Snowfall and Secrets (The Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Snowfall and Secrets (The Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 1)
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They skidded closer to the wave. Their snow boots had a hard time finding traction here. He should have thought to bring the spikes.

“How?” Her big, brown eyes were even bigger and wider as she took in the wall of ice that could have given a small glacier a run for its money.

“When the lake freezes, it expands. The blizzard came on so fast and dumped so much snow that the water that hadn’t frozen under the ice had nowhere to go and pushed straight through. When it hit the subzero temps, it froze in place,” he explained as best he could. It was an unusual phenomenon that typically only happened in certain places. Mackinac being one of them.

“Does it do this every year?”

The ice was pure blue with some variations where the different layers had frozen at different rates.

“Not every year and definitely not on this scale. If it’s over by the bridge, the wave can be almost as tall. I’ve only seen that once though.” He loved the wonder on her face. Miami couldn’t top that.

ess was frozen all the way through by the time they got to the Jorgenson’s. She was excited to see Marie and Doc again. Canasta was new, and she was nervous about playing, but she figured she’d survive.

Marie met them at the door. “Thanks for coming. Doc and I are ready to throttle one another. We needed some new blood in the house.”

Lukas smiled at her. “We’re happy to save your marriage.”

Marie swatted him on the arm.

“It’s not that bad.” She took a step back. “Okay, maybe it is. Lukas, Doc’s in the kitchen. I want to talk to Tess for a few minutes.”

Lukas wiggled his eyebrows, and she gave him a smirk. He thought Marie was going to ask about their love life, but Tess suspected Marie was going to talk to her about her pregnancy.

Marie dragged her into a side room and shut the door. It was an office.

“So, spill.” Marie pulled out a chair for her. “He got weird when I called.”

Tess laughed. “He got weird when you started asking questions.”

Marie shrugged. “I guess it’s like being asked about your sex life by your mom.”

Tess forgot Hayden. Yeah, no wonder he left talking to Marie to her.

“First, I should tell you I got your blood test results. All clear.”

Tess let out a breath of relief. “That’s fantastic. Thank you.”

“Does Lukas know?”

“About the baby? No. And I’m not going to tell him until I have to, so please don’t say anything.”

“Has he told you his story? Don’t you think he has a right to know?”

Tess chewed on her bottom lip.

“I heard what happened to his boys,” she said slowly, cautiously. Would Marie agree that he should never have kids again? “I think that might make the adoption route more reasonable.”

“Just so you know, I think he’s full of crap. Lukas is scared, but that is no reason for him to completely shut himself off. He looks more relaxed than I’ve seen in ages.” Marie reached over and grabbed her hands. “This decision is huge, and I think you should talk it over with him.”

Tess shook her head. Her guilt was a thousand pound weight on her chest, but she couldn’t tell Lukas. Not yet. If he left her now, she’d be broken. The risk was too great. She had a few more months to think things through.

Marie sighed.

“Have you told your mom yet?” she asked.

“No. You’re still the only one who knows.”

Marie squeezed her hand. “I’m not going to say anything. But you can’t keep this bottled up. Tell those who are closest to you because you can’t do this on your own. Lukas is a good man. He’s not going to desert you because you are pregnant.”

Tess sniffed. “He might.”

“Doubt it. He’ll probably be angry that you kept it from him though.”

A new voice echoed through the house, and Marie groaned.

“I should have known she’d find a way in.”


“Estelle. Let me tell you. She was with him when they found the boys that awful afternoon. It’s her personal mission to see him settled. She’ll either be your greatest advocate or your worst enemy.” Marie stood and shook the wrinkles out of her sweater.

“I met her once.”

Marie pulled her up and locked arms with her.

“We’ll face her together.”

“Is she that bad?” Tess laughed nervously.

“No, of course not, but we’re, I guess you could say, we’re rivals.”

There was a story there. How could the island doctor be rivals with Lukas’s housekeeper?

Marie threw open the door and drug Tess out.

“Estelle!” she exclaimed like she was happy as pie to see the older woman.

“Think you can play canasta without me?” Estelle wore a giant yellow floppy hat. It was completely impractical for this time of year. Estelle crossed her arms and glared at Marie. So they were rivals over cards. Tess giggled.

Lukas leaned against the doorway to the kitchen, eating a sandwich. He winked at Tess, and her knees went weak.

“Estelle, Tess is going to be our fourth.”

She snorted and pointed at Tess. “Do you know how to play?”

“No,” she said.

“Then I’m her consultant. Don’t shy away from true competition, Marie.” Estelle grinned.

Marie shook her head. “Alright. Tess, are you and your consultant ready to get your hiney kicked?”

he next four weeks passed in a blur. The snow melted, and Tess was able to get into her house but only stayed long enough to grab more clothes. In the month following the blizzard, she hadn’t spent one night at home. School kept her occupied during the day, and Lukas kept her busy at night. Her stomach was growing but not very fast since she was only a few months along. Marie said that was normal, but that she had to tell Lukas soon.

