Soccer Crazy (5 page)

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Authors: Shey Kettle

BOOK: Soccer Crazy
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Hey Girls!

I hope that you had as much fun reading my story as I had writing it. I loved reading and writing stories when I was young. And in the stories that I wrote, I was always better than I actually was in real life. It was great fun!

At school, why don't you use “Soccer Crazy” as a play, and you and your friends can be the actors. You can dress up in your soccer gear. Don't forget to bring your soccer ball and soccer boots, and if your school has a stage, you can pretend that it is a soccer field.

So … have you decided who's going to be Mai and who's going to be Carly? And who's going to kick off? Make sure that you only pretend to kick off, or else you might get into trouble.

Make sure that you take this story home and get someone to read it out loud to you, or even act out the parts with you.

Reading at home is lots of fun and really important!

And remember, Girlz Rock!

Shey talked to Holly, another
Girlz Rock!

“Were you a good soccer player when you were young?”

“Yeah, I was pretty good.”

“Did you like heading the ball?”

“No, heading the ball can hurt your head.”

“So, what were you best at when playing soccer?”

“I was a great kicker.”

“How great?”

“I once kicked a ball 10 kilometres.”

“Wow! How did you do that?”

“It was good luck! I kicked the ball and it went over the fence and landed in the back of a moving truck.”

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