Socially Unacceptable (6 page)

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Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #sex, #pi, #incest, #daddy, #daughter, #brother, #sister, #dominate, #fuck, #alpha male

BOOK: Socially Unacceptable
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“I really liked that, Tawny.” He kissed her
clavicle, and spoke against her flushed skin. “I’ll want to do that
again, all night really, and in the morning if you decide you don’t
want to do this, I’ll never touch you again, okay? We didn’t go so
far there is no turning back.”

“So tonight we’re…having an in-depth sex ed.

“Not exactly.” He propped himself up to look
at her with an amused smile. “But if that’s what you want to call
it. I kind of like pretending we didn’t go in as far that we can’t
turn back.”

“Well, we definitely went all the way, but
since I do have a lot more questions about sex...should we try
anal? I might need explanations on that.”

He threw his head back as he laughed. It was
sexy. “You’re too perfect, Tawny. It’s a good thing I know a lot
about anal, because I’m about to teach you everything you’ve ever
wanted to know about that.”

William taught her a lot more than anal. He
also taught her how make love last, stick through things when they
got hard, and how to love each other when life threw curveballs.
And Tawny never regretted losing her virginity to her stepdad,
because he loved her no matter what, cherished her, and was never
cruel—just like Tawny always wanted.


Implied Consent

Until Genie’s friend complained about her
stepdad’s parenting, she thought nothing of Seth’s controlling
rules. Everyone had a curfew. Parents dropped off their kids at
friends homes and promptly pick them up. They chaperoned dances,
snooped through their belongings, cleaned bedrooms to pry, asked
what they talked about on the phone, and inquired into friends and
boyfriends. It was all normal.

Granted, Seth got worse when Genie turned
eighteen. Suddenly he demanded she include him in a lot more of her
weekend activities. For a while, it embarrassed her, because he
wanted to go to the movies with her when she planned to see the
show with all her friends. Sometimes they’d all go together as a
big group; no one grumbled, probably because Seth bought all the
popcorn and drinks or maybe her friends didn’t complain because her
dad overheard one of her friends gripe, and he never let Genie hang
out with her again.

Thankfully, though, he wasn’t one of those
dads that knew the latest lingo
and used it
. She’d be
mortified if he started talking like them. But, no, Seth was cool
without trying. He dressed edgy, listened to the latest music,
drove a sporty convertible, and everyone that chatted with him told
Genie he was a great guy.

A few weeks ago, though, Genie saw past
Seth’s charming side, his go with the flow personality, and noticed
his domineering streak. And now that she finally recognized it, she
wondered why he ran her life. To goad the answer out of him, she
waited for a perfect opportunity to bring up her old friend.

While they lay on the couch, he had his hand
up her shirt to tickle her stomach. Taking small trips around her
bellybutton, he glided his fingers in circles. His light touch made
her think that maybe they were
demanding, because Genie
often lay her arm across his lap, and that was his cue to gently
scratch her arm. Now days if they watched television together, she
simply lifted the tops she wore and pointed to her navel, and he
knew what to do. “Dad,” she’d say, getting his attention if he
didn’t immediately get to work. Looking back, she didn’t think she
gave him any options, either. If they were parked next to one
another, he caressed her belly—period.

“You look guilty about something,” he said,
smiling at her. He rested his head on her arm, relaxing in a
position that looked awkward. He sacrificed his comfort to ensure
her contentment, which once again, proved to Genie that he wasn’t
that severe of a father figure.

“Not guilty,” she lied, because she shouldn’t
make her dad fill all his relaxation time tickling her. Then
stumbling upon the moment she’d been waiting for, she added, “Just
confused. I’m wondering why you don’t like Samantha anymore.
Remember her?”

“Besides the fact she had a mouth on her?
Nothing.” He sat up partially, or tried to because she had him
squished up against the back of the sofa. She balanced on the edge
of the couch with her legs draped over his hip, and when she didn’t
budge to let him up, he went back to grazing his fingers along her
ribs and then scooping them lower in wide circles. “Do you
a friend that tries making us fight?”

