Sold To The Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Authors: Amira Rain,Simply Shifters

BOOK: Sold To The Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance
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A BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance






©2015 by Amira Rain

All rights reserved.


About This Book


In a world where fertile woman are bought and
by those wishing to reproduce, Rowan Evans is about to watch as her sister is to be sold to a pair of Alpha wolves, Chase & Grayson. After their packs were decimated they joined forces and now form a dual Alphaship of one large pack, however they need to reproduce and soon.


Only thing is, Rowan does not want this to happen since she believes that all werewolves are evil with bad intentions.


So she takes action. Despite being infertile herself, Rowan switches the documents and takes the place of her sister.


Now it is she who is going to be


However, Rowan had no idea that being sold to Alphas would actually be much more enjoyable then she ever thought it would be. Several nights of passion with the handsome men are enough for her to realize she might have got it all wrong after all.


But how will the Alphas react when they realize they have been sold an infertile woman? Could Rowan become the first woman to be sold and then
Or could her fate be worse then that?




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#1 Paranormal Romance Bestseller


In a dystopian future, fertile women are so hard to come by that they are now bought and sold for huge sums of money across the world. You could say that women are the new currency.
Curvy Kira Southerly is one of the few remaining fertile women left on the planet and she has resigned herself to the fate of being SOLD.
However, she had no idea she would end up being sold to two young and handsome bachelors named Blake and Steven. They are both dragon shifters and they are intent on mating with her and producing a baby as soon as possible.
With not enough fertile women to go around the brothers have no choice but to share the curvy beauty among themselves. Something that allows Kira to fulfill her every sexual fantasy....
Being sold to dragons should not be this much fun, should it?




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The moment the two alpha wolves strode into the town hall in human form, my heart began to sound like a jackhammer in my ears. I hadn't expected them to be quite so handsome. I hadn't expected their eyes to be quite so piercing. I wasn't sure quite
I'd been expecting, but it hadn't been this.


Considering that for my entire life, I'd always been told that all wolf shifters were basically wild, bloodthirsty monsters, I supposed I'd been expecting these two alpha wolves to appear dirty and unkempt, maybe even with smudges of blood around their mouths, even in human form. I supposed I'd expected them to have crazed eyes and tangled, matted hair. I supposed I'd expected them to come snarling into the town hall, ready to drag me away by my ponytail.


But nothing about the two alphas was as I'd imagined it would be. Their dark t-shirts were clean, as were their jeans, that hung low on their slim hips. They were both clean-shaven, and their hair, which was fairly short, wasn't tangled or matted at all. 


However, I knew that just because the alphas were very attractive and well groomed, didn't mean they weren't just as evil as I'd always been told all wolf shifters were. In fact, Mayor Jackson had told me to expect this when he'd told me that two alpha wolves would be among the bidders coming to the auction that day. He said that the wolves were sly and cunning and always up to trickery. So now, seeing them in the auction hall, I assumed their appearances were just part of that trickery. They were clean-cut and well-groomed on the outside to mask rotten-to-the-core insides, I figured. Which just bolstered my resolve to sacrifice myself for my younger sister, Skye.


Skye and I, as well as all the other young, unmarried, twenty-something-aged women in our town, had recently undergone forced medical examinations to determine fertility. Ever since The Freeze, a catastrophic weather event that had wiped out most of the world's population several hundred years earlier, female fertility had been in steep decline. Shifters, human men who could transform into various animals, had also begun stalking the world at that time. Now, in the present day, some impoverished towns in Northern Michigan, like Greenleaf, my town, had begun testing young women for fertility. Those deemed fertile were sold at auctions where savage shifters, usually wolves, would purchase fertile young women in order to mate with them and reproduce so that their lines wouldn't die out.


After the medical exams, which had been given by a visiting fertility doctor from a different town, the fertility results were stored in a file at the town medical center, to be kept secret, even from those tested, until the mayor had a chance to take a look at them. But I'd beaten him to it. For years, I'd been volunteering at the town medical center, cleaning, comforting the sick, and fixing meals, so I had keys to all the exam rooms and storage cabinets.


