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Authors: Deborah Bladon

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I tell Libby how I feel from my heart and sometimes it's romantic because it's there inside of me and sometimes it comes out sounding like a bunch of bullshit. But the thing about Libby is that she can translate the bullshit into something good. She sees past the parts of me that everyone finds abrasive and cold. She sees into me, through me and that's why I love her as much as I do.

Her tour is done. Tonight was the final performance of Falling Choices. It ended its run in Denver. No. That's not some serendipitous twist of fate. I arranged that. I can do that. I wanted her parents there. I arranged that too. It wasn’t easy but I got them there, they watched in wonder and they were the first to congratulate her when she took her final bow.

We are sitting outside her grade school now because Libby wanted to take me on a tour of her childhood. I couldn't resist. This is the place where she first sang in front of a crowd during a holiday pageant when she was in the third grade. It's the place she realized she was born to perform.

It's the perfect place for me to make all her dreams come true. They're my dreams too.

"I'm sorry that your musical tanked." She doesn't look at me as she says the words, but I can see the wide grin on her face in the reflection of the car's side window.

"You're not sorry." I tap her knee. "You're sorry your friend lost her job."

She twists her head to look at me. "I talked to her today. She's been going on auditions. Apparently there's a new musical in development. I might check that out when we get back to New York."

"You have the lead if you want it."

"Alec." My name shoots out from her lips. "You didn't invest in another production, did you?"

I can't tell if she's happy about the prospect or angry. It doesn't matter. "Nope. It's not mine."

Her index finger scratches right under her nose. "How do you know I can have the lead?"

"Your agent told me they called him to ask about your schedule."

"Really?" That's joy. That's pure joy in her voice.

This tour has completely changed Libby's career. She has an agent now. There are offers coming in left and right and it's not just Broadway. There are television and film roles too. She's finally getting the attention she deserves.

"You should talk to him when we get back."

"I will." She points out the window. "I used to play on those swings when I was little."

I lean over to peer out her window. "I bet you were fucking adorable."

Her head spins back towards me, our lips almost touching. "I was."

"You still are." I glide my mouth over hers, soaking in the taste of her breath.

"We should get to the airport soon." Her hand cups my cheek. I want to get back home.

"Libby." I reach down to hold her hand in mine. "I love you, Libby."

A small smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. "I love you."

"You've completely changed my life," I whisper the words into her cheek. "I can't live without you in my life anymore."

"It's the same for me." She reaches to cradle the back of my head. "You are my everything, Alec."

"I want to be with you forever." My voice cracks. I fucking knew I'd cry. Fuck.

"Me too." She pushes her beautiful mouth into mine. "Forever."

"Marry me, Libby. Just fucking marry me."

"What?" She pulls back, her eyes raking over my face. "Say it again."

"Please, Libby." I pull in a breath to quiet everything I'm feeling. "Will you marry me?"
              Her eyes mirror the movement of my hands as I pull a small black box from my suit pocket. I open it slowly. A beautiful solitaire diamond sits waiting for her finger.

She picks it up slowly, nods her head and says the words I've been waiting to hear since she stepped into that elevator more than a year ago. "I will. Yes. I will."




2 Years Later




"When mommy and daddy got married it was the most beautiful day ever." I press my lips to baby Ada's tiny forehead.

She doesn't wake. "Daddy was wearing a tuxedo and he looked so handsome. Mommy almost cried when she came walking down the aisle and saw that."

"Are you telling my daughter stories about me again?" His voice is warm and smooth.

"I am." I kiss his lips softly as he leans down to where I'm sitting in a rocking chair in the nursery of the condo.

He walks to the other chair, lowering himself carefully into it. "I was just telling Abe about his mother and how she's been nominated for a Tony award."

It still doesn't seem real. Hearing Alec say the words gives them more meaning. He'd first told me about the nomination the day after the twins were born. I was exhausted and elated from welcoming our children into the world. I didn’t think my life could be more complete.

"You're going to win that award, Libby." He gently pushes his foot against the hardwood floor, causing the chair to glide back. "No one in this world is as talented as you are."

I hide my smile beneath another kiss to Ada's forehead. "No one in this world is as happy as I am."

"You're wrong about that." He cocks a brow. "I'm happier than you are."

He may be right. Alec's working less and living more now. He's given up the long hours at the office in exchange for more time with the children and me. He was with me almost constantly during my pregnancy. There had been some minor complications that had scared him early on so he adjusted his entire schedule so that the bulk of our days were spent together.

I'd worked right up until the six month mark and Alec took me to each rehearsal, watched every single performance and encouraged me every step of the way. I was the star of Crimson, the newest sensation on Broadway. Having Claudia as my understudy has only made the experience sweeter. She is there now, in my place, getting rave reviews and drawing attention to her beautiful voice and talent.

"The deal on the sale of the apartment closed today." Alec looks directly at me. "I'll be going there later this week to collect anything that I left behind."

It's been hard to talk about. Natasha had contracted an infection more than two months ago. Alec had taken on the task of helping her parents find the best doctors, even though they've never forgiven him for what happened. The doctors told us her time was limited and she slipped away one night in the hospital.

"I know that won't be easy." I reach out with one of my hands.

He grabs hold of it. "It's necessary though."

I nod. "I'll go with you. My parents will be here on Thursday to help with the twins. We'll go together."

He pulls my hand to his lips, whispering a kiss across my fingers. "Thank you, Libby. Thank you for everything."

"We're in this together, handsome." I smile as I say the words realizing how much depth they now hold. "We'll always be in it together."

"The four of us will always together," he corrects me as he kisses Abe's hand. "Forever, Libby."



Thank You!


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About the Author


Deborah Bladon has never read a romance hero she didn't like. Her love for romance novels began when she was old enough to board the bus, library card in hand to check out the newest Harlequin paperbacks. She's a Canadian by heart, and by passport, but you can often spot her in New York City sipping a latte and looking for inspiration for her next story. Manhattan is definitely her second home.

She cherishes her family and believes that each day is a gift for writing, for reading, and for loving.



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