Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series (10 page)

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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She pushed up from her stool eyes locked on Slick when a hand closed around her arm "I wouldn't do that if I were you." She recognized that growly voice. Mister Green Eyes. She turned to look at Marcus Cole and her skin prickled with awareness again. His eyes were filled with warning and his tone brooked no argument. She stood silently taking him in. Last time she'd seen him she'd had a head full of fuzz and hadn't been able take in much more than his face and those eyes. He was taller than her by a head and he filled out the dark blue suit he was wearing like nobody's business. His shoulders wide and waist narrow the tailored jacket drawing attention to the difference. She was sure underneath that expensive material was one hell of a powerful body. His suit pants were firm on his thighs and his feet encased in black square toed dress shoes. A white dress shirt and dark grey tie showed between the lapels of his jacket. Her eyes came to his face again and her body felt it when her eyes hit his. She shivered and her lips parted slightly of their own accord. There it was that feeling that pulled at the ugly dark inside her calling her to him. God damn he was intense and sexy when he was pissed, "He doesn't have what you need." But sexy or not she wasn't in the habit of listening to anyone "What the fuck would you know about what I need?" She pulled free from him and pushed her way through the crowd to Slick in the far corner of the dance floor.


Slick looked up all business ready to make a sale when his face changed immediately. "Nikki. Shit you are sight for sore eyes. You look fucking gorgeous." Slick slid his arms around her waist and she returned the gesture throwing her arms around his neck. "Hey Ethan. Long time no see. How are your brothers and sister?" "They're real good. The boys are typical eighteen year old boys. It's all about cars and booze and girls. My sister worries me more, sixteen and pretty as hell I've already had to warn off a few boys and I'm ruining her life you know that sorta shit." She laughed "Yeah I remember those days and if I recall correctly you got your fair share of warnings off." His smile got big and his eyes got warm "Mmmmm I believe most of them were from Tex and Trace warning me off you." As silly as it was that annoyed her even more "Well I'm all grown up now and they are nowhere to be seen." His grin got sexy and his eyes got warmer still "I can see that. Can I buy you a drink?" Yeah that and a little white pill. Before she could open her mouth to answer she felt a body at her back and Slick's face changed instantly. "Cole" Slick nodded at him with quickly darkening eyes. "Slick", Cole's tone was menacing to say the least, "You know each other?" Slicks hands immediately dropped from Nikki's waist "We went to school together." Marcus eyed Slick like he was public enemy number one "That all?" Slick put a little space between them "Yeah that's all." What the fuck was this shit? "Not that it's any of your business!" She shot at Cole "Now if you'll excuse us Ethan and I were about to get a drink." Cole shook his head his eyes still locked on Slick. "Might have to take a rain check on that one Nikki, got work to do. It was great seeing you" and with that he was gone. Now she was pissed.


"What the fuck is your problem?" She got in his face and his eyes got seriously dark. Cole grabbed her arm again and dragged her towards the mirrored wall. He scanned a card in a slot in one of the panels and pushed it open revealing an office on the other side. If she hadn't been so pissed she might've been impressed. The door secured behind them and he turned to face her "You whore yourself out for drugs often or was that out there a one-time thing." Her anger reached boiling point. She swung at him smacking him hard across the face with her open palm "Fuck you. Who the fuck do you think you are?" His face came slowly back to her and if she thought his look had been dark before it was positively pitch fucking black now. A full body shiver moved through her and she grew wet instantly. Fuck. She really was sick. He growled at her, literally, then grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked her head back "Watch your mouth little girl. I don't let full grown men talk to me that way I won't tolerate it from some little bitch running her mouth." She lit then and she lit big "I'm no one’s bitch" Nikki let her balled fist fly catching him in the gut. He was surprised enough to release her hair and she spun around running for the door. She didn't make it. He grabbed both her arms pulling them behind her slamming her into the mirrored glass with his body. She wriggled in attempt to get free but Cole just twisted her arms higher and pressed further into her. In this position she could feel the hard bulge in his pants against her ass and his breaths were harsh in her ear. Her nipples were hard enough to cut glass and her clit ached for attention. She whimpered with need. She wasn’t sick, she was depraved.