She successfully avoided her mother’s calls and probing questions. All in all, life was good. Tess knew that would be shattered the moment she spilled the beans, but she was withholding that information for as long as possible. She didn’t remember the last time she was this happy, if she ever had been.

It was Friday and the kids were insane. She didn’t blame them. She was ready to start her weekend too. By lunch she was exhausted and missing Lukas; spending so much time with him had spoiled her.

“Tess.” Sara Chambers stopped Tess before she could slip into the teacher’s lounge. She wanted to hurry and be back in her room before Chris Whitters showed his face.

“Hey, Sara. Your students crazy this morning?”

“Oh yeah.” She laughed. “I was wondering if you’d like to come have dinner at my place. It’s spaghetti night. Something everyone should experience.”

Tess smiled.

“With your family?”

“Of course. My spaghetti sauce is famous on the island, and my boys can show you a good time.”

She had learned about Sara’s three sons and her husband. Gavin was one of the guys working the snowplows during the blizzard.

“Well…” Tess hesitated. Sara had been talking about having her over, but Tess didn’t want to exclude Lukas. “Would you mind if I bring Lukas with me?”

“Of course. Have him bring the dog. The boys love her.”

Tess had tried to keep her relationship a secret, but then not everything about her should be a secret. Lukas was a good thing, and she wanted to tell everyone. Besides, once she and Estelle beat Marie in canasta, Estelle adored Tess. Their secret wasn’t a secret for long. Sara knew by the end of the second day back at school.

The teacher’s lounge door swung open, and Chris stood in the doorway. Tess groaned. She’d been doing so well at avoiding him.

“So, you and Lukas, huh?” He shrugged. “I didn’t realize you needed a bodyguard.”

He slid around Tess, careful not to touch her.

“Bodyguard?” Tess asked.

“Whitters, what are you talking about?” Sara glared. She looked ready to do battle on Lukas’s behalf. Or maybe it was for Tess’s benefit.

“You must be one of those girls who likes having a henchman.” Chris slithered off down the hall like he couldn’t get away fast enough.

Tess was speechless. What on earth?

“Chris?” Sara grinned. “Was it Lukas that gave you a black eye?”

He didn’t answer, but that didn’t matter to Sara. She laughed and clapped her hands together.

“If ever someone had it coming,” she said to Tess, who was stunned.

Lukas had punched Whitters. Why?

“Let me check with Lukas about tonight,” she told Sara.

“Sure. Just make sure you let me know.”

Sara was still grinning as Tess hurried to her classroom for her phone. Lukas answered on the third ring.

“Hey you,” he said.

“I just heard one of those rumors,” she blurted.

There was a pause on the other end before he said, “Well, I guess I’m not surprised. What was said?”

“That you knocked out Chris Whitters.”

More silence.

“Well?” she finally asked.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “I did. I wasn’t planning on it, but it happened.”

“Lukas.” She tried to sound mad. It was rather childish of him to go around whacking people, but Chris Whitters was one who certainly had it coming. Sara was right about that.

“He was talking about you. I didn’t hit him hard,” he said. “That hard.”

“Lukas,” she said again. “How did you know he touched me? I mean, it’s nothing I couldn’t handle. Guys on the beach can be grabby.”

“He put his hands on you!” Lukas exploded. “This was after that first day, wasn’t it? I knew it was him that upset you.”

“He only put his hand on my knee, and if you didn’t know about it, then why did you hit him?” she demanded, confused.

“He wouldn’t shut his damn mouth, and if I’d known he touched you, I’d have kicked him once I had him down.”

It was Tess’s turn to sigh. She glanced at the clock. Only ten minutes before the kids were back from lunch. “The Chambers asked us to dinner tonight,” she said.


“I don’t want to argue about Whitters. Would you like to go to dinner at Sara and Gavin’s?”

“We aren’t arguing. I’d do it again. Still might and sure, we can go over there.”

Tess laughed. The conversation moved at warp speed.

“She said to bring Dio.”

“Yeah, most would rather see her than me. We’ll pick you up after school.”

“Lukas…” she warned. He’d better not be thinking of coming to the school and causing trouble. Doc would have a stroke.

“It makes no sense to come back here and then go back to that side of town,” he growled.

“And you’ll behave?”

“Trust me, Whitters is hiding from me.”

Something he sounded awfully proud of.

ukas texted Tess to let her know he was outside. He deliberately waited long enough that most of the kids would be gone. Dio would have loved to play, but she’d have time tonight with the Chambers’ three boys.

Tess walked out with Doc. She waved when she saw him. Doc, however, gave him a look. Great, a lecture from his best friend’s dad. Those were always fun.

Dio whined. She wanted to get out of her basket and run to Tess.

“Stay,” he said. “She’ll be right here.”

Why the hell did she have to look so good? She wore a green wool dress with tights and boots. Her coat wasn’t long enough to hide her legs. Even in those tights, he could see the curve of her calf, and remembered how his hand felt gliding along her skin.

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