Smooth Talking Stranger (33 page)

Read Smooth Talking Stranger Online

Authors: Lisa Kleypas

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Chick-Lit, #Children

BOOK: Smooth Talking Stranger
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I was silent, my eyes remaining shut. I felt a caressing stroke of his fingertips along the side of my face, over my body, and then he pulled the covers to my collarbone and left.

I didn’t think there was any way to convince Jack that he wanted more than I had to give, that to people who’d been damaged the way I had been, fear and the will to survive would always be more powerful than attachment. I could only love in a limited way, except for Luke, and that had been the miracle I had never counted on.

But I was losing Luke.

I had learned this lesson so many times before. It was the great inner truth that didn’t require the support of logic. Every time I loved, I lost, and I was diminished.

I wondered how much of me would be left after tomorrow.

As I dressed Luke in a sailor suit and tiny white sneakers, I tried to imagine how he would look to Tara, how many differences there were between a three-month-old and a newborn. Luke could now grasp an object in his hand, or bat at an object that dangled over him. He smiled at me, and he smiled at the sight of himself in a mirror. When I talked to him, he gurgled and made sounds in response, as if we were having a perfectly fascinating conversation. When I held him up and let his feet touch the floor, he pushed down with his legs as if he wanted to stand.

Luke was at the beginning of infinite discoveries and abilities. Soon there would be milestones such as his first word, the first time he could sit up, the first step. I would miss all of it. He wasn’t mine anywhere except in my heart.

I felt the sting of incipient tears, like a sneeze that wouldn’t quite happen. But it seemed the mechanism for tears had been shut off in me. It felt awful, wanting to cry but not being able.
You’ll get to visit him,
I told myself sternly.
You can find a way to he part of his life. You’ll be the really cool aunt who always gives him the best presents.

But it wasn’t the same.

“Luke,” I said scratchily, fastening the Velcro tabs on his shoes, “Mommy’s coming today. You’ll finally have Mommy back.”

He smiled up at me. I bent and brushed my lips over his petal-soft cheeks, and felt his miniature fingers grip in my hair. Gently disentangling his fists, I picked him up and took him to the sofa. I sat him on my lap and began to read his favorite board book, about a gorilla who let all the zoo animals out of their cages one night.

Midway through the story, I heard the intercom beep. “Miss Varner, you have a visitor.”

“Please send her up.”

I felt nervous and defeated. And somewhere deep inside, I was aware of lurking anger. Not a lot of anger; just a small, potent kindling, enough to burn out any remaining hint of optimism about my own future. Had Tara never asked me to do this, I would be unaware of this level of pain. And if I ever had to go through this again, someone was going to have to put me in a dirt-filled pot and start watering me three times a week.

A knock at the door, three soft raps.

Carrying Luke, I went to answer it.

And there was Tara, more beautiful than I remembered, with a few hard edges that didn’t detract from her looks at all. She was slender, beautifully dressed in a white hammered-silk top and skinny black pants, and black flats with silver studs. Her white-blond hair fell loose in casual waves, and oversized hoops hung from her ears. And her wrist glittered with what had to be a fifteen-carat tennis bracelet.

Tara came into the apartment with a wordless exclamation, not trying to take Luke from me, just putting her long arms around us both. I had forgotten how much taller than me she was. I remembered the time in our teens when I realized she had shot up past me in height, and I had complained that she shouldn’t have gotten a growth spurt before I had. And she’d teased me by saying she’d gotten both our growth spurts. The embrace reminded me of a thousand memories. It reminded me how much I loved her.

She drew back to look at me, and her gaze fell to the baby. “Ella, he’s so beautiful,” she said in wonder. “And so much bigger.”

“Isn’t he?” I angled Luke to face her. “Luke, look at your gorgeous mommy . . . here, hold him.”

We transferred the baby carefully, and as Tara took him, I still felt the imprint of Luke’s soft weight against my shoulder. She looked at me with a wet glitter in her eyes, the tops of her cheeks bright with color that burned through her makeup. “Thank you, Ella,” she whispered.

I was vaguely surprised that I wasn’t crying. It seemed there was a small but crucial distance between me and what was happening. I was grateful for that. “Let’s sit down.”

Tara followed me. “Living in 1800 Main and trading up for a rich guy like Jack Travis . . . you sure landed on your feet, Ella.”

