Read Smitten Online

Authors: Colleen Coble

Tags: #ebook, #book

Smitten (11 page)

BOOK: Smitten
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Natalie had arranged to meet the girls at the coffee shop for a quick birthday party before her date, and they’d come bearing gifts. The table was decorated with a chocolate gluten-free cake and balloons, and she’d had the barista make her friends’ favorite beverages.

She unwrapped a blue package first. It was a CD.

“Christmas music?”

Shelby’s dark head bobbed, and she smiled proudly.

“It’s the California Raisins! I had to order it online since it’s not being made anymore, but it’s the best Christmas CD

“It’s May,” Reese pointed out.

“But Christmas is coming! And it lifts my spirits no matter what time of year it is.” Shelby began to sing “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” in a rich alto.

Natalie contorted her mouth trying not to laugh, but a giggle escaped anyway. “Only you, Shelby.” She hugged her friend. “Thank you. I’ll think of you when I listen to it.”

“Okay, that’s not all,” Shelby said. “But it was my favorite gift. Here’s the other.” She handed over a bag that contained three books. One on the behavior of five- to ten-year-olds, a children’s story about adoption, and another book on building an adoptive family.

Natalie squealed. “Shelby, how did you find these?” She hugged Shelby again.

Shelby smiled. “Glad you like them.”

Natalie opened the gift from Julia, a stylish pink backpack.

“I can put Mia’s things in it when we travel or go to the park.”

“That’s what I thought,” Julia said.

Smiling, Natalie glanced at Reese. “I suppose you have a motherly item for me too?”

“We have to celebrate with you.” Reese handed over a bag.

Natalie peeked inside and pulled out a Pilates DVD for children ages five to ten. “It’s perfect! I might actually be able to do this one.”

“Glad you like it,” Reese said. “And by the way, you look totally hot tonight. Is that the outfit Julia got you last year?”

Natalie exchanged a long glance with Julia. “Yes. You don’t think it’s a little—well, sexy?”

“Legs like yours should be flaunted, not hidden,” Julia said. “The only thing I would have added is fishnet stockings.”

Natalie shuddered. “I think I’ll stick with bare legs, thank you.” She glanced at her watch. “He’ll be here in half an hour.” The skirt ended just above her knees, so it wasn’t that short. But she felt so vulnerable in it.

“I want to see his face when he first spots you,” Julia said.

“I don’t think so. Having you all here will make me too self-conscious. I can’t even remember the last time I had a date,” Natalie said. “I’m out of practice.”

Shelby hugged her. “I’ll be praying for you, friend, but you’re going to have a great time.”

Shelby always reminded Natalie that God was in control. Natalie picked up a knife and cut into the birthday cake.

“Who wants a piece of cake?”

Julia sprang to her feet. “Let’s listen to that Christmas music. What’s on that CD?”

“No cake for me, thanks,” Reese said. “I’m trying to shed a couple of pounds. But you go ahead.”

Natalie took a bite. “Come on, girls, it’s really good.

Honest. It tastes just like one made with wheat.”

“I’ll have some,” Shelby said, her eyes sympathetic. “I found a great recipe. It’s made with almond flour mixed with rice flour and pea protein. And it’s chocolate, so it has to taste great.”

Natalie took another bite. “It’s delicious, Shelby. Thanks for going to all that trouble.”

“Anything for you, my friend.”

Natalie glanced toward the door to the kitchen. “Now to just figure out those cookies. I have a sample batch you can try.”

Reese sprang to her feet. “I need to leave.”

Julia headed for the door. “We know you don’t want us here when Carson comes. I’ll pick Mia up from Rose’s tender clutches.”

Natalie laughed. “Chickens.” She saw them to the door, then rushed to the mirror where she fussed with her hair and touched up her lip gloss one last time. The bell over the door reverberated through her midsection moments later, and she gulped. It was so silly to be nervous. Her feet wobbled in the high heels as she went to see if it was Carson.

Carson wore jeans and a blazer over a white shirt. His short curls appeared to have been newly trimmed. He held out a bouquet of daisies. “You seem more like a daisy kind of girl than one who likes roses,” he said. “Happy birthday.”

daisies,” she said, taking the flowers. “How did you know it was my birthday?”

“You mentioned it once, the first time you came to my cabins.”

And he’d remembered all this time? “Let me put them in water.” She carried them behind the counter, trying to stay out of Zoe’s way, and dug a vase out from the cabinet. She was conscious of his presence as she filled the vase with water and arranged the flowers. “Beautiful,” she said, placing the vase on the counter.

“Yes, beautiful,” he said, his gaze on her and not the flowers. “I have something else.” He pulled a small box from his pocket and held it out.

Jewelry. It had to be jewelry. Did that say something special about their relationship? Her hands shook as she took it and untied the ribbon. She lifted the lid of the black box, and a locket glimmered inside. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“Open it.”

She lifted the locket and opened it. Mia’s face smiled back at her. Her vision blurred. “Oh, Carson,” she said softly. She looked up at him. “It’s perfect.”

“On the other side you can put one of the two of you together.”

“How did you get the picture of Mia?”

“Your aunt Rose helped a little.”

The bell on the door jingled again, but she didn’t look to see who had come in until a man cleared his throat and spoke.

“Hey, Carson. Candy said she thought you were here,”

Brian said. He didn’t smile, and his eyes were troubled.

“We were about to head out to dinner,” Carson said.

“What’s wrong? You look upset.”

”I had a call from Lisa,” Brian said. “We dated in high school some, so I guess she thought I’d help her.”

“What did she want?”

“She asked me to try to get some money from you. That you should want to bail your child’s mother out of jail.”

