Snakes Among Sweet Flowers (21 page)

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Authors: Jason Huffman-Black

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Snakes Among Sweet Flowers
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Cam blinked and found that he had been staring out the window over the sink, lost in thought with the dishes long done. He turned to Jackson and could see the concern in his expression.

“I sent the kids out to play for a while,” Jackson said. “Mind if I get comfortable on the couch?”

“No, of course not. Did you take your pills? Let me get them and a glass of tea for you.” Cam needed to be doing something and out from under Jackson’s examining gaze.

“Nah, I’m moving. Let me get it. I’ll call if I need you.” Jackson seemed to know Cam wanted some time to think.

Cam nodded. “Thanks, man. I’m gonna go out to the garage for a bit, but I’ll have my phone if you need me, or send one of the kids. And um… I hate to break it to you, but they expect you to play those board games with them.”

Jackson laughed, but kept it light and held his arms to his side as if to stabilize his ribs. “I figured. And I’m a pro at those kinda games, so bring it on.”

Cam smiled as Jackson hobbled off toward his bedroom. Cam grabbed his boots and went out to the porch to put them on. He needed to putter and think for a while.



Cam trudged back across the lawn toward the house. The morning had been nothing but frustrating. With his mind only half on what he was doing, he’d ended up with several bumps and bruises. Plus he hadn’t really come up with any resolution for his problem, other than calling Detra again. But she’d hung up on him last time, so he wasn’t sure how much good that was going to do him either.

He kicked off his boots and left them sitting outside the front door, then called the kids in as they rounded the house on their bikes. “Let’s fix some lunch.”

“I already got one of the casseroles heated up on the stove,” Jackson said from his spot on the couch. He had the cat snuggled up with him, her tail swishing as he petted her. It wasn’t until then that Cam noticed the mouthwatering scent coming from the kitchen.

Cam turned toward Jackson, surprised. “You ate without us?”

“Nope, I was waiting for y’all to come in so we could eat together.”

Cam smiled at that, and Jackson returned it.

As Cam headed into the kitchen, Jackson got up and followed more slowly. “Jenny stopped by and spent some time and then Momma dropped in too.”

Cam didn’t like that; for some reason, it got his goat that Jenny had been there hanging out with Jackson while he’d been smashing his fingers in the garage. He ground his teeth, imagining her feminine giggle as she placed her hand on Jackson’s leg and patted, her limpid eyes casting some spell over her victim.

Unaware of Cam’s overactive imagination, Jackson continued as he took a seat at the kitchen table. “Momma packed up some of the food and told me to tell you she filled up your freezer.” Jackson laughed. “I think she likes you, Cam. She and Daddy are going up to the conference later this afternoon, and she told Jenny to let me have some peace for a while. I was kinda surprised about that.”

Cam found himself inordinately pleased to hear that. He dismissed his thoughts of Jenny, humming as he made plates and served up their meal.

After lunch, they spent the afternoon playing board games. The kids decided Sorry was their favorite, but Cam wasn’t so sure he agreed. Even though they’d all laughed and had a good time, he was ready when it was time to take them home for the day. Jackson seemed relieved too. He looked tired and went to take a nap when Cam headed out the door with the children.

Chapter 24



was quiet when Cam walked back in. It was odd how quickly he’d grown accustomed to living alone. This was his first real experience with it, what with having lived on someone’s couch or in an overcrowded prison most of his adult life. Having the kids over or Jackson staying didn’t bother him, but he was finding that having time to himself had quickly become quite important to him.

Cam plopped down on the sofa and sighed. He didn’t expect to hear anything from Jackson for another hour or so, which made time for propping his feet up and relaxing. Dinner wouldn’t take more than popping it in the microwave, and there were still a few beers in the fridge. He had to say, having everyone in town cook for him wasn’t half bad.

The next thing Cam knew, he was hearing the pop of the bedroom door opening. The noise surprised Tommasina, who had at some point settled in his lap, and sent her running for the stairs. His eyes opened, and he found himself slumped down on the sofa, his feet propped on the coffee table. How long had he slept? He glanced over to the hall as Jackson hobbled into view. While he was still obviously hurting, he was getting around much better than he had the day before. Jackson seemed to be in prime health and was bouncing back a lot faster than Cam would have thought.

“Hey, Sheriff. Have a good nap?” Cam greeted, sitting up and stretching.

