So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door (65 page)

BOOK: So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door
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Trudi tugs at my arm again. “Isn’t that your grandparents’
neighbor? Why do you give a shit if she dances?”

My eyes don’t leave Lou as she passes us on her way to the
door. “Because, she’s my—”

Lou looks back, throwing a glare so hard it pricks my chest.
no one


I hold my chin up as I head to the door. All eyes follow me
as I try to ignore the sharp stab of pain shooting through my ankle with every
step. It’s fine though; I’ve dealt with worse and pressed on.

So much for all that money for Aunt Delores. Damn it.

“Hey!” Lonnie’s voice halts me.

I turn, avoiding looking at Buck or his gang. I raise an
eyebrow to Lonnie, letting him know I’m listening.

“You come on back when that feels better.” He looks to Buck,
though he’s still speaking to me. “I might give you that job. Of course, to
make sure you can deliver a performance worthy of this fine establishment, I’ll
need you to give me a lap dance in the private room.”

Without hesitating—not even a heartbeat—Buck jerks, and the
butt of the gun sinks into Lonnie’s potbelly, air rushing out of his repulsive
mouth with a grunt. He grabs his stomach, doubling over, but his eyes find mine
as he grins anyway.

Just like in high school, disgust slinks over my skin. I
turn away and drag my gimpy ass outside.

I throw the car into drive as Sadie and Buck spill out of
the doors. I fishtail out of the parking lot, humiliation following like a
demon from hell. Might as well serve me up on a platter for the entire world to
laugh at once again.

Why the hell did I do this to myself? Frustration wells up,
and I bang on the steering wheel with the flat of my hand as I hit the gas.

I adjust the ice pack on my ankle, propping it on the chair
across from me. I swipe at the mosquito buzzing in my ear as I lean back in the
broke-ass lawn chair that Uncle Manny probably meant to fix but never did.

The leaves quiver in the gentle wind, the light long ago
faded behind them. I turn on the lamp at my side as crickets and frogs crank up
the volume.

I heave a sigh. I lied to Aunt Delores yesterday evening, something
I haven’t done since the day we met. But it’s for the best. She’d be
disappointed and lecture me about how she can take care of her own business.

I don’t want her to have to do this shit alone. She needs
help, and no one in her family is doing anything. So, I will.

Lacing my fingers behind my head, I settle deeper into the
chair. The stars try to be seen through the canopy of trees overhead. But, like
me, they just don’t shine bright enough to really get anyone’s attention here
in the backwoods. They have to go somewhere else to be noticed and appreciated.

I sit up straight when there’s a creak on the steps leading
up to the back deck. It’s only one in the morning on Saturday, so it can’t be
Sadie. She’s not off work yet. Aunt Delores is already upstairs. I stand, still
not putting my full weight on my left foot.

When Buck’s head clears the bottom step, I drop back into my
seat. “Do you always lurk around your neighbors’ houses at night?”

He comes into my circle of light, a slight grin showing in
his dimples. “Only yours.”

I expel a heavy breath. “What do you want? I had enough of
you yesterday.”

He shakes his head. “I couldn’t help myself. Seeing you on
that stage, it—surprised me. It was pure reaction. What the hell were you
doing? You’ve never been the kind of girl who’d take her clothes off for a

“You have no idea what kind of girl I am now, Buck. It’s
been five fucking years. A lot can happen to change a person in that length of
time. And it’s none of your damned business what I do. You gave up that right,

He runs a hand over his face and through his hair. It’s
something I’ve seen him do a thousand times when he doesn’t know what to say.

Good. There’s nothing he

He sits in the chair that I had my foot on. The tail of his
shirt hangs out, the buttons undone. His muscular chest and abs are cast in odd
shadows from the yellow glow of my lamp.

I avert my gaze. There’s no sense in letting my body betray
me again. It’s as though it has a separate memory than I have of what happened
between Buck and me. My body only recalls the touch, the heat, the adrenaline
rush. It’s my heart that remembers the hurt—the rending of my soul from its

But man, oh man, the pleasure he brought. His touch took me
to a different place and wiped away all the bad in my life. And that last time,
which was really the first time…the only time…

Buck closed the door and locked it. “Just in case.”