She caught the look in Cole’s eyes reflected in the mirrored glass. She’d seen that look before in her own eyes and she knew that whatever was about to happen was wrong and right all at the same time. "I told you he didn’t have what you need." He wrenched her back off the glass with her arms still pinned behind her he steered her to his desk. Somehow he managed to divest her of her bag without losing his hold on her.  "Lean over the desk and spread your legs." She pushed back against him fighting him then stomped on the toe of his shoe. She misjudged her target missing his toes and grinding into the leather of his shoes instead. He moved her wrists to one hand and gripped her hair with the other. "Little girl wants to play rough" he mocked and pushed her to the table. She sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning when he pressed himself against her ass. He let go of her hair but kept his body weight on her pinning her to the table. She heard the slide of draw followed by the clink of metal. Then cold metal clicked round her wrists. Handcuffs. Fuck. It was then that the ugly dark in her began to come forward. He let go of her wrists and pushed his hand in between her shoulders. Cole kicked her ankles apart and she felt his fingers slip into her soaked panties "Mmmmmm you're fucking drenched." His fingers brushed her bare folds then gripped the crotch of her panties and ripped. He flipped up the skirt of her dress and she bucked against his hold squeezing her thighs together. A stinging slap to her ass caused her thighs to unclench, the five more that followed caused moisture to flood her already drenched cunt. It felt better than it should. "Do that again and you'll get another spanking. I wanna see that pussy dripping for me." He separated her thighs again with his hand and slapped the soft skin inside her legs. He ran his hand slowly over her stinging skin "God that's fucking beautiful" His breathy words made her insides clench and her breath catch.


The clink of a buckle was followed by the sound of material moving and a zip coming down. Even that had her panting for him. She was desperate for any kind of stimulation. She started to wriggle against the desk and whimper. She was out of her mind handcuffed and exposed over the desk of a stranger with hundreds of people mere metres away. She felt the head of his penis slide between her slippery folds. She pushed back trying to get him to slide into her and ease her ache. He pulled back and spanked her again harder this time. She held her breath until he finished then gulped down air. Fuck that hurt like a bitch but at the same time something inside her breathed with relief. "Don't move." Nikki lay still as she could. Both his hands came to her hips and he placed himself back at her entrance. He slammed into her hard bottoming out inside her. She cried out loudly in both pain and pleasure. He was big and even though she was soaked her insides had to stretch to accommodate him. He withdrew slowly and slammed back in this time the feeling was accompanied by the sting of his skin touching her battered ass and thighs. The lip of the wooden desk dug in to the front of her thighs. She cried out with every assault to her aching cunt. Suddenly he picked up his pace hammering her with brutal speed and strength. Her mind could hardly keep up with her body and she shut down allowing sensation to be her only thought. The sweet burn built to fierce fire in a matter of minutes and her body exploded as an orgasm ripped through her. The oh god that ripped from her body came out more noise than words. "Mmmmmm Fuck" Cole didn't stop, he didn't even slow. He powered through her orgasm and as it was dying he grabbed her arm hauling her back to his chest her cuffed wrists pinned between them. His hand slid up round her throat to cup her chin "Open your eyes" he growled into her ear. She didn't know when she'd closed them. When she opened them she almost wished she hadn't.


She stared at their reflection in the mirrored surface in front of her. She locked eyes with Cole and it was like her mind disengaged from her body completely. His beautiful green eyes glittered with fierce dark. Then she moved her gaze to herself she didn’t recognize herself. Her body jolted with every thrust Cole gave her, her dress was hiked up above her tits her bra trussing them up so they pointed up and out, her skin was flushed and glowing, her bottom lip plump and red from biting it but out of all that it was her eyes that shocked her. They were alive in a way they hadn't been for a long time, alive with the same fierce darkness she'd seen in Cole's eyes. She felt a momentary glimmer of fear before Cole's hand slid to her throat and squeezed gently. Her body rocketed into its second climax her muscles rippling around Cole's cock. Cole squeezed harder cutting off her air supply completely and changed his angle of penetration slightly grinding the head of his dick into her sweet spot. Nikki didn't flinch when her breath stopped coming, instead she let go, her head went woozy and her body clawed its way into orgasm number three. As she spasmed around Cole he drove into her a long deep stroke followed by a growl in her ear. It was the last thing she heard before sweet oblivion claimed her.


