Snow Job (13 page)

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Authors: Delphine Dryden

BOOK: Snow Job
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“What are you doing?” she gasped out when he final y broke the kiss.

“You thought I was making you do something last night?

I’ve never made you do anything you didn’t want to do, Elyce,” Karl repeated. “But maybe what I’l make you do tonight is admit that. Admit you want me. Beg me to fuck you, beg me to make you come.” He bent closer, resting his forehead against hers, an intimate gesture strangely disconnected to the crude directness of his words. “I think I’d like the sound of that.”

“This isn’t like you, Karl,” Elyce said, then gave another squeak when he tweaked at her breast again, fondling the flesh roughly and staring at her as if to gauge her reaction.

“Last night wasn’t like you, and this isn’t either.”

“Maybe it should be. Maybe I should have tried a different approach a long time ago with you.”

“What do you mean a different approach? Keeping the little woman in line through sex? I can’t even say that with a straight face.”

He wrapped his free hand around her thick ponytail and pul ed her head back. His touch was gentle but she felt caught, steered, as he forced her to look up at him. “But you do have a straight face, Elyce. You like this, don’t you?” He seemed a bit startled by that realization, but intrigued and excited as wel , as though the idea was somehow deeply appealing. “Answer me.”


“You’re lying. You’re wet already, aren’t you?” He relinquished his hold on her breast and reached down, trying to slide his hand between her legs. Finding them closed, he wedged a knee between them to gain access.

The many layers she was dressed in, however, ultimately defeated his attempt to prove himself right, as she knew he couldn’t possibly feel anything but a vague heat through al the insulation.

Elyce’s eyes were closed. She felt frozen in place and she dreaded his next words, as if she already knew what they would be. Dreaded but ached for them at the same time, a state of affairs that she thought might drive her insane.

Karl gave her crotch another probing stroke then seemed to make a decision. “Take them off and show me.”

“What?” Elyce felt her heart begin to beat wildly, her breathing grow shal ower, as she told herself she couldn’t have heard Karl correctly.

“Take your pants off,” he repeated in a low growl, “and show me how wet you are.
Right now

“Or…or what?” she whispered, a little panicked.

“Good question. I think if you don’t do it, I might just have to spank you.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“You keep saying that. You real y shouldn’t. I might dare more than you’d think. Get your pants off, Elyce, or I’m going to take them off and put you over my knee.”

Her next thought was a glaring clear image of Karl putting her over his knee—and it was even more arousing than the tone of his voice, commanding her to remove her pants. But the children sleeping just beyond the door made the notion seem too ridiculous, too surreal.

Hardly believing her own actions, Elyce brought her shaking fingers to the closure of her wool trousers and began unfastening them slowly. Karl backed away only enough to give her room to move, but kept his hands propped against the wal on either side of her. The pants were fol owed by a pair of silk thermal underwear, which pul ed her ski socks off with them as she tugged them down over her feet. Elyce shivered as the cold air raised goose bumps on her exposed legs.

“Keep going,” Karl insisted.

Elyce looped her fingers through the thin straps of her panties and lowered the fabric slowly. The damp silk peeled away from her as though it had been molded on.

She was more than just a little wet, and Karl made a smal noise of satisfaction as he watched her remove her underwear. “Now spread your legs for me.”

With eyes squeezed shut, hiding from herself, Elyce parted her thighs, shifted her feet away from one another and felt Karl’s fingers wrapping in her own, bringing her hand down to her core.

“Touch yourself. Finger-fuck yourself. I want to see it.”


“Do it.” The warning in his voice was clear.

Stil thinking about the spanking—thinking that she believed him completely when he said he would do it

—Elyce tried to forget that Karl was watching her and dipped her middle finger into her slick pussy, sliding the digit in and out slowly. She had never done that in front of him before and some distant part of her mind wondered what it must look like.

“Now give it to me to taste,” Karl said, and she had to open her eyes to avoid poking him in the face when she brought her hand up. He stared at her wolfishly as he licked and then sucked the moisture from her finger, scraping his teeth against her knuckle.

She was so distracted by the sight that she was taken by surprise when Karl slipped his own finger inside her, pumping with more force than she had used but just as slowly. It was excruciating, just enough to set her on edge but not nearly enough to satisfy. She whimpered when he took his hand away and the cold air nipped at her wet, exposed labia.

“Now your shirts.”

He didn’t have to say anything more. Elyce slid al three shirts off in a bundle then pul ed off her sports bra with more effort and stood naked in the chil y room, clad only in the thought that even if this was undoubtedly a mistake, perhaps it was real y only a dream because it felt so unreal.

She wondered what he would do next, whether he had a plan or was as surprised in al this as she felt. If he had no plan in mind, he either hid it wel or was simply inspired, because he began ordering her around with more confidence. It was a considerable feat, given the requirement of almost-silence. And each time his forcefulness ratcheted up a notch, each time she met another of his demands and played with herself to his specifications, Elyce felt another little piece of her fortitude melt.

Working his finger back inside her, stroking upward to put pressure on her most sensitive spots, Karl gloated openly at Elyce’s efforts to cloak her response. “You’re soaking wet and if your nipples were any harder I’d be scared of them. It’s not just the cold, either. Admit it, you’re turned on. I’ve never even seen you this turned on.”

“Screw you, Karl.” She tried to pul away but it was a halfhearted try. Her legs were already shaky from Karl’s ministrations and his finger hooked inside her was a very effective anchor.

“Maybe I wil , if you’re a very good girl.” He ground his palm against her clitoris until she gave a tiny, involuntary moan and reached for the wal behind her, grasping for support. “Tel me you want it. Tel me you want me to fuck you.”

