Society Girls: Matisse (14 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Society Girls: Matisse
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“If you stop now, I swear I’ll kill

Chapter 14


Kendrick’s a doctor, so you’d expect him to
be good with his hands, and he is, oh fuck, he is. But his tongue?
His tongue should be cloned and put in the Smithsonian. I could go
on and on about it, along with his glorious lips and teeth, but I’m
getting ready to come again, so I need to concentrate on remaining
conscious for now.

He’s licking me from clit to pussy, sticking
his tongue in as far as he can while I go crazy. His hands pull my
legs up and over his shoulders as he gets to his knees. With my
lower body tilted up into the air, he goes even deeper with that
tongue of his, and I’m seeing stars. My orgasm is glorious, and
beautiful, making me feel sated and euphoric as I come back to the
real world.

I start to slump down, but he holds me up.
“We’re not done.”

Before I can tell him that there’s no way I
can do that again, his mouth closes over my labia. His tongue is
moving quickly over my clit, and if we weren’t at the zoo, I’d be
breaking the windows with the screams I’m holding in.

This orgasm hits me even harder, and it goes
on so long that I think I might have actually died and gone to
heaven. “That was…perfect.”

“The next one will be even better.”

“I can’t…I can’t…not again.”

“Who’s the doctor here?
, and
you’re going to.”

He slides two thick fingers into me as he
licks me again. He scissors his fingers, twisting and curling them
until he hits me right where I need him to. Having both his fingers
and his mouth on me is too much. That’s my last thought as I come
harder than I ever have in my life, and really do pass out.

When I open my eyes, Kendrick’s lying next
to me, leaning on one hand as his other traces circles over my
stomach. “I passed out.”

“Just for a couple of minutes.”

“I guess it’s good you’re a doctor.”

He laughs. “Yes, I’ll take care of you every
time I make you pass out.”

“That was…I don’t even know how to describe
what you did to me.”

“Another perk of having a doctor for a

“You didn’t come.”

“Not tonight, no.”

“I can take care of you. I mean, I don’t
think I can make you pass out, but I can definitely make sure you
get an orgasm.”

“I didn’t do that because I expected
anything in return. I hurried through the lower half of your body
that first night, and I’ve regretted it ever since. I still need to
give your legs and feet more attention, and let’s not forget your
perfect ass. They’ll get some love soon.”

“I still need a chance to explore your body
properly, you know. We tend to get to the main event rather

“It’s yours whenever you want to play.”

“I was going to use it to study for my
anatomy test,” I tell him, honestly. “I had a plan.”

“Which I ruined. I’m proud of you for
passing without my help, by the way. I knew you could do it.”

“Other people helped.”

He rolls over on top of me, straddling my
hips as he searches my eyes. “You were with someone else?”

“We weren’t together,” I say, knowing I
should just tell him it was my friends, but still bitter enough
about what happened to want to make him suffer a little.

He clenches his jaw, and looks away from me.
“You’re right. I can’t be jealous since it was my fault.”

I’ve pushed far enough, and now I need to
tell the truth. “My friends at the shop helped me. When they were
tattooing someone, they’d point to the body part. I wasn’t with
another man.”

“Oh,” he says, getting off of me and moving
to the other sleeping bag.

“Really? You’re just going to go sulking

“I don’t like games.”

“And I don’t like what you did to me.”

“I thought we were past that.”

“It’s been less than 24 hours since you
showed up, and I’m trying, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still feel
the hurt. Orgasms can’t fix everything.”

“I spent the entire day with you before
giving you those orgasms.”

“Which is why I’m trying hard to let this
go, but you can’t expect me to just get past it like it was

“You’re right. I just don’t know what to

“Just keep doing what you did today, and
we’ll be good. I hate to say this to you, but you need to earn my
trust back. It sucks, but that’s the way it is.”

suck, but that’s on me,” he
says, pulling me into his arms. “Let’s figure out how best to share
our sleeping bags.”