“It hit the spot. How about yours?” Jackson grinned and headed over to join Cam on the couch.

Cam shrugged. “I think you and your lazy ways are rubbing off on me.”

Jackson’s eyes widened as he sat. “Lazy? I’ll have you know it takes a hell of a lot of energy to put up with an afternoon of playing Sorry.”

Cam chuckled. “That’s probably what did me in too. I think I’ve played my fill for a year or so.”

Jackson nodded in agreement. “The kids sure enjoyed it, though.”

“Yeah, they did.” Cam picked at a spot on his jeans and they grew quiet for a bit. Finally Cam looked over at Jackson. “You hungry?”

Jackson shook his head. “Not really, but I guess I should eat so I can take my pills.”

Cam nodded but made no move to get up.

“You been acting like something’s wrong all day, Cam. What’s bothering you?” Jackson asked.

“I just….” How was he supposed to tell Jackson—a policeman, for God’s sake—what was going on? Cam still had no idea what to do about it, if there was even anything he
do. He’d gotten himself into this mess and it looked like there was no way out. There didn’t seem to be any use in pulling Jackson into all of it, anyway. “My mom brings up lots of old shit. Things I don’t want to think about, you know?”

Jackson nodded, but it was obvious he really didn’t know. How could he? He had a nice family who all loved each other and treated each other the way they were supposed to. Cam could tell Jackson didn’t want to drop it, but Cam sure did, so he pulled himself up off the couch and headed toward the kitchen.

“Want me to turn on some music?”

“Okay, that sounds good,” Jackson said, staying where he was. “Got any plans for tonight? You know, you don’t have to stay with me twenty-four seven.”

Cam poked his head out of the kitchen and grinned. “You trying to get rid of me, Sheriff?”

“Nah, just don’t want you feeling tied down because I’m here.”

Cam went back to microwaving their dinner. “I’m not big on nightlife. Is that what you like? Going to clubs?”

“I’ve been to some in Athens and Atlanta.” Cam could hear the indifference in Jackson’s voice. “Not really my style, but it used to be the only way to meet people, you know?”

“Yeah, I know. Grindr was a big surprise when I got out of jail this last time. You used it?”

“A few times, but I’m scared to have the app on my phone or tablet.”

“What else you gonna do, though? A man’s gotta get some sometime, right?” Cam said as he carried two plates out and set them on the coffee table. Each had a large serving of some creamy noodle and chicken stuff with broccoli. It smelled good, and Cam had added a roll and some salad to the meal to round it out some.

Jackson seemed to have found his appetite when he smelled the food, because he dug right in. He nodded to Cam’s question and, after swallowing a bite, said, “It’s hard making sure no one ever knows.”

Cam took a bite too and then asked, “Have you ever thought about finding a position on another police force, like in some other state where you could be yourself?”

Jackson sighed. “I’ve thought about it. But I can’t help feeling this is where I belong.”

Cam could understand. Even without having much to keep him tied to Atlanta, he found it hard to leave. And when he did go, he had only gone as far as Hog Mountain. He could only imagine how hard it would be to leave with as many ties as Jackson had to his home.

Cam decided it was time to change the subject. “Want to watch a movie tonight? I don’t have a lot of VHS tapes, but I have a few.”

Jackson shrugged. “Maybe. I kinda liked sitting with the windows open and just talking, if that’s okay with you.”

Cam nodded. “Yeah, that’s fine with me.”

While Cam washed dishes, Jackson took his pills and even opened the windows on a sky that was just starting to darken.

Cam returned to the living room waving a pack of cards he kept in one of the kitchen drawers. “Ever play gin?”

Jackson laughed. “Are you a card shark too, Camden Sanders?”

“While I’ll admit I have an excellent poker face, I don’t have the skill to be successful at cards, even after all my years playing with my bunkmate in the hoosegow.” Cam dropped onto the couch and offered the cards to Jackson.

Jackson took the cards but didn’t open them. “Did you really play in jail?”

Cam nodded. “It passed the time and kept me out of trouble. I guess you’ve never been in any trouble, huh, Sheriff?”

Jackson offered a somewhat embarrassed grin. “After the final game of our senior year season, me and a couple of friends on the team went out to celebrate. Clint and Wiley got into a fight outside a bar, where we had used fake IDs to get in. We all ended up charged with public intoxication and underage drinking. My dad, being a chief of police in a neighboring city, was able to get the charges dropped.” Jackson grinned again and looked down at his lap. “That’s the only time I’ve seen the inside of a jail, and it wasn’t fun. Daddy was furious too.”

