Sol: Luna Lodge #1 (18 page)

Read Sol: Luna Lodge #1 Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #paranormal romance science fiction romance alpha male genetic engineering

BOOK: Sol: Luna Lodge #1
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“Sol,” she said, smiling widely. “Will you marry me?”

“Is that what will make you happy?” he asked.

She nodded.

“Then I’ll marry you.” He smiled. “But when we tell the children, let’s say that I asked you.”

“And maybe that we weren’t in the tub.”

Sol pulled her closer, grinding against her. “I don’t know. I think that’s my favorite part of the story.”

She laugh and squealed at his easy humor. They were going to be fine.

“Ready for bed?” he said roughly.

Erica shivered and nodded. It was amazing how potent love could be.


Chapter Twenty



Sol paced the floor outside of the closed courtroom. Knowing those scumbags were inside and there was nothing he could do just pissed him the fuck off.

“That’s not going to make it go any faster,” Titus said.

“They have to lock them up and throw away the key,” Sol growled.

“And if they don’t?” Titus asked, his eyes resting heavily on Sol.

“If they don’t, then I’ll deal,” he said and shot a sour look at Titus.

“Do you think they’ll get anything useful out of them?” Titus asked.

Sol shook his head. “Erica said the ring leader’s death sort of ended any chance we have at finding more out.”

Titus stared toward the door and strummed his fingers. Sol could see the nervousness in him as well. This was a step in finding more people. Erica had mentioned that she overheard them talking about another facility. There were more of them out there.

The door opened. Major Carter walked out.

“They are going to a maximum security prison,” he said. “You can thank Gold for that. It seems that we’ve got some luck on our side with all of his. If it had been up to Woods, those men would be walking free.”

Sol snorted. “Not for long,” he mumbled.

They walked from the courthouse to the car. As Sol climbed into the car, he spotted Woods across the way, who stared at him with hatred. Woods opened the door to climb in, and a glimpse of snow-white skin came into view from the car. Sol shook with fear. Even after being out for nearly a year, just a glimpse of that man made Sol nearly fall to his knees. Frozen, he watched as they drove out of sight.

After a few moments, he crawled into the car. The two men in front turned to stare at him.

“What?” Titus asked.

“The Pale Man was here,” he said.

Titus’s eyes grew big with shock. “Are you sure?”

Sol nodded. “He was in the car Woods got into. You know what this means right?”

“That things are worse than we expected,” he said.

Titus turned to Carter. “We need to step up security.”

“Why?” Carter asked. “Who is this Pale Man?”

“We believe he was the first to successfully apply the Group’s DNA manipulation techniques outside of the womb. They say that he was once a scientist for the Group that believed fully in the benefits of a superior race of men. He did the treatment on himself to prove the benefits. It had some serious side effects that they did not expect.” Titus paused and then went on. “It bleached his skin of all color. His eyes are almost completely black. It also changed his personality. Where we are still part man, he has been made into most beast.”

Carter looked between then, a shocked look on his face as pulled the car onto the street to return to the lodge. “Well it doesn’t sound like we have much to worry about if it was such a failure.”

Sol laughed harshly. “It wasn’t a failure, Major. He became as ruthless as they always hoped we would be. He’s faster than us, stronger, can hear further away and tracking is child’s play. The only true weakness he has is his light sensitivity.”

Carter frowned. “Well if they considered him a success, why didn’t they make more?”

Titus shook his head. “They tried, but no one else seemed to be able to convert. Some think he altered something so that no one would be able to gather the power that he had.”

“Well,” Carter scratched his face, “What are we going to do about him?”

Titus turned to Sol who shrugged. “Beef up security. Maybe add in a few UV lights. There’s not much we can do besides be ready for the worst. If the Pale Man decides he’s going to take us down, there might not be much we can do about it.”

Carter nodded once, frowning. Sol sighed and checked his watch.

“Shit,” he said. “I’m going to be late.”

“Late to your own wedding. Boy,” Titus said. “You’ll be lucky if you get to have a honeymoon.”

