Read Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me) Online

Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #bondage, #Rescue Me, #Sex, #Romance, #Erotic, #Adult, #BDSM

Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me) (13 page)

BOOK: Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me)
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He drew a ragged breath.
, he needed her. Like a starving man, he lowered his mouth to her waiting treasure. The musky scent that was Angelina’s essence reached him before his tongue lapped at her wet pussy.


Never again would he share her with anyone. Thank God he’d come to his senses before he’d let things with Luke go too far. He tongued the side of her hood, and her hips jerked.

Marc pulled away. “Lie still, pet, and remain quiet. Remember your discipline.”

“Yes, Sir.” The breathy note in her voice made his cock strain against his pants. He wasn’t sure how long he could hold out. Plans to go up to the playroom with her were out the window. He could play with Angelina anywhere he wished, and right now, the kitchen seemed the perfect place. He lowered his head again and teased her clit outside its hood.

Her sharp intake of breath was all the encouragement he needed, and he flicked his tongue against her before he reached up and pinched her still-clothed nipple. No time to strip her now.

* * *

The abrasion of blouse and bra against her nipples sent a peculiar zing up Angelina’s chest to her chin. Feeling his tongue on her clit short-circuited her brain again. She knew they hadn’t resolved anything. Last night they hadn’t even slept in the same bed. He refused to talk with her about both Melissa and the possibility of his being adopted. Getting him to talk with his parents to find out the truth had been equally impossible.

Frustrating man. He’d been pulling away from her emotionally more each day, but in this moment, she’d settle for an explosive physical connection even if she never got him to confide his feelings to her.

They’d get over this bump in their relationship faster if he’d just open up to her more. Right now, though, she was the one opening up to him—physically, at least. The man had a way of getting her to forget everything when he was in Dom mode or when he was going down on her.

His tongue worked its magic, laving the sides of her hood, teasing her to the brink of an orgasm several times, but her mind kept drifting back to the issues facing them since Aspen. Of course, he was teasing her, too. Every time she thought she might come, he moved away from her clit to tongue her pussy hole, never letting her explode. His finger grazed her asshole, and she nearly catapulted off the counter. She loved when he touched her there. It had taken weeks of preparation to get her ready to take him anally the first time. Now it was one of her favorite positions.

“Stay here.”

As if she had a choice. She giggled and took a deep breath as she watched Marc walk into the hallway. He wouldn’t leave her alone and restrained more than a couple of minutes. Soon he returned with his toy bag slung over his shoulder and a sofa pillow under his arm. The man always saw to her comfort and must have known that the counter pressing against her shoulder blades was beginning to hurt, even though she hadn’t complained out loud. “Your ass is mine.”

“Yes, Sir, it is.” What was he planning? Impact play or—

“Turn over.”

Oh, yes! Please, please, please!

Marc placed the pillow on the counter behind her and helped her roll over into position, the juncture of her hips wrapped around the curved edge of the countertop.

“Hold on.”

She reached up and grabbed onto the bar shelf above the counter. He unzipped the bag, and she waited, wondering what he planned for her. She didn’t have long to wait.


Impact play. Much as she loved the crop he was using, she’d hoped for something much more intimate. He continued to swat her several more times, though, and her mind began to drift into subspace. Yes. She needed this.

Cold lube trickled against her anus, and she jumped. Marc touched his finger against her asshole, and she pressed back against him, welcoming him inside. Yes! Another finger followed.

“So tight. It’s been a while since you’ve had a plug—or me—up there. Are you going to be ready for me tonight, pet?”

“Oh, yes, Sir. Please!” She didn’t attempt to hide the pleading in her voice and tried to relax her sphincter to show she wanted this. No, she
him to fill her in this special way that no one else ever had. She needed to feel that connection to him again. To hear his groan when he entered her. His growl of release when he came.

Marc removed his fingers, and she heard him open a foil packet. Soon! She waited, her stomach in a knot of anticipation.

“Shit. Sorry that lube was so cold. I didn’t realize.”

He must have lubed the condom. “Don’t apologize, just—”

His cock pressed against her anus and all coherent thought left her. He pushed past the ring of resistance slowly, but the burning had barely begun when he rammed himself into her until his hips slapped against hers.

Angelina grunted. “Umph.
Mio Dio!”

Marc’s groan told her he felt it, too. He’d never taken her so quickly this way. Maybe he needed this as much as she did. His hands stroked the sides of her ass while he waited for her to adjust to his size. When he began to pull out, she tried to hold him by tightening her ring of muscles but soon heard the sucking sound when the tip of his penis left her empty.

He reached under her and stroked her throbbing clit. “I’m not going to last long, pet. Prepare to come with me after the fourth stroke.”

Stroke of what? Her mind was still fuzzy from nearly entering subspace during the spanking. Marc groaned as he thrust himself inside her asshole again.

Angelina counted. “One, Sir.”

Oh, thank God, her Marc was back again. They could talk later, but having him share himself this way was enough for now. His finger stroked her faster, and she clenched around his cock as he pulled completely out again. She loved the burning each time he rammed himself into her. Somehow her ass never seemed to get used to being breached this way. Each time was as intense as the first.

Again he rammed himself into her until they both groaned at the impact. “Two, Sir.”

