Society Girls: Sierra (6 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Sierra
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“Joel? No. He did exactly what I would
expect him to do. He told her to get away from him.”

“I’m guessing that didn’t go over so

“No, but I’m not concerned with that. Joel
isn’t one of us. I had hoped that her attack on you was a single
lapse in judgement. Her insulting Isa, and then seeing the other
girls ostracize her, made it clear that she can’t continue on in
the program.”

“So she’s being mind-wiped?”

“Something like that,” she tells me with a
laugh, before getting serious again. “I’m so sorry, Sierra. We’ve
had unstable people slip through our tests before, but I feel extra
responsible for Greta. I designed this program, and it kills me
that I let someone like her in.”

“Don’t, Reina. I’ve seen all of you in
action, and I’ve heard what you’ve told us over and over again.
We’re a team here, only as strong as our weakest link. No one
person decides the fate of the Society.”

“You’re right. I know you’re right, because
I have said those words. Thank you for reminding me of them,
Sierra. I have a couple of friends I need to remind as well. You’re
okay here, and with getting home?”

“Yes. Zack’s driving me, and then Joel’s
coming over to cook me dinner later.”

“Sounds like the men in your life have
things covered, which is never a bad thing. Being strong women
doesn’t mean we don’t need a good man by our side, especially when
he’s offering his help. And God, I sound like a walking self-help
book lately, don’t I?”

“No. You sound like a woman who learned some
great lessons, and is imparting them to us now.”

“Yes, well, just remember that no one’s life
is perfect. It shouldn’t be, because working for something just
makes it more rewarding. Love included.”

“And languages, too, right?”

of the training you’ll be receiving falls under that category.
You’re doing a great job. The tests you passed while lying injured
in that bed, only prove that you belong here even more. I have
complete faith in you and your ability to master the other three

“Muito obrigada, Reina.”

“De nada, Sierra.”

I endure a quiet ride home with Zack, who is
still pissed that Ainsley didn’t tell him what happened right away.
He can’t stay mad at her without sleeping in the guest room, but
I’m fair game once he pulls into the underground garage.

“I should’ve been there with you!”

“To do what, watch over me while I slept?
Darcy was already doing that.”

“I don’t know if I can handle this, Si. I
worry about Ains, and she’s mostly in her lair. Now I have to worry
about you going out on missions. It scares me to think about you
fighting bad guys.”

“Don’t ask me to quit, Zack. I love you, but
I can’t do that. I just can’t.”

“I know. I wouldn’t ask you to do that. Just
know that if anything ever happens to you, I’ll go to the ends of
the earth to hunt down the person who hurts you. Ainsley already
promised to help me hide the body.”

“Of course she did,” I tell him, rolling my
eyes, “I love you, big brother.”

“I love you too, sis. So much.”

“I know.”

We get out of the car, and he pulls me into
a hug, holding onto me for longer than I think he ever has before.
I hold him right back, and try to send calming vibes into him like
Audrey taught us during class. I finally feel him relax against me,
and we pull apart.

“Let’s get you upstairs.”

“I can do that myself you know,” I remind
him as we enter into the lobby from the garage elevator.

“I know, but...what the fuck?”

“What’s wrong?” I ask looking past him into
the lobby, and smile when I see Joel leaning up against one of the

“What are you doing here, Cruz?”

“Cooking dinner for Sierra,” Joel tells him,
standing up straight, and matching Zack’s hostile pose.

“I wasn’t sure what time you were coming
over. I’m a mess.”

“Você é linda, Gatinha.”

“Thank you,” I say, blushing more than a

“What did he say to you?” Zack demands.

“None of your business,” I tell him.


“I told her she’s beautiful.”

“Oh, well yeah. Of course she is. She’s
always beautiful.”

“I agree.”

Zack does the whole chin tilt guy thing,
telling Joel they’re good. I get a kiss on the forehead, and he
finally leaves us alone. Which makes me really happy, but also
really nervous at the same time.