Sol grinned. He was certain he would get a honeymoon.


* * *


Erica paced in the back office, trying not to picture her hands wrapped around their necks.

“He’s late,” she said for about the millionth time.

“He’ll be here,” Kate said.

Hannah giggled. “Pissing off his pregnant woman. Not the wisest idea.”

They all jumped when a knock came at the door, and Apollo’s head appeared.

“Damn.” He grinned. “Shouldn’t you all be having pillow fights in your nighties?”

Kate rolled her eyes. “Ready?”

He nodded and stopped for a moment. “Erica, you really do look great.” He whispered loudly. “Also, Titus is very proud that you asked him to walk you down.”

He ducked as something hit the door then winked at the women.

“See?” he asked and then disappeared.

Slowly the woman began to make their way out of the room, until Kate and Erica remained.

“You ready for this?” she asked.

Erica sighed. “Yes.”

“Good.” She smiled. “He’s good for you, and you’re good for him.”

Kate squeezed her arm and made her way into the hall where Titus was waiting. Kate walked past, and Erica could feel the tension between them. She hoped they could work something out.

“Erica?” Titus said from the door.

She smiled and took his waiting arm.

“Nervous?” he asked.

“More like nauseous,” she said.

They paused outside the doors to the great room, and Titus looked at her.

“I have to say this. Please be good to him. He is a special man.”

She smiled at him. “I know.”

“And if you ever decide to leave him, you just give me a call.” He grinned.

They pushed open the doors and walked into the room. At the end of the aisle, Sol watched her with open hunger. She grinned. It was a good dress.

When they reached him, Sol glared at Titus. She snickered at their exchange and took the arm Sol offered to her. He smiled at her when she squeezed his hand.

It had only been a few short months since the day of her kidnapping, and she was sure she should feel more anxiety about marring so soon, but Erica just couldn’t seem to work it up. He was the man for her. The one who would go through hell and back just to make sure she was safe and that was enough in her book.

No question on her end. Sol would be everything she ever wanted.

She turned to smile at Major Carter. He had agreed to marry them, and she had been a bit surprised that Sol would even ask him. As far as she knew, the major and his men pissed him off. Maybe they had actually started to rub off on them.

Erica sighed when Sol stood next to her, his hand slipping over to rub her small bump. She smiled. It was a growing occurrence. She’s wake up and find his hand had made its way to her stomach or when they were watching TV. It was hard not to fall in love with him all over again.

She glanced over at Kate. The pretty green of the bridesmaid dress was really something else, not that Kate hadn’t bitched the whole time, but in the end, Erica had won out. It was her wedding after all.

Titus stood on the other side of Sol. He was all smiles since they had made the big announcement. Actually, just about everyone had. Rachel was watching her like a hawk, and Erica still had to draw the line on her boundaries, but she did mean well.

“Okay,” the major said. “Let’s see about getting you two married.”


* * *


Sol watched her in the mirror as she changed from the white pillowy dress she was wearing. She came over to him and turned her back to him.

“Unzip me?” she asked coyly over her shoulder.

Sol groaned. “Are you trying to kill me here?”

Her sweet giggle was music to his ears. She had been doing that more and more. This was what he longed for, a life with her and their child.

When he came up behind her, he kissed the exposed skin on her neck.

“How are you feeling?” he rumbled. She signed, and he relished the sound.

“I’m fine.” Her breathy reply called parts of him into action.

He kissed the other side of her neck as he slid the zipper down. After walking around to the front of her, he slipped his hands around to the side of the dress and yanked. She gasped as it fell to the floor.

“We really don’t have time,” she said, but he cut off her words with a brutal kiss.

He smiled when her arms wrapped around his neck, and she leaned into him, kissing him back with the same need he was feeling.

When he pulled away, her lips were full and swollen. She looked at him with half-closed eyes that made him want to do it all over again. Sol looked down at the matching bra and panty set she was wearing.

