So Many Men... (5 page)

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Authors: Dorie Graham

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It made her think of a different kind of pleasure, though, and she was itching to get the man alone. He, however, seemed in no hurry to leave. It was disconcerting to have him so oblivious to her.

Did he not realize what a true hunk he was?

She shifted in her seat. A man of convention. Good God, what if he didn’t believe in kissing on the first date?

He glanced at her and smiled, his attention diverted from the play long enough to squeeze her hand and let his gaze drift over her. She’d chosen this dress with seduction in mind and he hadn’t been unaffected by it throughout the evening. His focus lingered over her breasts, her cleavage exposed just enough to tantalize.

She leaned toward him, so her leg pressed into his. She lowered her hand to her thigh and slipped from his grasp, so his hand rested on her, warming her through the thin fabric of her dress. His fingers flexed over her and desire buzzed around them.

Smiling, she slid her hand up his chest and raised her face to him. His gaze fastened on her mouth. He cupped her cheek, then leaned in close to whisper in her ear, “Don’t be a tease, Tess. I promise to kiss you later.”

“Later?” Sighing, she rubbed her cheek against his, her lips a breath from his. “Why not now?”

He groaned softly and frustration sounded in his voice. “This isn’t the proper place or time.”

“Who wants to be proper? It’s dark and no one’s paying any attention to us.”

She skimmed her mouth along his jaw, then brushed
his lips with hers. He stilled for a long moment as heat spiraled out from him. She absorbed his desire, darting her tongue along his full bottom lip.

He pulled away, his muscles rigid. “Not here.”

She pressed her hand over his, where he gripped her thigh. If he thought she’d give up so easily when he obviously wanted her, he was sorely mistaken. The man was way too into this repression and she could sense the toll it had already taken. Before all was through, she’d show him the wonders of embracing his desires.

Slowly, his hand relaxed as he made a pretense of watching the play. She stroked his long fingers until the tension in him lessened. She shifted, so his hand slipped farther up her leg. Pausing, she drank in his heightened awareness, almost feeling the thudding of his heart. His fingers flexed again, then tightened. She prepared for him to pull away, but instead, he made an exploratory circle with his thumb.

Taking a deep breath, she savored the moment where he hovered on the verge of giving in, but the action on the stage picked up and the audience burst into a round of spontaneous applause. Mason clapped along with them, leaving the impression of his hand burning on her thigh.

For a moment she was disappointed, but as soon as the applause died, he seized her hand and rose. She grabbed her purse and followed as he maneuvered to the aisle, then out the door.

“What? We’re leaving? And before the end of that most engrossing play?” she asked, all innocence when they reached the lobby.

“That’s right and don’t you dare complain. You asked for this.”

“I did?” she asked as he towed her out onto the street.

He didn’t spare her a glance as he made a beeline for the car. “Indeed you did.”

“But where are we going?”

As he yanked open the door for her, he gave her a fierce frown. She had a flash of him as a warrior of old, dealing with his latest conquest. Her pulse quickened.

“I’m taking you home, where I am going to kiss you,” he said.

Smiling, she brushed up against him. “Then…?”

The ghost of a smile floated across his lips. “Then you get what you want.”

She cocked her head. “And what do I want?”

His gaze pierced her. “Me.”


ushered her into his compact kitchen. The chrome surfaces and neat cabinets spoke of efficiency. A digital clock on the wall showed that it was just after eleven. She turned to him smiling. “So…”

He scooped her against him with one arm as he lowered his mouth to hers. He stopped, a breath away. “Now for that kiss.”

She shivered, both from the cold of the air-conditioned house and in anticipation. His lips brushed hers, caressing her with deepening strokes, until she opened to let him explore at his leisure. As promised, he took his time. He tasted of mint and an excitement that she hadn’t expected in him. Below all his careful reserve, Mason Davies was a man full of surprises.

His tongue soothed hers with slow, steady strokes, kindling her desire and sending her blood thrumming. She’d known she’d enjoy kissing him. She pressed her body closer to his and shivered again.

“Cold?” He broke away to rub his hands up and down her arms.



“Kiss me again and see for yourself.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He lowered his mouth to hers once more, but this time his tongue was more demanding, his hands bolder in their exploration as he swept them down her back to cup her bottom. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body close to his. His pleasure—his excitement—radiated to her, mingling with the rampant emotions rushing through her. It had never felt like this.

And this was just a kiss.

His hands slipped down to the hemline of her dress, then underneath to her skin. Every nerve in her body came alive as he skimmed his fingers up the back of her thighs to her buttocks, bared by the thong she wore. He kissed her again while kneading her, until she whimpered and hooked her leg around his in an effort to move closer.

When one of his hands found her breast she sighed with delight. He maneuvered past her bra, until the warmth of his fingers melted into her. Her nipple beaded under his careful ministrations, sending tendrils of wicked desire licking through her.

