Soldier's Women (9 page)

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Authors: Megan Ziese

BOOK: Soldier's Women
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From out of the shadows of the building behind them came Tom.

“Big man, are you? Think you can just take what you want? Well, we’ll just
see about that.”

Tom came up to Sera so fast she didn’t have time to react. He grabbed her and
twisted her around so that her back was pressed against his chest. He had one
arm tight around her, effectively pinning her arms to her sides.

Nigel moved to grab Tom but stopped when he saw him pull a switchblade out of
his pocket. Cowardly bastard! He’d been waiting for them in the parking lot. And
instead of taking his quarrel out with him, he’d been a snake and grabbed Sera.
He couldn’t let anything happen to her. He had to get that bastard off of her
before she got hurt. He was going to have to distract him. But how?

Sera struggled to get free until she felt cold metal pressed against her
throat. She went perfectly still, scared that if she moved Tom might pierce the
skin of her neck by accident, afraid that if she put up any resistance he might
slit her throat in a rage. The man was obviously drunk and more than

Sera looked at Nigel. She knew that fear was written all over her face. She
could hardly breathe she was so scared. She didn’t know what to do. She was
pregnant. If something happened to her, then she didn’t want to think about what
would happen to the babies. But, if Nigel tried to save her, he could get hurt,
and she didn’t want that either.

“Let her go,” Nigel said in a menacing voice.

“Now why would I want to do that?” Tom said, sliding the flat part of the
blade up and down Sera’s throat. “I have the upper hand here. I have the woman.
I have the knife. No, I don’t think I’ll let her go. I think I’m going to fuck
her right here and now in front of you while you watch. And, if you try to stop
me, I’m going to cut her.”

Sera was horrified. She was going to get raped. And she couldn’t do anything
about it. She couldn’t believe she was in this situation. Her mind raced as she
tried to think of what to do, how she might possibly get away from this maniac.
But with the knife at her throat, she knew that she had no choice at all, she
couldn’t do anything without endangering her life.

“You don’t want to do that?” Nigel growled.

“Sure I do. And I’m going to love every minute of it.” He pulled Sera over to
a car and pushed her front down hard against the hood of it, effectively bending
her over to that his hips were positioned at her ass. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,
I’m not going to be too fast. I’m going to take my time. And you’re going to
love every minute of it.”

Sera couldn’t help the whimper of fear that escaped as she felt the knife
tight against her throat, as she felt his other hand pulling up the hem of her

But then, she heard a grunt and she didn’t feel Tom or the knife anymore.

She turned her head to the side and saw that Nigel had tackled Tom and was
wrestling with him for the knife on the ground. Tom slashed at the exposed skin
of Nigel’s arm.

Sera screamed when she saw that Nigel had been cut and blood was racing down
his arm. She started crying. “Oh my god. Nigel! Please. I don’t want you to

Nigel finally wrenched the knife out of Tom’s sweaty grasp and threw it in
the parking lot. He started punching Tom in the face, over and over again until
Tom finally went quiet. He got up and dusted off his pants. He was covered with
sweat, blood, and dirt, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was that Sera was

He turned to find her and she ran into his arms, holding him tight around the
waist, sobbing uncontrollably now.

“Shh. Shh. Everything’s okay,” he said reassuringly, stroking her hair.
“You’re safe now. You’re alright. I wasn’t going to let him hurt you.”

Sera cried even harder. She’d been so afraid, afraid for herself, afraid for
the babies, afraid that Nigel might get killed and never see his children. She
pulled away and examined the cut on his arm that was still bleeding profusely.

“You’re cut! We need to stop the bleeding!”

Nigel looked down at his arm. “I’m just fine. It’s just a scratch. But, there
is something I need to do. First,” he bent down and kissed her hard on the lips,
effectively halting her tears. He pulled away and smiled down at her, wiping
away the streams of tears from her pale cheeks. “Now,” he said and moved away
from her to where Tom was still lying on the dirt and gravel of the parking lot.
He took off his tank top and then rolled Tom onto his belly. He pulled his arms
behind his back and tied them together with his shirt. “That ought to hold him
until the cops get here.”