It had driven him crazy to be without her last night, but she had insisted it was tradition. Seemed a little crazy to him that two people who loved each other would deny themselves the pleasure. At this moment, however, he could see the benefit. If she had been home, he would have seen this set and driven himself crazy knowing she was wearing it under her sweet little gown.

Sol growled.

“Do you like it?” She smiled shyly.

Sol walked her backward until she came to the wall, her breathing erratic and even more enticing than the garments.

“I love them,” he huffed. “Now let me take them off.”

He stooped down and unhooked her bra from the front. Her breasts sprang from their confines. A few gentle licks, and she was already lifting her hips up to bump against him.

Erica pushed him back, and he stared at her in surprise.

“Take your shirt off,” she said. Her husky voice pushed him to the limit as he struggled with the buttons.

While he worked his shirt, he felt her hand slip to the front of his pants. Within seconds, he felt them drop to his ankles.

Her gentle hand wrapped around him, and she gave a few strokes. He moaned as the last few buttons were undone, and the shirt slipped from his shoulders.

Without stopping, Erica pushed the this scrap of fabric at her core and led his length to her opening. Warm and slick, he groaned as she pulled him into her. He reached down and grabbed her ass to hoist her up. With her back against the wall, he had total control of her.

She wrapped her arms around him as he slid deep inside. Her moan filled his ears, and he stilled inside her. Erica wrapped her legs around his body and began to bounce against him, slamming herself harder and harder onto his stiff length.

“More,” she groaned.

Sol tightened his hands on her lower half and helped push her harder onto his cock. He groaned as he went even further in her. She cried out and leaned forward, her lips near his ear.

“More,” she said again. “I need you.”

The growl worked out of him before he could even think to stop it. His hips slammed into her at their own pace. Her cries of pleasure grew with the increases in speed.

He pushed until he couldn’t go any further.

“Now,” he roared. Her walls grasped him as he came deep inside. She shuddered with each burst into her.

They panted, trying to regain the ability to think once again.

“You make an excellent husband,” she said after some time and grinned at him.

“You make a good wife.” He winked and slid out of her. “But I think I might need a few more rounds before I say excellent.”

Erica swatted his arm and rolled her eyes. “Get dressed. I’m sure all your friends know what we’ve been up to.”

He shrugged. Likely. The price of great hearing was that sometimes your heard things you might not want to. They had just better get used to it. He planned on taking his hot wife as much as she would allow him.

Sol smiled to himself. Wife. Things really did seem right.


Chapter Twenty-one



Erica’s cheeks burned with embarrassment as she walked into the reception hall. Several of the hybrid men winked at them as they came in. She groaned, and she felt Sol chuckle behind her.

His breath tickled her neck when he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

“Get used to it,” he said and placed a few kisses behind her ear. “I’m not going to stop enjoying my wife.”

Her heart kicked up into her throat, and she turned to smile at him. She gave a quick kiss before things got overheated again.

“I’m going to see how the girls are doing,” she said.

He nodded. “I’ve got some things to talk over with Titus.”

Erica turned and found the other women in the corner. She grinned as she walked up.

“You look refreshed,” Kate said and grinned back.

“Is that what we’re calling it now?” Rachel smiled.

Erica rolled her eyes but couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from her face.

“So what all have you been up to?” she asked.

“Mostly watching Kate and Titus eyefuck each other from across the room.” Rachel snorted.

As if on cue, Titus looked over from his conversation with Sol and glared at Rachel.

“Damn super hearing,” she muttered a few other things that Erica was pretty certain Titus heard.

“He’d be pretty hot if he wasn’t a raging dick,” Kate said.

Erica choked on her punch when Kate glared at him and stuck out her tongue. She had seen her friend do a number of things, but it was downright funny to see her so worked up over a man. She looked over at Sol next to Titus and smiled when he winked at her.

“Not you too,” Rachel groaned. Erica laughed when she rolled her eyes.

“Well seeing as I just got married, I think I get the pass.” She grinned.

“I think it’s all so romantic,” Hannah sighed.

Erica looked around the room. She had insisted that Christmas lights be strung up.

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