“No,” she said honestly, “I think it’s
awesome being friends with my daddy.”

“Well good, because I’m a strong believer in
making it a priority to be best friends and never lose that.” He
counted with his fingers as he named what women desired most: “In
my opinion, women want a best friend for a lover, pursued daily
even if it leads nowhere, and treated like a sexy minx he cannot
resist. Some would add money to that list, but most would forgo a
fortune for real love. Am I right?”

“Sounds pretty amazing to me, but I’d add
chocolate.” How was he not dating? He was handsome, his body was
built like a machine, and he had the most perfect idea of what he
thought a relationship should be. Genie wished she could find a guy
like him, but her age so he’d want to date her. However, it was for
the best that he was nowhere to be found, because her dad told her
she couldn’t date until she finished college.

“Yeah, so I won’t apologize for trying to
keep you close.”

He went back to pampering her with attention.
This time he rolled her shirt higher up her ribs, and turned his
head to briefly kiss below her bra. Then he tickled where his moist
lips wet her skin. Genie stared at her glistening flesh. The cool
air bit and the tingles left behind from his mouth made her break
out in little bumps. The thrill of his soft buss only compiled as
he continually brushed his fingertips over the wet spot. She liked
the arousing heat he made her feel.

“Do that again,” she said, and he lightly
scratched over the damp dot, but that wasn’t what she meant. “No, I
mean kiss there again.”

“Oh,” he uttered, and then once again pressed
his soft lips against her side. This time he lingered long enough
she felt the heat of his mouth and caressing breath. She tilted her
head to the side when realizing how much she liked seeing his
apricot shaded lips press to her creamy skin. If he kept them
there, she thought she’d never get tired of seeing his sweet kiss
on her body. She swiped his hair from his face so he knew she
watched him kiss her, and because she wanted to see his familiar
face, too. As he remained a moment longer, Genie noticed that Seth
looked like he belonged there. Then as he removed his mouth, he
licked his lips as if tasting her, and she had the strongest urge
to put her tongue where he had and sample him as well.

He smiled up at her, and she was sure she
stared in surprise of her own feelings. She wanted to kiss her

“Like that?” he asked, but he knew he
fulfilled her request with exciting satisfaction. He took it one
step further, drawing out the affectionate kiss so it felt

“Yeah, actually…I really liked that.” He
grinned wider. His eyes sparkled a dazzling gray, but she never
noticed until that moment how bright they were. “Will you do it

“Oh, no, we’re starting a new thing, aren’t
we?” he teased with a playful groan, but he moved one of her legs
to the back of the couch, and without instruction he slipped
between them so he could kiss around her navel in circles.

“Yeah, I like that,” she breathed out when he
nibbled the soft flesh under her bellybutton. With her arm behind
her head, she intently watched her stepdad kiss her stomach. Once
again, she combed her fingers through his blond locks to keep them
out of her viewing pleasure.

Their posture was sexual and exciting; her
thighs were spread wide for him, her skirt rode high and her
panties were exposed, and he stayed up on his hands and knees to
kiss very close to her sex.

He dabbed wet lips on her skin, and then blew
on the blotches. “Do you like this better than tickling?” he asked
before puckering his lips to send a chilly breeze up her stomach.
He then lifted her shirt an inch off her ribs so he could enchant
her with a tantalizing breath under the fabric.

“I love it,” she said when she couldn’t
ignore her core which began to ache.

“Then it’s our new thing.” He winked at her,
clearly letting her know he liked showering her with attentive

“I’m perfectly happy with that.” She was
about to add more to what she said, but then her cell phone rang.
She rolled toward the coffee table when the screen lit up with her
friend’s face, but Seth quickly tossed her phone to the other end
of their bulky, V shape couch far out of reach.

“She can wait, Genie,” he griped. “I’m more

She would have reminded him that he promised
she could go to the mall with her friend for couple hours to get a
pair of jeans, but he was right. Shopping could wait. Genie folded
her shirt up a little higher and shrugged. “Fine. Keep going.”

