Soldier No More (44 page)

Read Soldier No More Online

Authors: Anthony Price

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #Espionage, #Crime

BOOK: Soldier No More
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“And then?”

“And then, when it is dark, I will bring you the other car, which I have ready for you. Then you will have the necessary petrol and performance, if that is what you require.”

Roche estimated his capabilities as a getaway driver. “But you said no one loses a motor-cyclist—“

“Also by then
shall have made certain preparations …. You may rest assured that you will not be followed far. And there will be a man with you, to guide you wherever you wish to go … And there will be no
.” Galles pronounced the last word through his teeth. “I may be getting old—and I have been careless, to my shame … but this is still my patch, m’sieur.”

his patch
? For once Roche’s vocabulary faltered. Country—piece of land—playing-field—home-ground—stamping ground—

burial plot

Madame Peyrony had said almost the same thing. But whatever the word meant, it meant the same thing: that strangers came into it at their peril, and that these strangers now were in line to discover something about
les chases et gens de la Dordogne et ses pays
which would never figure in any guidebook.

“He is hanging back now—I haven’t lost him, but we are getting close to the Tower, so he thinks he knows where we are going,” murmured Galles, steadied by the prospect of vengeance. “Around the next corner I will accelerate, and then I will stop quickly and you will get out quickly, and drop down out of sight even more quickly … and then I will be gone, and he will not be quite sure whether we have not been perhaps a little clever, to deceive him, one way or the other. Because he knows now that I know he is behind me.”

“He knows?”

“Oh yes—I have played this game before, I told you—he knows! It is like the old days … so we will play a small trick on him from those days: when he turns the corner and sees neither you nor this vehicle by the roadside it is possible that he may think we have decided to make a run for it after all, eh?”

Now he sounded almost as though he was beginning to enjoy himself, thought Roche resentfully, more irritated than frightened by the unexpected requirement to take part in such cloak-and-dagger activity just when everything had at last begun to seem straightforward.

But so long as he needed the man it would be as well to humour his hankering after the excitement of the old days.

“Very well.”

“Good!” Galles dropped a gear unhurriedly as the little Citroen began to labour up the final incline on to the shoulder of the ridge. The view opened up at Roche’s elbow, across the valley to the other side, which he had first glimpsed this morning in Audley’s company; then the distant ridge opposite had risen out of the dawn mist and now it was sinking into evening blueness, with the first lights twinkling on it. It would be dark in less than an hour.

Galles turned the wheel slowly. “Be ready!”

The engine surged with a sudden burst of power just as Roche caught sight of the Tower ahead, standing alone in the open, slightly downhill to his left. It looked dark and untenanted under its conical hat of black tiles— perhaps Audley was waiting for him in the cottage—?

“Brace yourself—“ the Frenchman held the wheel tightly with both hands “—I will return in one hour—or not more than two—bonne chance, m’sieur—now!”

Roche had one hand on the door handle, with the other still clasping the brief-case to his chest, as Galles stood on his brakes. The truck’s tyres slithered on the loose gravel at the side of the narrow road, and a tree sprouting out of a tangled blackberry bush flashed past his face.

The urgency of the whole procedure, rather than the idea behind it, threw him out of the vehicle. While he was still straightening up, before he could turn to slam the door, he heard it snap shut behind him—his last impression had been of Galles reaching across after him—and the truck was moving again. He stopped thinking about it instantly, and concentrated only on making himself scarce in a few yards of ground which he had seen only once before in daylight, and never studied with that aim in view.

But Galles had known it well enough, and had allowed for that: the Tower was fifty yards away down the track, and the cottage itself another fifty or more, both in the open and too far off to be worth a second glance. But the blackberry tangle was thick and in full leaf.

Three strides forward and two—three—sideways carried him away and down from sight of the road, into the long grass behind it, in automatic obedience to instructions.

He held his breath, and for a moment heard the blood pounding in his ears … and then exhaled slowly … and heard only the already distant sound of the Citroen’s engine fading into the trees down the road, halfway to the Château Peyrony already.

There was no other sound—no other sound within miles, by the absence of sound—least of all a bloody motor-cycle making up for lost time!

Roche counted off his heart-beats, through another minute, while regaining his breath. During the minute a sound did register … of a dog barking far away, angry at something—something which was most likely a grey
Citroen being driven too fast, with imaginary motor-cyclists in hot pursuit.

He sat up behind the blackberry bush, feeling more angry with himself than with Galles—if they’d given him a superannuated old fool, living in the past on memories of outsmarting the Gestapo and the Milice, then what else could he expect? He could only hope that Audley and his cronies hadn’t witnessed the whole charade.

Still no sound. He rose to his feet and brushed himself down irritably, observing that he had scuffed the knees of his clean slacks with grass stains.

Not a whisper of sound. The road was clear, and the woods on the other side of it dark and empty with that peculiar evening stillness which always presaged the awakening of the night-hunting creatures.

He sighed, and picked up the brief-case. Because of the Frenchman’s imagination he had another hour to kill—and an unnecessary hour too, in Audley’s awkward company … and Audley, being Audley, would surely want to have a look inside the case!

Well… he could kill that idea stone-dead by pulling rank—captain now, but major-to-be—because as yet Audley had no rank, he was still just a bloody civilian, nothing more.

He smiled to himself as he set off down the track. Not major-to-be, but major-never-to-be, thank God!

Also, the cottage was as dark as the Tower, even though Audley’s ugly black Morris Cowley was parked outside it. With just a bit of luck, the man would be busy making his farewells to Madame Peyrony and the girls down the road, and he wouldn’t have to bother with him at all. He would leave him high and dry, in the middle of another great British intelligence disaster—that would be good training for him, if it didn’t put him off altogether—

The sound of the motor-cycle engine shattered his rosy dream into fragments.

