Sold (6 page)

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Authors: Sean Michael

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: Sold
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Adam seemed just as eager to taste him, tongue sliding on his, hands still on the headboard. He slid his fingers through Adam’s hair, stroking his scalp. Adam leaned into the touch, head heavy, hair soft as silk. His fingers drifted down along Adam’s neck, over his shoulders. He was amazed all over again by the soft, smooth skin.

“Do you shave your chest?”

“No, Matt. I had electrolysis.”

“I like it. Did you do it for yourself?” Or for the many men Adam played sub to?

“It was good for business. Smooth chests are popular. I didn’t do my pubic area. I left it.”

“Good for business.” He pursed his lips.

“Yes.” Adam met his eyes. “I let men use me as their fantasy, Matt. That’s how I make my living.”

“I know. I don’t like it because you’re mine. I don’t want anyone else to touch you.”

“Too bad. I have an appointment for a flogging tomorrow at noon, and I’m demonstrating anal beads at the Hammer at eight.” Adam looked at him quite seriously. “I have to work, Matt. I have to feed myself.”

Everything inside him clenched. “I know.”

Adam’s hands left the headboard, fingers on his cheek. “This isn’t going to work, Matt. I’m sorry; I’m happy to be your friend, but you need a lover, a man who can be only yours.”

He shook his head. “But you are mine. You’ve said yourself that you don’t get involved with any of those men.”

“No. No, I don’t, but that doesn’t change things.” Adam’s eyes were so sad.

“I want to try, Adam. You’re special, and what we have together is special.” He needed to be man enough to allow Adam to earn his living with his body. He needed to trust in what was between them.

Adam sighed softly. “That’s not very fair to you, Matt.”

“I have a deep feeling that you’re worth it.”

Adam chuckled, the sound somehow weak. Pale.

“You do feel it, don’t you? That there’s a connection here?” He had to know this wasn’t one-sided.

“I do.” Those hands kept moving, soothing him, petting him.

“Then stay and give me what you don’t give anyone else.” He bent and brought their lips together again.

Adam kissed him, gentle, delicate, sensitive. He let the kiss go deeper, sinking into it. Adam breathed with him, slow and steady, fingers trailing over his shoulders, down his arms. He began to move against his lover, their cocks sliding together. Adam hummed for him, fingers drawing circles around the small of his back.

He got a hand between them, jacking them together as they rocked, bodies sliding and bumping. Adam’s hand joined his, sliding on his prick, working the tip of his cock. He was going to have to tie the man down and spend the rest of the night blowing Adam’s mind. Once he’d come, as he was so very close.

“So good. So fine.” Adam’s words brushed his ear, a low whisper.

“You are.” Adam was. Extremely so.

“Come for me, Matt. Please.”

“You first.”

Adam’s laughter made him grin. He meant it, though; he wasn’t losing entire control of this encounter. His hand sped, his hand moving both of theirs.

“Come on, lovely. Come for me.”

“Lovely. How dear.”

He squeezed his hand hard. “Come. Now.”

Adam’s eyes flew open, shock in them as heat sprayed from the long prick.

“Yes!” He jerked a few times, his own orgasm hitting him hard.

Adam shivered, moaning softly, just for him. He curled up with Adam, holding on. Adam’s arms wrapped around him, held him tight.

It wasn’t perfect, but it would do for now.

Chapter Four

Adam finished his scene with Kevin, proving to Kev’s sweet little twink lover that no one died from a caning, kissing the wiry top on the cheek after he dressed. “I hope I helped out.” These were the absolute best kinds of scenes. Honestly. He felt helpful, needed, necessary.

Well, right now he just felt sore and in desperate need of a glass of juice and two hours in the hot tub with some sappy romance on the television, but still.

Kev smiled at his lover, heat in his eyes, and nodded. He was still smiling when he turned back to Adam. “I believe you were very helpful, Adam. You always are.” Kev patted his cheek. “I’m going to put you in a cab.” The man already had his cell phone out when Adam’s vibrated in his pocket.