I really am a mess, with bruises still
fading, and wearing a Legions hoodie and flannel pajama bottoms.
While Joel looks as hot as ever in one of the henley style shirts
he seems to favor, and faded jeans, along with biker boots. Does he
have a motorcycle? I don’t even know, which makes me wonder what
we’re even doing here.

“What’s that frown for?”

“I just realized how little I know about

“I’ll be happy to tell you anything you want
to know while I cook you dinner.”

I nod. I know it’s not fair since I can’t be
completely honest with him, but there’s a lot I can still share
with him. “You can ask me things, too.”

“In Portuguese?”

“We can try it. I’m not sure I’m there yet,
but I’m game,” I tell him as we get in the elevator.

“Speaking of game, Miles got me access to
the bottom floor here so I can use the batting cages. If you’re not
too tired after dinner, do you want to hang out with me while I see
if my arm still works?”

“You haven’t tried to hit yet?”


“Are you sure you want me there?”

“Yeah. I’m sure.”

“I’ll be there. Tonight, and any other night
I can.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s what
girlfriends do.”

“Are you my girlfriend?”

“Oh, um, no. I said you
wanted this to be real..I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“Let me rephrase the question,” he tells me
placing his fingers over my mouth. “Você vai ser minha namorada,
Sierra Taylor?”

“Sim. Yes, Joel Cruz. I would love to be
your girlfriend.”

“Now that we have that settled, let’s get
some food in you.”

“They did feed me while I was being treated,
you know.”

“Not like I’m going to feed you.”

“That sounded kind of dirty,” I tell him as
I open my door.

He swings me around, and drops the grocery
bags as he pulls me into his arms. “You have no idea how dirty my
thoughts of you are, Gatinha. No fucking idea.”

Chapter 5



I have no shame. None at all, and it feels
fucking awesome. I mean, how could I not kiss Joel after he said he
has dirty thoughts about me?. My lips are sipping from his as he
lets me lead this kiss. I have no doubt he won’t always let me take
control, but he’s giving it to me now, and I’m not going to waste a
second of my time in the driver’s seat.

“I have to make dinner,” Joel says, pulling
back from me.

“Mais um beijo.”

“One more,” he responds with a smile.

He meets me halfway, and we kiss again. I
drag it out as long as I can, and we’re both laughing as we try to
catch our breath. “I love kissing you.”

“Hmm. You said you weren’t sure you could
answer if I ask you questions in Portuguese. What if I give you a
kiss for every one you can?”

“What if I suck? Ooh,
that’s the answer. If I suck at the questions, you’ll let me
to make
up for it.”


“We can do that, too.”

“Are you medicated right now, Sierra?”

“No. I’m just feeling horny. I’ve waited
weeks for you.”

“I was trying to be a good guy.”

“Good guys fuck girls. It happens.”

He pats one of the
barstools. “Sit here, and let’s get to know each other. I really do
have to get some practice in tonight. If, and it’s a big
, I can still move my
arm after that, we’ll take things further.”

“Oh. Of course. I don’t want to stop you
from getting back to playing.”

“You’re not, Gatinha. I want you just as
much as you want me. Trust me on this.”

“But we’ve just been focusing on me. We
should be focusing on you, too.”

“My career wasn’t part of our

“You said our arrangement was stupid.”

“It was.”

“So let’s talk about baseball.”

“Not tonight. I want to learn all about you
while I cook and we eat. After that, I want to try and hit some

“And then I can maybe play with your bat and

“You did not just say that,” he says with a

“I’m pretty sure I did.”

“You’re not a ball bunny, Sierra.”

“I’m well aware of that, Joel.”

“So please don’t talk like them.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize I was. How about I
play with your cock and balls later? Sorry, but I don’t know other
words for your balls.”

“You are too fucking adorable.”

“And sexy?”

“Mais sexy.”