He got up and turned to Sera, “Give me your cell so I can call the cops.”

Sera reached for her belt purse, which was only big enough to hold her phone
a little bit of cash. She unsnapped it and took out her phone, handing it to

Nigel immediately dialed 911.

“Yes, my name is Nigel Savage, and I’m a former marine. Me and my woman were
just attacked by a man in the parking lot of Fantasia. He pulled a knife on her,
but I took it away, and we fought for a little while before I managed to subdue
him. I’ve tied him up with a shirt. He’s still unconscious, but it probably
won’t be for long. There’s security cameras monitoring the lot if you need any
evidence against him.” With that said, he hung up the phone and handed it back
to Sera. “The cops will be here in a minute to pick him up. Let’s go.” He
grabbed her and pulled her tight against him for another second in a reassuring
hug before walking her to her side of the car and opening the door for her.

Sera was glad that her friends had come by and picked her up instead of her
driving herself to the club. She didn’t think after the night’s ordeal that she
could have driven herself anywhere. She looked over at Nigel as he got into the
driver’s seat. He was so calm and cool and collect. Of course, he’d probably
seen a lot of action in the military. Fighting was nothing new to him. He’d
probably reacted just out of instinct rather than out of the urge to protect

He drove her to her house. Getting out, he went over to the passenger’s side
of the car and took her out, throwing her up into his arms.

She didn’t say anything, just put her arms around his neck and held tightly
to his chest. She needed this. She needed the comfort he could provide tonight.
She’d been through something traumatic, and she needed reassurance that
everything was going to be alright. Nigel could give her that.

She took out the key and handed it to him when he reached her front door.

In seconds, they were inside. He shut and locked the door and carried her
swiftly to her bedroom where he placed her on the bed and immediately undressed

Her awareness of his hungry gaze sent a little thrill of excitement through
her. It jolted her pulse up a notch higher even before her reached out and
placed a hand on the upper slope of one breast and traced a slow path downward,
over her breast, along her rib cage and belly, down one thigh and then up again
to cup her sex. She was already damp when he insinuated his hand between her
thighs and traced her cleft with one fingertip.

His hands were big, hard, rough from being in the military so long. The faint
abrasion of his touch along her body brought every nerve ending in her skin
tingling to life.

Placing her hands on his shoulders to keep her balance, she closed her eyes,
focusing on his touch.

He shifted, moving a little closer to the foot of the bed where she stood on
her knees, still too far away for their flesh to brush together, but close
enough the heat radiating from his body covered her like a foggy haze, raising
her own temperature.

The scent of soap assailed her nostrils as he moved closer. Heated by his
body, his own personal scent emerged from his pores to mingle with the smell of
soap. The combination of smells that created a scent that was distinctly him and
no other sent a fresh rush of pleasure along her olfactory senses to mingle with
the sensations gathering from his touch.

Her heart sped, began to drum in her ears. She heard the rasp of her breath,
little gasps each time he touched a particularly sensitive point, little pants
of anticipation as his exploration continued in search of others.

With an effort, she lifted her eyelids a fraction, succumbing to the need to
explore his body, to feel him beneath her own palms. His skin was warm, smooth.
Her palms skated from his shoulders to the swell of his pecs. Taut muscle lay
just beneath the surface, adding yet another pleasing dimension. His nipples
grew taut beneath her palms as she rubbed her palms over them. Curling her
fingers, she flicked the tight little buds with her nails, and then lightly
raked her nails over the ridges of muscle between his pecs and his abdomen.

The spackling of hair on the curves of his pectoral muscles flowed together
above his breast bone, forming a trail that collected and formed a pool below
his navel. His cock jutted from that little tide pool of wavy, dark hair, long,
so thick that when she curled her fingers around it they failed to meet. It
bucked in her hand as she closed her fingers around it, like a wild stallion
daring her to ride it, and she smiled a pleased smile at the erotic picture that
formed in her mind’s eye. Lifting her gaze to meet his, she stroked his length,
enjoying the silkiness of the skin that sheathed the engorged flesh beneath.

