Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps (26 page)

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So where did that leave me?

Job hunting.

That was really depressing. I hated job hunting. I would put up with almost

anything to keep from having to look for one. I always felt like a beggar when I had to interview and I hated feeling like a beggar.

The sound of a car arriving finally pulled me from my glum thoughts. Feeling my belly tighten with nerves, certain it must be Glenda come to collect us and haul us away, I took a few moments to collect myself before I headed in.

I discovered a party atmosphere when I went in. Glenda had arrived with caterers and booze and party favors. I had mixed feelings about staying to party and then leaving.

As if I wasn’t depressed enough!

I joined the party, though, feeling a huge lift in my spirits when the caterers had unloaded and left and she announced that their venture was a resounding success. The men were smiling broadly, congratulating each other. Gabe popped the cork on a bottle of champagne and began pouring and passing out glasses. Brandy was hugging everyone and laughing as if she’d just won the lottery and even the wicked witch, Glenda was grinning from ear to ear and dispensing hugs and kisses.

I laughed when Hunter grabbed me in a bear hug and swung me around until I

was almost too dizzy to stand up. He passed me to Shaun, and Shaun to Basil. I’d made it all the way to the end before I discovered Brandy was staring daggers at me.

Resentment flickered through me. She’d hugged and kissed everybody! Jeeze!

“Ok! Everybody settle down!” Glenda announced gleefully, holding up a DVD.

“You get to watch your premier on the big screen TV over in the corner here!”

Everyone laughed, cheering and drinking a toast.

She sucked in a deep breath and glanced around. “I made an executive decision

on the show.” She shrugged when she saw Gabe’s smile fade. “Don’t get pissed off!

It’s just that, after I reviewed the footage, I realized you were right all along, that your instincts were right on target and mine was shit. The reality TV angle was so far above my idea of doing a fantasy movie that it just wasn’t in the same universe. I took all the footage and had it re-edited accordingly and …. Well, I think it’s success speaks for itself. Great job everybody! I hope you enjoy your debut as much as everyone else in the world has! You may not be rich yet, but you’re well on your way!”

Everyone had sobered and begun to look at each other a little uneasily by the time she finished—the guys. I felt uneasy myself, mostly because they were, although I couldn’t figure out why. I’d never actually been told that it wasn’t going to end up being a reality TV show. I admitted to some confusion over it. We wore the fantasy costumes, SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 116

but we hadn’t really filmed anything except sex and I’d never entirely understood how they were going to put it together as a story.

Everyone found a chair when Glenda turned to insert the DVD. “Can somebody

dim the lights a little?”

Gabe got up and moved to the dimmer switch, lowering the light level.

Discovering all the chairs had been taken, I glanced around and marked a spot for myself on the floor a little away from everyone else since I fully expected to be embarrassed at what I was about to see. Brandy offered to move over and give me room beside her, but I shook my head and moved to the far side of the room, settling with my back against the wall.

I had a clear view of TV if I wanted to watch it and no one could look at me

unless they turned around.

Glenda pushed play and moved to the chair she’d claimed, smiling as the opening credits were displayed.

“Looks good,” Gabe commented.

The title screen faded and Glenda appeared, seated at her desk, her hands folded on the desk before her. She smiled a greeting.

“Before we get started, I just wanted to welcome everyone to our house.

Everyone who appears in the feature has granted permission to be filmed, although this was shot entirely with the use of hidden cameras and microphones throughout the house so that filming wouldn’t be intrusive. The original production was to have been Snow White and the Seven Hunks. It was later changed to Snow White, Rose Red and the Seven Hunks. The movie you’re about to see is the filming of that production, much of it behind the scenes. Enjoy!”

Glenda turned around to beam at everyone when the screen went dark.

Discovering everybody was staring at the TV and that they’d begun to look

uncomfortable, she faced forward again. The opening scene looked almost like a home video. It showed the Seven Hunks in the wardrobe room. Glenda was with them.

“These are the costumes I had made for the production. I designed them myself.”

She studied the name tags on each and passed them out. The men took them and

looked them over and then looked at each other.

“I’ll just leave and let you guys try them on.”

The men stared at her when she left, held the costumes up and studied them and

then looked at each other. “What the fuck?” Hunter demanded.

“Just put it on,” Gabe said grimly.

Shrugging, the men began to undress. The camera panned out to show the entire

group, switching from time to time to a close up of first one and then another as they stripped down.

Shaun uttered a bark of a laugh as the camera zoomed in on Hunter just as he bent over. Hunter glared at him, but grinned reluctantly. “Full moon!”

I was struggling to keep from laughing within a few minutes just from watching

the expressions flit across their faces as they tried to figure out how to put the costumes on.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Hunter growled. “Where the hell did she say she had

these made?”

“There’s not enough room in these damned things for my ass!” Shaun seconded


him. “What am I supposed to do with the jewels?”

“I’ve got it figured out,” Hunter said. The camera panned to him as he turned


I clapped a hand over my mouth when the camera zoomed in on him. He’d

pushed his balls through the slit in the front and draped his cock over the top. Everyone in the film burst out laughing and so did everyone in the parlor.

Hunter waggled his hips, making his cock sway and everybody laughed harder.

There was a fade out where the picture dimmed but the sound continued as the guys complained about their costumes. When the screen brightened again, I discovered it was me and Brandy in the wardrobe room studying our costumes. Even I laughed at the look on my face as I examined the costumes.

Gabe and Basil turned to look back at me. I grinned and shrugged, but I felt my heart contract when I saw a replay of that first time when I’d met Gabe. I saw things I hadn’t noticed at the time because I’d been so unsettled—the way Gabe looked at me.