Upon taking a peek at the results, I'd learned that Skye and a few other young women from Greenleaf had been declared completely fertile. Most of the young women had been declared completely infertile. I had been one of those young women.


Once I'd done some quick thinking and decided on a plan, it had been easy enough for me to switch my test results with Skye's.  In less than thirty seconds, I'd carefully peeled Skye's and my patient name stickers off the forms, switched them, and put our forms back in the file. I'd done it without so much as a moment's hesitation. My little sister was the most important person in the world to me, and there was no way in hell I was going to let her be sold to the wolves. As her big sister, I was determined to protect her, like I'd been doing since our parents had died four years earlier, one right after the other, when I'd been around twenty and Skye only sixteen.


I hadn't told Skye about my little switch of our fertility records. I figured she didn't need to know about the sacrifice I was making. She'd just try to stop me, I knew, and my mind was completely made up. And as far as her now thinking she was completely infertile, I figured the opposite being true would just be a nice surprise for her when she got married and discovered she actually wasn't infertile at all. By that time, as a married woman, she'd be safe from ever being sold at an auction. She'd be safe from the wolves.


I knew that eventually, after several months or a year or so, the wolves would find out about my deception when I never became pregnant. They wouldn't be able to prove it, but they'd at least suspect some sort of trickery, I was sure. I didn't care. I didn't even care if they killed me at that point, once it became clear I wasn't going to produce children for them. I didn't even care if I'd lose my life. All I cared about was protecting Skye, and that was all that was important. That was what I kept repeating to myself, over and over, right then in the town hall, standing on a platform with the other young women being sold at the auction.


The auctioneer Mayor Jackson had hired to conduct the whole unpleasant affair began the bidding for a young woman standing to my left, and I turned my gaze to the two alpha wolves standing at the back of the hall. I didn't know for certain they were the alpha wolves Mayor Jackson had told me would be coming, but at the same time, I just
they were. Just judging by the way they both stood, gazes up, broad shoulders thrown back, and muscular chests out, they couldn't be anything
alphas. It was pretty clear.


The rest of the wolf shifters sat in folding chairs in the town hall. Most of them sat with shoulders hunched, scowling. Bright overhead lights revealed the dirty greasiness of their hair. Even from my position on the auction platform, at least ten feet away, I could see that they all had grime under their fingernails.


As the young woman standing to my left was purchased by one of these greasy non-alphas and then led away, I silently prayed that I'd be sold to one of the alphas. I was sure they were just as bloodthirsty and cruel as I'd always been told all wolves were, but at least they appeared to be cleaner, and they were definitely, without a doubt, very handsome men.  I figured that might make me being subjected to being mated with one of them, at least a bit more bearable than it might be if I were bought by and mated to one of the other wolves in the hall.


Mayor Jackson had told me that the two alphas informed him that they were
leaders of the same wolf pack. They told Mayor Jackson something about having to "combine packs and pool resources."


Now, as I lined up on the auction platform, just standing there like a piece of meat, I wondered if they'd each be purchasing a young woman for their own. Or if they'd be
a young woman, like they shared leadership of their pack. As yet another woman was sold, this one a young woman beside me on my right, this thought made me uneasy. I'd make any sacrifice for Skye, but I'd counted on only having to be mated to one wolf. And one would be plenty. I was sure I'd have to close my eyes and grit my teeth through the experience. Even
the wolf who purchased me was one of the handsome alphas. They were still wolves. They were still evil and slimy, I knew. 


The alphas didn't start bidding until the last of the three young women on the platform with me had been sold. They didn't start bidding until it was time for the wolves to start bidding on
, the last young woman left on the platform. After that, it was over quickly.


The greasy-haired wolves sitting in folding chairs made a few feeble attempts to outbid the alphas, but the alphas soon made it clear that they wanted me, and they were going to have me. After a minute or so of them and other wolves in the hall bidding, one of the alphas, the darkest-haired one, nodded when the auctioneer asked if anyone would bid eight pounds of gold even, an astounding sum. For a long moment, there was absolute stillness and silence in the auction hall.


