So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door (47 page)

BOOK: So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door
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“Wouldn’t she? You and I both know your mother leaves all
things financial to me.”

A heat wave flashed over me. “I don’t care about the money.
I’ll make my own money when I finish school.”

He stepped back, his jaw ticking. After the longest time, he
said, “Fine. Then I’ll do the same with Rachel’s trust and Mo’s too. Would you
do something that would rob them of their future?”

“The hell you would.”

“Oh, don’t be mistaken, Son. You and Mona Lisa dating would
look bad on this family, and my public image. I can’t have that. The
expects a certain level of morality from us.”

My chest hardened. I strode to my door and opened it. “Fine.
You can go; you’ve made your point.”

The next weekend Mo was moved down to the guest house.

As if anyone gives two shits what I do.

What a prick. He’s so convinced everyone cares about our
family and what we do.

Yeah, I guess there’s a certain amount of scrutiny with him
being the huge televangelist he is. Sure, some of the media would love to see
the iconic David Jennings fall flat on his face, and finally prove he’s the
hypocritical fraud that he is. But I doubt anything I do could make that

Still, until Mo turns twenty-three, he’s got me by the short
hairs. She doesn’t even know it. She has no idea the reason I keep my dick in
check around her isn’t because I’m a paragon of virtue and self control. It’s
because I don’t want her to get fucked. And I’m not talking about getting
fucked by me—
I would love—but she shouldn’t get screwed out of her

It’s rightfully hers—her mom’s life insurance money—I don’t
see how he can even think it’s okay to threaten it, but that shows how he
really is; more concerned with appearances than his family’s happiness.

* * *

I grab a soda and head out to the pool.

Sunday. Day off for the staff, the one day I can fully relax
around here—well, until the parents come home anyway. What I’d give to move my
ass out of here. But Dad’s got my balls in a vice-grip on that one too. We have
the perfect family as long as possible.

I strip to my skin and grab a towel, laying it on a lounger.
I dive into the deep end.

The water’s already warm, but still it’s nice. Nothing like
skinny dipping. I do a couple of laps and hop out to lay in the sun for a bit.
Just when I touch my ass to the chair, music floats on the breeze.


My cock hardens.

I usually never hear her music. What’s she up to?

I wrap a towel at my waist and make my way down to the guest
house. Everything’s shut up tight. She must be in the back. The grass is warm
on my feet. Nothing stays cool long in the Texas heat, ten in the morning or

I come around the corner and stop dead.

Mo lies on her lounge chair. Her bare, pink tipped breasts
point to the sky. The blond curls between her legs shine in the sun, peaking
out between the fingers caressing them. My dick flexes.

Guess someone else likes to sun-bathe nude, too. And touch
herself. How fucking hot is
? Who knew? Mo does have a bit of bad
girl in her. Not quite as straight-laced as she’d have everyone think, is she?

She continues stroking herself, opening her legs slightly as
she moves her fingers lower. I swallow hard as my hand goes to my erection.

Fuck if I’m standing here like a perv watching her masturbate.

I step out from behind the bush at the corner of the guest
house. “Morning,

She sits straight up, her arm flying across her heavy
breasts, eyes wide as she tightens her thighs around her hand.

“Glad to see you’re enjoying the sun on this fine day. I was
doing the same—well, almost the same, when I heard your music.”

“What are
doing here?”

I chuckle. “Why are

Her blush creeps across her entire body. Toes to tits, and
then up her chest and over her cheeks, showing through her deep tan. My junk
hardens even more. Her mouth works like she’s going to say something but can’t
seem to find her words.

I pull up the chair next to hers, turning it so we face each
other. I drop my towel into the seat and sit.

“No need to be embarrassed, Sweets. We all like to touch
ourselves. Nothing wrong with that.”

Mo’s eyes widen as she zeros in on my dick. “I was not
touching myself. I mean, I was, but not
way. I had an itch.”

I suck in a breath through my teeth. Call her on the lie? Or
let her have it her way?

“If you say so.” My hand goes to my cock, I stroke the
length of it, circling it with my fingers, pulling down to the root. “Well, I’m
not afraid to tell you—I touch myself, and I think of you when I do it. Were
you thinking of me?”

Fuck me. I’m right.

She turns away, yanking the edges of her towel over her
thighs. But the crack of her ass peeks out of the back, pink and disappearing
beneath her.

I lower my voice, almost to a whisper. “What? No denials? No
flustered remarks about how you’d never think of
that way?”