I threw myself into his arms before he could even get to
the bed. Excitement thrummed through me, right alongside the dread lurking
behind my spine, waiting for its chance to make a move and steal my moment of

I shoved my hands under his shirt as he smiled down on
me. I tried to memorize every contour, every dip and rise of the defined
muscles of his back that played beneath my fingers.

He slid his hands up along either side of my jaw, pushing
them into the hair at my temples, pulling me in as his mouth found mine. I’d
only ever kissed Buck, but I knew he had to be something special. The way his
tongue moved with mine, building pressure in all the secret places hidden from
the world, places I only wanted to share with him.

Heat ripped through me as he walked me backward, not
breaking our kiss. The backs of my calves hit the side of his bed, and I
lowered myself to sit. He let go and stood back, staring at me.

I reached for the hem of my top, but the shake of his
head halted me.

“Wait.” His dimples disappeared as he bit the corner of
his bottom lip.

I paused, holding my breath. Every hope of changing his
mind balanced on the tightrope stretched between me and him.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this, Lou.”

I dropped my chin, looking up at him through my lashes.
“You promised. You’ve been promising me for over a year, Buck.”

He scratched his forehead and ran his fingers through his
blacker than black hair, leaving it disheveled and sexy as hell. “I know, but…maybe
it’s not the best idea.”

“When has a bad idea ever stopped
?” I hooked
my foot around his knee and pulled him closer.

His frown faded and his sly grin returned. He always
smiled like that when he was about to do something that would get him, or both
of us, into hot water.

“True dat.” He shed his shirt and reached for mine,
pulling it over my head.

He laid me down, his bed springs squeaking.

As he rolled to his side, he took me with him. My bare breasts
pressed against his chest, and his strong arms held me close. His hot mouth
played havoc on my senses as he nipped and sucked at the sensitive spot where
my pulse beat like mad at the side of my neck. His big hand slid under my skirt
and cupped my ass cheek as he moved his attention to my lips.

His tongue teased as it darted in and out, sliding
against my own. The throb in my panties insisted on more as he hooked his thumb
into the elastic riding low on my hips.

He pulled back, catching my jaw in one hand and looking
into my eyes. “Lou, I want you so bad right now, but I don’t want you to have

I pushed my fingers through the soft hair at his nape.
Pulling him to me, I wrapped my legs around him.

Grinding against the erection still hidden behind his
jeans, I kissed his jaw. “How could I ever regret loving you?”

A small throb beats at the apex of my thighs. Just one
memory and he’s got my pussy humming, longing for one more moment with him—his
hands, his mouth, his cock.

Damn him.

He leans forward, elbows on his knees, his gaze finding
mine, holding it until I look away.

“What’s happening in your life that took you to that dive?”

I expel a huff. “Well, it certainly isn’t what I
to do with my summer, if that’s what you’re asking. I didn’t even want to come
back to this hell hole of a town. I would rather another deployment to fucking
Bahrain. But, Aunt Delores needs me, so I’m here.”

“Bahrain? Wow. You really got to go places. Good. That’s
what I wanted for you. What
wanted for you.”

All I ever wanted was
. But I can’t tell him that.
“Well, I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, but the military was the next best
choice. I’m glad I did it.”

“Really? Because when I first heard you’d gone off and
joined the Marines, I wondered what happened to you that you chose that road.
It had to be hard.”

“What happened to me?
? My life was fucked
from the start. And then—then
happened. After you left, I pretty
much wanted to be anybody but me. So I got the fuck out of Dodge too.”

His shoulders drop. “I’m sorry, Lou. I—I didn’t mean for any
of this to happen. It’s the opposite of what I hoped for your life. But maybe,
maybe we can try—”

I have to stop him.

I stand, careful to keep the majority of my weight on my
right foot. “Just go home, Buck. I don’t know what you want, but it’s doubtful
you’ll find it here.”

He stands, towering over me, his hand landing on my hip.
“Maybe I’ve already found it.”