But then, the darkest-haired alpha finally spoke, his voice rich and deep. "Eight pounds. We are ready to be finished with this and take our woman. So, if any of you would like to challenge, do it now, so we can settle this."


Some of the wolves sitting in the folding chairs turned to look at the alpha who'd spoken. I knew most of these wolves had traveled from a place called West Virginia, hundreds of miles south, to buy fertile young women and bring them back home. But now, none of these wolves spoke. None of them seemed to want to challenge the two alphas at the back of the hall.


The auctioneer suddenly banged his gavel on a wooden podium. "Sold! The beautiful, fertile Miss Rowan Evans, to the two alpha wolves in the back. Gentlemen, you may pay me the specified sum directly, then claim Miss Evans to take with you."


Just like that, I wasn't in charge of my own destiny anymore. I'd been bought. I now belonged to the two handsome alpha wolves standing in the back of the hall.


At least twenty or thirty feet away from them, standing on one side of the hall, Skye burst into tears and buried her face in her hands. I knew that now was the time. The time I had to be strong. Stronger than steel. I couldn't show Skye that I was at all afraid or hesitant, which I was, and more than a bit. I had to keep my emotions hidden. She would be traumatized enough by losing me, her last remaining family member; I didn't want her traumatized further by knowing that I was even the slightest bit scared.


Soon, while the alpha wolves paid the auctioneer, Skye rushed to the platform and pulled me into her arms. "Promise me. Promise me, Rowan. You'll write; you'll call; you'll visit. You'll find a way,
to get word to me that you're okay. Just promise me. Please."


I nodded into her dark chocolate-colored hair, which was the exact same shade as my own. "I promise. I'll let you know I'm okay. I'll do whatever I have to do to make it happen. No matter what it takes,  I'll find a way to write or visit. Or call, if they have phones."


That was a big
. Many communities had landlines and cellphones post-Freeze, but many didn't. It kind of depended on the wealth of the community. I personally had an old battered cellphone of my own, as did Skye, and I was pretty sure mine would still work to call her as long as the wolves didn't take me too far away, although, of course, I had no idea where this pack was from. I didn’t know if they'd confiscate my cellphone to try to control me, and if they did, if they would have other phones I might be able to use to call Skye. However, based on the wealth they'd just displayed by paying eight pounds of gold for me, I guessed that they would.


Patting Skye's back while squeezing her tight, I nodded again. "I'll call you, or I'll write, or I'll visit. I'll find a way to let you know I'm okay. I promise you, sis. I love you so much."


I'd be okay and have a chance to reassure Skye of this at least once. Just once, before the wolves discovered I actually wasn't fertile and couldn't give them children. After that, and after the wolves possibly killed me, of course, Skye would figure in time that I
okay. But right now, that possibility didn't even matter. All that mattered was that I was protecting her, saving her, just like a big sister should.


Skye soon devolved into wild sobs and near-incoherent declarations of love, and a few of our mutual friends dragged her away and out of the town hall. Sniffling, I stood up straight, wiping a tear from my eye. Not a moment later, the two alphas finished their transaction with the auctioneer and began heading over to me.


Now that they were closer, I could see that while they were similar in height and muscular build, they were different in a couple of ways. The darker-haired of the two, the one who'd spoken with a deep, rich voice, had dark gray eyes the color of storm clouds. His companion had hair just a bit lighter, a warm, medium brown, and his eyes were green. It was this green-eyed man who reached the platform first and took me by the hand.


"Come with us."


I hesitated for just a moment, glancing between the gray-eyed alpha and the green-eyed one.


The green-eyed alpha repeated his command, tightening his grip just slightly. "Come with us."


Resigned to my fate and knowing I had no other choice, I now did as I was told. I stepped off the platform and left the town hall with the green-eyed alpha leading me by the hand the entire way.


Somewhat to my surprise, I couldn't say that the feel of his hand on mine felt terrible. He didn't squeeze my hand to the point that it hurt, as I'd thought he might; the pressure of his touch was simply firm. However, it was still a bit commanding. So, I went with him and the other alpha, not wanting to do anything to provoke him to increase the pressure of his grip to a point where it might become painful.

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