Smitten Book Club (24 page)

Read Smitten Book Club Online

Authors: Colleen Coble,Denise Hunter

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: Smitten Book Club
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“You were hoping to celebrate with them, weren’t you?”

Lia’s head jerked up. “What? No.”

“Lia Burton, I know you. I mean, it makes sense. This is the only guy you’ve ever cared about.” Heather smiled.

“It’s not like that. Yes, I care about Joey . . . but I’ve given up on the idea of the two of us ever being anything but best of friends.” She coughed again.

“You’re coming down with your yearly cold, aren’t you?”

Lia nodded and wiped her nose on a tissue.

“At least you can get better over break.” Heather studied her a moment. “Too bad about Joey, though. His return to Smitten seemed so full of possibilities.”

“He’s just a friend, Heather.”

Heather locked eyes with Lia. “Whatever you say.”

Lia didn’t want to talk about it anymore. It wasn’t as though she could do anything to prevent Joey and Grace from leaving over Christmas. It was none of her business.

She’d just have to let it go.


Lia was tutoring Molly’s son, Noah. They were reading
Llama Llama Red

“Okay, time to get to work,” Mom announced, carrying in Christmas decoration boxes from the garage. They normally had everything in place way before now, but life had gotten so busy they just hadn’t gotten around to it. Now that winter break had begun, Lia was eager to put up the tree.

“All right, Noah, guess we’re done for today. Want to help us decorate?”

As they hauled the necessary boxes, Lia told her mother about Joey’s plans.

“Florida? Over Christmas?” Mom’s voice rose an octave. “He can’t do that!”

“That’s kind of what I thought,” Lia huffed as she dragged the Christmas tree box across the living room floor.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“You’ve been at church every night getting ready for the Christmas program, and I’ve been in bed by the time you got home.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Her mother pulled some candlesticks from a box. “Are you feeling any better?”

“I took some cold medicine. Feeling a little light-headed, but okay.” She sneezed, and her mother frowned. “I’ll be
fine.” Lia turned to Noah. “You can watch
The Santa Clause
movie till we get to the ornaments if you want.”

Noah seemed to like that idea, so she turned the TV on for him, then went back to helping her mom unpack the boxes.

“That poor child. Oh, Lia, I’m just sick.” Mom held her hand to her chest the way she did when things didn’t go her way.

The front doorbell rang, and Lia went to answer it.

Suzie Oliver stood at the door, looking frazzled. Grace stood beside her, bundled in woolens and boots. “I’m so sorry to bother you.”

“What is it? Is something wrong?”

“Joey went hunting with Sam, so I’ve been watching Grace, but my mom was just taken to the hospital. They think it’s her heart. Could you watch Grace for us?”

“Oh, we would be happy to.” Lia opened the door wider. “You go to your mom. Grace will be fine here. We’re just starting to decorate the house for Christmas. Noah is helping us.”

If Suzie knew about Joey’s wishes, Lia figured she’d speak up. But it was their home, after all, and they were planning to decorate before Grace arrived.

Suzie let out a breath. “Oh, thank you so much. Call me if you need anything.” She gave Lia her cell number and hurried down the porch steps to her car.

Lia ushered Grace into the house, where she took off her coat, hat, mittens, and boots and settled into the warmth of the house.

“I think she and Noah had better have some hot cocoa before we get started, so they’ll have the energy to help us.”
Mom winked at Lia, then promptly prepared the cocoa and placed two cups on the oak table.

“Extra marshmallows, right, Grace?” Lia asked, dropping miniature marshmallows into her cup.

Grace nodded and grinned as the marshmallows bobbed to the surface.

My dad says we can’t have a Christmas tree this year ’cause we won’t be home for Christmas
, Grace signed. She took a careful sip.

“She says she won’t be home for Christmas,” Lia said, for her mom’s and Noah’s sakes.

“Where you going?” Noah asked.

Though he didn’t use sign language, Grace could obviously hear him.

Disney World
, she signed.


“She said ‘Disney World,’” Lia said.

“Wow, that’s cool.”

I guess
. Grace didn’t look convinced.

“Don’t you want to go, Grace?” Mom asked.

I want to
sometime, but I just want to be home for Christmas

“Did you tell your daddy that?”

But he says it’s better if we go
. Grace looked across the family room at all the decorations, and her eyes brightened.
Do I get
put up ornaments? I helped Mommy last year
. Her hands fell to her lap.

Yes, you most certainly do get to help. We need you and Noah. We can’t do it all ourselves
, Lia’s mom signed and gave a broad grin.

Lia was impressed by how quickly her mom had picked up some sign language from being with Grace. Her signs were sometimes off, but since Grace could hear, she understood
her just the same. It seemed to please the little girl that others used her mother’s language.

Grace’s feet swung back and forth under her chair while she and Noah tried to communicate. Mother and Lia went to work, placing wreaths, candles, snowmen, greenery, and ornaments in cozy arrangements around the room. They saved their ceramic nativity scene for the fireplace mantel.

“Well, if you two are finished with your cocoa, how about we put up the tree?”

The kids jumped off their seats and ran to her side.

Mom put on some lively Christmas music and they set to work, putting up the tree stand, adding the skirt, then shaping the limbs. With that done, they placed the boxes of ornaments in rows and let the children put them where they wanted them.

This is the best day ever!
Grace signed. She picked up an angel ornament and headed for the tree.

Lia hadn’t seen the child this happy before. Her face just glowed.

Just then the doorbell rang.

Lia hoped it wasn’t Suzie yet. They were having such fun.

She opened the door, and Joey stepped into the house.

