Sole Survivors: Crux Survivors, Book 2 (12 page)

BOOK: Sole Survivors: Crux Survivors, Book 2
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“I wish I could have shaved this beard for you.”

“I don’t. I like it.” She sat up and put her arms around his neck. “Put it on me. Put it all over me.”

This time, his groan was more like a growl as he pushed her down and lay on top of her. That growl turned to a hiss that she echoed as his hot skin touched hers.

“Ah,” she breathed as she spread her legs. “Forget what I asked. Next time. Next time you can rub that beard all over me. Right now, I just want to feel you inside me more than I want to breathe.”

His breath hitched, he shut his eyes and looked like he was counting. But he reached down between them to slide his fingers over her folds. She gasped, spread her legs more and let out a soft wail when he slid one finger inside her.

“Fuck,” he breathed into her neck. “You’re so wet. Fuck.”

“Yes. Fuck. Please, Chase. That’s what I want. Need.”

He guided his cock into her, but just the tip.

She wanted to scream in frustration and push her hips up, but he was lifting up on his arms, his eyes glittering down at her. Something in that stare reached in and wrapped itself around her heart…so hard, her chest actually hurt for a moment. She stared back, reached up and touched his lips. He shut his eyes, shuddered. Then he watched her as he pushed himself all the way inside her.

She nearly winced, but worked hard to keep it off her face. She instinctively knew he’d stop if he thought he was hurting her. It had just been so long and even when she was married, they hadn’t had sex all that often. They’d reached for each other for comfort, for closeness and it had been good, but…felt nothing like this. Nothing at all. Excitement raced throughout her body despite how uncomfortably full he made her feel. Watching his expression was worth anything.

His lips had gone slack, his eyes barely open. Sheer pleasure turned the man into a thing of beauty. Even the scars on his face were like a design nature had given him, marking him in a way that made her want to kiss every single one of them.

Then the sting was gone and Keera sucked in air. Surprise and wonder rushed through her in a hot flood and she gasped, moaned and reached down to clasp her hands on his tight, muscled ass.

He let out a hoarse cry as she pressed him harder into her, then began to undulate her hips.

He stroked inside her over and over, going deep, filling a space she hadn’t realized was so damned empty. She ran her hands up the silky, warm skin of his back, tangled her fingers into his hair and latched her ankles together around him.

Chase growled again and lowered to slash his mouth over hers. She opened, sucked his tongue into her mouth, all coherent thoughts leaving until she was nothing more than heat and pleasure…and one half of a connection that felt electric…and profound.

He tore his mouth from hers, moving his lips over her jaw, down her neck. His harsh breaths rasped in her ear, his beard another hot sensation against her skin.

“Oh God,” she whispered as her breath caught in her throat. “Chase.”

He came back to her mouth, kissing her deeply. One of his hands stroked down her side to her hip. He clutched her ass and hitched her higher to him, changing his angle and thrusting hard.

Scalding pleasure ripped through her and she gasped, eyes flying wide open.

He halted. “You okay?” he asked.

“Do that again.” Her voice, low to begin with, was barely above a whisper.

His eyes went hooded. “This?” He clutched her backside in his hot palm and pushed deep inside her. The position opened her wide and pressed her clit against him.

“Yes,” she hissed. “That feels so good. Do it again.”

Sweat made their skin slippery and she groaned and rubbed her breasts on his chest, loving the feel of his hair on her nipples. He made another of those growling noises and picked up the pace, pounding into her hard and at an angle that was going to drive her insane.

He kissed her again and again.

The pleasure built so hard and so fast, when her orgasm hit, Keera couldn’t stop the yell that tore from her throat. Hot, slick pleasure took over and she clasped her legs tight around Chase.

He bucked against her one, two more times then let out a yell of his own. She felt the tension snap his body taut before he slumped over her.

She held him when he tried to move, but he was only sliding a little to the side to take some of his weight off her. He still laid half-draped on her and she loved the raspy feel of his leg hair against her thighs. She wanted to purr like a cat and nuzzle him everywhere.