She glares over her shoulder. I continue rubbing my dick.
Her eyes find my erection and her expression changes.

She shifts back to me. When her mouth falls open just the
slightest bit, something deep inside my balls curls tight.

I move my hand up and down my shaft in slow motion, making
sure she gets a good look. The pre-cum drips onto my leg; a long, silky thread
still connected to my cock glistens in the sun. “You see that?”

She nods, her gaze not leaving my junk.

I scoot lower in the lounger, lying back further. I run a
finger over the head of my erection, smearing the clear liquid over the tip.
“This is hot for you. That moisture, it’s there for you. To make it nice and
smooth as I slide into your pussy.”

She lets a little breath out between those parted lips. Her
pulse beats at the base of her neck. I can just imagine how fast her heart must
be hammering in her chest, which only makes me harder as my heart thrashes

“You know, there’s nothing wrong with touching yourself, Mo.
Go ahead. It feels good. I bet you’re wet right now.”

Her top teeth scrape her bottom lip. She glances to my eyes
for just a second, but I slick my hand down my hard-on, and her eyes dive to
watch the movement. She turns her body toward me a bit more.

She swallows again. I imagine her swallowing my cum. I move
my hand a little faster. “C’mon, Mo. No one will know. It’s just you and me.
Dip those fingers in that hot cunt and feel it for yourself.”

To my delight, she moves around and leans back, her arm
still crossed over her breasts, but the hand at her crotch shifts a tiny bit.
She keeps the goods covered, but she’s definitely moving her fingers. My dick
strains against my own skin.

“Now, open your legs. You can’t really get a good feel, all
closed up and stressing. Let go, Mona, and enjoy the moment. I sure as hell

Her eyes dart to mine, her cheeks that gorgeous shade of
pink I love so much. I keep eye contact with her. “It’s all right, Sweets, I
won’t tell.”

With a long exhale, she opens her legs. The corners of the
towel fall away revealing her beautiful pussy, all pink and perfect. Her lower
lips circle her finger the way my hand wraps around my cock.

Again, she swallows. I move my other hand to the base of my
dick, strangling it as I run my fingers over the head. I’m close to coming, but
she needs to get off too. If I come too soon, it might ruin my fun.

“Relax your muscles. Let your guard down for a half hour. It
might be the best half hour of your life.”

She lets her arm drop to her side. Her tits are large,
heavy, and perfectly proportioned to the rest of her. No. She’s no stick
figure. She’s a full-figured beauty, and I’ve never wanted anyone so bad in all
my life.

I’m the one swallowing hard this time. “Okay, Sweets. Run
those fingers between your pussy lips. Feel the cream? That’s for me. So when I
shove my cock inside it’ll feel good. You’re as wet for me as I’m hot for you.”

Mo runs her fingers along her folds. I tighten my grip on my
dick and take a couple of deep breaths.

“Now, give your clit a little pinch. You’ll like that.”

Her eyes find mine again, wide and nervous. But her hand
moves to her bud and she pinches; her eyes close for a moment, and when they
open her lids are heavy.

“See? It’s good, right?”

She nods.

“Push your fingers deeper and circle down inside your cunt.
Real slow, pulling against the edges.”

She moves her feet to the ground on either side of her
lounge chair. As she follows my instructions, she makes that sound at the back
of her throat. My speed increases on my erection.

“Dip into the edge of your opening and pull some of that
wetness up to your clit. Press on that magic button and rub tight circles while
you pump your other fingers inside. Imagine my cock inside you. Pushing in real
deep, hitting all those special places that make you feel so good.”

She starts slow, circling her clit with her fingertips, her
other hand thrusting in and out of her pussy. My hold tightens on the base of
my cock as my strokes quicken. I groan. “That’s it. Go faster. Let it wash over

Her mouth opens again, her breaths hitching and uneven. She
throws her head back. “Oh, God. Danny. I—I don’t—It’s too much.”

I let loose of the strangle hold I have on my erection and
go at it like I mean it. “Just let go, Babe.”

She arches her back and her eyes close, hand moving between
her legs, fingers rubbing her clit. When she draws her legs up and spreads them
wider, her perfectly puckered asshole peaks out at me.

Fuck. I want to lick it.

Shit. That’s the thought that pushes me over the edge.

Oh, that’s it. My cock tightens and spasms. I jerk my dick
as she moans again, catching her breath on a gasp.

My cum squirts out as she exhales and relaxes her pelvis,
her eyes on my ejaculating cock. I pump until it’s empty. She leans forward, as
if fascinated.

