Somebody to Love (22 page)

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Authors: Kristan Higgins

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“Who’s that?” James

“My next stepfather?” Parker

“Sweet ride,” he murmured, his
breath stirring her hair. And not only her hair. Lady Land perked right up.
She cleared her throat and stepped forward a little bit.

Her mother was sitting in the
passenger seat of a chocolate-brown Porsche convertible; at least it wasn’t
black or red, so points to the driver for not living the total midlife
crisis cliché. He was blond, maybe forty years old and wore aviator

“Hello, darling!” her mother
called, vaulting out of the car, her half smile as unchanging and disturbing
as Jack Nicholson’s Joker. “Guess into whom I ran.”

“‘Into whom I ran’?” James
echoed. “That is some very impressive grammar.”

Althea hustled to the door and,
ignoring James completely, whispered, “This is Collier Rhodes, he owns the
Pines, he’s loaded, don’t blow this. Husband material, Parker.”

“For you or for me?” Parker

“For you! Don’t be ridiculous!
I’m blissfully happy with Maury. Let’s go! Hurry up. I don’t want him to see
this pigpen any more than he already has.” She glanced back. “Collier, we’ll
be one second! Oh, damn, he’s coming in.”

“Now, now, Mother,” Parker
murmured. “Hi,” she said to the man. “I’m the daughter.” She was positive
the man had already been briefed on her blue blood, education, career and

The man removed his sunglasses,
revealing very blue eyes. Nice. He smiled. “Hi. I’m Collier. I guess we’re

“Parker Welles. This is my
friend, James Cahill.”

“Good to meet you, man,” Collier
said as they shook hands.

“He’s not her
per se,” Althea
chirped. “He’s the help.”

Parker raised an eyebrow.
“Actually, he’s—”

“Darling,” Althea interrupted,
widening her tightened eyes with great effort. “Collier has been
sweet! I
wandered up to the Pines, a little nostalgic, and there he was, and before I
knew it, he’d invited us to stay for a few days!”

Mmm-hmm. A little nostalgic, her
ass. It wasn’t surprising Althea had tracked down the town’s biggest
landowner. She had a nose like a drug-sniffing bloodhound when it came to
rich men.

“And he’s having a little dinner
party tonight for us. Isn’t that wonderful? So let’s go.” She gave Parker a
quick scan and apparently found her dress acceptable, though she unsubtly
tucked her finger into her own neckline and made a downward motion, sign
language for
Show more boob and he’ll pop the
question faster.

“James, you free? You’re more
than welcome,” Collier said.

“Oh, I’m sure he had other
plans,” Althea said. “My ex-husband sent him to do a little work for Parker,
that’s all.”

Parker glanced back at James.
His hair was still damp from the shower. “Why don’t you come, James?” she
asked, suddenly quite aware that she really, really wanted his

“The more the merrier,” Collier
said enthusiastically. “I’d love it!”

“Oh, are you sure, Collier?”
Althea said, laying a hand on his arm. “James wouldn’t want to put you out.
You’ve already been so, ah, generous with the locals.”

him to come,” the man said, his
blue eyes blazing. Gay, maybe, Parker thought. “What do you say,

“Sounds like fun,” James said.
“Thank you.”

“Great!” Collier said. “Off we
go, then.”

“Parker, you simply must sit in
front,” Althea said as they walked down the path to the Porsche. “It’s such
a darling car. Parker’s father loves Porsches.” Translation:
She comes from money, too.

“Oh, no, Mother. You know what
they say. Age before beauty.” Smiling at her mother’s murderous look, she
slid into the backseat with James.


, James was fairly sure he hated Collier Rhodes.

Apparently, Collier knew every famous person on the face of the earth, from Lindsay Lohan to the president. He couldn’t stop talking about his famous pals, his money, his career, his travels, and all with such false modesty that it was making James ill. At least Harry was honest about his own self-admiration.

Maggie Beaumont and her fiancé, Malone, were here, in addition to Lavinia. And thank God for that, because otherwise, James was pretty certain Althea would’ve locked her daughter in a bedroom with Collier until consummation occurred. Between her references to Parker’s suitability as a bride and Collier’s name-dropping, James was feeling quite homicidal. He took another sip of whatever wildly expensive wine Collier was serving and tried not to roll his eyes as Collier dropped the seventh celebrity name of the night.

“You’re kidding!” said Maggie. “You actually went rock climbing with Aron Ralston? The guy who cut off his own arm?”

Collier considered the question. It wasn’t a hard question, but he seemed to need time to answer. “I guess I don’t really notice a person’s disabilities. It’s not my way of seeing people.”

“You didn’t notice that he only had one arm?” Parker asked. “That’s kind of a big thing to miss.”

Atta girl.
She was sitting next to James, as ever so close and so out of reach.

“That’s how I’m made,” Collier answered thoughtfully. “To me, we were just two kindred spirits communing with nature. It was the same when Steve and I—Stephen Hawking, that is—were having drinks one time. I mean, yeah, he’s in a wheelchair, but to me, that stuff’s invisible.”

The invisible wheelchair. Like Wonder Woman’s plane.