“I didn’t start going out with Jack because of his money,” I protested.

Tara laughed. “If you say so, I believe it. Although you got this apartment from him, didn’t you?”

“It was a loaner,” I said. “But now that you’re back and I’m not taking care of Luke anymore, I’m going to live somewhere else. I’m not sure where yet.”

“Why can’t you keep staying here?”

I shook my head. “It wouldn’t feel right. But I’ll figure it out. A more important question is, where are you staying from now on? What are you and Luke going to do?”

Tara’s expression became guarded. “I’ve got a nice house not far from here.”

“Mark arranged it for you?”

“Sort of.”

The conversation went on for a little while, with me trying to nail down any specifics of Tara’s situation: her plans, her situation, how she was going to get money. She didn’t want to answer me. Her evasiveness was maddening.

Sensitive to the tension between us, or perhaps tiring of the unfamiliar arms, Luke began to writhe and fret. “What does he want?” Tara asked. “Here, take him.”

I reached out for the baby and settled him against my shoulder. He went quiet and sighed.

“Tara,” I said carefully, “I’m sorry if you think I overstepped by getting that promissory contract from Mark Gottler. But I did it for your protection, to get you and Luke some kind of guarantee. Some security.”

She gazed at me with baffling serenity. “I have all the security I need. He promised to take care of us, and I believe him.”

“Why?” I couldn’t help asking. “Why are you so willing to take the word of a man who runs around on his wife?”

“You don’t understand, Ella. You don’t know him.”

“I’ve met him, and I think he’s a cold, manipulative asshole.”

That made her temper flare. “You’re always so smart, aren’t you, Ella? You know everything, don’t you? Well, how about this? . . . Mark Gottler isn’t Luke’s father. He’s covering for the real father.”

“Who is it, Tara?” I asked with weary anger, covering the back of the baby’s head with my hand.


I was silent, staring at her. I saw the truth in her eyes. “Noah Cardiff?” I asked hoarsely.

Tara nodded. “He loves me. He is loved by tens of thousands of people, he could have anyone, but it’s me he wants. Or do you think it’s impossible for a man like that to love me?”

“No, I . . .” Luke was falling asleep. I stroked his small back. Luke . . . his favorite disciple.

“What about his wife?” I had to clear my throat before continuing. “Does she know about you? About the baby?”

“Not yet. Noah’s going to tell her when the time is right.”

“When is that? ” I whispered.

“Some time in the future, when his kids get a little older. He’s got too many responsibilities now. Noah’s real busy. But he’s going to work it all out. He wants to be with me.”

“Do you think he’ll ever risk his public image by getting a divorce? And how often will he see Luke? ”

“Luke’s going to be little for a long time. He won’t need a father ‘til he’s older, and by then Noah and I will be married.” She frowned as she saw my face. “Don’t look at me like that. He loves me, Ella. He promised to take care of me. I’m safe, and so is the baby.”

“Maybe you feel safe, but you’re not. You have nothing to bargain with. He can dump you at any time and leave you high and dry.”

“And you think you’ve got a better deal with Jack Travis?” she asked. “What do you have to bargain with, Ella? How do you know you won’t get dumped? At least I’ve got Noah’s baby.”

“I’m not dependent on Jack,” I said quietly.

“No, you don’t depend on anyone. You don’t trust anyone or believe in anything. Well, I’m different. I don’t want to be alone—I need a man, and there’s nothing wrong with that. And Noah’s the best man I’ve ever known. He’s good and smart, and he prays all the time. And I bet he’s got more money than Jack Travis, and he knows
Ella. Politicians and business people, and . . . just everyone. He’s amazing.”

“Will he put any of his promises in writing?” I asked.

“That’s not what our relationship is about. A contract would make it cheap and ugly. And it would hurt Noah’s feelings if he thought I didn’t trust him. He and Mark know that contract was something you pushed for, not me.” Reading my expression, she tried to set her mouth against a quiver of frustration. Tears weighted the delicate rims of her lower lids. “Can’t you just be happy for me, Ella?”

I shook my head slowly. “Not like this.”

She dashed at the moisture beneath her eyes with her fingertips. “You try to control people just like Mom does. Do you ever think about that?” Standing, she reached for Luke. “Give me the baby. I’ve got to go. I have a car and driver waiting.”

