Snared (7 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Snared
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Quinn felt Tayen respond to Rogan’s word with a hard clench of her inner muscles. The increased pressure pushed him closer to the edge, making the room dim slightly. He lowered his head, dragging his length back through her passage until only the head remained inside her before pushing back in, slapping his balls against her moist lips.

The sensation unhinged his control. He glanced at Rogan but the man was busy kissing Tayen into submission. The sight had him moving, driving into her only to withdraw and thrust in again. Tayen countered his pressure, keeping him perfectly aligned. The angle increased the tingling feeling at the base of his cock, and he knew he wouldn’t last long.

Rogan seemed to sense his impending climax and whispered encouraging words into Tayen’s ear as he reached his hand between them. Quinn could only guess he’d found her clit as Tayen’s panting turned into a primal cry and she arched up, slamming him deep. Quinn groaned and thrust again, not sure how he was going to hold on when Tayen broke. Her ass locked around his cock, the rhythmic spasms sending him over the edge. He shouted her name, grinding his pelvis into her ass as his cock erupted, sending pulse after pulse of thick fluid inside her. The room blackened at the fringes, blurring out of focus as his release shook through him, leaving him bent over her back, his head resting between her shoulders.

A sense of peace washed over him, the feeling accentuated by Tayen’s satisfied sigh. He smiled against her back, easing his semi-hard cock from her ass as he collapsed to one side of the bed. Rogan rolled her over, sandwiching her between their bodies. Tayen never opened her eyes, burrowing into a comfortable position as her breathing deepened. Quinn gave Rogan one last look over Tayen’s sleeping form before closing his eyes, the scent of their combined lovemaking lulling him to sleep.






Chapter Five



Tayen woke to the smell of coffee wafting through the room. She cracked open her eyelids, squinting at the bright light filtering through the far window. By the length of the shadows stretching across the floor, she guessed it was late afternoon. She smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling deeper into the bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept the day away—though she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had mind-blowing sex, either.


The thought popped into her head, along with the stark reality that she’d slept with two men…at the same time. And not just any men—her mates.

The word resonated in the head, making the room spin. The boys’ acceptance of her shifter abilities had humbled her, and she’d been powerless against her attraction. Now she just had to figure out if they’d been serious about wanting her for more than just a tumble between the sheets.

She rolled onto her back, hoping the fact she was alone—again—in Quinn’s bed wasn’t the telltale answer. Surely they’d just risen to grab something to eat. Her stomach growled its agreement and she swung her legs over the edge, finding her balance before pushing to her feet. Her thigh protested the first few steps, but she finally managed to make her way over to Quinn’s closet. She still didn’t have anything to wear, and while strutting through the house naked had some advantages, she needed to have that small barrier between her and the boys, in case the situation didn’t go as planned.

You mean in case they aren’t up for round two

She snarled at the voice snickering away in her head and grabbed one of his shirts off the hanger. The soft fabric caressed her skin as she slipped it on, the combined scent of Quinn and lemon freshness only adding to the illusion of being wrapped in his arms. Damn, this was why she’d fought her attraction to them. One taste of their skin was all it’d taken to light a fire in her soul…one only they could put out.

Tayen grabbed the doorframe, hoping it’d give her strength. There was no turning back now. She could already sense the changes in her body. How it was aligning itself with their unique markers, which, once completed, would forever imprint them as her mates. If she didn’t run now, she’d be theirs and theirs alone for the rest of her life.

Indecision swelled its ugly head, but she tapped it down and headed for the door. It opened onto a hallway, which seemed to lead toward the coffee aroma, and what she suspected was the kitchen. Voices drifted into range as she neared a large room, and she paused at the edge and peeked around the corner. What she saw took her breath away.

Quinn and Rogan sat in opposite chairs at the table, their muscular figures making the furniture seem small. Both men sported bare chests and jean-clad legs, as they nursed a cup of coffee between their hands. Their whispered conversation soothed her senses, and she leaned against the frame, content to simply watch them.