He nodded to Kev, then answered. “Hello?” Please don’t be another gig. He was taking a couple of days off.

“Adam, hello.” It was Matt, voice warm, intimate.

“Matt.” He smiled and grabbed his shoes. “How are you this evening?”

They hadn’t seen each other much. It was just a bit weird -- knowing that it hurt the man when he was with other Tops.

“I’m good. Are you busy tonight?”

“No. I just got finished working. I was intending to bubble in my hot tub and drink a gallon of orange juice, as soon as the cab gets here.”

“Oh, that sounds like a fun activity to share with someone special.”

Adam chuckled softly. “It does. I will warn you, I was just pretty thoroughly caned. There are marks, if that bothers you.”

“It does, but I want to see you anyway. You need aftercare. Can I come get you?”

“You don’t have to, Matt. I hate making you uncomfortable...” He should be incredibly wealthy; then he wouldn’t have to work and could just pursue what was there between him and Matt.

“I’m fine, Adam. I want to see you more than someone else’s marks on you will bother me. Now, can I pick you up, or can I meet you at your place? We can come back to mine if you’d prefer.”

“The taxi is here. I’ll text you my address. I need my hot tub.” And his home, small and quiet as it was.

“Okay. See you soon, Adam.”

“Goodbye, Matt.”

He slipped into the cab, eyelids heavy as they headed home. His body was beginning to hurt now, the burn uncomfortable, sore. Matt was there when the cab pulled up, leaning against his car, a sports bag on the hood. Adam eased himself out, offered the cabbie a tip, then headed over to Matt.

Matt slid a hand around his arm and tugged him close, kissing him softly. “You’re looking a little pinched.”

“Been a hard few days. Come on in.” He kissed Matt back, sighed, and smiled.

“A few days? There’s more than just the caning?”

He opened up the front gate, the foliage surrounding them, protecting them from the real world. “Welcome to the garden.”

“Wow, this is lovely.”

“Thank you.” He led Matt up to the porch and into his tiny little house.

“So what all is hurting?”

“Please have a seat. I need juice.” The sofa was comfortable, soft. Cushy.

“Stop that.” Matt growled at him. “Tell me what’s hurting, what you need.”

“Juice and a hot soak. I’m sore.” And tired.

“Then go soak. I’ll get the juice.”

“Are you sure?”

“Go. Now.” Matt kissed his cheek and moved into his small kitchenette.

He headed out to the little covered deck with the hot tub and started heating it. Stripping.

Matt’s hiss alerted him to the man’s presence. “That looks painful.”

“It was intense.” And he was close to hysterics. “I usually spend this time alone.”

“You’re not alone now.” Matt nodded at the hot tub. “Get in.”

Matt climbed in, too, after putting a large glass of orange juice and the jug on the shelf around the hot tub. Adam’s hands were shaking when he got to the juice. His reserves were shot, and he was so tired. Matt helped him sit, putting him between the man’s legs so he could rest back against the solid chest. One of Matt’s hands moved to the bottom of his glass, holding it steady.

“Th...thank you.”

Soft kisses pressed along his neck, comforting and gentle. He let himself cry a little, silently. He was tired. Time to take a few days off.

Matt didn’t try to arouse him or talk or anything other than offer him one sweet, comforting touch after another.

“I’m sorry, Matt. I’m not very good company.”

“You’re excellent company. And it seems to me that you need someone to take care of you after these scenes you do. A real master would hold you, make sure you were okay after. Whether the scene is small or big, the TLC after it is a part of the reason it works so well.”

“One day.” One day he would have that. Maybe with Matt. Hopefully with Matt. He let himself have the thought for tonight.

“Well, you can have some TLC today, lovely. I’m here for you.”

His breath hitched and he nodded. “Thank you.”

Matt kissed the skin beneath his ear. “You need a break, lovely. You need a few days to heal from this.”

Adam nodded again, then let himself turn, lean into Matt’s embrace, rest his cheek against one shoulder.

Matt kissed the side of his face. “You feel good in my arms, Adam. You feel right.”