I surrendered Luke, who had fallen asleep, and gathered up the diaper bag, tucking the board book inside. “I can help you get the stroller down to the car—”

“I don’t need it. I’ve got a whole nursery filled with brand-new baby stuff.”

“Don’t leave angry,” I said, suddenly breathless, my chest filled with cold, dry pain.

“I’m not angry. It’s just. . .” She hesitated. “You and Mom are toxic to me, Ella. I know that’s not your fault. But I can’t see either of you and not remember the hell of our childhood. I need to fill my life with positive things. From now on it’s going to be just me, Noah, and Luke.”

I was so stricken that I could hardly speak. “Wait. Please.” I leaned over the carrier and clumsily pressed my lips to the sleeping baby’s head. “Goodbye, Luke,” I whispered.

And then I stood back and watched my sister carry Luke away. She took him onto the elevator, and the doors opened and closed, and they were gone.

Moving like an old woman, I went back into the apartment. I couldn’t seem to think of what to do. Mechanically I wandered into the kitchen and began to make tea that I knew I wasn’t going to drink.

“It’s over,” I said aloud. “It’s over.”

Luke would wake up and I wouldn’t be there. He would wonder why I had left him. The sound of my voice would fade from his memory.

My boy. My baby.

I accidentally scalded my fingers with the hot water, but the pain didn’t really register. Some part of my mind worried over how badly I was dissociating. I wanted Jack . . . he might know how to break through the layers of ice around me . . . but at the same time, the thought of being with him filled me with dread.

I changed into my pajamas, and for the rest of the afternoon I watched TV without seeing or hearing anything. The phone rang, and the answering machine picked up. Before I glanced at the caller ID, I knew it was Jack. There was no way I could talk to him, or anyone, at the moment. I turned the volume down completely.

Recognizing that I needed to go through the motions of a normal routine, I made soup with powdered chicken broth and consumed it slowly, and followed it with a glass of wine. The phone rang again, and again, and I let the answering machine take it each time, until a half-dozen messages had been left.

Just as I considered going to bed, there was a knock at the door. It was Haven. Her dark brown eyes, so like her brother’s, were filled with concern. She made no attempt to come inside, just slipped her hands in the pockets of her jeans and regarded me with infinite patience. “Hey,” she said softly. “The baby’s gone?”

“Yep. He’s gone.” I tried to sound matter-of-fact, but the last word stuck in my throat.

“Jack’s been trying to call you.”

The shadow of an apologetic smile crossed my lips. “I know. But I’m not in the mood for talking. And I didn’t want to ruin his fishing trip with my bad mood.”

“You wouldn’t ruin his fishing trip—he just wants to know you’re okay. He called me a few minutes ago and told me to come down here and check on you.”

“Sorry. You didn’t need to do that.” I tried to smile. “I’m not outside on the ledge or anything. Just really tired.”

“Yeah, I know.” Haven hesitated. “Want me to stay with you for a little while? Watch a late show or something?”

I shook my head. “I need to sleep. I . . . thanks, but no.”

“Okay.” Her gaze was warm and searching. I shrank from it like a nocturnal creature avoiding sunlight. “Ella. I’ve never had a baby, and I don’t know exactly what you’re going through . . . but I do know about loss. And grief. And I’m a good listener. Let’s talk tomorrow, okay?”

“There’s really nothing to say.” I had no intention of talking about Luke ever again. It was a closed chapter in my life.

She reached out and touched my shoulder lightly. “Jack’s getting in around five tomorrow,” she said. “Maybe even sooner.”

“I probably won’t be here,” I heard myself say distantly. “I’m going back to Austin.”

She looked at me alertly. “For a visit?”

“I don’t know. Maybe for good. I keep thinking . . . I want to go back to the way things were before.” I had been safe in Austin, with Dane. I had not felt too much, given too much, needed too much. There had been no promises.

“Do you think that’s possible?” Haven asked softly.

“I don’t know,” I said. “I may have to try it. Everything feels wrong here, Haven.”

“Wait before deciding anything,” Haven urged. “You need time. Give it some time, and you’ll know what to do.”


In the morning i woke up and went into the main room. There was a protesting squeak beneath my foot. I reached down to pick up Luke’s stuffed bunny. Holding the bunny tightly, I sat on the sofa and wept. But it wasn’t the good, gusty cry I needed, only a slow anguished drizzle. I took a shower, standing in the hot water for a long time.

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