Her fingers fumbled on his shirt buttons before she could run her hand along his firm abs and chest. He stalled in his attentions for a moment as she found his nipples and plucked them to attention. Then he was on her in full force, lifting her to the counter and nestling himself between her legs. Her dress loosened, then slipped down to her waist as he kissed her and seemed to touch her everywhere at once. She lost herself in the sensations, the building heat.

Cool air from a vent above them hit her as he slipped off her bra, but first his breath, then his mouth warmed
her. He sucked hard on her breast, taking her nipple into his mouth and teasing the tip with his tongue, until she closed her eyes and moaned.

“Oh, Mason, that feels so good.”

She stroked his hair, surprised at its softness, then gasped as his fingers found the folds of her femininity. Without prelude he thrust deep, but she was wet and eager for his attentions. His thumb caressed her clit, while he drove two fingers into her. Never breaking his rhythm, he nibbled his way to her other breast where he laved her to the brink of endurance.


He answered with a sound of pleasure from deep in his throat and she lost all thought as he increased his pace. With true magic in his touch he pleasured her, until the sexual tension coiling inside her built to an unbearable pitch. Meeting him thrust for thrust, she gripped his shoulders as the first tremors of orgasm hit her. Her body tightened as blinding white bliss burst through her and she cried out, the sound tearing from her throat.

She melted against him, too drained to even hold on properly when he carried her into his bedroom. He turned on the light and desire shone in his eyes as he deposited her on the bed. She lay limp as he stripped off her disheveled clothes, then slowly removed his own, his gaze never leaving her.

She licked dry lips at the sight of him. He was as magnificent a man as she had ever seen. His build was adequate, but he had that bearing of the warrior she had glimpsed earlier. And his evident desire was a force to be reckoned with. A sigh left her at the thought of all the pleasure he was so well equipped to deliver.

She managed a weak smile, her muscles still feeling a little like jelly. When had she ever been this spent after just one orgasm? And he hadn’t even been inside her yet. How would she feel after that? “Do with me as you will. I am too drained to protest. Besides, I kind of like the thought of you losing control.”

His lips thinned and a cloud seemed to pass over his features. As she’d suspected, she’d hit on another sore spot. She opened her arms to him. “We’ll take it any way you want it, Mason.”

He moved to the bed and covered her with his body, bracing himself on his elbows. When he kissed her, she slipped her hand down to caress his erection. Ah, the feel of him—so vibrant, so very alive. She stroked him until he nuzzled her ear.

“I want to be inside you,” he murmured, his voice low and gruff.

“I want you inside me.”

His gaze met hers and, for a moment, she felt exposed, as though he could see into her soul. Then he moved away to ready himself. After he’d rolled on a condom he returned to her, his body hot and wonderfully hard. She let him arrange her like a rag doll, happy to have him take control as he draped her legs over his shoulders.

It was strange, really, this lethargy. Normally she was full of energy and well in charge of her sexual encounters. How nice it was to let him lead for a change. They both watched him slip slowly into her, intent on the joining of their bodies. She shifted as he eased his way in, giving her time to adjust to him.

Goodness, the man was big.

When he was fully seated, he raised his head and his gaze found hers. For a long moment, he didn’t move as he seemed to search for something in her eyes—acceptance? Warmth filled her and she embraced him, squeezing him tight with her inner muscles, encouraging him to let loose some of the immense control he possessed.

At long last he exhaled, his breath brushing her face as he moved. Her body came alive with each deliberate thrust, her nerve endings tingling. He touched her clit while he loved her, stroking in and out with a grace that matched his strength.

She shuddered as the tension again coiled within her, each thrust bringing her closer to that pinnacle, the magic of his fingers again on her surpassed only by the power of his loving. This warrior knew how to wield his sword.

As he stroked her into a fit of arousal a strange euphoria filled her. Each thrust brought her closer to the realization that she was head over heels infatuated with him.

“Oh…hell…Tess.” The muscles in his neck bunched as he strained to keep his steady pace.

She rocked against him, so caught up in the sensations stirring her, she could barely speak. “It’s okay…just…let…go.”

A shudder passed through him and he closed his eyes. His mouth opened in a wordless cry as he plunged into her, yet his movements never varied from his rhythm, in spite of the need racking his body. He gripped her bottom and thrust hard and long, rising to his knees, so she was spread before him on the
bed. She gripped a fistful of blanket and arched into him as waves of desire washed over her. His movements became frenzied, though he clenched his jaw with restraint.

She gasped as she rode with him to a place of indescribable pleasure. Her clit burned and her sex throbbed as her blood pounded through her. Heat rippled outward from her core. He thrust deep, deeper, her muscles clenching him as the first spasm of orgasm hit her. She cried out, caught up in a world-shattering release that left her weightless and floating, barely aware as Mason yelled and emptied himself deep inside her.

If she’d been limp before, she was positively wilted now. He lifted her and held her close to him. How he had the strength not to collapse beside her she could hardly fathom. She draped her arms around his neck and nestled against him, letting him support her, her blood pounding where their bodies remained joined.

For a while he seemed content to cradle her against him, while his breath rasped near her ear. Someone’s heartbeat thudded, the pulse steady and strong—whether it was his or hers, she couldn’t tell, so entwined they seemed at that moment.

