So Enchanting

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Authors: Connie Brockway

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

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Praise for the Novels of Connie Brockway
Skinny Dipping
“Realistically quirky characters, delightfully clever writing, and a warmly nourishing story about family, friendship, and love come together brilliantly.”

Chicago Tribune
“Spiked with her addictively acerbic wit, Brockaway’s latest beguiling blend of women’s fiction and romance…unfolds into a richly nourishing tale of family, friendship, love, and laughter.”

“Bittersweet and touching . . . [a] most satisfying tale.”

Romantic Times
“Just right for a long winter day.”

Minnesota Monthly
“A witty, warmhearted novel that will keep the reader laughing. This hilarious, mysterious and romantic book is a keeper.”
—Romance Junkies
“An exquisitely rendered setting, an abundance of complex family dynamics, a story that explores what it means to belong, and a beautifully developed romantic relationship guarantee the appeal of this well-crafted tale for both romance and women’s fiction fans alike.”

Library Journal
Hot Dish
“Rapier wit and dazzling prose . . . Brockway writes sheer magic.”
—Elizabeth Bevarly
“A dazzling contemporary debut!”—Christina Dodd
“A hilarious, bittersweet look at going home.”
—Eloisa James
“Wry, witty, and wonderful! This cast of unforgettable characters will tickle your funny bone and your heartstrings.”
—Teresa Medeiros
“This combination caper and comedy-of-errors story is just wacky enough to keep you giggling. Brava!”

Romantic Times
“A smart and funny page-turner.”
—All About Romance
“Splendidly satisfying. With its surfeit of realistically quirky characters and sharp wit,
Hot Dish
is simply superb.”

The Rose Hunter Trilogy:
My Surrender
“By brilliantly blending an exquisitely sensual romance between two deliciously stubborn individuals into a plot rife with danger, deception and desire, and then wrapping the whole thing up in wickedly witty and elegant writing Brockway deftly demonstrates her gift for creating richly imagined completely irresistible love stories.”

Library Journal
(starred review)
The Rose Hunter Trilogy:
My Seduction
“A well-crafted, engaging read.”

Publishers Weekly
“A fabulous love story . . . wicked, tender, playful, and sumptuous. Too wonderful to resist.”
—Lisa Kleypas
The Rose Hunter Trilogy:
My Pleasure
“This is why people read romance . . . an exceptionally good read.”
—All About Romance
Bridal Favors
“A scrumptious literary treat . . . wonderfully engaging characters, superbly crafted plot, and prose rich in wit and humor.”

“Never predictable, always refreshing, wonderfully touching, deeply emotional, Ms. Brockway’s books never fail to satisfy. Connie Brockway is simply one of the best.”
—All About Romance
The Bridal Season
“Characters, setting, and plot are all handled with perfect aplomb by Brockway, who displays a true gift for humor. Witty and wonderful.”

“If it’s smart, sexy, and impossible to put down, it’s a book by Connie Brockway.”
—Christina Dodd
The McClairen’s Isle Series:
The Ravishing One
“Exquisite romance . . . vivid characters, beautifully atmospheric setting, and sensuous love scenes.”

Library Journal
“If you’re looking for passion, tenderness, wit, and warmth, you need look no further. Connie Brockway is simply the best.”
—Teresa Medeiros
The McClairen’s Isle Series:
The Passionate One
“This is a glorious book.”
—Romance Reviews
“Rich, romantic, and intense.”—Jill Barnett
The McClairen’s Isle Series:
The Reckless One
“Readers will enjoy the excitement and passion.”

Publishers Weekly
My Dearest Enemy
“Connie Brockway is a master at creating sparkling chemistry.”
—Laura Kinsale
As You Desire
“Smart, sassy, sexy, and funny.”

Romantic Times
My Scottish Summer
“Romance with strength, wit, and intelligence. Connie Brockway delivers!”
—Tami Hoag
Once Upon a Pillow
“[Brockway’s] work brims with warmth, wit, sensuality, and intelligence.”
—Amanda Quick


Also by Connie Brockway
Skinny Dipping
Hot Dish



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First Printing, February 2009
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eISBN : 978-1-101-02437-9

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