He dipped his hands under her legs, palmed
her hips, and gave soft bites above the waistband her skirt from
one hip to the other. Suddenly she was lost in lust. Instantly she
started visualizing him licking her folds between her legs, and she
wondered if he held her that way to make her think such sexual
things. If he did, it worked.

She wanted her dad to unfasten the buttons to
her skirt and kiss her panties, and when his mouth made her wet,
she hoped he’d remove the cotton barrier stopping him from licking
her clit. The notion was new to her, but powerfully thrilling. How
she never dreamed of him fulfilling her desires until that moment
baffled her. Her daddy was exactly her type and said the sexiest
things, and not once did she moan his name in the privacy of her
bedroom. Shocking!

To her surprise, he blew under the gap where
her hipbone lifted her thong off her stomach. A rush of hot air
swirled into her panties and warmed the cotton, soothing her skin
like a hot lick until the fabric cooled. Then he kissed to the
other side and did the same along her other hip, warming her
panties and in effect her clit, too. She throbbed with heat. By the
time he was done blowing under her thong another four more times
her pussy ached with incredible yearning. She craved his tongue on
her sex, and she didn’t think she could concentrate on anything
else until he gave her what she needed.

There was no accident; her dad unquestionably
pleasured under her panties for a purpose. Since he clearly wanted
her aroused, Genie decided with certainty that all his strict rules
kept her close because he wanted in her panties for some time, even
if it was just his steamy breath to let her know he was an

Genie didn’t want to question him and asked
how long he wanted her, only to build wall between them, if he felt
accused of something he wasn’t proud of. Their relationship was
taboo, but Genie found his protective relationship with her
endearing. Nevertheless, for her sexy daddy’s sake, she kept her
private thoughts to herself.

“I love that,” she encouraged him to keep
going, and just so it was clear, she added, “Do it again?”

“Sure, baby,” he said, and used his scruffy
chin to pull down the breach of her panties to kiss and taste as
low as he could. He dropped his wide, open mouth on her hip and
dipped his tongue under his bottom lip to lick as far down as the
elastic would let him. His wet tip skimmed high along the crease of
her leg but then he turned his head and tasted closer to her

Despite wanting to moan and having an urge to
squirm, Genie held all the air in her lungs and remained completely
still for him. She didn’t want to do a thing that would make him
stop. But then he licked as far as he could go, and pulled back to
look at the wet line he made. Her panties sprung back into place,
and after admiring what he’d done, he blew under the cotton

“Like that?”

“Just like that,” she said, and finally let
out her breath.

He had to have noticed her lust. She spoke
with far too much craving. He pushed up off the couch and locked
his arms after he came close to her face. Her heart raced because
she had no idea what he’d do next. She hoped something erotic,
amazingly drastic, and life changing.

“I could do that better if you let me pull
them down a little,” he said with his gaze on her mouth like he
wanted to devour her.

“Of course I’ll let you.” She reached up to
his mouth and wiped off the glistening saliva. Then she wet her
lips with it. “Why wouldn’t I?”

He stared at her as she rubbed the moisture
in. “‘Cause I’m your daddy.”

She smiled, because he was mesmerized by her
mouth. “That’s not a reason.”

“Not a good enough of one to keep me from
kissing you,” he said, and because she completely agreed, she
lifted her hips off the couch and held them up until he knew what
it meant.

He smiled at her, and then dropped his nose
to her shirt, taking in a deep breath from between her cleavage,
and as he smelt her warm skin he drew his nose south to her sex.
Then he sat on his knees, and looked up the length of her body
while he skimmed her panties an inch down her wide hips.

“Like this?”

“If that’s how far down you want them,” she

He tugged once more, and wickedly grinned.
“Here is better for me.”


After he exposed all the wet streaks he made,
he bowed back down between her legs. He took the position of
holding like he’d give her oral sex again, and as he got
comfortable he blew up her skirt while they grinned at each other.
Genie knew why they smiled; they were silently consenting to
something that they shouldn’t and with equal desire.

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