It swung him round in disbelief, like a hand on his shoulder, and the dream-fragments flew together again into nightmare as he saw men behind him on the road, which had been empty a few seconds before—

The disbelief and the nightmare became real instantaneously as the sight-line between them met, and they saw that he had seen them.

He was right alongside the Tower, where the stone steps leading up to the door met the track, and the door itself—the heavy oak door—stood invitingly ajar, offering him protection as nothing else did, beyond any second thought.

His feet took off, every muscle and sinew springing them so that he hit the door with his shoulder to burst it inwards as though it had been closed against it—

The door crashed back into darkness

not quite darkness, but yellow light

faces and people and yellow light and darkness,
which registered for an instant, utterly confused, and then exploded into a chaos of ear-splitting noise

and he was falling into the chaos, with something soft under him

—yellow light flared up, screaming at him

and the thing under him was no longer soft
, it was insanely alive, with its sharp nails raking his face across forehead and cheek, and nails then turning into fingers grabbing at his throat

the light and the noises meant nothing any more

the fingers were digging into him, sickening him with une
xpected pain

he swept them aside

they were feeble, compared with his pain

and caught his own fingers into hair, twining them in it as he smashed the thing now in his hands on to the floor again and again

again and again and again

until there was a diff
erent feel about it, and the pain had gone from his neck, and what was under him was soft and boneless again

Words came into his head, through his own shuddering breath—

“The bolts—bolt the door!” The hoarse cry was cut off by a tremendous
just behind him somewhere.

“I’ve done it!” Another voice—a boy’s voice, shrill with fear, answered.

“Get away from it, Jilly—get away from it!”

The light wasn’t light—it was orange fire flaring up from the floor, from the ruin of a lamp—fire and acrid smoke swirling up, lighting and obscuring at the same time.

behind him—

“Get away from the door!” The voice lifted. “Now!”

. Then a pause, and a sharp

“Yes, David…”

The name roused Roche. “What?”


Roche’s scattered senses came back to him. “Audley?”

“Mike?” The vague presence behind the voice and the smoke and flame rose up into the semblance of a man crunching something broken under his feet. “Mike?”

“God damn—
aw, shit
—God damn—“ the voice trailed off into a mixture of exasperation and anguish, unintelligibly.


Roche looked down at what lay beneath him, in sudden horror.

The flames illuminated a strange dark face, open-mouthed, eyes open but rolled back, with his fingers still entwined in the long black hair.

“Lexy?” said Audley again.

at the door—

“Don’t worry about that—it’ll take more than muscle to move it . .” Audley’s voice levelled “… and bullets.”

—the three paper-bags exploded again, the last one metallically, as though soft steel had splayed out against hard iron.

Roche pulled his hands away in horror from the thing he was still holding, the hair dragging at his fingers before it released them.

“You better do something about that goddamn lamp—or we’ll choke if we don’t burn,” said the American thickly.

“Put the carpet on it,” ordered Audley. “I’ll get my torch—put the carpet on it, Mike!”

“Put the fucking carpet on it yourself—“ the American’s voice cracked. “—I’m hit—I’m hit, God damn it!”

“You’re hit?”

“Christ, man! He squeezed off half his magazine—where the hell d’you think it went?” The voice came back, this time with the anger momentarily blotting out the pain. “Jesus Christ!”

“Roche!” Audley dismissed his friend from the reckoning.

But Roche was already moving—as much to get away from the thing underneath him: if he smothered the flames then he would smother the sight of that also.

The centre of the room was a shambles— the whole room was a shambles, with the human beings in it thrown to the wall by the sudden explosion of fire and violence. But he could see, by the flames themselves, that the lamp had fallen off the carpet on to the floorboards, spreading fire around it.

It felt like an expensive carpet, but he ripped it up all the same and flopped it down on the fire, stamping fiercely on it to smother the flames.

Darkness enveloped him at once—the shattered bowl he could hear and feel under his feet must have been almost empty of paraffin to give up so easily. Then a beam of light blinded him.
Typical Audley

not to fill the lamp

Then the light left him, swinging round the room to pick out the American first.

He was backed up against the wine rack, sitting on the floor, covered with blood—

covered with wine
, which had cascaded down on him from the smashed bottles behind him—his hair was plastered down with it, and his shirt was soaking with it.

He blinked in the beam, and lifted a hand still clutching an automatic pistol to shield his eyes. “Did I get the son-of-a-bitch? But I think he’s broken my fucking arm—“ the shielding pistol-holding hand moved across his body to touch his shoulder “—Christ! So he has!”

The torch swung back to Roche. “You took the other one, Roche—?”

Roche ceased stamping, but found himself beyond any sort of answer. If it was
the other one
—he didn’t know where, or why, or who even—then there was no answer to give—

The torch left him again, answered by his silence.


“Yes, David.” Jilly was leaning against the wall, by the door.

“Get Mike up the stairs—see what you can see outside, between you— but keep down and be careful. Okay?”

Roche cancelled out the lack of paraffin in the lamp: the big man was thinking for all of them, in an attempt to salvage something out of chaos.

“Okay, Jilly?” repeated Audley, projecting encouragement at the girl.

She stared into the torch beam. “Lexy, David—“

“I know. But you go with Mike, there’s a good girl. Roche and I will see to Lexy.”


Roche cast around in the darkness helplessly. There was the faintest light coming down the stairway from above, where the trap-door must be open. But it was only enough to indicate a pattern of the stairs where the wine rack ran up the wall beside its uppermost treads.


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