Her first time masturbating? Or maybe just the first time
she’s come that fucking hard?

Definitely her first time to see a guy come while jerking

When her gaze meets mine, I lift an eyebrow. “See? I told
you it’d feel good.”

Taking a deep breath, she sits up. “Interesting.”

She stands, in all her naked glory, calm as fuck, sauntering
inside, shutting the door as she goes.

The lock clicks into place.

I collapse on the lounger and smile.

Damn, I’m glad I got up this morning.


I let the shower pour over my heated body.

Holy. Crap.

I can’t believe I did that. What the heck was I thinking?

Masturbating with Danny. It’s like—almost having sex with
him. God, he’s never going to let me live this down. I’ve hardly ever touched
myself. What would make me do it with him looking at me?

What would Rachel think? And what would David and Charlotte
say? They’d be shocked and appalled. Probably kick me out. And I’d deserve it.

But the way Danny makes me feel—hot and out of control.
Always out of control. And I was
out of control today. He sets me
on fire with only a look.

It doesn’t matter though. I can’t go there.

Danny’s the worst kind of guy. The kind who only cares about
himself. What he wants, when he wants it. He’s like my dad, who took off when I
was two because he wasn’t ready to be a father. He only hung around when Mom
got knocked up long enough to realize it was a lot of work to take care of a

Mom got sick and no one was there but me. She didn’t have a
husband to care for her, to hold her hand, rub her back. To be there. And now
don’t have anyone. No mom. No dad. Because she chose
the wrong

I don’t need that in my life. I need someone who puts my
needs before his own. Someone who’ll stick around for the long haul.

Danny’s not

Danny’s the kind of guy you date, but don’t marry. The kind

He’s the one you have that last, hot fling with before you
marry the
guy. Danny’s the one you sow wild oats with.

Man, would I ever like to sow some oats with Danny. I lean
my forehead on the cool tile, letting the thought soak into my skin. His cock
buried deep inside me as he pumps his hips, the way my fingers did. Imagining
him there is easy. I’ve been doing that for years.

Seeing him touching himself, thinking about how those hands
would feel on my body and in me. His dick rubbing the places inside I can’t
reach. His mouth on my breasts, but with no clothes to mute the feel of his
slippery tongue on my nipple. His hands on my butt, pulling me against him,
touching that place he touched the other day that sent a surge of electricity
through me.

And I want so badly for him to do it again.

It would be so easy to give in. He
tell me to
just say the word and he could make it happen. I bet I could call him right
now. Would he? Heck, he might still be right outside. Naked. Hot and naked.

But could he keep an affair secret? Forever? Or will he rub
my face in it for eternity?

Will I get married and, ten years from now, have Danny
staring at me over the Thanksgiving turkey, his shit-eating grin reminding me
he knows what’s under my dress?

Of course he would. He’s Danny.

I finish rinsing my hair and get out of the shower.

No. This stops
, or I’ll forever regret it.

I probably already will.

At the women’s shelter, I stack the blocks for the third
time only to have chubby little hands smash them into rubble on the brightly
colored rug. Two tiny teeth peek out from behind a cherub’s smile, and little
brown eyes light up. Xavier waves his arms in the air, squealing.

“You like that, don’t you, little man?” I tickle his belly
and he chuckles as he grabs my hands, rolling to his side.

My phone vibrates. I dig it out from my pocket as I start
stacking the blocks for Xavier to knock down all over again. “Hello?”

Someone breathes on the other end.

“Hello?” I say again.

A tremulous sigh comes across the line.

I look at the screen, but the number isn’t one I recognize.
“I’m hanging up if you don’t say something.”

“Wait.” A young woman says, “Is this Mona Lisa Clark?”

“Yes. How can I help you?”

The silence stretches. Did she hang up? I check the screen,
but the time for the call is still counting.

“Are you there?”

“Yes. I’m here. I’m sorry. I’m Samantha Robins. I’m your
dad’s ex-girlfriend.”

?” My voice is shrill in my ears as my throat

Another sigh comes through. “Yes. He—well, he took off about
five and a half years ago.”

I grip the phone. “Why are you calling now? Why call at

“Because Cassie won’t stop asking. And I finally told her
about you.”

“Cassie who?” I prop my phone between my shoulder and my ear
as I grab Xavier before he gets too far from me. Dragging him back to sit in my
lap, I let him gnaw on my fingers.

“My little girl; her name’s Cassie. She’s five now. And she
keeps asking for a sister. You’re the only one she’s got.”

