Read Some Girls Do (Outback Heat Book 1) Online

Authors: Amy Andrews

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

Some Girls Do (Outback Heat Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Some Girls Do (Outback Heat Book 1)
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“Yes,” she muttered, her gaze returning to his face as she reached for him greedily, grasping him firmly, guiding him hungrily towards her, her eyes never leaving his. “Now.”

And he didn’t stop to consider his options or the consequences or think about his honour or the fact he wasn’t wearing a condom, because her hand was on him and then all her heat and wet met the unbearable tautness of cock and his hands were reaching for her hips, tilting her for that perfect thrust and her eyes were goading him, daring him and he loved her
so fucking much
he held her gaze and entered her in a single push.

She cried out and Coop groaned as her slick velvety tightness surrounded him. Their breathing rasped into the air. “More?” he demanded.

“Yes,” she gasped, digging her fingernails into his biceps now.

He shoved into her again, her head rocking back, the Akubra falling off. Her hair swung around her head and shoulders with the momentum. “Like that?” he growled, his gaze boring into her.

*     *     *

Lacey fought
the urge to shut her eyes and just revel in the pleasure drowning her body. “Just like that.”

Coop was inside her. It felt good. And
he’d made the first move

He didn’t say anything then. Neither of them did. Nor did they kiss. He just looked at her as he thrust harder and harder inside her as if he was trying to punish her for his loss of control. Or himself. Or maybe both of them.

But Lacey revelled in every stroke. Lifted her hips off the hood and met every single one, daring him with her eyes to go harder, higher, deeper, faster. Refusing to feel shame or embarrassment. Welcoming him into her body, remembering the rhythm and the feel and the stroke of him. Granting him pleasure. Showering him in acceptance. Fighting the tension cranking up inside her that begged for a release she refused to allow before he was ready too.

And it didn’t take him long. Lacey could feel the tremble in his biceps and hear the ragged edge to his breath as days and days of torment and a night of teasing hurtled them head first into pleasure.

“Fuck,” Coop groaned, glaring at her. “I’m going to come.”

And that was all Lacey needed. “Me too,” she gasped then let it all go, let it unspool, pressing her forehead into his bicep as the waves rippled and spun and churned and he cried out her name and she clung to his arms, holding on tight, letting it all wash over her.

*     *     *

At some stage
Coop collapsed against her, his forehead resting in the notch between shoulder and neck, the metal of the hood pressing into her lower back.

They were both still joined, still
hard when he pulled back slightly and looked down at her. “I hope you’re satisfied?”

He looked pissed. And tense. And she couldn’t blame him. But no man should be so riled after such an amazing orgasm. It was time to fix that. “I’m sorry,” she panted, her voice not much more than a whisper as she righted herself, invading the space he’d carved out between them. And then she kissed him, soft and slow.

He resisted at first but Lacey persisted, stroking her mouth across his in long tender sweeps, teasing him with a hint of tongue, her hands circling his neck as she sighed and shifted and pressed against him, using every ounce of herself to coax his lips to play.

He surrendered on a groan, his hands sliding around to the small of her back, his palms spreading over the dimples there as his mouth opened and joined the sweet tango.

If it was possible, Lacey’s heart beat even faster than before as he kissed her slow and deep. It was so sweet Lacey wanted to cry. She moaned as it went on and on, his hands tightening around her back.

“Thank you,” she whispered against his mouth, gentling the kiss after long drugging moments, and pulling back a little.

He shook his head, those blue pools of his reflecting his disquiet. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have … taken you like that.”

Lacey shook her head. “It was amazing,” she said. “It was
how I wanted it.”

He frowned. “You want it like that?”

“That time? Sure.” She smiled at him. “But next time? How about you take me home to bed and you can call the shots.”

Lacey half expected him to protest. To retreat. To try and wind back time and be all platonic again. Instead he picked up his hat off the hood, jammed it on his head and said, “Yes ma’am.”

Chapter Eleven

he next two
days were about as close to bliss as Lacey had ever been. Or had been for a long time, anyway. Back in the days before her mother had been diagnosed with cancer, she’d been safe and secure in her home and the knowledge that her three older brothers adored her. She could roam around Jumbuck Springs, where everyone knew her.

She’d wallowed in the bliss of those truly carefree days, ignorant to the harsh realities of life. Unlike her mother and brothers, whose bliss had been well and truly shattered when Don Weston, her father, had been the victim of a hit-and-run accident while on duty. Lacey had been so small—barely two—that she didn’t remember her father or the dreadful turmoil of that time. In fact the family, the town, had taken great care to shelter her from it.

So there’d been no bad memories to spoil Lacey’s bliss. Until her mother got cancer.

Five years ago—over three since her death—that’s how long it had been since Lacey had felt this kind of happy. And it was all because of Coop.

