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Authors: Anne Marsh

BOOK: SmokingHot
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Temperatures are rising…

For Navy SEAL Tye Callahan, Strong, California is a debt of honor and temporary detour in his military career. He’s fought hard in Afghanistan and he won’t stop until the battle is won. When an ambush he should have prevented kills one of his teammates, however, Tye steps up and steps in to fill the fallen man’s obligations. One summer in Strong fighting fires with the smoke jumper team. One fiancée to look out for and get back on her feet. But the adrenaline rush of fighting fire, of jumping into the heart of the flames and pitting wits and body against the inferno, is nothing compared to the rush of coming face to face with Katie Lawson…

Until there’s no beating the heat

Katie can’t accept her larger-than-life fiancé has been killed in action. While she waits for him to come home, she vows to fulfill his bucket list. And who better to help her than Mr. Tall, Dark and Sexy—her fiancé’s teammate and substitute smoke jumper? Now, as the summer heats up one sexy task at a time, they must decide if the chemistry burning between them might just be their second chance at living their own lives… together.


Series List


Contemporary Romance – Smoke Jumpers

(Smoke Jumpers, Book 1)

(Smoke Jumpers, Book 2)

(Smoke Jumpers, Book 3)

(Smoke Jumpers, Book 4)

SWEET BURN (Smoke Jumpers, Book 5)


Contemporary Romance – The Hotshots

(The Hotshots, 1)

(The Hotshots, 2)

(The Hotshots, 3, in HOT SHOTS)


Contemporary Romance – Men of Discovery Island

(Men of Discovery Island, 1)

WICKED NIGHTS (Men of Discovery Island, 2)

WICKED SECRETS (Men of Discovery Island, 3)


Paranormal Romance – Blue Moon Brides

(Blue Moon Brides, Book 1)

PLEASURED BY THE PACK (Blue Moon Brides, Book 2)

(Blue Moon Brides, Book 3)


Paranormal Romance – The Fallen

(Fallen, Book 1)

(Fallen, Book 2)

(Fallen, Book 3)



Non-Series Books





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Smoking Hot




Copyright © 2014 Anne Marsh

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system, with the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.




Chapter One


Tye Callahan’s base camp for the summer was an old camper he’d picked up for two hundred bucks on Craigslist. He’d fumigated his new acquisition, trying hard not to think about any less-than-wholesome activities that might have taken place on the worn-out bed. The camper was a cheap, handy place to crash and that was precisely what he needed. No fuss, no muss. His truck had a hitch too, so he could pull out of town any day of the week.
, not
, but the possibility was there. In the meantime, he made do with his own personal fire pit, two Wal-Mart folding chairs, and a solar-heated shower. His new digs were definitely not the Ritz, but the first and last time he’d been inside a five-star hotel, he’d been running a Spec Ops mission, gunning for a suspected terrorist.

This was far better.

His temporary residence in Strong, California involved far fewer bullets and way more logistics—as did his current mission. He hoped. Moving silently, he got his first visual of the firehouse. The town’s firefighters had slapped a coat of bright red paint on the outside, but the place was old and fixing it up was still a work in progress. Paint was a good start, though, the first coat glossy enough to see his reflection in. Nothing new there. Aviator sunglasses hid his eyes. The military haircut was still the same, as was the pair of worn BDUs and his favorite—okay, his
—pair of steel-toes. The T-shirt was new, navy blue cotton with
Donovan Smoke Jumpers
printed across the front in neat block letters. New job. New threads.

He didn’t look like a killer, which just proved that looks were deceiving.

The firehouse door was propped wide open, so there was nothing stopping his forward advance. Intel said his target was indeed inside the building.
. He’d spent his first three days in Strong learning the lay of the land, where the exit points were. Katherine Lawson rented a bungalow on Spruce Street—and he must be getting used to the wholesome Americana feel of the place because the fact that all the side streets in Strong were named after trees barely made him wince now—and she drove an impossibly small Kia with a correspondingly large dent in the front fender. Surrounded by friends and family, she had plenty of bolt holes if he scared her and she ran.

So he wouldn’t scare her.

That’s an order, sailor.

He paused just inside the door, quartering the hallway. No visible hostiles, but the open door to his left led out to the garage bays. One fire truck was partially visible, the bay echoing with the cheerful din of men checking gear. Framed black-and-white photographs of the firehouse in its glory days lined the hallway to his right. The place had looked better fifty years ago, no surprise. He’d looked better ten years ago himself. A strong smell of paint wafted from his right and...