Cam shook his head. Since Jackson was an officer of the law, he logically had to understand that prison was far worse than that little cell in a small-town police station, but Cam was pretty sure that Jackson really had no idea. And that was good. It was just odd that Jackson seemed completely safe from the threat of doing time, like he had some kind of invisible bubble wrap around him that wouldn’t allow anything to ever even threaten his perfect existence, while on the other hand, Cam seemed to have a big rope tied around his middle, ready at any moment to jerk him right back into the hell that was prison life. Like he could just blink too fast and someone would decide he wasn’t good enough to be mingling with the general population.

Cam examined the grease stains etched into his fingers and thought that maybe prison had left some stain on him too that other people could see when they met him. He was pretty sure his days of enjoying this normal life were numbered and depended on when Harold caught up with him. That would knock down his house of cards and he’d feel the first tug of that rope around his waist.

“Hey. I lost you again.”

Cam looked up to find Jackson staring back with a concerned expression.

“You okay? Did I say something wrong? You look awful sad.”

Cam felt a strange inability to answer. His attention was drawn to Jackson’s eyes. How odd that they were the color of good whiskey, lighter than most people with brown eyes, but they went well with his complexion and blond hair. He really was a good-looking guy, and seemed to honestly care about whether Cam was sad right then. Weird that Cam had made friends with a cop of all people. How had he ever let that happen? But Jackson wasn’t like most cops that Cam had encountered. He seemed to honestly want what was best for people and his community. Jackson really was one of the good guys.

For a moment, Cam wasn’t sure where to put his hands as he leaned forward. Jackson was still pretty beat up and the last thing Cam wanted was to make it any worse. Cam just knew he needed to do this, wanted to do this while he had the chance. His hands finally decided on Jackson’s cheeks, the sheriff’s eyes widening as Cam leaned even closer. And then their lips met and Jackson lifted his arms; the one covered in a cast simply rested against Cam’s side, while the other tightened at Cam’s ribs, pulling him closer.

Cam usually wasn’t big on kissing. Get in and get out was his regular modus operandi. But Jackson’s lips looked so delicious, so ripe for kissing, and Cam couldn’t help himself as he nibbled and licked across them. He felt the need to apologize, but he didn’t know what for. It was an odd sensation, which he had to mentally shove away. Since Jackson wasn’t complaining, Cam decided to keep his apologies to himself, instead gently helping Jackson to lie back on the couch.

When Cam pulled away slightly, they were both breathing hard. An attractive blush radiated from Jackson’s skin and Cam needed to see more of it. He fumbled with Jackson’s shirt, considering how to remove it without hurting the man, until Jackson finally took the hem and pulled it up and over his head, only grunting a few times as parts stretched and moved that weren’t quite ready to.

At seeing Jackson’s sculpted chest, even covered with the bruises and scratches, Cam let out a groan that had nothing to do with pain. Carefully placing his hands to either side of Jackson’s chest, Cam lowered himself until he could lick and suck at the broad expanse, avoiding any spot that looked too tender. The golden dusting of hair was as soft as silk against Cam’s lips as he trailed to a hard nipple, where he set in like a starving man offered a steak dinner. Cam had never spent any extended amount of time on exploring another man’s body—not to say he’d never enjoyed nipple play or touching, but it was usually with the urgent expectation of something more, not a lingering enjoyment of the act itself. For the moment, Cam was happy right where he was. He wanted to memorize Jackson Rhodes from head to toe so he could take the image with him if things turned bad.

Jackson’s good hand found the hem of Cam’s shirt and began pulling it until Cam sat up and removed the garment, tossing it over with Jackson’s. He grinned as he watched Jackson visually traversing Cam’s physical landscape and the veneer of tattoos that covered most of his body. Jackson seemed spellbound by what he saw, and Cam rose, popping open the button of his pants and letting them drop so he could step out of them. More tattoos were revealed, running down his legs and even across the tops of his feet. There were spiderwebs, guns, and skulls, but there were also colorful flowers and birds along with intricately scrolled sayings and vines. They all had a special meaning to Cam, and together became a rather cryptic telling of his life story. Although he was sure Jackson wouldn’t know the symbolism behind most of the tattoos, it felt more intimate to display them than it did his naked body.

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