She panted, not sure she could hold out for two more slow strokes of his penis.

“Do. Not.” He gasped for air, clearly as affected as she was. “Come. Yet.”

His hand shifted away from her clit, but he kept his penis buried to the hilt inside her. This would make it a little harder for her to come, which was good. She didn’t have permission to come yet. She wanted to please him more tonight than ever before.

Again he pulled out. It wouldn’t be long now.
Please, God, let her come on command.

“Spread yourself wider for me.”

How much more open did he expect her to get? She spread her legs a little wider, and something hard and cold pressed against her pussy. Definitely not his finger or penis. Besides, he wouldn’t enter her pussy without changing the condom.


Oh, no! Not the vibe!

“This is the only way I’ll ever share my girl and her body, but it feels so good having this vibrating cock pressing against me through your pussy walls, both of us filling you, taking you where you need to go.”

His finger returned to her clit as he rammed himself inside her once more. Her body began to shake with the building orgasm.

Wait for him!
“Three, Sir.”

Only three. She wasn’t going to be able to hold out for him to come with her. Why didn’t he see he wasn’t playing fair? Frustration brought tears to her eyes. The vibe changed to a pulsating rhythm, and she gulped a lungful of air. Damn him and his remote. He was going to make her suffer before he let her come.

Sweat rolled over her temple, and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to use her discipline to hold herself just at the precipice without going over. Marc slowly pulled out once more, but the vibe’s rhythm changed again, and his finger assaulted her clit mercilessly.

“I can’t wait any longer, Sir!”

Marc chuckled, the bastard. “But you will, if you know what’s good for you.”

She came closer and closer to the edge. She couldn’t hold back. “Please, Sir! Please let me come!”

Marc’s finger left her tormented clit, and he grabbed onto her hips, ramming himself in her to the hilt the fourth time. This time, he didn’t pull out all the way and quickly began fucking her asshole with shorter strokes.

Temporarily lost in the sensation of incredible fullness, feeling the vibe being bumped each time he entered her, she held on to the ledge of both the countertop and her sanity.

“What. Are. You. Waiting. For?”

“Oh! Four, Sir!” He rammed her incessantly. “Come with me, Sir!” She wanted him to fully share this intensely intimate moment and not hold back as he had so many times. He’d given her permission to orgasm several strokes ago. When did he plan to let go himself? “Oh,
mio Dio
, I’m coming!”
Hurry, Marc.

She lost count of his strokes, not that he intended for her to be counting them beyond the fourth one in the first place. Marc’s moans grew louder as his fingers dug into her hips.


He came with her, and she let the euphoria wash over her as he collapsed against her back. The pulsations of his penis and the vibrations from her pussy continued for a very long time. They’d both needed this release so badly.

Just as the vibe’s throbbing went from ecstasy to torture, it stopped abruptly. She slumped against the counter as if she’d become one with it. Marc’s weight against her entire body felt delicious. He was with her again in the one way only he could be.

“Thank you,
. I needed that more than you could know.”

Oh, Marc.
“Not nearly as much as I did. Thank you, Sir.”

He sighed and stood, removing his cock and the vibe at the same time, leaving her feeling empty once more. If he’d ordered her to stand right now, she’d have been a puddle at his feet.

“Let me clean us up.”

He took the roll of paper towels and wet several. The cool towel against her raw asshole soothed away the burning as he wiped the lube away. He discarded it in the trash and wet another one to clean her pussy. Being ministered to like this was another form of intimacy she had missed the past couple weeks.

She heard Marc remove the condom and assumed he was cleaning himself off, but she hadn’t a care in the world as she floated down from the heights he’d taken her to tonight. She wouldn’t let this much time pass between them without connecting in this earthy, vital way again. Marc needed her as much as she needed him.

. I’m exhausted. Let’s finish cleaning up in here and go to bed.”

The promise of sharing a bed with him swelled her heart. He helped her down off the counter, and when her legs gave out, he lifted her into his arms. How he could carry her she had no idea but didn’t want to protest. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

He chuckled.

“I’ll come back down after I tuck you into bed and clean off the counter.”

Which bed? Please, let him take her to the one they’d shared every night since she moved in, except for last night. The thought of sleeping separately at this moment would have killed her.

When he laid her gently on the bed, she opened her eyes and saw Nonna’s vanity across the room. She smiled. Everything was going to be okay. They could talk tomorrow. Tonight she just wanted to cuddle.

Chapter Seven

arc took the S-curve a little too fast in his Porsche 911 Carrera and forced himself to ease his foot off the accelerator. If he hadn’t lingered so long at the outfitter store this morning going over the books with Brian, he and Angelina wouldn’t be late for dinner with his parents. A psych officer might have said the sudden interest in accounting was because he was avoiding something. Lord knows Marc had never taken much of an interest in the business end of things before.

Angelina’s silence for the first hour of their drive grated on his nerves, mainly knowing he was the cause. They’d slept apart again last night. His patience had been at an all-time low worrying about this visit and whether Mama would include Melissa in yet another family gathering. Perhaps his nerves were frayed at the thought of bringing up Melissa’s accusation with Mama and Papa.

BOOK: Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me)
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