Target acquired.

He moved out. The hall went straight for twenty feet, then bent ninety degrees. As soon as he reached the turn, he got his back to the wall. Going in blind wasn’t an option he favored, so he peered around the corner and—holy Mary. Targets in the good old U.S. of A. were a hell of a lot prettier than anyone he’d made in Baghdad or Afghanistan.

When the blonde at the bar had mentioned painting, he’d imagined a gallon of Behr’s finest and some roller action. Color him wrong. His target faced off against a large wall half-filled with an explosion of pinks, greens and yellows, although he had no idea what the mess was supposed to be. She fisted a paintbrush like it was a weapon, reaching out to brush another stroke of bright pink over the layers and layers of paint on the wall, her ponytail bouncing as she worked. The shoulder-length hair was mostly brown, but the southernmost end was pink and—he squinted—purple.
. He hadn’t spotted any purple in the monstrosity she’d splattered on the wall.

She brandished the brush at the wall. “You, sir, are supposed to be done.”

Tye looked at the wall again. Nope. The wall still sported a good fifteen square feet of empty space. Unless this was some kind of post-modernist crap, she was way behind schedule.

She sighed, cursed—was that
?—and bent over to dunk her brush in the paint can by her bare feet.

Color him a dirty old man because, sweet Jesus, in all his thirty-two years he’d never seen a sexier pair of legs. Katherine Lawson—and if this woman wasn’t Katherine, he’d eat his BDUs—wore some kind of itty-bitty romper thing where the top and the bottom were all one piece. One very short, ass-hugging, boob-clinging piece covered with yellow and white polka dots and held up by thin straps. A lacy scrap of ribbon traced her cleavage and outlined sweet curves his fingers itched to touch. Hiding a bra underneath that top was mission impossible, which had to be his favorite part of her get-up. If he dipped his fingers beneath the edge, he’d find nothing but sweet, bare skin.

Stand down, sailor.

This was Kade’s girl? The letters she’d written Kade had been funny, although not half as funny as the wicked drawings she’d doodled in the margins. Little vignettes from Strong, poking gentle fun at the town’s residents and small town life. Reassuringly, blessedly normal news and chitchat while he and Kade had been parked in the middle of hell. He hadn’t realized how young she was. Kade had been twenty-eight to Tye’s thirty-two, but Kade’s Katherine… was even younger. No wonder Kade had worried about her. Had made Tye promise to look after her if shit hit the fan and he couldn’t finish the job.

As she crouched to daub more paint on the bottom of the mural-in-progress, Tye reminded himself he wasn’t on leave. The romper pulled tight, outlining the curve of her ass and hinting at a tantalizing strip of hot pink that definitely advertised thong territory. He wasn’t here to—
or even one-night-stand Katherine Lawson. There was one reason and one reason only for his presence in Strong. To make sure she was as okay as she could be. He had to do whatever he could to make up for his part in her fiancé’s death and that dose of cold reality took care of whatever else might have been stirring in his BDUs.


Except then… the firehouse siren went off. With a startled shriek—Katherine Lawson had a pair of lungs on her, because he heard her over the siren’s ear-splitting wail—she toppled backward. Tye sprang into action, swiftly closing the gap between them to crouch down behind her and cup her elbows.

Her head rocked backwards, banging into his chest even as her back hit his spread thighs. He caught a glimpse of wide brown eyes before she twisted in his arms. Yup. He’d scared the shit out of her.
Way to go.

Her foot lashed out and the paint can flew up. An Olympic diver would have scored full marks for the perfect somersault—and then lost every last point on the ultimate splat. He’d had no idea one small can could contain that much paint. There was paint on the wall, on the floor, and all over those long, bare legs he’d be fantasizing about later tonight… He tightened his fingers on her elbows, holding her above the rapidly spreading pool of pink.

“I’ve got this,” she snapped, jerking against his hold. “Let go.”

No, she didn’t.

But, hey, he knew
when he heard it and he was turning over a new, gentlemanly leaf. So he let go and she ass-planted right in the small lake of paint. Right at his feet.

“That’s what I was trying to avoid,” he observed.

,” she said with the worst French accent he’d ever heard and tried to get to her feet.

He could see what was coming next, but there was no way he moved in time. She slipped—the paint was as slippery as it was colorful—and her hands shot out, grabbing for support. Her palm slapped against his crotch, painting his BDUs with a hot pink X-marks-the-spot.

