Someone Else's Dream (19 page)

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Authors: Colin Griffiths

BOOK: Someone Else's Dream
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Donna didn’t respond immediately, she was taken aback by the calmness of her shy friend, who was now talking openly and frankly about sex and not just any sex, but the sex they had experienced together. Both girls just sat staring out at the sea, reflecting. “I seen you naked you know!” Donna tried.


Carla let out a giggle, “I know you did and I also noticed you looking at me again this morning,” she blurted out between the giggles.


“And... you’re okay with that?” Carla gave it some thought.


“You know... I never actually thought I would be, but somehow, you made me feel beautiful.”


“Oh Carla, that’s because you are beautiful.”


“So are you Donna, so are you.” Again there was a silence, a comfortable, warm, silence until Carla spoke again, and her tone a little less buoyant.


“Did you see my scars?” she asked,


“More clearly this morning, but last night I just wanted to kiss them all away, they’re not that bad you know, barely visible.”


“I wished you had kissed them away; no one has ever seen them until now.” Again, there was a pause. “Maybe next time, I can try to kiss your scars away, or your imaginary ones anyway.”


“Next time?” queried Donna,


“Oh, I think there might be a next time, don’t you, Donna?”


“I hope so. So, you would like to kiss away my scars, like I did yours?”


“Yes, Donna, I really think I would like that very much.” Both girls were momentarily lost in their own lustful thoughts. “Right then!” exclaimed Carla, “let’s get showered and dressed as I need to go into town for something. You’re not doing anything today are you?”


“Nope,” Donna replied, getting up from her chair. “I am meeting Kelvin tonight, though.” Carla panicked.


“Oh my God, Kelvin, I’d totally forgot all about him, I feel awful now.”


“Don’t,” Donna replied, “the love between two women is something men couldn’t ever understand and, anyway, if he knew it would probably turn him on.” That made Carla feel better. “So, what do you want in town?”


Carla let out a wry smile, “I think it’s time I got myself some sexy underwear, don’t you?”


“My God Carla, what has got into you?” The look of surprise was written all over Donna’s face and clearly humoured Carla.


“You my girl, you’ve gotten into me?”

*              *              *

Marcia and Matt enjoyed a delightful day. They strolled along the beach, laughing at the children playing in the sands. They took a light lunch at a small café on the beach front, for once Marcia watching her diet, as she ate a small pasta and salad, Truth was she was leaving enough room for whatever great delights Smithy had in store for her, that evening. It had felt more than just a holiday romance though sadly she did wonder what more it could be? Matt paid for lunch and the ice creams they ate as they walked along the beach. He took her into Costa and bought her a coffee. They visited the fair and he treated her to games on the shooting galleries, neither of them wanting to experience the rides.


From the gift shop, he purchased the fridge magnets and tea towel that Marcia had chosen for her mementoes of their weekend away. Matt had chosen an umbrella. Marcia couldn’t quite get over that, it was a striped umbrella with bright colours and it didn’t even have the words Porthcawl written on it. What topped it all off, was when Marcia saw a blouse she liked in a department store shop window. It was priced at £22, she asked Matt to wait for her as she went into buy it. She picked out her size and went to the payment counter to pay for it when suddenly Matt appeared by her side. “I’ll pay for that,” he offered.


Marcia objected but Matt simply handed the cashier his card. She thanked him and wondered why he wasn’t always as nice as this. She was failing to work out the Jekyll and Hyde nature of his character. All in all, it had been a lovely day and as they walked back to the caravan all Marcia could think about was her date. They took their turns showering, Matt again being the consummate gentleman by covering himself up with a towel, whilst going into the shower. There certainly not being enough room to get undressed in the shower room.


It was about six-thirty when they both left. Matt had taken his laptop and Marcia guessed he was off to do some writing though she couldn’t understand why he needed to take an umbrella, as it was still a sunny, warm evening.

*              *              *             

Carla and Donna had a day to remember; Carla’s mind occasionally going back to the night she had spent with Donna and how much she enjoyed their
love making
. It had opened up a whole new world for her and sometimes her thoughts were confused. She knew it would have to happen again; she so wanted to taste the delights of Donna. Even if it was for just one final time, she knew there had to be a repeat performance.


They too had lunch, however, Carla had refused the offer of going into Ann Summers to choose her new underwear. If she wanted the kind of stuff they sold she would get it online; no way would she be seen walking into that shop. This made Donna giggle at the girl who quite openly spoke to her about the sexual experience they had shared and yet, she would not walk into a High Street sexy lingerie, store.


They chose Peacocks and Donna helped Carla choose the sexy underwear she so wanted to wear. They both treated themselves to new shoes and Donna bought herself a new handbag. They kissed goodbye at about 4 pm, Donna telling Carla that she had to go and get herself ready for Kelvin and that they were going to try out chapter seven tonight. Carla did feel a tinge of jealousy, but that was because Donna had a fulfilled life; whereas she felt, hers, although getting better, was by no means fulfilled. She walked back to her dream home, for once feeling comfortable in her own skin.


She wanted to go and see what chapter seven was all about. With her bags and a slightly new found confidence, she got home, made herself a cheese salad sandwich and booted up her laptop. She wanted to make a start on the third and final instalment of Charlotte. She wanted her to experience something new and that would be the love of another woman. In no time at all the words were flowing as she brought Charlotte back to life, from the car crash she had at the end of the last book. There would be no publishers to worry about, this time, Donna had taught her that and as she sat and wrote, she momentarily thought about the girl she loved. Donna had taught her everything, how could she possibly repay her?