Carson’s hands curled into fists. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“I wish I were.”

Carson rubbed his head. “What does she hope to gain by this?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Brian said.

Surely Lisa was certain of her facts or she wouldn’t have taken this to a lawyer, would she? Natalie didn’t want to believe Carson was Mia’s father, and in fact, she was ready to trust his word totally. But hearing this news made her want to take a step back.

“So what do we do now?” Carson asked. “I’m not giving her a cent. And it goes without saying that I’m not Mia’s father.”

Brian’s face filled with relief. “I’d take a blood test, then.

You’ll have proof if she presses the situation.”

Carson sighed and dropped his hands to his sides. “I don’t think I should have to prove myself. My word should be enough.”

Carson glanced at Natalie, and the indecision she saw in his eyes made her wonder even more. Why would he even hesitate to agree to a blood test? Unless he didn’t want the truth to come out.


he Sentry was a nice restaurant, and their table looked out on Lake Champlain, but Natalie only wanted the agonizing evening to be over. Her seared ahi tuna looked and smelled delicious, but she couldn’t have said what it actually tasted like. Conversation had been stilted.

Carson took a sip of his Pepsi, then set it down. “You’ve been weird all evening. You don’t believe Lisa’s accusation, do you?”

She gulped a mouthful of water to give her time to form an answer. “I guess I’m surprised at your reluctance to take the blood test. It’s the only way to end the gossip.”

His face hardened, and his eyes narrowed. “So you
believe it.”

Was that hurt in his voice?

“I don’t believe all of it,” she said. “But I have to think there was more to your relationship than a casual ride after her car broke down. Th-That’s just crazy to accuse you with no more than that.”

She saw him swallow hard. His lips flattened.

“After what you know of me, you’d actually believe that?” He leaned forward and stared at her. “Even a kiss to me means
I love you
. I take that pretty seriously. I haven’t had sex with any woman, Natalie. God says it’s sin, and I want to go to my marriage bed as pure as my wife. I feel stupid even admitting that to you. Guess I’ve been so careful for no reason, when the woman I love is so quick to think I have no morals.”

Did he just say he loved me?
She opened her mouth, then closed it again, unsure how to respond.

His chair scraped on the floor as he pushed back from the table. “There’s no more to say. Let me take you home.” He left money on the table and headed toward the door.

Silently she rose and followed him to the car. Everything in her wanted to believe him, but it would be stupid to ignore the evidence. She’d seen her mother do it time and time again, each man worse than his predecessor.

“I’m sorry,” she said when he dropped her in front of her house. Her door opened smoothly, and she thought he might ask her if he could stay so he could explain more, but he simply wished her a good night and drove off. She stood and watched until his taillights flashed at the stop sign, then disappeared into the fog.

Her vision blurred. No matter how attracted she was to Carson, she was determined not to be deceived by appearances. Ten years from now she didn’t want to end up in divorce court because she married a man who wasn’t what he seemed on the surface. Swiping the moisture from her cheeks, she took a deep breath and entered her house.

“Is Mia in bed?” she asked Julia.

Her friend nodded. “She was so sweet tonight. She prayed for Carson.”


“She didn’t tell me, but it was cute to hear her talk to God like he was her best friend.” She went toward the door. “How was your date?”

“Don’t ask. I’ll tell you when we’re all together tomorrow.”

Julia hesitated, then nodded. “See you tomorrow. It’s Shelby’s day, so we only have to walk.”

Natalie locked the door behind Julia, then went to check on Mia. The child was sleeping on her side with one arm flung over her head. The covers were twisted. Natalie straightened them, and Mia opened her eyes.

“You’re home,” she said, rubbing her face. “Is Mr. Carson here?”

“No, he left.”

“I tried to stay awake so I could talk to him.”

“You really like Mr. Carson, don’t you?”

“I love him,” Mia said solemnly. “Even if he isn’t my dad.”

So do I
. The realization that her feelings were much more than mere attraction made Natalie sink to her knees by the bed. What would Mia think if she knew Carson should be part of her life but had rejected her? What if she heard about the paternity suit? Natalie prayed she would never find out. “Did you have a good time with Julia tonight?”

“Uh-huh.” Mia rolled onto her back. The moonlight touched her sweet face. “We prayed for Mr. Carson too. God told me to.”

“He told you to pray?”

Mia nodded and sat up. “Mr. Carson was sad tonight. It hurts him that people lied about him. I’m going to make sure all my friends know the truth.”

. It sounded like it would be so easy to discern, but it wasn’t always possible to see beneath the smiling surface.

How could Natalie ever tell when to trust and when to dig deeper?

Carson prayed over dinner tonight

Okay, so her mother’s men never claimed to be Christians.

Still, Natalie had seen her share of hypocrites in her life.

Some had been in her own church.

She sighed and kissed Mia. “Time for sleep, honey.”

“I love you,” Mia said, her eyes already closing.

“Love you most,” Natalie said, knowing she’d get the last word in since Mia’s breathing had already deepened.

She eased out of the room and shut the door behind her, leaving only a crack so there was a bit of light. In the sunroom, she dropped onto the sofa and stared into the dark night before sighing and picking up her Bible on the stand beside her. She hadn’t had time to do her devotions this morning. Or rather, she’d let herself get distracted.

The bookmark was in Hebrews. She began to read chapter 11, and the first verse hit her heart.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

She’d seen the evidence of Carson’s life. Did she need more than that?
. There was substance in Carson’s life too. He’d told Mia he didn’t care what people said about him.

Maybe he really didn’t care because he knew the truth and where he stood with God.

BOOK: Smitten
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