“I’m glad we did this down here,” she said. “Everyone would have heard me up there.”

He stroked his palm up her slick skin, to cup her breast. “I wasn’t quiet either.” He lifted his head. “I do
remember sex being that good before. Granted, I was only sixteen and we were always sneaking around and it was so long ago. Maybe it was the condo—” He broke off, his body going stiff.

“Condoms?” Keera twisted a little so she could better see his face. “Are you worrying? I’m pretty sure neither of us have any diseases to worry about.”

“It’s not a disease that worried me.”

Surprise made her stiffen this time, then she let it go. “I didn’t have condoms with my husband and never got pregnant. Maybe I can’t.”

“Or maybe
couldn’t.” He shut his eyes. “I should have thought of that. I didn’t. The only thing going on in my head was naked Keera, get inside and nothing will ever feel this good again.”

She chuckled. “I don’t have a problem with those thoughts.”

“Would you want to have children some day?” He let out a breath that tickled her cheek. “Never mind. I don’t know why I asked that.”

“No, it’s okay. The answer would be yes. I wanted children badly, had given up hope I’d ever get the chance. So if you’re worried about what we just did, don’t.” She raised her hand and stroked her fingers over his beard. “Let’s not worry about that. Please. This…what we just shared…it was good.”

His half smile moved her fingers. “Was pretty damned more than good.”

“Yeah.” She grinned. “It was.”

“And I’m not only worried about what we just did. I’m more worried about how many more times I want to do it.”

“Like when?” she breathed, already feeling the heat building in her body. She arched against him, lifted one leg.

“Like now,” he said against her lips as he rolled her under him again.

Chapter Nine

“Tripp and Caddie hit pay dirt. They brought back buckets of crawfish.” Jenna leaned over Keera’s shoulder to look at the cutting board. “I’m not good when it comes to mixing the food together, but can prep. Need help?”

“Sure. You can cut up tomatoes and peppers.”

“Do they go in it?”

“Nah, I’m doing something else with those. Have you ever had a crawfish boil?”

“No and I’m so excited, my toes are buzzing.” She chuckled as she took over the cutting board and knife. “Or that could be what’s coming off you. Nice hickey.”

The heat on Keera’s neck seared, her tongue tied up in a knot.

“Someone had a better afternoon than me.”

“Yeah right. I saw you dragging Dorian into the woods earlier.”

“Things were going so well until the younger ones tromped through, looking to set those traps. That was your idea, right?”


Jenna nudged her shoulder, laughing. “No worries. Really. It’s kind of fun to watch someone else’s romance bloom. I take it that came from Chase.”

“Fuck yeah.” Keera closed her eyes. “Sorry. Remember? No social skills.”

“I love your social skills and really hope you decide to come with us when we go home. I know we’ve known each other for like a minute, but I’d miss you, you know?”

Touched, Keera turned to stare at Jenna. The woman was taller so she had to look up. “I am thinking about it. Everything has changed and the thought of going back to being here alone…it’s not working anymore.” Keera turned and began grinding peppercorns and mustard seeds. “Thinking about how to bring all my plants and things. But this place is all I’ve ever known. So I don’t know.”

She stopped and pulled down small jars of ground ginger and oregano.

“We have a lot of room left in the truck because we’ve focused more on traveling than gathering supplies. Also, there’s Chase’s RV. I think they want to come too.”

Keera couldn’t stand the thought of Chase going without her. Her hands started to shake.

“Hey.” Jenna set down her knife and turned to pull Keera into a hug. “I can’t even imagine what kind of crazy you’re feeling right now. Three years alone and before that, just your father.” She pulled back, looked down at Keera. “We have a wonderful family up there in the Jemez Mountains and everything in me is saying you’d fit right in. And if you don’t think that, then I promise to visit because whether or not it’s only been a couple of days, you’re already a part of my life. And Dorian’s, Ross’s and Cadmar’s too.”