She must have sighed because they stopped and turned toward her, their gaze locking on hers. Matching brown eyes held her attention as feral smiles curved both their lips.

Rogan held up his mug. “Coffee?”

She nodded, not trusting the sound of her voice yet. Her mouth felt thick, as if her tongue had suddenly become too large to fit. Quinn held out a seat for her, and she managed to move forward, all but collapsing into it. He gave her a guarded nod, but she could tell he had something on his mind. Hell, so did she, but her thoughts were all skin colored and sweaty, with equal parts moans and screams.

She fidgeted on the seat, acutely aware of the moisture starting to line her inner lips. She felt like a freaking cat in heat, but there was something about the way they watched her that told her sex wasn’t foremost in their minds.

Quinn jumped up as Rogan set the coffee down. He grabbed a box of muffins off the counter and placed them on the table then went back for some butter and a knife, offering both to her as he took his seat again. She managed to mumble a raspy
to both men then found herself staring at the small bubbles circling her coffee as the quiet tension in the room grew. No one seemed willing to break the silence, and after what felt like an eternity, she pushed the mug and muffin away and stood up, crossing to the other side of the kitchen. Both men followed her progression, glancing at each other then back at her.

She sighed. “Why don’t you boys just ask me?”

Quinn raised an eyebrow as he shot Rogan a quizzical look. “Ask you what?”

“All the questions I can hear buzzing around inside those heads of yours.” She palmed her hands on her hips. “I know there’s a lot more you want to ask me…about shifting, being mates…but the silence is killing me.” She crossed her arms over her chest, hoping the act would still the tremors moving through her. “So ask.”

Rogan sighed and scraped his chair back. “Okay. Let’s start with the obvious. Have you always been able to…” He waved his hand in the air. “Shift?

Quinn huffed and rolled his eyes. “Forgive him, sweetheart. He missed the class on subtly.”

“It’s fine. I’m still not sure why you both didn’t just leave me hanging in that net, but you’ve been more than understanding.” She toed at the floor. “As for your question…no. I didn’t have a clue until I was nearly twenty. That’s when things got a bit…weird.”

Quinn drew his brow together. “You mean, your parents don’t share your ability?”

She shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know. I never met my father, and my mother refused to talk about him. All I know is that they were only together for a short time. But I think my mom must have had an inkling about it. She used to tell me I was different than the other kids. That one day I’d blossom into something miraculous. But she was killed in a car accident before my first change, so I guess I’ll never know.”

Rogan rose to his feet, running a shaky hand through his cropped hair. “Sorry, darling. We didn’t…” He looked over at Quinn. “We’re totally cool with the whole shifter thing. It just…caught us off guard.”

Tayen laughed. “You mean not all your dates start off as bobcats then change into naked women while suspended in a net? Guess the rumors about you guys are way off.”

Quinn stood and leaned against the table. “I hope it wasn’t too disappointing for you.”

The gleam in his eyes raised the temperature in the room and Tayen reached behind her to grasp the countertop. Both men seemed more at ease, but she could sense there was still something they wanted to ask.

“Not in the least,” she said. “But that’s not what’s troubling you. Out with it.”

Quinn pouted for a moment then sighed. “We were wondering…you said you have control over when you shift.”

She narrowed her eyes, not sure where this was headed. “Usually, unless you plan on shooting me with another dart.”

“That’s not exactly what Rogan and I had in mind.” He took what looked like a fortifying breath. “We were hoping you’d show us.”

Emotions collided in her chest, and she wasn’t sure if she was scared or excited. “Show you?”

“Yes…show us, as in change.” Quinn waved around the room. “Here. Now.”


Rogan took a step forward. “Yes, we’re serious. We didn’t really get to see the full effect the other night, not with you covered in tiny, camo-colored squares. And I think it’s important we see every side of you.”