She didn’t know how he could sound masterful in a whisper, but something in his tone, in his bearing, was commanding something in her that she had never acknowledged before. It was al she could do to remain silent, to keep from tel ing him what she admitted to herself was the truth.

She did want him, so badly it was painful—but more than that she missed him.

When her throat tightened and her eyes blinked back tears, it was not for the sentiment he was asking her to express but for the one he hadn’t requested. She suddenly had a sense of the day being wasted in argument, in pretense, al that time they could have spent mending what was torn between them. Was this how it would be mended or was this something new being woven, and could this strange fabric withstand the light of day? Did she even want it to?

It al seemed simpler in the daylight hours, easier to remember her resentment and Karl’s betrayal when the sun was shining and Karl wasn’t slipping one and then two fingers into her depths, brushing the heel of his hand against her pelvis lightly with each stroke, tel ing her to take his clothes off.

The removal of his shirts meant the removal of his hand from her body, and Elyce was glad Karl’s face was buried beneath layers of wool and thermal cotton at that moment so he couldn’t see the look of utter dismay cross her face at the loss of that touch. He was pul ing his arms free of his sleeves by the time she worked the button and zipper loose on his jeans, slipped them down over his hips and bent lower to slide them off his feet. Thermal underwear, with boxer briefs beneath them, were al that remained. Elyce tried to be businesslike, efficient, ignoring his cock even as she pul ed his waistband clear in order to remove the last of his clothes.

When she looked up, Karl was gazing at her speculatively, weighing his options.

“Hmm… It’s so tempting, since you’re down there, but I real y don’t know if I’d trust you not to do something rash right now. So stand up and turn around.”

Too puzzled to be defiant, Elyce did as he asked, placing her hands flat against the wal as she turned to face it. He told her to spread her legs and a hysterical giggle almost escaped her as she thought, from some demented recess of her brain, that Karl might be about to frisk her for concealed weapons.

The giggle flew away, forgotten, when Karl leaned in behind her, one hand planted beside her own on the wal , the other snaking around her waist to tease her breasts again. The high ponytail she wore exposed the skin on her neck ful y, and he wasted no time in taking advantage of that by torturing the tender flesh with a blazing series of lingering kisses. When he lowered his hand to her parted thighs, finding her clit with unerring accuracy and stroking it in practiced swirls, Elyce reached for his arm automatical y, not to pul him away but to press closer stil .

At her movement, Karl lifted his lips from her shoulder.

“Put your hand back on the wal and keep it there.”

“I’l put my hand wherever I want to, Karl.” A last-ditch effort at defiance, but Elyce’s heart wasn’t in it and she knew Karl could tel .

“Not if you want me to make you come, you won’t. Put it back.”

It was the edge of the cliff, the moment of choice that hung there between Karl’s arm and the wal , waiting for Elyce to pul back or jump. She curled her fingers into her palm, holding her hand up at shoulder height, feeling strangely aware of the room as the cold started to seep in.

Karl had drawn slightly away, or perhaps she had leaned closer to the wal , and the sweat-dampened skin on her back prickled into goose bumps at the change in temperature where their skin no longer met.

His heat at her back…the chil air in the room. The choice between the clearly marked path and the fuzzy unknown. The difference between

Elyce unfurled her fingers and stretched her hand out, the fleshy pad of her palm making a subtle slapping noise as it hit the wal , and she let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

And behind her, Karl sighed too, and whispered, “Good girl,” and trailed his hand down her back to slip between her legs from that angle.

She realized he was positioning himself at her entrance only a heartbeat before he was inside her, in a series of slow thrusts that brought his body to rest against her back once more, warming her to a bril iance she thought might be visible to the naked eye were anyone else ever to see it.

She wondered, with the smal part of her brain stil capable of thinking metaphorical y, what color she might glow at such a time? Red-hot al over, perhaps, but certainly a piercing white where the heat was fiercest, where Karl’s hand now returned to the happy task of driving her swiftly insane with need.

“Now tel me, Elyce.”

She was close, and they both knew it. She pretended not to hear him, just arched back against him and hoped that the excruciating motions of his hips and fingers would never stop. It stung slightly, the angle of his penis a bit too sharp in the current position, her pussy slightly chafed already from the previous evening’s exertions after such a long hiatus. But the bite of pain was just another sensation thrown into the mix and Elyce didn’t have to pretend to be nearly insensible with the rising surge of pleasure.

Karl, however, was not inclined to take her reaction at face value.

“Tel me or I’l stop.” And he slowed his thrusts and the rhythm of his fingers to a pace that could only keep Elyce waiting, never take her where she now ached to go.

Wanting to keen her frustration, recal ing with a last shred of common sense that she had to be quiet, she gave a strangled, desperate groan and final y blurted out, “Al right! I want it. I want you to make me come,
! I want you, al right?
Please, please

And then she could form no more words as Karl rewarded her instantly with what she needed, hard and fast, a pounding tempo that swept them both to the point of no return within moments.

Elyce was barely aware of Karl’s muffled cry, the break in his rhythm, as she came with shocking intensity. She bit her lip to keep from screaming, tasting the incongruous, coppery tang of blood as the pleasure roared through her mercilessly. It ended slowly, lingering for an aftershock, and Elyce’s arms trembled against the wal as her shaky body struggled to support itself through the ebbing sensation.

Then Karl’s arm was wrapped around her waist, just as he final y slipped from her body. Without speaking, he guided her the few steps to the bed, shoving back the duvet and sliding in beside her on sheets that were cold enough to set them both shivering and huddling together for warmth.

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