Spending long hours burning up the sheets with him, waking up beside him, laughing with him over toast and coffee in the morning, and snuggling on the couch with him at night, had all wormed under her skin and she knew it was going to be hard to say goodbye in just a few short days.

Especially as Coop had let go of all his usual boundaries where she was concerned and opened to her completely. He laughed and told her stories about his childhood and his business; things about Ethan and him on the beat as new recruits; and more personal things about the night he was shot.

They’d slipped into an easy kind of intimacy as if they’d always been a couple, and it was addictive.

And the sex.
Lordy, Lordy, Lordy
, the sex. He was ruining her for all other men.

The alarm went off at six on Tuesday morning and Lacey, lying on her belly, groaned. “I hate that damn thing.”

A hand slid onto her bare ass as a pair of lips brushed her shoulder blade. “If you didn’t keep me up all night I wouldn’t need to set it.”

Lacey ignored the not very convincing complaint as the hot, hard length of Coop’s erection pressed into her side right near her hand. She reached for it, filling her palm, wrapping her fingers around the impressive girth. She didn’t know how it was even ready again considering he’d almost blown her head off with three stellar performances last night, the last one only three hours ago.

Maybe it was because they both knew their days were numbered.

It was his turn to groan as she squeezed him hard and she stole a peek at him through strands of her hair, the ecstasy etched on his face tightening an ever-present knot in her chest.

Things had been perfect, but she was conscious of time running out. Best to make the most of it now. “I’ve got a place you can put that,” she murmured.

Coop chuckled, the vibrations tickling her skin as he pushed her hair off her back and pressed a string of kisses from one shoulder to another. “I was hoping you might.”

Goosebumps broke out on Lacey’s skin wherever his lips trailed. “You want the long version or the short version?”

“I think,” he said, rolling over top of her in one easy move, his dick sliding from her grasp as he straddled her legs, a knee planted either side of her thighs, “I’ll take the long.” His erection dragged along the cleft of her buttocks as he kissed the side of her neck and Lacey moaned, pushing her rear into the thick, delicious glide. “There are certain advantages to living only a five-minute walk to work after all,” he muttered.

“Gotta love small-town life,” Lacey panted, arching her back as his cock changed direction, ploughing through her slick folds, rubbing back and forth, taunting her.

“Amen,” Coop muttered as Lacey reached for the condom stash in the bedside drawer.

When his phone rang Lacey almost cried. She wasn’t that far off coming just from the heavy glide of his dick. His hips jerked to a stop. “Leave it,” she groaned but he was reaching for it anyway.

“It’s Alec,” he said.

Alec Campbell? Why would he be ringing when he would be seeing Coop later this afternoon when they got back to town?

She whimpered as Coop rolled off her onto his back and took the call. His hand found her butt again though, his fingers stroking up and down the globes of her ass, mollifying her somewhat. It wasn’t exactly the same but it still felt pretty damn good.

Lacey’s eyes closed in appreciation. She was almost certain she drooled on the sheets as she vaguely took in the one-sided conversation that lasted less than a minute.

“What the hell did he want?” she asked as the phone clattered onto the bedside table.

“He wants to take another week.” Lacey’s eyes flew open. “He says I can just put up a back-in-a-week sign if I can’t extend, but he asked me if I could.”

Considering Lacey had been half way to La La Land less than a minute ago, she was suddenly very focused. She rolled up on her side, displacing his hand from her ass but completely aware of his gaze on the fall of her breasts.

“What did you say?”

“I said yes.”

Lacey lost her breath for a moment. “Oh.”

His eyes trekked back up to her face. “The man hasn’t had a holiday in a decade. It seemed selfish to say no. And I haven’t …” he ogled her breasts briefly again, “quite finished your car yet. It would be a shame to leave before that.”

Lacey smiled. Right,
would be the shame about him leaving tomorrow …

“So … we’re not telling my brothers about the fake pregnancy just yet then?”

He grimaced at the mention. “We should,” he said, his voice gravelly.

Lacey nodded, but she could see his conflict. See he wanted to give this up about as much as she did, and if her brothers knew the truth there’d be no need for them to keep cohabiting. She squirmed across the short distance between them, her thigh sliding over the top of his, her torso smooshing up against his side, the heavy fall of her hair fanning out across his chest. “Another week wouldn’t hurt, would it?”

He slid one hand onto her ass again, the other into her hair. “I can’t think when I’m near you,” he muttered, bringing a long wavy lock to his nose and inhaling.

Lacey slid her thigh over his hips and, in one easy move, straddled him, his stiffening cock sitting right between her legs. She looked down at him for a long time. His eyes were unfathomable and she wanted nothing more than to get so lost in them she’d never find her way out.

“Make love to me,” she whispered.

She hadn’t ever said that before, but there was something deeper in this moment than just fucking. For a long beat he didn’t say or do anything. Then he snaked his hand up her body to the back of her neck and pulled her down to him.

BOOK: Some Girls Do (Outback Heat Book 1)
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