“How do you have drinks with a man who’s completely paralyzed?” Lavinia asked. “Feeding tube? Straw?”

Good question, Vin.
“Go on, Collier,” said Parker’s mother, staring at her cousin with her creepy frozen face. “Tell us about the, ah, climber.”

“Well, that Aron can really fly when it comes to free-climbing. He almost beat me to the summit.”

“That’s so neat,” Maggie said.

” Parker’s mother seconded. “Collier, the stories you have! Such a fascinating life you’ve led!”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute,” Lavinia barked. “Who just said he cut off his own arm? Maggie, are you shitting me?”

“Let’s not discuss that at dinner,” Althea said. “Collier, tell us about that novel you mentioned. Parker, Collier wants to write a book, too!”

Oh, kill me now.
Just one more reason Collier was perfect for Parker. James closed his eyes.

thing you have in common,” Althea said brightly.

“You don’t really want to hear about my little idea,” Collier said, gazing upon each guest in turn.

“Most authors don’t like discussing their work,” James offered.

“I’ve heard that, too,” Malone said, giving James a commiserating look. At least James wasn’t the only one suffering.

“I just read a book,” Lavinia said, leaning back in her chair. “Pretty steamy stuff. Written by some Chinese chick. Very dirty. I enjoyed it.”

“Please tell us, Collier! I know
dying to hear about it,” Althea said.

“Well, Jim there has a point.” That was another thing. Jim. “But if you insist.”

“We do!” Althea chirped. Malone sighed.

“Okay, okay,” Collier said, holding his hands up in mock defeat. “It’s about this retired Microsoft executive.”

“Like you?” Parker asked innocently.

“Well, not really. But maybe. He’s a little like me in that he retired young after making his fortune.” Making his fortune? Did people talk that way? “And then he comes across this painting by Picasso. But there’s this code in it, and no one’s ever deciphered it before. But coding is what the Microsoft guy does. His name is Wolfe, Wolfe Shepherd, and he’s the only one who sees that this code is actually a treasure map, so then he embarks on this amazing journey that leads him to the secrets of the Vatican.”

“Sounds like
The Da Vinci Code,
” James said.

“Never heard of it,” Collier said a bit sharply. “I only read literature. Anyway, when the Vatican finds out he’s on the trail…”

The guy went on. And on. And on. This was hell. Worst of all, Parker seemed totally into it. Laughing, asking questions.

Then again, he was from the same world she was. Maybe she liked him.

“But enough about me,” Collier said. “I was thinking about maybe getting a boat and doing a little lobstering, like you, Malone. Cowboys of the sea, right?”

James would bet both lungs that Malone had never thought of himself as a cowboy of the sea. For crying out loud.

“I wouldn’t call it that,” Malone said. Maggie elbowed him in the ribs. “But it’s a good life.”

“Exactly!” Collier said. “Hey, you guys want more wine? It’s from a little vineyard I’m part owner in, this sweet place in the Loire Valley. Now, not to brag, but Robert Parker gave this a score of ninety-eight. You can’t get it here in the States, but, well, ownership has some privileges. Hey, Parker, your dad has quite the wine cellar, doesn’t he?”

“Had,” Parker said. “His defrauded investors own it now.”

“Right, right. Sorry to hear about that.”

“Oh, he had it coming,” Althea said. “Always was a cheater.”

James glanced at Parker. Her expression was pleasant and composed.

He hadn’t been horribly surprised to hear her story of Harry and the babysitter. He knew how Harry was with women, after all. But he winced at picturing Parker at age ten, walking in on her father. And though his boss had been a complete and utter shit, he could well imagine Harry’s panic on being discovered. Harry didn’t like people knowing he had feet of clay; he tended to fire them if they found out. But you couldn’t fire your kid. It sure explained the origins of the father-daughter cold war.

“So you two kids are getting married this weekend?” Collier said, turning those freaky blue eyes on Maggie and Malone.

“It’s true,” Maggie said. “You should come! We’d love it.” Malone winced, then coughed to cover.

“Man, I wish I could,” Collier said. “I have a meeting with my portfolio manager, then have plans to pop down to Maryland to look at a sailboat. But hey! Where are you going on your honeymoon? You’d be welcome to use my place in Aspen. I’ll call the caretaker, and it’s yours. Or New York! I have a little apartment there on Central Park.”

“How little?” Althea asked. The woman practically had dollar signs in her eyes. “Parker loves the city. Of course, she grew up there. You two should get together sometime! Parker, wouldn’t that be nice?”

James was suddenly aware his jaw was aching, he was clenching it so hard.

“Well,” Parker said, “I don’t get down there too often.”

“No, your mom’s right,” Collier said. “We should! But, Maggie, if you’d like to use it, feel free, anytime. It’s only three bedrooms, but I like it. Minimalist, a little Japanese flair. The view of the park is very nice.”

“That’s really sweet, Collier, and thank you,” Maggie said. “We’ll probably go away in the winter, when it’s not so busy around here. But we’ll keep your offer in mind.”