“Thank you for coming over. It’s been a long week.”

“You’re working too hard, all on your own.”

“Everyone works hard these days.” Everyone.

“Not everyone is someone I care about.”

Oh. Oh, God. So dear.

Matt’s fingers slid over his arms, then to his sides, careful to avoid his sore areas.

“I don’t like the canings. After.”

“It isn’t right to be sent home alone after a thing like that.”

“Kev needed to comfort Bradley. Brad’s very new. Scared.” He understood that.

“So you took the caning and Brad got the comfort?” Matt snorted and nuzzled his neck.

“That’s the job.”

“Bah. Well, now you have me, and you get the comfort. I’m not leaving you to your pain and your juice and your tears on your own.”

He sobbed a little, kissed Matt’s jaw. Matt turned, bringing their mouths together. The kiss was soft, gentle. He let himself go, crying hard, trusting that gentle strength would surround him. Matt let him cry, holding and kissing him. There for him.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

Matt held him closer. “For what?”

“Crying.” Needing this comfort so badly.

“It’s a release, lovely. A release that you need. Don’t apologize for that.”

“The water feels good, hmm?” He was starting to melt.

“It does. You feel even better.”

“Yes. So good. I feel so much better.” His eyes closed.

His glass was pressed into his hand. “Have some more, lovely.”

“’Kay.” He hadn’t eaten in two days. Tomorrow, he needed to remember breakfast. One he had to chew.

“We’ll have to get out soon. Do you have salve for your back?”

“No. We will? I sleep in here a lot.”

“It’s not good for you, lovely. I’ll get you some salve in the morning. You need to take better care of yourself.”

“I can’t reach my back, so I never worried.”

Matt grunted, kissed him softly, and stood, bringing him up as well. He dangled for a minute, then let Matt help him out.

Matt wrapped him in a towel and picked him up, carrying him back inside.

“You’ll hurt yourself.” He pointed to the corner where his bed was.

“I’m just fine, lovely.” Matt carried him over.

It smelled good to him, earthy. Houseplants filled the area, surrounding his bed.

“It’s like being in a garden.” Matt set him gently down.

“It is. This is my favorite spot.” He hissed as his back touched the pillows, his ass the mattress.

Matt growled softly and pulled his blankets aside, then moved him carefully onto his side and covered him up.

“Are you leaving?” He didn’t want Matt to leave.

“No. I’m just making sure you’re settled properly.” Matt slid into the bed next to him.

“Oh. Thank you.” He met Matt’s eyes. “Thank you for coming over.”

“It’s my pleasure.” Matt’s arms wrapped around him, tugged him closer.

He curled in, whispering a soft “Good night, Master,” as he dozed off.


Matt held Adam in his arms, just watching the man sleep.

Master. The word echoed through him, calling to a place deep inside him. Adam had called him Master. Hurting, tired, needing, and instinctively calling him Master. Matt wasn’t sure he’d be able to sleep. Of course he did, warm and snuggled under the comforter with his lover.

Adam’s alarm went off at an unreasonable hour, and he heard Adam slap it off, groan.

Matt tugged him closer. “You’re not going,” he said decisively.

“Hmm?” Adam pressed into him, head tucked under his chin.

“No yoga this morning.”

He thought the sound Adam made was grateful.

He pressed a kiss to Adam’s forehead. Who’d ever given this man comfort? Eased him after his many scenes with different Doms?

Adam sighed softly, relaxed for him, falling back into an easy, exhausted sleep. One hand was on his hip, keeping him close. Matt took a deep breath, and then another. He was so drawn to Adam, knew this man was his. He couldn’t ask Adam to be his sub, though, not until he’d reconciled his feelings about Adam’s job.

It wasn’t that he thought what Adam was doing was wrong, not at all. But... The idea of someone else marking Adam, topping him, didn’t sit well. Still, neither did the idea of someone else doing for Adam what he could do now -- giving the man the comfort and care, the intimacy that eased one through the aftermath of a scene. That was his.