“Sorry you ended up babysitting.” He stepped inside the house and looked around. He turned to Lia with a frown. “You know how I feel about Christmas and not wanting Grace around it.”

Lia pulled him aside so the children wouldn’t hear. “We were already decorating with Noah when Suzie and Grace showed up. What did you expect me to do, drop everything and throw sheets over the decorations? You can’t hide it from
her, Joey. Christmas is everywhere. I’m sorry something so tragic happened for you during this season, but it’s not fair to take it away from Grace. It’s a joyous holiday.”

“You know nothing of what she’s been through. I just want to spare her—”

“Spare her or spare you?”

“Why do you keep saying that?”

“Are you sure you’re not just trying to run away yourself?”

His jaw muscle twitched. “I don’t run away from anything. I’m just trying to not subject my daughter to more painful memories.”

“Then make some new memories. In the Christmas season. Make it a happy time for her again.”

He stared at Lia until she thought he’d bore a hole through her head. Then he walked over to Grace and signed that they had to go.

Please, Daddy, can I finish the tree?

“No, Grace. We have to go. Now.”

Lia’s head started to pound with a headache.

Grace’s lower lip jutted out, and she quietly pulled on her outer wraps and followed her dad out the door.

Neither said a word of good-bye.

When the eyes of love are opened, courtship takes upon the fairest of qualities.
The Gentlewoman’s Guide to Love and Courtship

o glad you and Grace could have dinner with us before you leave for Florida,” Mrs. Burton said. “We had hoped to spend more time with her over Christmas vacation. We’ll miss her while you’re gone.” She placed the piping hot pan of lasagna on the pad on the table, then added the serving platter of warm garlic bread.

Grace rubbed her tummy and smiled.

“Somebody’s hungry,” Joey said with a laugh. “She doesn’t get this kind of cooking from me.” Before settling in his seat he asked, “Is Elliana going to join us?”

Mrs. Burton sighed. “I don’t know. Her pneumonia is getting better . . . the antibiotics seem to be working.”

“With her fear of doctors, I’m just glad she agreed to go in.” Joey smiled. “If you think she’s decent, could I go see her?”

“Sure. Her room is the third door on the right. Just knock on the door and let her know it’s you.”

Joey made his way down the hall to her room and knocked. “Elliana, it’s Joey. May I come in?”

After a moment a hoarse voice said, “Come in.”

He stepped inside to find her bundled beneath a mountain of covers, her body propped up on fluffy pillows.

She offered a slight smile. “Hello.”

Though she looked better than the last time he had seen her, it frightened him to see her looking so vulnerable. He stepped closer.

“You feeling any better?”

“A little stronger every day. Just don’t tell Mom. I’m enjoying the life of luxury with her taking care of me.” She coughed. “Joey, you’re not mad? When you left with Grace the other night—”

“No, I’m not mad at you.” He knew he owed her more of an explanation than that, but she seemed so tired. They’d have to talk about it another time.

“So you’re leaving tomorrow afternoon?”

“Yeah.” He stared at the floor, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “We’re supposed to get a snowstorm tomorrow, but I think we’ll be out of here before it hits.” He winked at her. “We’ll be soaking up sun on the beach while you’re digging out of the drifts.”

“If I had the strength, I’d throw something at you.”

He laughed. “I thought you might.” He paused. “Any chance you can join us for dinner?”

“I’m not hungry, but maybe I can come out and sit on the sofa.”

“I’d like that,” he said.

Something about her eyes. So sincere, warm. Even in her
current condition, she was beautiful. How had he missed that in the past? He had always loved her zest for life, the history they shared . . . but romance? It had never occurred to him.

“What is it?” She ran her fingers through her hair. “I look a mess, don’t I?”

“You’ve never looked more beautiful.” His eyes held hers and lingered there.

“Well, I guess you’d better go out so I can make myself presentable for dinner. Tell Mom I’ll be right there.”

“Great.” He took her hand and ever so gently brought it to his lips, then placed it carefully back on her bed. “I’ll look forward to it.” He turned and walked out the door.

His heart pounded in his chest. What was he thinking? He was going to blow it between them, acting like that. It was a good thing he was leaving. He needed to get out of there, away from Elliana, and think. This was coming out of nowhere. Wasn’t it? He hadn’t always felt this way, had he? Of course he hadn’t. They were friends.

It must be seeing her sick that had thrown him. It sent an urgency through him. He wanted to fix things. Just like with his wife. But some things he just couldn’t fix.

He stepped into the dining room. “Elliana is going to come out to the living room and lie down on the sofa.”

“Oh good,” her mother said. “She’s been stuck back there, and I was worried she’d get depressed.”

“That’s enough talking about me.” Elliana entered the room with a weak smile. “You go ahead and eat. I’ll just sit over here.”

Mrs. Burton said the prayer over the meal, and they began to eat.

“Smells delicious,” Elliana said.

“Would you like to try some, dear?”

“No, thanks, Mom. I might have some chicken broth later. That would feel good on my throat.”

“I’ll get it for you now.”

Soon her mother had the mug of broth in Elliana’s hands.

After Joey and Grace helped clear the dinner table, he walked over to join Elliana, and Grace settled into a Disney movie on TV with Mrs. Burton.

“So,” Elliana said, breaking the silence. “You all packed and ready to go?”

“Almost. We’re flying out of Plattsburgh. Flight doesn’t leave until three o’clock.”

“That’s about an hour and a half drive. I hope you don’t run into bad weather.”

“We may head out early, depending on the weather reports.”

Elliana fidgeted with her blanket. “You’re sure you have to go?”

She glanced up at him, and the look in her eyes made his heart squeeze. He almost wanted to say no. But he had to do this for Grace.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

for Grace, wasn’t it?

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