Why not? Come on, Jill. You can't have played around that much. I happen to know I'm rebound guy after Lyle, but what about before?”

She opened her eyes. “All right, but first why don't we talk about how my father would feel if he knew what we'd done?”

He feigned being punched, then rubbed his chin with his free hand. “That one hurt.”

“Poor baby.” She kissed his cheek.

“Fine. We won't talk about your past,” he said.

“No, we can. There's not much to say. You threw up the first time you saw me naked.”

“I wish you'd quit bringing that up. I feel like a complete idiot.”

“Good. Eventually we'll be even.”

He touched her shoulder. “Seriously, Jill. I'm sorry. If I'd been sober enough to take advantage of you…” What? Would their lives have been different? He thought maybe they might have been.

“It's okay,” she told him. “But Evan really cemented things for me.”

He didn't like the sound of that. “Who's Evan?”

“My first boyfriend at college. He was sweet and sensitive and a lot of fun.”

“I hate him,” Mac grumbled.

“You shouldn't, at least not for that. The first time
saw me naked, he announced that he was gay. Apparently my body provided the revelation he needed to figure it all out.”

Mac stared at her. She looked just hurt and embarrassed enough for him to know she was telling the truth.

“No way,” he said, because he couldn't help himself.

She nodded. “Pretty amazing, huh? The first guy who sees me naked throws up. The second turns gay. Is it any wonder I thought I was in love with the only guy who didn't react badly to the idea of having sex with me?”

BOOK: Someone Like You
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