“Master... I was dreaming.” Adam was muttering, still asleep.

His whole body bucked at the word ‘Master.’ “Sweet dreams, I hope.” He kissed Adam’s forehead.

“Mmmhmm. Gonna get to eat today. Real food.”

Matt frowned. Adam clearly needed a keeper. Because real food was not optional depending on the day of the week it was.

Adam kissed the underneath of his chin, then soft snores sounded again. Poor, exhausted man, looking out for, and helping, all those people and taking nothing for himself. Matt was about to change all that. He might have to convince Adam of it, but convince the man he would. Feeling better about the whole thing in general, he drifted back off to sleep himself.

He woke to Adam sliding out of his arms, padding toward the bathroom. The long, lean back was striped, bruised.

He bit back his growl at the sight of someone else’s marks on Adam’s body. This other Dom might have marked Adam, but where was he now when Adam truly needed a master? Not here. Now Matt was here, and he was going to make that work.

He got up and followed Adam behind the little curtained-off area.

Adam turned on the shower, moving slowly to the sink to take some Advil. “Morning. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Matt checked the temperature on the shower, making sure it wasn’t too hot or too cold. “I wanted to be awake when you were. You take your shower. I’m going to go get something for your back.” And some breakfast. Real food.

“You don’t have to.” Adam offered him a smile. “It was amazing, resting with you last night. Thank you.”

“I want to.” He left out the part where he did have to, for now. “And I’ve got some thoughts. We can talk when you’ve been tended to. Stay in the shower a while -- I won’t be long.”

Adam nodded. “I can do that.”

“Good.” He gave Adam a firm good-morning kiss, swatted a corner of unblemished ass, and went to find his clothes.

It didn’t take Matt long to go to the pharmacy and pick up the things he needed. He was going to put together a post-work scene kit to keep in a backpack, so he could care for Adam anywhere and under any circumstance.

He stopped at a small café on his way back, grabbing a couple of brie on croissant sandwiches and some green tea lattes. At the last minute, he added a bunch of grapes and some oranges to his haul. Then he drove back to Adam’s place. This time, he had the time, and the daylight, to look over Adam’s little house.

It was cute and truly small, but what made it special was the greenery all around it. Once you were through the gate, it was like you’d been transported into another world, one of trees and flowers and all manner of growing things. He followed a small rock path around to the back, where flowers and vegetables filled a surprisingly large area.

The little enclosed deck that held the hot tub had stairs down to a small, stone-paved area big enough to hold a couple of wire-metal chairs and a tiny table. It would be a beautiful spot for breakfast.

He went back around to the front of the house and let himself in. The shower was still going, and he nodded. Good. Adam was pampering himself. Matt left the food in the kitchenette, the bag of pharmacy extras on the bedside table, and took only the salve for Adam’s back into the bathroom area with him.

His lovely boy was sitting in the tub, water falling on him, sound asleep. Matt shook his head and found a clean towel. He turned the water off and wrapped Adam up.

Adam blinked awake. “Master.”

“Yes.” He nodded and encouraged Adam to stand. “You’ve worn yourself thin.”

“It’s been a long week.” It was beginning to sound like a mantra.

“How many days before your next appointment?”

“I need some time to recover. I took a week.”

“Good. That means we have a week together.” He did a quick mental perusal of his schedule. “I have a few things to move around and a couple I can’t, but it’s doable.”

“You don’t have to change your schedule for me...”

“Yes, I do.” He wasn’t going to even listen to any arguments on the matter. He pulled Adam out of the water, into his arms. Thin. His Adam was thin. “Back to bed. It’s time someone pampered you. Fed you.”

“I can eat today.”

“What’s this business about being able to eat today? You don’t eat every day?”

“No. I don’t eat on days I work. I drink juice and fast.”

Matt had to keep his jaw from dropping. “You what?” Surely he hadn’t heard Adam correctly.

“I fast when I work to keep myself clean for the Doms.”

“And how many days in a row have you worked?”


He shook his head. “That’s not going to happen again.” He tugged Adam over to the bed.

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