Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (23 page)

BOOK: Soliman, Wendy - The Name of the Game (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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“We need the money, so I have no choice.” She shrugged. “Paul used to earn more than me. Now it’s the other way round.”

“I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

“You could reinstate Paul.”

“I’ll certainly try.”

“Don’t bother,” Claire said bitterly. “That bastard would never allow it.”

“If you help me, I could go over his head. I do have influence.”

“What do you want me to do?” she asked warily.

Ashley fixed the pregnant woman with a penetrating gaze. “I think you know why I’m really here.”

“Why should I? I don’t—” She broke off and clutched her abdomen. “Argh!”

“What’s up?” Ashley asked, half rising from her seat. “Did the baby kick again?”

“I’m not sure.” She continued to rub her bump. “Perhaps, but he’s never kicked that hard before.”

“He? It’s a boy?”

Claire smiled for the first time since Ashley’s arrival. “Yes, and it feels as though he’s getting anxious to put in an appearance.”

“Is there anything I can do? Do you need a drink, or something?”

“No, I’m okay.” Claire’s smile faded. “Tell me what you want?”

“You first. Tell me why Paul clouted Charlie.”

“Because he’s an arrogant sod and—”

“Claire, I promise I’ll do what I can for Paul, but you’ve got to be honest with me.”


“Perhaps, but if employees went round clouting bosses they thought was arrogant, our courts would be clogged solid with assault cases.”

“Yeah, I know.” Claire shifted her weight again and sighed. “Paul was one of Interactive’s top salesmen, always exceeding his targets and earning good bonuses.” Ashley nodded encouragement when Claire’s voice faltered. “Then he…argh, Christ.” She doubled over, clutching her bulge, sweat peppering her brow.

Ashley leapt to her feet and took her hand. “That’s not just a kick, is it?”

“No,” Claire panted. “I think it’s a contraction. That’s not supposed to happen yet.”

“Tell that to you son.”

Ashley found the bathroom on the first floor, wrung out a face cloth and dashed back to Claire. She wiped her brow and took her hand again.

“All right?”

“Yeah, it’s passed.”

“Should we call someone?”

“Hell if I know. I’ve never done this before. Have you?” Ashley shook her head. “Right pair we are,” Claire said, with a hollow smile.

“Contractions are supposed to last for hours, aren’t they?”

“So they say. They ought to be spaced wide apart and—” Claire cried out again, gripping her stomach as though holding the baby in.

“This isn’t right,” Ashley said. “I’m going to take you to the hospital. Do you have a bag packed?”

She expected Claire to argue the point. She didn’t.

“Bedroom, in the closet,” she said.

“Do you want to call Paul?” Ashley asked, running down the stairs with Claire’s case.

“I’ll do it from the car, but we’d better hurry.”

Ashley glanced down at the puddle of water dripping from Claire’s seat.

“Oh hell, your water’s broken.”

“Looks that way.”

Ashley drove like a maniac to the hospital. She absolutely didn’t want Claire giving birth in her car, especially since she was convinced something wasn’t right. It was all happening too quickly. Claire had been suffering from nothing more taxing than swollen ankles half an hour ago. Now this. She thought about calling an ambulance but reckoned she could get Claire there quicker in her own car. Claire, in between bouts of swearing and sweating profusely, managed to get hold of Paul.

“He’s on his way,” she said, dropping her phone on the floor when another contraction hit her. “Hurry up,” she said to Ashley in a breathless pant. “Something’s going on.”

Ashley, hand on horn, headlights flashing, ran the final red light and pulled up outside the emergency room doors. Two orderlies dashed out, and Claire was whisked away. Paul arrived minutes later, wearing his security guard uniform, looking fraught.

“Where is she?” he asked, running into reception and grabbing Ashley’s arm. “What happened? What did you say to her?”

“Mr. Slattery?” asked a nurse.

“Yes, where’s my wife? Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. She’s just gone into premature labour, that’s all.”

“That’s all!”

“She’s asking for you. Come this way please.”

“Go!” Ashley said when he appeared frozen to the spot. She thrust her card into his hand. “Call me when you can and let me know how she is.”

“Oh, er, right. Thanks for helping her.”

Paul dashed off after the nurse. Slowly, Ashley retraced her steps and reclaimed her car, wondering if she really was to blame for Claire’s condition. She didn’t see how she could be. It wasn’t as if she’d threatened the woman. But still…she felt guilty.

She dialled Matt’s mobile, eager to tell him what little she’d learned. A chill ran through her when Eve answered.

“Ashley, is that you?”