My core goes cold. “I’m her

“I’m sorry. I thought maybe you’d know about her—

I pull Xavier to my chest, giving him a squeeze as I stand
and carry him to Donna, another volunteer.

I hand him off as I answer, “I have no idea why you’d think
I know about a sister. I’ve never even met my father.”

“Oh.” A sharp intake of breath and then rushed words.
“Anyway, Cassie keeps asking about our family. I don’t really have any to speak
of. I hoped maybe you’d want to meet her.”

I pull in a deep breath, my brain scattering in twenty
directions. “Wow. I mean, I didn’t even know my dad had other kids. This is—”

“A lot, I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to tell

What do I do? What am I supposed to say? What’s the
appropriate answer for this?

“Listen, I’m in the middle of something right now. Can I
call you back sometime? Give me time to digest this?”

“Of course. I caught you off guard.”

“No, it’s all right. I need a bit of time, but I’ll call

“Okay. I look forward to it.”

I swipe my finger across the screen, ending the call.

So my father did it again.

Deadbeat asshat.

Danny’s bike winds up as it buzzes down the half mile
driveway. Good. He’s gone.

I grab my towel and head to the pool. I’ve managed to avoid
him for the better part of a week. No telling where he’s going on a Thursday
afternoon, but I’m off to enjoy a cool swim.

He’s got some nerve to tell me not to use the pool.

Well, screw you, Danny Jennings. You can suck it.

The idea of Danny sucking anything sends a thrill through
me, especially when I think about what happened the last time I saw him. Okay.
He probably
suck it and lick it—and do it very well. Still, I’ll use
the pool if I want.

I spread my towel on the lounge chair, and then pull off my
T-shirt and shorts. My bikini is from year-before-last, so it’s a little small.
Somehow, my boobs have gotten bigger over the last couple of years.

Oh well, I can’t buy something new when what I have will do.
No one’s going to see me anyway. It’s after five, so Laney, the housekeeper,
has gone for the day and the gardener is only here Monday through Wednesday.

I slice through the water, letting it wash over me. This
time of year, the pool is more like a warm bath than anything, but it’s big and
wet, therefore it’s perfect. I do ten laps, mulling over my dad, Cassie—meeting
Cassie, the sister I didn’t know I had. Well, whether or not I
meet her.

Why the man would father more children, knowing he didn’t
want to be a dad, is beyond me. What’s wrong with him? Isn’t abandoning one kid

I come up after my last lap, chest heaving.

I prop my elbows on the side of the pool and wipe my eyes.



He stares down on me.

I swipe the water away from my mouth. “Well, there goes my
lovely swim.”

Danny’s one eyebrow quirks. “I told you not to use the

“Because you’re an A-hole.”

His chuckle tightens my gut and my fists.

I frown. “What are you laughing at?”


“What’s so funny now?”

“You can get yourself off in the backyard, but you can’t say
? Can you say damn or hell? Oh, and I bet
is definitely
not in your vocabulary, is it?”

I straighten my back and move to the steps, climbing from
the water with as much dignity as I can muster.

“Out of respect for everything your family has done for me,
I try to conduct myself in a manner that won’t embarrass your parents. I choose
not to use those words.”

He wraps my shoulders with my towel. “Well, it’s silly. No
one cares what words you use. You need to loosen up. Live a little. You need to
do something wild every day. Though I admit, you
it up last

I expel an exasperated sigh. “I
you wouldn’t let
me live that down. I’m going to hear about the other day for the rest of my
life, aren’t I? You can’t be a gentleman and not say anything, can you?”

His arms come around me as he looks into my eyes. “
I’m not going to let you forget it. I sure as hell won’t forget.”

“Of course, you won’t. I’ll be shamed forever because of one
stupid mistake.”

He tightens his hold when I try to escape. “What’s to be
ashamed of? And why would you want to forget? That was one of the hottest
experiences of my life, outside of actual sex. Come to think of it, it was
hotter than some of the sex I’ve had.”

What I wouldn’t give to melt into oblivion right now. I drop
my chin to my chest, unable to even look at him.

Danny sits on the lounger, pulling me into his lap. He
kisses my temple. “Mo, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I’m not. We had a
mutual moment of pleasure. Big deal. It was good. It was
. It makes
me want you more every time I think about it—and I’ve thought about it a lot.”

His cock stirs beneath me. I jump to my feet, burying my
face in my hands. “Good gracious, Danny. Don’t. Don’t think about it—ever.
Please. Let’s just both forget it.”

He leans back, hands behind his head.

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