My throat closed. I decided I was going to have to buy a copy for myself just so I could enjoy that expression over and over.

When the scene changed again, I glanced at Gabe. He’d propped on arm on the

chair arm and settled his face on his hand. I could tell he was uncomfortable. I looked away, took a healthy gulp of my drink and tried to focus on the film. From that point, it played out pretty much as I’d expected. There were short clips of us moving around the house, me in the kitchen, all of us sitting together at meals, my ‘punishment’ week.

Brandy hid her face and giggled like a teenager every time the scene switched to the parlor and her romping with first one of the Hunks and then another, often with two at the time. I’d emptied my glass of champagne before we’d finished the first week and I didn’t even

I was warm, very warm. I couldn’t decide it if it was just the champagne or a

combination of watching the things they were doing to me on screen and the champagne.

It looked a lot more raw than I’d expected, but I couldn’t honestly say that I was horrified. Mostly, I was just turned on, although I couldn’t decide if it was from watching or it was watching that resurrected the memories.

Shame on me!

I was distressed, though, when the scene switched to me, alone, the day the men had filmed the Snow White and the Seven Hunks sequence. I hadn’t realized, then, that every move I made, everything I said and every expression was being recorded. By the time I’d acclimated myself to that fact, I’d forgotten the incident. It embarrassed me to see how much I’d given away in my expression. I covered my face in case anybody looked back at me, peering through my fingers at the screen. I was glad I had. If I’d looked away I would’ve missed the expression on Basil’s face when he found me and I wouldn’t have missed that for the world.

Glenda bounced up in the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the entire

room. “More champagne?”

I needed another glass. Apparently everybody decided they did. They jumped

and headed for the makeshift bar to refill their glasses to the tune of Brandy screaming in bondage while the Seven Hunks turned her inside out and fucked her in every orifice.

Brandy glared at everyone, but they ignored her—or they were just unaware of the fact that it pissed her off that nobody was watching her big event.


By the time everyone was settled again, the film had moved on to highlight my

little accident with Shaun and Hunter. To my surprise, it switched to a scene in the backyard, on the wide deck that ran the length of the house. I winced watching Shaun and Hunter slug it out while the rest of the Hunks stood around with their arms folded, watching.

The entire tone of the film changed, I realized, after I finally got back in to the action—At least it seemed that way to me. I burst out laughing when Gabe slipped in the come and started bellowing. Clamping a hand over my mouth, I glanced at him

uncertainly, but discovered he was grinning at the ribbing from the others.

We watched it until the bitter end. I thought I could safely say that everyone breathed a sigh of relief when it was over. I know I was relieved. Shooting to my feet as soon as Glenda headed to the TV to turn it off, I headed down the hall to the bathroom.

The hallway was full when I came out again and I realized the party was over—

really and truly, the end.

I was glad I’d downed two glasses of champagne and that there was such a crowd

in the hallway that it was impossible to focus on anyone in particular. I shook hands with all of the cast and told them how much I’d enjoyed working with them, working my way to the door as fast I could. Gabe, I discovered to my dismay, was the last in line.

Refusing to look at him, I shook his hand, repeated the same phrase I’d used with everyone else and scurried out the door.

I would’ve dove into the car, but I wanted to leave some doubt in everyone’s

mind that I was in full retreat. To my relief, Glenda seemed ready to go. She dragged Brandy away in spite of all Brandy could do to linger and give everyone tearful goodbye kisses.

Dragging in a shuddering breath, I waved as she pulled out and tried not to think about the fact that I was probably never going to see any of them ever again.


Chapter Fifteen

True to form, Brandy had completely recovered from her bout of tears before we

were a mile down the road and spent the remainder of the trip chattering excitedly about the film and how much she was looking forward to the next one.

I had a blinding headache by the time Glenda finally dropped us at my apartment.

I’d forgotten Brandy had moved in with me due to being thrown out of her place just before we’d gone to live in Snow White’s Palace of Dicks. I wasn’t happy to realize I couldn’t shed her, either. All I really wanted was to be alone to wallow in self-pity. I was more miserable than I’d imagined I would be, and that was saying something.

Fortunately, it was late and I had the excuse of heading to my room. Brandy was pissed off that she couldn’t talk me into staying up half the night to entertain her, but I firmly refused.

Since I didn’t know how sound proof my apartment was, I fought off the urge to

indulge myself in a crying jag, took a couple of painkillers and stared at my darkened ceiling until I finally passed out.

Brandy, after staying up most of the night, slept most of the day, so I pretty much had my place to myself. After I’d checked the food and then my bank account, I headed out to shop for supplies.

It seemed surreal to be interacting with the real world again. Preoccupied with my shopping, I didn’t notice the man staring at me until he passed me the fourth time.

When I glanced at him, he stopped. “You’re that woman on that show, right?”

I stared at him in horror. “What?”

“On the net. Rose Red?”

I felt my eyes widen until they felt like they were bulging from the sockets.

“No!” I said shortly and hurried past him. I was in such a blind panic I almost forgot to grab my groceries.

The man actually
me for several blocks! I went into stealth mode, zigzagging in and out of stores, turning randomly at corners. When I’d decided I’d lost him, I jogged back to my apartment building as fast as I could and hurried up to my apartment.

Brandy was sitting at the table sipping coffee.

“A man recognized me!” I gasped.

She frowned at me blankly. “Somebody you know?”

“NO! Somebody that saw me on the net—Snow White?” I added to jog her


She stared at me blankly for several moments. Slowly, her expression changed to indignation. “From the movie?”

“Yes!” I gasped, too upset to notice the warning signs.

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