She was tempted to hang up, but her number would have shown on the display, and that would look stranger than bluffing her way out. She glanced at her watch. It was gone ten o’clock. What possible reason could she have to call her boss on his mobile at that time of night? And what was Eve doing in Reigate? She’d been in Southampton at lunchtime. Her mind went into overdrive.

“Yes, I was looking for Matt.”

“I’m sure you were.”

“Is he there?”

“Just a moment. We were in bed. I’ll see if he’s available.”

Matt’s voice came on the line mere seconds later, sounding fraught. “Ashley, is something wrong?”

“I might ask you the same question. No, it’s all right. I know you can’t talk.”

“I sent you a text, warning you not to ring,” he said in a low voice. Ashley assumed he’d gone into another room to talk to her.

“My phone was switched off. I was at the hospital, and they don’t allow them there.”

“The hospital?” He sounded panicked. “Why?”

“Don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with me. The lady from systems went into premature labour.”

Matt chuckled. “Is that the effect you had on her?”

His flippancy annoyed her. “This isn’t funny.”

“Sorry, I know that. I’m just relieved that you’re okay.”

“I did manage to find out that Claire’s husband was sacked by Charlie because he took a swing at him.”

“Bloody hell!”

“I couldn’t find out anything more before the baby sent us into a panic.”

“Still, it’s an interesting development.”

“Look, I’d better go. Presumably you’ll think of a way to explain this call to Eve, and I’ll leave you to ring me as soon as you can.”

“Thanks for letting me know,” he said, cutting the connection.

Ashley pocketed her phone, feeling alone and vulnerable.

Her phone rang at seven thirty the following morning. Matt’s number flashed up on the screen, and she immediately felt better. Until she remembered that Eve had answered it the night before.

“Hello,” she said cautiously.

“Darling, I’ve caught you before you left, I hope.”

“Yes.” She relaxed at the mere sound of his voice. “Are you at the office already?”

“In the car. The first thing I did was call you. Are you all right?”

“I’ve been better. What the hell is she up to, Matt?”

“Wish I knew. She was at the apartment when I got home last night. Said she’d missed me and wanted to tell me all about her weekend in person.”

“What was there to tell?”

“Nothing much.”

“So Phil must have dropped her back in Southampton, whereupon she immediately came in search of me. But she didn’t say anything about accosting me, I suppose, or about me basically telling her to get lost?”

“Not a word, but then she wouldn’t, would she? Not if she’s trying to play us off against each other.”

“She didn’t like my negative reaction and so drove up to you straightaway.”

“Looks that way.”

“How did you explain away my call last night?”

“I didn’t. I wouldn’t normally tell her why someone from the office was calling, and right now I get a lot of calls, obviously, what with everything that’s going on.”

“Never explain and never apologize?”

“Exactly,” he said in a wry tone.

“So you didn’t explain my call, and she didn’t ask about it?”

“Nope.” He paused. “Hey, she’s winning. Do you realize we’ve been talking for several minutes, only about her? I haven’t even reminded you that I love you yet.”

“No, you haven’t. Worse, I hadn’t noticed.”

“Well, let me put that right straight away. I love you, Ashley Wilde, even if you have a bit to learn yet about the art of telephone sex.”

Ashley giggled. “I thought you needed to lighten up a bit.”

“Lighten up. I almost came in my pants, just listening to you.”

“Glad to oblige.”

“When I get my hands on you, you’ll more than oblige.”

“That’s good to know.”

“What happened at the hospital?” he asked. Who’s the systems analyst?”

“Claire Slattery. Do you know her?”

“Name rings a bell. Tall, blonde—”

“That would be her. But, Matt, her husband Paul was one of Charlie’s top salesmen—”

“Until he punched Charlie’s lights out, apparently.” Matt laughed. “Wonder what provoked him.”

“Claire told me Charlie was arrogant—”

“I think we’ve already establish that for ourselves.”

“Quite, but then Claire went into labour and I could hardly continue cross questioning her, so I took her to hospital instead.”

“Is she all right?”

“Yes. I got a call from her husband this morning. She had a record short labour and gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy.”

“Good.” Matt chuckled. “Miss Marple you ain’t, sweetheart, given the lengths some people go to in order to avoid talking to you.”

“You’re right. She knew why I was there and didn’t want to let me in. I didn’t get round to actually telling her what I wanted, but she definitely knew. I could tell because her body language was so defensive, like she had something to hide and was trying to square it with her conscience. She was dead frightened. I wonder if that’s what made her go into labour early. I feel guilty about that.”

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