We end up laying one of the sleeping bags
flat while covering ourselves in the other. I put my pajamas back
on, but I convince him to take his shirt off for me. We snuggle
close together, my head on his warm chest as we finally fall

* * *


I went through a range of emotions last
night—lust, love, anger, regret, and helplessness were just a few
of them. Waking up with Matisse in my arms helped with some of
them, but I’m still a little unsettled. I know I need to do what
she said, and just keep showing her I want her for her, just the
way she is. I’m hoping the outfits I brought for her to choose
from, along with the shoes I got at the flea market, will help with

“I got you a couple of choices,” I tell her,
handing her the bag.

There’s a coral dress that dips low in front
and has a halter top, exposing most of her back. It has a short
flirty skirt that should hit her around mid-thigh. The other outfit
is a light blue romper. It’s also sleeveless, with a ruffled “v” in
front and back, and the shorts will barely cover her ass. I even
got her a lacy thong, and those little pads that will cover her
nipples—I called Stella to ask, since neither outfit will allow for
a bra.

“Do I have shoes?” she asks, looking

“Yes, but those are a surprise.”

“Okay, Dr. Mysterious,” she tells me,
grabbing her toiletries and Chucks as I follow her out of the

We split up again, and I clean up my beard a
little after washing up. I’ve got on a t-shirt and another pair of
cargo shorts, along with my favorite leather thong sandals. If I
want her to be herself, then I need to dress how I’m most
comfortable, too.

I’m waiting for her when she comes out in
the romper. Her ass is peeking out, most of her tattoos are on
display, and her makeup is perfect. The smile on her face tells me
she’s happy with my choices.

“I love them both, so I decided I could
change into the dress for dinner later, if that’s okay.”

“Whatever you want. They’re yours.”

“Thank you. Just…thank you. No guy I’ve ever
dated has bought me clothes before.”

“It was my pleasure,” I tell her as I take
her hand to walk her back to the tent.

I’m giving a wide berth to the other
couples, who are still looking at us like they want us for
dinner—or in this case, breakfast. Once we’ve packed up all of our
stuff in the tent, I tell Matisse to close her eyes while I take
her shoes out of the bag.

“Can I open them now?”


She blinks a few times, and then launches
herself into my arms. I catch her up in my arms as she wraps her
legs around my waist and locks her lips with mine. “Care Bears. You
got me fucking Care Bear heels.”

“I saw the little animals all over your
apartment, and then the girl at the flea market had them in your
size.” They are mostly pink with the logo, bears, rainbows and
clouds all over them.

“You are so getting your cock sucked
sometime today.”

“If you insist,” I tell her with a

“Oh, I do.”

I keep her in my arms as I reach down to
grab our bags and walk out into the zoo. I have one arm under her
ass so the others don’t get much of a show before I set her in her
chair for breakfast. While we eat, the zoo workers take down the
tents, getting ready for the park to open.

“I should take the bags to the car before we
walk around. Will you be okay?”

“I’ve only been taught five different ways
to kill a person with my bare hands so far, but I think I’m


“You love me.”

“I do. I’ll be right back.”

I run the bags out, and bypass the lines to
get back in. Matisse rolls her eyes at me as I approach her and the
couple at her side. “We’re still saying no, but thanks again for
the offer.”

“We’d be up for anything, and I can tell you
would be, too,” the guy says, reaching for her. She grabs his hand
and twists, bringing him to his knees. He’s turned on, and not
repulsed by it, which means I need to step in.

“No means no,” I remind him, pulling Matisse
to me as she flips him off.

“I need to apologize again for this group,”
I tell her as we walk towards those pandas she loves so much.

“You more than made up for it last night,
and there will always be assholes who think I’m easy.”

“Easy is not a word I would ever use to
describe you.”

“Choose your words carefully, Doc.”

“Smart, funny, sexy, gorgeous, hot,
delicious, sarcastic, compassionate, loyal, honorable. I could keep
going, but I think you get the point.”