Keera’s eyes stung. She blinked hard. “Let’s free Cadmar’s family first. I’ll think more on this. I promise.” She grinned. “But in the meantime, I’ve got some frozen onions, corn and lemons and some canned potatoes and green beans to pull. Those do go in it.”

“Shit. This is going to be so good. Ooh, need bay leaves? Dorian has some in the truck. Along with whisky and peppermints.”

“Peppermints?” Keera’s eyes felt like they were going to fall out of her head. “Oh man, I love that stuff. You found some?”

Jenna shook her head. “It’s Ross’s favorite thing, so Dorian perfected a recipe. The best part? Dorian hates the flavor…unless it’s in Ross’s mouth.”

Keera groaned. “I don’t know that I can live up there with you guys and not stay turned on most of the time.”

Jenna’s laughter was loud. “But it’s so much better than the quiet of being alone, right?”

Keera just shook her head and started opening jars.



Loud thunder cracked the air outside, adding to the nearly deafening sound of the rain pounding on the metal roof.

Keera came into the living room and winced. “Sorry about the noise. This is the one major downside to living in a warehouse apartment. Think my father didn’t follow all the insulation rules when he built the place.”

Chase picked up one side of the couch and waited for his brother to get on the other side.

“We’re used to it with the RV,” Tripp said on a heave as he lifted the end of the couch. “By the way, I didn’t think anything could smell better than your gumbo. I was wrong.”

“We’re getting spoiled.” Chase set his side of the couch down. They were moving all the furniture against the walls so they could bring more chairs inside. Keera’s dining room table was too small for everyone, so she invited them to relax in the living room, eat and discuss their plans for the trip in the morning. He straightened, his gaze going to her as it did whenever she was anywhere near him. The faint pink color that filled her cheeks sent one corner of his mouth up in a smile he couldn’t stop. He could see the memories of their time this afternoon in her expression, knew the intimate images that were running through her mind—much as they were his. A constant stream of eroticism that had him wishing he had an ice pack for his groin. Just keeping it together around his brother was becoming impossible. Especially when he looked down and saw her nipples pebbling behind her sweater.

His hands curled into tight fists.

Damn, he wanted to get the woman alone again.

From the way her eyes went hooded as she stared back, Keera wanted the same thing. Chase was a step away from throwing her over his shoulder and carting her off to the bedroom when the others knocked on the door.

“We’ve got wine!” Jenna said with a grin after Keera let her in. She waved the bottles in the air. “I have no idea if it’ll be any good. It could be the cheap stuff meant to be consumed fast or the good stuff that ages well. We’ll let Tripp be the first guinea pig.”

“Thanks a lot.” He returned the good-natured smile. “Because I’ve never been lucky enough to try wine, I won’t be able to tell you whether it’s good or not.”

“I’m sticking with this.” Ross held up a bottle. “And this time it isn’t any old whiskey, it’s scotch whisky.”

Chase stepped forward, whistled under his breath. “Damn.”

“Had this before?” Ross held the bottle out to him.

Chase took it and cradled it in his hands, admiring the amber-colored liquid behind the black label. “My grandfather drank Glenfiddich.” He turned the bottle, loving the way the light played through the whisky. “This has never been opened.”

“Ross says it’s a real treat.” Dorian grimaced. “I’m not a fan.”

“You weren’t a fan of peppermint at one time either,” Ross murmured.

Dorian turned and gave the taller man a look that had even Chase turning hot. He couldn’t imagine being on the receiving end of that. But then he turned and caught Keera’s hooded stare and realized he was going to have to excuse himself soon at this rate. Luckily, nobody was paying him any attention. All eyes were on Dorian and that smoldering, dark stare of his.

“Whoa, babe.” Jenna stepped in front of Dorian and kissed him. “You gotta turn that down before we all combust in here.” She handed him one of the bottles. “You might not even need a corkscrew to open it, just wrap your hands around the top and keep looking at Ross.” She chuckled and grabbed Keera, dragging the smaller woman into the kitchen.

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