*              *              *

Marcia nervously walked towards Yates. She didn’t really understand quite why she was so nervous. After all, she had been on plenty of dates and was a very confident lady, but Smithy had touched something deep inside her and she didn’t want to blow it. She didn’t want this wonderful day to end.


She could see him sitting alone at the bar, as she walked in. As soon as he saw her he got off his stool and went over to greet her with a kiss on the cheek, this was embarrassingly cheered by the usual Saturday group who had earlier teased Smithy about his date. Marcia turned to stare at the group who all had smiles on their faces, all except Darren, who didn’t appear too happy, but Marcia neither noticed or cared.


“Take no notice of them babe, they’re just jealous I’m taking a beautiful girl out. Come on, let’s go somewhere else.”


They left the pub to a chorus of further cheers. Marcia took it just as friendly banter and realised they were friends of his. She kind of liked that the man she was with was so popular and yet she was the one walking out on his arm. That’s exactly what Marcia did; she put her arm through his as they walked and Smithy gratefully accepted it.


“Do you fancy a steak?” he asked her,


“Mmmm... my favourite,” she replied, hungrily.


Smithy wined and dined her like a true gent. They ate steak and chips followed by sticky toffee pudding, whilst sharing a bottle of wine with the meal. They then went on to a wine bar where neither of them could stop talking. The time flew past and it was into the wee hours before they knew it, with the bars closing; the inevitable happened and the evening drew to a close. Smithy offered to walk her to the caravan once more, which Marcia gratefully accepted.


Outside of the caravan, they shared long passionate kisses, only stopping for the chance to breathe. It was during one of these breaks that Smithy said, with the enthusiasm of a child, ““I can’t just let it go like this, I’ve got to see you again, I think you’re fantastic.”

Those were the words that Marcia wanted to hear the most, “I thought you would never ask, you must come down and see me and stop for the weekend.”


Smithy’s heart was all of a flutter, as he fumbled for his phone. “Give me your number,” he said in a somewhat panicky tone. Marcia gave him her number and watched as Smithy clumsily punched it into his phone. No sooner had he done it, than her phone beeped. Getting it out of her handbag, she read the message. ‘I think you’re fantastic and beautiful’.


She quickly typed something back, ‘You’re not so bad yourself’.


They shared a few more lingering kisses before Smithy left. “I’ll call you,” he promised her, as he walked away.


“You better,” she replied wistfully. She let herself into the caravan and noticed Matt’s stuff was there. As she was getting into bed she heard him shout out.


“You could have brought him in and fucked him if you’d wanted.”


Marcia didn’t reply; all she wanted to do now was go home. She knew she would be sleeping with one eye open, still unsure of the Jekyll and Hyde character who slept in the next room.

*              *              *

Whilst Carla had sat in her beach house merrily typing away on her new novel, Matt had taken his laptop to the rocks in front of the house and made himself comfortable, as he typed the next chapter of his novel ‘The Stalker’. It was nearing midnight when he had finished. He had no real recollection of the day he had spent with Marcia. His head had drifted into that other world he sometimes experienced; his own little world of hurt and torment; a world where his Gods were Gods of Evil, the sons and daughters of Satan. He had entered again the world the tablets were designed to stop him slipping into.


Matt Conner stripped himself naked and lay his clothes next to his laptop on the beach. He slowly walked over to the retaining wall of Carla Reid’s garden, armed only with an umbrella. Clambering up the wall, scraping both knees as he did so, he felt no pain. He could feel his penis hardening as he neared the window. It now stood fully erect. He opened the umbrella and laid it softly against the floor and masturbated until he orgasmed all over the umbrella. It was a powerful orgasm and it took him a moment to compose himself afterward.


He picked up the umbrella and rested it very carefully, so as to not make a noise, against the patio door windows. Then he gave two sharp bangs on the glass and turned around and ran, jumping down the six-foot drop. He didn’t stop until he reached his clothes still on the rocks. Quickly dressing, he took hold of his laptop and ran until he reached the caravan he was staying at. He needed his bed, it had been a long day and he was feeling exhausted. He recalled Marcia coming in later and shouting out to her, but he wasn’t sure what it was he had said.

*              *              *

Carla had spent most of the night on her new novel; she had only had one glass of wine, but she had grown tired and wanted to go to bed. Pleased with her night’s work she closed her laptop and picked up her glass to take to the kitchen. The glass dropped and shattered on the floor, when she head the bang on the window. Her heart leapt into her mouth and began to pound furiously as she ran to the front door to make sure that it was bolted on the inside; it was.


She rushed back into the living room and turned off the lights, before turning on the outside lights of the patio. She could feel herself shaking as she slowly opened the curtains. The garden was lit up and she was grateful she could see no one there. She immediately thought of Darren and that was when she saw it. She screamed in terror at the sight of the umbrella leaning against the window, in all of its bright colours. She could see on the side of the umbrella that was facing her a sticky substance she thought she recognised. Still shaking with fear she got out her mobile.


Donna and Kelvin were having a quiet, sober, night in at Donna’s flat. They were already experiencing the joys of chapter seven and with her leg persituated precariously on top of the bookcase, the naked Donna’s phone beeped. She knew, from the beep tone, who it was. Kelvin, who was also naked, but with his hands tied behind his back and standing on a stool near the bookcase, shouted in frustration,

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