She came to with Cole's arms around her holding her up. Her hands were still cuffed behind her and he was still buried inside her. Her body was limp with exhaustion and her mind still fuzzy. She was disorientated and tried to wriggle away. "Ssshhhh. Be calm.  I've got you." That growly voice in her ear settled her. Cole slid from her and she whimpered slightly at the loss. "Sssshhhhh let me fix you up." Nikki felt her dress coming slowly down her body then she was being bent forward her cheek pressed against a smooth hard surface. Her arms jerked a little and the sound of metal clicking reminding her vaguely of something. Then her arms were loose at her sides and her shoulder ached worse than it had before. She felt herself being shifted around and picked up, cradled in strong arms.  She instinctively wound her arms around Cole's neck and leaned into his warm chest. He whispered something she didn't quite catch then she felt herself lowered onto a warm comfy surface. She felt her body tilt as the surface she lay on dipped to one side. A hand came up to smooth her hair back and she opened her eyes slowly. Cole looked down on her with something undefinable in his eyes. They were warm but fierce all the same and Nikki didn't quite understand what that was. As she came back into her body she became aware of all the places she ached and hurt. Her wrists stung from where she’d struggled against the cuffs, her shoulder ached badly after the full day’s work then the awkward angle her arm had been twisted, her ass and thighs burnt as she lay still then burnt like hell when she shifted and her insides felt bruised swollen and raw from the pummelling he'd given her, she should've felt like shit but she didn't. She felt strangely free, unburdened and breathing easy. He'd thrown her round, restrained her, cuffed her, smacked her on the ass, choked her till she passed out and fucked her harder than she'd ever been fucked before and she got off on every second of it. She was fucked up. "Don't" he growled at her in his demanding way "I enjoyed it just as much as you did." He was fucked up too.


"I have to go back to work" he stood and moved across the space disappearing through a door on the other side. She looked around the room for the first time. She was lying on a large black sofa at the edge of the space. In front of her was the large heavy wooden desk she'd been bent over earlier the thought had her body trembling again. The desk faced towards the larger of two mirrored walls she was sure faced out onto the lower dance floor. That was when she noticed she could hardly hear any noise from the club on the other side. Her eyes went back to the door Cole had walked through. She glimpsed a small room with a plain dark bed inside, a light shone onto the bed from somewhere to the left. Nikki heard the faint sound of water running then Cole reappeared dressed in a freshly pressed suit not a hair out of place and looking totally unaffected by what just occurred between them. He moved to her sitting beside her and opened her legs. Her immediate reaction was to close them tight but as she did his eyes narrowed on her and she reluctantly opened her legs again. He halted as he stared at her cream covered thighs and lips with that same warm fierce look in his eyes. He leaned into her with a warm damp cloth on his hand. He slid it across her skin cleaning the insides of her thighs then sliding it over and between her folds cleaning away all traces of their fluids from her body. “Are you on birth control?” The question bewildered her for a moment and then she realised he hadn’t worn a condom. Shit. “Yes.” “Don’t worry I’m clean I’d be happy to prove it to you if necessary.” She shook her head oddly she didn’t doubt his statement. “I have to ask the same of you.” She knew she was clean Tex and Trace had been the only people she’d slept with since her last check and she knew neither of them would put her at risk “I’m clean.” He nodded and pushed her legs closed chucking the wash cloth in a basket in the corner. "Wait here. If you're tired there's a bed in there and a television if you're bored. The bathrooms on the left. I’ll be back in a couple of hours." Sound hit her as he disappeared out the door into the club. He'd be back in a few hours? And then what?

BOOK: Soldiers of Chaos- Chaos Abounds: Book 1 in the Soldiers of Chaos series
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