Some Like It Hot (17 page)

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Authors: Lori Wilde

BOOK: Some Like It Hot
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“You got it.”

He kissed her then, slowly, deeply, tenderly. “I love you more than you will ever know, Melanie Marchand.”

“And I love you, Robert LeSoeur, with every beat of my heart.”


but Melanie was hotter.

The sweet cherry aroma of salmon LeSoeur filled her apartment kitchen. And the sight of Melanie, wearing nothing but an apron, skimpy red lace panties and ruby stilettos that made her gorgeous legs look ten miles long, filled Robert with a kind of awe. He still couldn’t believe she’d agreed to marry him. He could barely believe she’d had the courage to knock down the protective walls he’d built around himself, and open his heart to love. She was something, his impulsive, stubborn, beautiful, accomplished woman.

“Stop staring at my butt and come here, my passionate chef.” She turned and slanted him a coy smile over her shoulder. His heart pounded and his body hardened.

Robert needed no more invitation than that.

In an instant, he was by her side. She dished up a bite of her cherry salmon with chestnuts and feta cheese, and held out the spoon to him, one hand cupped underneath to catch any dribbles.

It was another bizarre combination of ingredients from his favorite chef, but the minute the morsel hit his tongue, Robert was in heaven.

“Mmm, that is so good. You are absolutely awesome, Melanie Marchand.”

She smiled at him and he felt her wonderful heat warming him from the inside out. She winked saucily.

He grabbed her around the waist and spun her into his arms. “There’s just one thing missing,” he murmured.

“Something’s missing?”


“I don’t know how that can be.” She started ticking off the ingredients. “Nope, everything’s there.”

“It needs a little more heat.”

“Salmon LeSoeur’s not supposed to be spicy.”

“But what about Chez Remy’s more adventuresome customers? What are they supposed to eat?”

She grinned. “You’re turning the tables on me.”

Robert smiled back, knowing in this moment his life was utterly and totally complete. “Hey, babe, you know how it is. Some of us like it hot.”

From her place on the windowsill, Waffle meowed in agreement.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5580-1


Copyright © 2006 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Laurie Vanzura is acknowledged as the author of this work.

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