An older woman James recognized from Dewey’s came out with a platter of something. “Bananas Foster,” she said, setting the tray down with a clatter. She groped in her pocket for a match, and set fire to the dish, making Collier clap like a little kid.

“We supposed to eat that now?” Lavinia asked. The woman rolled her eyes and began serving the dish once the flames burned out. Rich people. Always looking for more ways to gild the lily.

“So, Jamie, I haven’t really had the chance to talk to you,” Maggie said. “Chantal says you’re a lawyer?”

“Yes,” James said. “I worked for Parker’s father.”

“May he rot in prison,” Althea added, sucking down the last of her martini. The cook put a plate of slimy, burned bananas in front of him. Nasty.

“I thought you were a carpenter,” Collier said.

“No. But I worked on a construction crew in college.” He met Collier’s eerie gaze.

“And are you and Parker dating?” Collier asked.

“Heavens, no!” Althea cried. “No, Parker’s

Collier looked at Parker. “Is that right?” he asked with a small smile.

James stared at the tablecloth.
Good question, Parker. You’ve been ogling me since I got here, you worship the Paragon…are you unattached?

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her glance at him, as if feeling his thoughts. He didn’t look up. “Well,” she said, “I’m a single mom. Not much time for dating.”

“Please. Nicholas is four years old,” Althea said. “He’s hardly aware of your comings and goings.”

“He’s five and a half,” James said.

“Thank you, James,” Parker murmured.

“You have to think of yourself first,” Collier said, folding his hands.

“Actually,” she said, “it’s the other way around. Child first, parent second. In most cases, anyway.”

Collier shook his head as if coming out of a daydream. “Anyway, Jim, with Harry Welles in jail, you must be looking for a job. Want me to ask around? I know a lot of people.”

As you’ve told us.
“I’m fine on my own, but thanks,” he said. “It’s James, by the way.”

“So why did you retire from Microsoft?” Althea asked, pushing around her charred bananas.

“It’s hard to say,” Collier answered. “I guess I wanted to be more than Bill’s right hand. Not that he isn’t one of my closest friends, right? I mean, just last week, he and Melinda and the kids and I had the nicest time. Have you been to their place? It’s beautiful.”

“Well, it’s getting a little late,” Maggie said. “We’re getting married in two days, and we have a ton to do. Thanks so much for a wonderful night, Collier.”

“It’s always great to see you, Maggie,” Collier said. “Best wishes for a long and fruitful marriage. See you in a week or so. I’m sure you’ll make a beautiful bride.”

And off went the happy couple. The rest of the dinner guests weren’t so lucky. Althea insisted they stay longer, Vin was working on her third plate of bananas Foster, and Parker seemed to be having a fine time.

The thing was, the idiot known as Collier was the answer to all of Parker’s financial worries for several lifetimes at least. Richer than God. Richer, perhaps, than Harry had been. And with Althea pushing Parker like a broodmare…

“No, she was only in labor for a few hours. Born to be a mother.”

“True,” Parker said, smiling. “Want to see a picture? Not of childbirth, but of my son?” She pulled out her phone and handed it to Collier.

“Oh, he’s beautiful!” Collier exclaimed. “Wow. What a cute kid.” He slid his finger on the screen to view another shot. “Aw, man! Adorable. I love kids.”

Of course he did. The guy was flippin’ perfect. He and Parker should have a double wedding with Maggie and Malone.

“Parker, I’d love for you to stay here, at least for a few days,” Collier said now. “Really! Come on, let me show you the guest suite. Well, it’s one of three, actually. Your mom took the Osprey’s Nest, but the Loon and the Puffin are both available. They have Jacuzzis, too, if you like that sort of thing. Me, I like to start the day off with an early-morning swim, and man, that tub feels incredible when you get back.”

See? Perfect. The Paragon might’ve been taken, but here was another one, dying to hook up with her.

“That’s okay,” Parker said. “I’m fine—”

“Parker, don’t be silly!” Althea said. “Go see the suite! Go! They’re beautiful! And this is, in a way, your ancestral home.”

“At least see what you’re turning down,” Collier said. He stood up and took her hand. “Come on, it’s really pretty!”

Parker hesitated. James said nothing. “Okay,” she said. “Then I really have to go home.”

“That shack is not your home, dear,” Althea said. “This is much more what you’re used to. I’ll come, too.”

The three of them left the room.

“You want another drink, Vin?” James asked.

“Nah, I’m good.” She leaned back in her chair and cracked her knuckles. “You gonna sit on your ass, son, and let him take your girl?”

“She’s not my girl.”

“Seems like you’d like her to be.”

He gave her a dark look. She shrugged. “How’s the judge?” he asked.

“He’s still got it,” she answered. “Been a few decades, and things have all dropped a few inches, if you know what I’m saying, but he’s still got it.”

James couldn’t help laughing.

“How about you, sweetheart?” she asked. “What are your plans after this summer?”

Excellent question. “Not really sure, Vin. Gotta find a job.”

“Ayuh. It’s been nice having you back around. You sure were a sad sack back then.” She reached over and squeezed his hand. “I dated your uncle for a while, remember?”

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