His eyes search mine as he runs the back of his fingers down
my cheek, stepping closer. My pulse rate doubles at his touch.

Fuck. I pull in a deep breath, taking in his scent—clean and
crisp, as though he just showered, combined with a tinge of something woodsy. I
swallow, fighting the desire to fall forward and savor any morsel of affection
I can get from him.


I gently wrap my fingers over his wrist, removing his hand
from my face. He lets it fall to my other side.

He slides his arms around me, pulling me closer. “I’ve
missed you, Lou.”

I cough to clear the lump forming in the back of my throat.
“Yeah? Well, that’s only about four and a half years too late.”

“It’s never too late.” He leans in, his stubble grazing my
jaw, sending a zing of electrical charge through me. “All I can think about
since I saw you the other day is having you again.”

My libido roars to life, and moisture surges to my pussy
with the smallest suggestion of being with Buck again. It’s fucking sick how
much my body misses what he did to it.

I shake my head. “I told you, you aren’t getting
a thing
from me.”

He pulls me tighter against him, whispering in my ear.
want to give

“I’m not sure I want anything from you.” Except that tongue
lapping at my pussy.
I want.


Lou pushes against me, slowly backing away.


“Lou. Wait. Please. It’s been a long time. Can we at least

She stops. “There’s nothing to talk about.”

I step to her again, close enough that her magnolia scent
wafts around me. Memories of us together bombard me, stiffening my cock and
transporting me to another time when she always came
me, never walked

I take her hand and squeeze lightly. “Don’t you miss me at
all, Lou?”

She backs up a couple more steps. “I’m only here for a few
weeks to help Aunt Delores. You have your Hollywood friends with you. Do us
both a favor and stay over there. I’ll keep my distance, and we can avoid any

“Unpleasantness? Lou, nothing you and I ever did was
Or did you forget?” In one step, my body presses her against the side of the

Her hands flatten on my chest, fingers digging in just
enough to send a tingle through my pecs, straight to my hard dick.

Her breath comes quick as she turns her head to the side.
“Back the fuck off.”

I lean in and run my jaw along hers. “Do you really want

She lets out a strangled sound. Then, in a heartbeat, she
slips her hands behind my neck and yanks me to her. Her mouth slides across
mine. I grab her and pull her to me, letting my erection throb between us.
Damned jeans.

Her kiss teases my lips. I fold her into my embrace. Our
tongues battle for control. Like a flood, heat slams through me.

Lou shimmies close, her full breasts push against my chest,
one leg hiking to wrap my thigh. Her palm finds my ass. She moans when I take
hold of hers with both hands, yanking her in tighter to my groin.

I pull back for a moment, heaving breaths. “Fuck, that’s

She slips from my arms. I follow. We creep through the dark,
around the porch, to the side of the house. At the door leading into her room,
she stops.

I take hold of her again, sliding my fingers into her
waistband. Her caramel skin is as soft as I remember. I run my hands into her
shorts and over her ass, its fullness sending a pulse through my erection.

“Fuck, Lou. I want you. I’ve missed—I’ve missed you.”

She moves her hands to my jaw, pulling my face to hers. Her
mouth once again attacks, her tongue assaulting mine, her lips setting me

Then she’s kissing my neck, dragging my shirt over my head.
Moving south, until she’s on her knees in front of me, her fingers at my belt

Hell yes. She’s going suck my cock. So much for not getting
anything from her. I knew she missed me.

I grab her under her arms and pull her up. I’ll fucking
embarrass myself if she wraps those lips around me right now. Best work up to
that. I slide my fingers into her shorts. Holy fuck. Silken skin meets my touch
as I feather across petal-soft pussy lips. She’s clean shaven.

“Shit. I can’t wait to taste you.” I breathe into her ear as
I slip a finger between her folds. Slick and wet.

My cock’s rock hard and jealous of my hand.

Lou hooks one leg around my waist as I plunge two fingers
deep into her entrance for a quick dip. Then, I turn her so she leans forward
over the porch railing. I hook my fingers into the elastic at her waist and drag
her shorts down over that hot ass. A dark patch on her skin, about where bikini
bottoms might ride, teases my vision, too hard to see. I kiss the tat and then
the top of her seam.