She jerks me back when she stops, because
our hands our linked. “You really do love me.”

“I really, really do.”

“I love you so much, too.”

“That’s all I could ever ask for,” I tell
her, taking her into my arms once again.

After seeing the pandas again, we go to the
gift shop, where she goes a little crazy over everything. I insist
on buying whatever she wants, and I’m not sure if I can fit
anything else in my rental car once we’re loaded up. I don’t mind
being a little squished, because the smile on her face is worth

Chapter 15


A trip to my hometown wouldn’t be complete
without a visit to the National Mall. Kendrick has never been here,
so we wander through all the monuments. I’m playing tourist, so I
agree to the selfies he wants with me. Honestly, I’d probably agree
to anything he asked me for at this point.

We don’t have time to see everything, but I
know he wants to see some of the museums. I take him to the
National Museum of African Art first. “This reminds me of my home,”
he says, his accent more pronounced because of the emotion in his

“I’d like to see your home.”

“I’ll take you there. One day.” There’s more
that he’s not saying, but I don’t push him. He’ll tell me when he’s
ready, or at least I hope he will.

I’m walking around the gift shop, picking up
some jewelry and scarves for myself and my friends, when I see him
standing in front of a beautiful sculpture. He reaches out as
though he wants to touch it, but then puts his hand back. I place
my chin on his shoulder as I look at it.

“I’m buying you that for your

“What? No. It’s too expensive. I don’t need

“I don’t need all of that panda stuff you
bought me at the zoo, either. Let me do this for you,

“Thank you,” he says, taking my hand from
his waist to kiss it lightly.

I take him to the American History Museum
next, hoping to lighten his mood a little. He does smile more here,
looking at all of the artifacts and memorabilia on display. I can
still see that the other museum is haunting him, though, and I
don’t know what to do.

We skip the gift shop here, and walk back
out into the sun. “Are you hungry?” I ask.

“I could eat,” he tells me.

I lead him to the National Museum of the
American Indian, which in my opinion is one of the coolest looking
buildings here. The exhibits are also amazing, but I don’t think
either one of us is in the mood for that right now, and that’s not
why I came here. The cafe here is one of the best I’ve ever been

“A food court?”

“The best food court you’ll ever go to. I
guarantee it.”

“Show me what to get?”

“Of course. Do you want to share?”

“I’d love to.”

We walk around, loading our trays with fry
bread tacos, salmon, sweet potato donuts, lamb stew on rice, and
some guava tapioca for dessert. A table by the waterfall opens up,
and I snag it, sitting down on one side, and hoping Kendrick will
sit next to me, which he doesn’t. We don’t say much as we eat;
although Kendrick seems to be enjoying everything.

I want to say something, or apologize for
bringing up whatever bad memories he’s remembering, but I hold my
tongue. I feel pressure on my hand as I look down at my plate. I
look up and meet his eyes, which are filled with both love and
regret. “I’m sorry, Matisse. The museum made me homesick, and I’m
not handling it well.”

“Why don’t you go back and visit? I’m sure
Reina would give you time off if you ask to go between

“Sometimes, going home isn’t as easy as
getting on a plane.”

“I don’t suppose you want to talk about

“I do, but right now is not the time—or
place. What I’d really like is to finish this wonderful meal with
my amazing girlfriend, and then go see some roller derby. I know
you came here to see your brother, and I’ve been monopolizing your

“I would love to spend the rest of the day
with both of you if that’s really okay.”

“It’s more than okay,” he tells me, looking
at me with eyes full of love. “Now, can I have a bite of that
tapioca, or are you going to hoard it all for yourself?”

“I might be persuaded to share some.”

“I’m willing to barter. What have I got that
you want?”

I crook my finger so he moves in closer. He
leans over, trying not to get any food on him, before he gives up,
and comes around to sit next to me. I scoop up some pudding on my
spoon and hold it out to him. “That right there earned you a

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