His eyes were closed, his face contorted in an agony of pleasure, but as if
he sensed her gaze, he opened his eyes slowly, shifted closer, slipping his
hands around her waist, to cup a buttock in each palm, kneading them in a way
that sent shivers of delight through her.

Her fingers tightened around him, kneading his cock. She swayed slightly. The
movement brushed her distended nipples against his chest and the abrasion sent
tiny shock waves of pleasurable sensation through her breasts, making her belly

Releasing his cock, she slipped her arms around him to cup his taut, round

Abruptly, he caught her shoulders and gave her a shove that overbalanced her.
She fell back onto the bed with a slight bounce, looking up at him in

Smiling faintly, he grasped her ankles and dragged her toward him until the
bottom curve of her buttocks bumped his thighs. He leaned over her then,
grasping a wrist in each hand, manacling them to the bed on either side of her
head as he leaned closer still. Nuzzling her neck, he lifted his head to nip the
tip of her nose, and then nibble her lips, sucking first the upper lip, then the
lower before he covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue into her mouth.

The heat that had been seeping slowly, insidiously through her with his
leisurely caresses, became a conflagration the moment his tongue breached her,
washing over her in a tidal wave of sensation as his heat, taste, scent
enveloped her. Her clit and her nipples began to throb almost painfully now for
with need, sending little quakes through her. She struggled to free her wrists
and, when he released her, ran her fingers along his back, cupped his buttocks.

His cock nestled in her cleft, bumping the bud of her clitoris, slipping
away, nudging her again. She lifted her legs, hooking her heels on the foot of
the bed, lifting up to rub that aching part of herself along his hard length.
She was panting for breath when he released her lips at last.

Gasping hoarsely, he nudged her throat again, moved down, caught one nipple
in his mouth and sucked it so hard her back came off the bed. She whimpered with
need, thrust her other breast at him as he released the first. He ran his tongue
around the swollen bud teasingly and finally covered it with his mouth.

No longer satisfied with rubbing her clitoris against his shaft, she reached
for it blindly, caught hold of his cock, massaging it, guiding it. He nudged her
opening, pulled back, gliding through her cleft once more and spread her creamy
need along her cleft, coating his shaft with it before he forced the head of his
cock into her opening once more.

Groaning, she lifted up, tried to push her body downward over his cock. His
position prevented more than teasing contact, minimal penetration.

Frustrated, she grasped his shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh
sharply enough to penetrate his haze of lust. Grasping her hips, he lifted her
high enough to implant the head of his cock firmly in her opening then shoved
her up the bed, following her. Catching a calf in either hand, he bent her
almost double and pumped his hips, working his cock a little deeper with each
thrust, gaining ground inch by agonizing inch until his cock was fully sheathed
in her hot, moist passage.

Sweat dampened their skin from the struggle. He leaned over her, gasping,
gathering himself. She waited in heart thundering anticipation, feeling the
muscles of her passage adjust to him, clinging wetly.

He pulled away slowly, his cock rubbing the length of her sensitive passage.
Sensation vibrated through her as he pushed inside her again, withdrew, pressed
into her, slowly building momentum, friction, heat, sensation.

The movement of his cock along her channel built a delightful tension inside
of her that tightened with each stroke until finally it reached snapping point.
Pleasure ballooned inside of her, expanding outward even to her fingertips. Her
groan of release reached crescendo in a high pitched cry of delight as her body
spasmed with ecstasy, tightening convulsively around his cock as it jerked,
bucked and spewed his seed inside of her in a hot tide with his own release.

Afterwards, when their bodies had cooled down, Sera realized it was time to
ask Nigel to leave. She wasn’t entirely certain how she should put it, but she
decided being delicate and skirting the issue wouldn’t work.

“Well, I really enjoyed that, Nigel. Now I’ve got to be getting some sleep.
Lock the door on the way out, please.”

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