When his breathing slowed he placed first one kiss, then another along her neck. Soon he feasted passionately on an area she had never thought to be quite so arousing, until now. She smiled and rolled her head to the side to give him better access.

“Tess…” He seemed to savor her name and a delicious warmth spread again through her. “Tess, you are so lovely. Most tasty.”

She cupped his cheek and brought his mouth to hers,
suddenly hungry for his kiss. Where
got the energy was another mystery, but he energized her in a way she wouldn’t have thought possible a moment ago. He seemed to buzz with renewed vitality.

“What a woman.” He placed a particularly loud smack on her shoulder.

She laughed. “Well,
the man.”

His chest puffed out with pride. “Yeah, I
the man.”

Giggles bubbled out of her. She felt good. “Absolutely.”

He joined her and it seemed their laughter lifted them up, until he pressed his face against hers, his beautiful mouth spread into a wide smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this…I don’t know, free.”

She nuzzled her nose against his. “It only gets better from here.”

Tilting his head, he covered her mouth with his. His kiss began teasing and light, but soon heated, his tongue stroking hers with an increasing hunger. He caressed her breasts and flicked her nipples with his thumbs. Passion flamed again through her, and an answering wave rose from him as she ground against him.

His cock stirred inside her. Her heart quickened and she moved her hips, savoring the exquisite feel of her clit rubbing him, while he again filled her, stretching her to her limit. Their recent encounter seemed to have done nothing to lessen his virility.

He broke the kiss to stare at her in wonder. “Look what you’re doing to me. I can’t seem to get enough of you. What kind of woman are you that you can arouse a man so quickly after draining him?”

“Right now I’d say I’m an insatiable one, and, like I said, I always get what I want.”

She’d had this reaction from men before, but it was her own answering hunger that surprised her. She had been uncustomarily sapped just moments before. That he could stir this intense response in her again so quickly was somehow significant.

With Mason it seemed she wasn’t completely in control. She delved her fingers into his hair and rocked against him, eliciting a sharp intake of breath on his part as he gripped her hips and settled once more into a steady rhythm with her.


filtered to Mason through a sleep-filled haze. He came awake slowly, increasingly aware of the warm weight pressed to his side. Smiling, he turned to slide his arm around…Tess.

He opened one eye. A tangle of fiery waves cascaded over his shoulder. Brushing the heavy mass aside, he peered at the beauty in his bed. Their evening together had proved that he was powerless to resist her, even in the face of his strict upbringing.

Images of his night with her drifted through his mind: her nipples pink and wet with his loving; his erection slipping inside her; the look of bliss on her face as she drifted to sleep in his arms. His mouth watered with the memory of her taste, his fingers itched for the feel of her soft skin, and his cock stirred in anticipation of slipping inside her again.

Who was in a rut now?

It was unbelievable enough that he’d been able to love her throughout the night, but damned if the woman could get him all riled up and she wasn’t even awake yet. He should be sacked out, recuperating from the
workout she’d given him. He closed his eyes and tried to count the number of times he had taken her during the night, but his mind hazed in a fog of lust.

And here he was as hard as a freaking rock, ready to go at it again. She had turned him into some kind of sex-crazed maniac. Still, a man shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Whatever well this new sexual energy came from, it made no sense to waste it.

He reached under the sheet to cup her breast. Circling his thumb, he coaxed her nipple into a hard point. She moaned softly and stretched, shifting in her sleep, unconsciously giving him better access.

The sheet slipped, revealing the pink tip, and he couldn’t resist lowering his mouth over her. He suckled her, savoring the sexy sounds she made and the fumbling of her hands over him as she came awake. She stroked her fingers down his chest, warming his blood. She plucked at his nipples, sending tendrils of heat curling through him.

“Good morning, Mason.” Her voice was low and throaty and sexy as hell. She stretched again and made a soft sighing sound that made him groan in response.

“Mmm, that’s so nice. You have such a talented mouth,” she said.

In answer he kissed a path to her other breast, circling her nipple with the point of his tongue, until she arched and reached for his aching cock.

He closed his eyes as her fingers clasped him, and she stroked him with just the right pressure. He shifted up beside her. “How can I want you again like this?”

A smile pulled at her lips. “It’s a gift.”

He inhaled sharply as she squeezed the delicate head.
All his nerve endings came alert and warmth spread out from his belly. He groaned as she moved over him, her hair fanning across his stomach and thighs as she maneuvered lower to where her hand still worked him. When her mouth closed over him it was all he could do to hold on and endure the exquisite pleasure.

No woman had ever given to him the way Tess gave to him at that moment. She took her time, laving his entire length, feasting on the head, then sucking him into her hot mouth, until he groaned and bucked beneath her, near the brink of his control.

“Tess,” he ground out through gritted teeth. “I can’t take any more.”

With one last pull of her mouth, she moved up his body, then kissed him, her tongue demanding. She straddled him, nestling her sex against his, so he had to fist his hands again to keep from moving and slipping inside her unprotected.

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