“Oh, my God.” She stared at her hand like she couldn’t believe she’d just pawed a total stranger. Which meant she also stared right at his dick, which decided her words had to be a compliment. “I mean,
mon dieu.

He grinned as parts of him shot to life. She yanked her fingers away.




Merde, merde, merde
. Katie scrambled backwards from the large, dominating male looking her over. Even crouching, his steel-toes planted on the worn linoleum, he wasn’t eye-level with her. And, oh God, she’d touched his goodies. His really, really impressive goodies. Maybe the floor would give way and take her with it. Or she’d wake up and this would be one of those dreams where she was strolling down Main Street in her laundry day undies while every hot guy in town stared, and not in a good way.

She closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, he’d be gone. Or this would be just a dream.

His rough, raspy voice sounded close to her ear. “Katherine Lawson?”

She cracked an eye. He was staring at her like she was crazy. And he knew her name. So maybe he wasn’t a random stranger. She didn’t know if that was better or worse.

She said the first thing that came to mind. “
Je ne sais pas.”

Time for all those hours listening to her French MP4s to come in handy. She could be the sophisticated, non-English-speaking, soon-to-return-to-Paris exchange student. Anyone, in fact, other than who she was.

He dipped his head, his mouth inching close to her ear. “You’re not French. And that’s the wrong answer.”

Darn it. He sounded certain. “How did you know?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, all stern-looking and in charge. He positively radiated danger and authority, except—her eyes dipped south before she could check herself—for the bright pink handprint decorating his fly. Hard to be Mr. Big, Bad and Dangerous wearing that splash of color.

He didn’t look away, but the corner of his mouth quirked up. He didn’t seem mortally offended by her assault but, then again, he was a guy. For all she knew, he had a fantasy about getting it on in public in a firehouse.

He leaned toward her, his forearms relaxed on his thighs. He looked like the kind of man who ran ten miles a day in combat boots. Kade had done that. Every morning of their last summer together, she’d sat with her feet up on her porch, waving him on as he ran and catcalling him something fierce because that was what friends
and they’d always, always been friends, both before and after they’d gotten engaged. She eyed the BDUs and blinked. She didn’t have tears in her eyes. She

“I spent six months in Afghanistan. The French peacekeeping force cursed worse than any SEAL,” he said.

“Prove it.”

He shrugged and leaned forward until she could feel the warmth of his body, his knees brushing hers. Then he whispered a
salty French curse in her ear. At least she thought he did. If she was being honest, her French didn’t extend past basic body parts.

He rocked back on his heels. “Convinced?”

“Well, shoot.
,” she corrected. “I’m supposed to be practicing. To get better.”

She’d certainly planned on having an entire lifetime—or two or three, if the reincarnation thing turned out to be an option—to learn French. She needed the time because the language-learning gene had clearly skipped her entirely. It was just that learning the language was on Kade’s bucket list and she’d made conquering that list her own personal mission. She honestly didn’t know why Kade had wanted to learn French—probably because he wanted to go to France, or read a French menu, or impress a girl. Knowing Kade, the answer was all three. Kade was definitely the kind of guy who lived on Santa’s naughty list.

Her mystery man shook his head. “I’m going to be cashing a pension check before you get better. Your accent’s even worse than Kade’s was.”

She ignored his use of the past tense. “You know Kade?”

“Yeah. I did.” He flowed effortlessly to his feet, paint-free except for that single X-rated spot. How had he managed that? He strode away before she could correct him.

“Do,” she bellowed after him, standing up and keeping her feet this time. “Do know Kade.”

Just when she thought he’d left her standing there—admittedly, in a mess of her own making, but still—he returned with a fistful of rags. Practical
hot. It was her lucky day.

He squatted and wrapped a large hand around her right ankle. “Lift.”

Well. Oookay. Mr. Tall, Dark and Deadly clearly had the military training—although the haircut and the dog tags would have given it away. “
know Kade,” she repeated.

He shook his head and wiped paint off her foot, carefully setting it down on a piece of paper towel. “He’s dead, Katherine.”

“Katie.” Her embarrassment at pawing the man’s crotch (and her second and third glances had confirmed it was still a really, really impressive crotch) was not helped by the fact that he’d decided to play cleanup crew. On the other hand, refusing his help meant either tracking paint down the hallway to the bathroom—which
then have to clean up—or performing some kind of mutant snail crawl to said lavatory. That kind of thing ended up on Facebook fast.

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