Tayen sighed. They had a point. If this relationship was going to continue, she’d have to trust them with every part of her, including her shifted form. But she’d never changed in front of anyone. Ever. She looked at both of them, noting the hint of worry in their eyes. They weren’t convinced she’d agree to their request, and that thought alone relinquished the last of her doubts.

She took a deep breath and stepped forward, fingering the buttons of Quinn’s shirt. “You’re right. Just as long as you’re sure this is what you want.”

They both nodded then Quinn held up his hand. “You do retain your memory and stuff, right? You were only joking about the tranq gun.”

She chuckled. “It’ll still be me, just with more fuzz.”

“Then let the show begin,” said Rogan.

“Not so fast.” Tayen opened one button, loving the response she got. “It’s less complicated if I’m already naked.”

Rogan moaned and licked his lips. “You’re doing this just to tease us, I know it.” His lips twitched at the second button popping open. “Don’t suppose you need any help?”

“I think I can handle it,” she said, hoping her little striptease would lighten the mood a bit.

Truth be told, she was nervous as hell. Though she’d tried to watch her body transform in a mirror, she’d never really given the actual transition much thought. Not really knowing what the boys were going to see unhinged her confidence slightly, and she could only pray the act didn’t change their minds.

Her fingers shook by the time she released the final button and allowed the shirt to slide off her shoulders and puddle on the floor. The audible rasp of the men’s intake of breath made her feel better, and she managed to hold her head high as she took one last look at them before willing her body to change.


Rogan stood in awe as he watched Tayen’s lithe body start to transform. It looked as if a ripple raced across her, starting in the center and traveling in an ever-increasing circle outwards. Muscles and bones twisted along the wave, shifting shapes. Arms shortened and thickened, landing on the tiled floor as furry paws. Her back arched up, relaxing down already sheathed in a lustrous, brown coat, covered in a striking pattern of spots and stripes. Her legs bent back, and a stubby tail flicked into sight, swishing back and forth. He stared at her head, amazed at how her features unfurled on one, quick shake of her head, sprouting ears and whiskers at the same time. Within moments, the beautiful brown bobcat they’d seen on the hill stared back at them, green eyes blinking in the artificial light.

He rubbed his eyes, still not sure she’d really changed. But the animal just stood there, watching them as if it expected something to happen. Rogan drew a deep breath, catching a slightly wild scent in the air. It was the same Tayen essence, only darker and richer. He took a step closer, wondering if she’d dart away, when she padded over to them and circled their legs. A low, gravelly sound echoed through the room.

Rogan laughed. “Bloody hell. She’s purring.”

He bent down, scratching his lover behind the ears. Her fur was even softer than he’d imagined. He looked up at Quinn just as the man knelt beside him, his hands feathering through her coat.

Quinn smiled and returned his gaze. “Well, I’ll be damned. I think I’d half convinced myself we’d imagined the whole thing, but this…” He shook his head. “This is fucking amazing.”

The cat gave a yip and jumped, landing on the table with a graceful thud. She’d covered ten feet and it had appeared effortless.

Rogan shook his finger at her as he stood, crossing his arms over his chest. “Someone’s feeling a bit frisky. All right, darling. I think we’ve seen enough. And I, for one, would like to go back to the part where you’re naked when you change.”

The bobcat crouched low, hanging its head. Clicks and pops filled the air again, and it was as if Tayen misted into solid form kneeling on the table. She looked up, drawing him to her with a playful raise of her eyebrows.

Rogan moved, not quite certain how he arrived in front of her, his face slightly higher than hers. She looped one arm around his neck, beckoning to Quinn with the other as her lips met his in a heated kiss. Fire raced through his veins, searing him from the inside out. His heart tripled its speed, pounding against his chest as he tasted the depths of her mouth. It was warm and sweet, with a hint of coffee and blueberry muffin. He held her close, only releasing her when his lungs burned in protest. She gazed up at him, the vivid green of her eyes nearly hidden by the large, black disks.

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