“Yay. What are you making for dinner, by the

I’ve seen him take rice, beans, and a few
different meats from the bags, tossing them into various pans with
spices he’s also brought with him. It smells delicious already, but
I have no clue what it is.

“Baião de dois. It’s a common dish in
Brazil. I wanted to make you feijoada, but it’s best if the meat
marinates for 24 hours, so I didn’t have the time. I’ll make it for
you another night.”

“Sim, por favor!”

“You don’t even know what it is,” he tells
me with another laugh.

“But it means you’ll be coming back here,” I
say, softly.

“I thought that was a given. You are my
girlfriend now.”

“Um de muitos?”

“No, not many. One of few.”


“Now I believe it’s my turn to ask the

“Okay,” I tell him in a shaky voice.

Shit. I’m probably going to
suck at this, not get any kisses, and maybe not even get to
. At least
the food will be good.


* * *




I know Sierra’s nervous about understanding
the questions I’ll be asking, so I start with some easy ones. Just
to throw her off balance, of course. Making this easy for her won’t
help her master the language, and we both know it.

“Qual o seu nome?”

“Sierra,” she says, rolling her eyes, and
leaning up for her kiss.

“De onde você é?”

“Seattle.” Kiss.

“Quantos anos tem?”

“Twenty-four. Você?” Two kisses.

“Same. Com que sonha?”

“What do I…dream of?”


“You.” A

I swallow hard, and continue. “Quer

“Children?” I nod. “Yes, I want them. Not
now, but one day.” Kiss.

“Qual é a sua posição favorita?”

“Umm…I have no clue what you just asked

“Are you sure?”

“It’s about my favorite something.”

“It is.”

I see her thinking hard, and then her blush
is back. “Joel.”

“What? I’m a guy who wants to please his

“Fine. My favorite position is whichever one
you put me in.”

Luckily, dinner is done, because that answer
deserves more than just a simple peck, or even a little tongue. I
step between her legs, and then wrap them around my hips. My hands
are in her hair, and when hers don’t automatically go to mine, I
lift them there, urging her to pull at the longs strands on top.
Once I’ve had enough of her taste to leave me temporarily sated. I
move out her arms, and start plating our dinner.

“You liked me pulling your hair, didn’t

“Eu queria que você me fizesse um

“I think that means you liked it.”

“I said that I wanted you to run your
fingers through my hair. I’ve wanted that for some time now.”

“You do have pretty hair.”

“Pretty? Foda-me.”

“Well, I’d like to fuck you. But yes, your
hair is silky soft, and smells nice. So it’s pretty.”

“Please, on all that is holy, don’t ever say
that in front of anyone else.”

“Hmm. You
make me a delicious
smelling dinner, and I’ve gotten some yummy kisses while practicing
my Portuguese, so I
I can keep this between us.”

“Thank you, Kitten.”

“You’ve never called me that in English
before,” I tell him with a smile.

“You inspire me to do lots of things I’ve
never done before.”


“Yeah. It really is.”

Dinner is pretty delicious, if I do say so
myself. I can’t help worrying about what’s going to happen after,
though. Like I told Miles, I’ve done batting simulations with my
physical therapist, and my rotation is supposedly back to normal.
Tonight, I’ll be picking up an actual bat for the first time since
I inflamed my rotator cuff. I know it could’ve been a lot worse. If
I’d torn the cuff, my career would’ve probably been over. Taking
over a year to rest and recover hasn’t been a walk in the park,
though, and I have to get back if I want any chance of playing in
the majors again. I don’t need the money, but I do need to play. I
need it like I need to breathe, and like I’m starting to need

I just don’t know if there’s room for both
baseball and Sierra in my life. Especially since baseball is going
to take me from Vegas, while she’s starting a new job here. My
conscience tells me to walk away now, but that devil on my shoulder
reminds me that she needs me right now. Even if right now is all I
can give her.

“You’re awfully serious over there.”

“Just thinking about what comes next.”

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