I let my mouth follow my fingers as I move further down and
push my hands between her ample thighs. I spread her legs so I can get to her
entrance. She exhales with a little moan when my tongue finds her creamy

Fuck, she’s sweet. God, how could I forget just how good she

I unbutton my jeans, letting my erection free. I slide my
hand over my cock as I lick her pussy and sink my tongue between her folds,
swirling to gather every drop of her sweetness.

She leans further over the rail, tilting her ass up and
spreading her legs a bit more, giving me better access.

I slip a thumb into her and pump while I tongue her clit,
sweeping the tip back and forth in rhythm with my thrusts.

Lou lets out that hot, little sound, and I tighten my grip
on my cock. I’ve waited a long time to hear that noise again.

I lick up her backside and tickle her tight little hole. She
pulls away, so I move back to her bud. She groans and hikes one knee onto the
rail. I ram my thumb in and out of her pussy until her hips jerk and she humps
against my face. My other hand works my dick as I suck her nub harder.

I savor her as she pants above me. I drive into her until
her muscles clench tight around my thumb. She grunts and bears down against me,
drenching my hand. I pull out and lap up the cream waiting for me.

Juicy and tasty as fuck.

I sit back, stroking my hard-on, licking my lips as she
rolls over against the rail. Her pussy’s right there. I lean up, giving her
clit one last tickle and suck.

I give it a little kiss, whispering, “I missed you too.”

She chuckles and shakes her shorts off her ankle.

I stand, still rubbing my erection.

Her eyes flit to my cock and back to meet my gaze.

I grin. “Good?”

She runs the tip of her tongue across her teeth. “Oh, yeah.”

I smile and wink, though I’m not sure she can see me all
that well in the small amount of moonlight shining down on us.

She moves around and pushes me against the rail. “Whatcha
doing with your willy there,

“I’m getting ready to sink it into those dick-sucking lips
or that hot pussy, which I just ate like a boss, I might add. Lady’s choice.”

A giggle escapes her as she backs up a step or two. “Really?
Like a
? Who still says that? And
. Lady’s choice,
is it?”

I pull my hand up my cock and let it pop free, long, proud,
and ready for its turn. “That’s right. Whatever you want, Lou. Completely up to

Her gaze drops to my cock. When her eyes meet mine again,
she grins. “That fits perfectly with what I was thinking.”

Another step back, and her hand’s on her doorknob.

Oh good. The bed. So much better than the rail.

I take a step to follow, but she’s through the door, and it
slams in my face before I get a foot in.

“What the fucking hell, Lou?”

Her laughter sends a spear of heat—not the good
kind—shooting through me.

I slap my palm flat against the wood. “What’re you doing?”

She cracks the door. A chain stretches across the opening.
“You said, and I quote, ‘Lady’s choice.’ I
to turn in for the
night. Thanks for the tongue fuck.”

The door shuts again. My raging erection flexes as anger
builds. I’ve never had a woman want to stop. To just

I step to the window, knocking as I call through the glass,
“I don’t get it.”

The light flips on inside. Three seconds go by and the
curtain swishes to the side. Her fists rest on her hips, her pussy lips still
puffy from where I sucked them until she came. She stands there, wearing only
her top, looking at me with a smile like the fucking cat that ate the whole
aviary of damned canaries.

I lift my hands in a
gesture. “Well?”

“I don’t want your cock right now. Not sure I’ll ever want
it again. But I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”

The heat that was frying my dick a few minutes ago moves to
my head, setting my brain on a slow boil. “You
want my cock?”

She crosses her arms and shakes her head, her smile turning

She moves one leg to the side and points to her still
glistening pussy. “Buck, honey, I figured something out after you ran off to
California and left me behind. As long as I’ve got one of
, I can
have as many of
She nods to my erection.

as I want.”

She lifts an eyebrow as she snatches the curtains closed.

Well, I’ll be—

Or not.

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