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A Zephyrs MC Novel






Kasey Millstead



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Thank you for respecting the work of this Author.

Undercover is a work of fiction.  All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book are either from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, with exception to Artists named, and their song lyrics, and direct quotes from movies whose titles have been named.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.


Copyright © 2014, Kasey Millstead


Cover design © Louisa Maggio of LM Creations –


Editing by CJ Pinard – www.cpinard.com




To Jovi

You taught me the hard way that life is too short.

Five and a half years with you wasn’t long enough; but for a parent, forever isn’t long enough.  I love you with my whole heart.  I miss you even more. xx



“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”

Ray Bradbury

Other titles by Kasey Millstead


Steele Investigations




Down Under Cowboy Series

Cowboy Town (Eden & Jackson)

Sky Cowboy (Ava & Jeremy)

Cowboy Dreams (Jules & Clay)

Cowboy Christmas (A Henley Christmas Novella)

Tatted Cowboy (Laura & Luke)

Rogue Cowboy (Sienna & Zeke)

Cowboy Struggles (Ava & Jeremy, a novella)


Stand Alone Novels

Fighting to Stay

Illicit Desire

Vengeance is Mine

Dancing with Desire

Fighting for Switch




Cowboy Redemption (Kennedy & Kye)

Cowboy Endings




Troy – God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you... 

To my four beautiful babies – I love you beyond measure.  Thank you for being you.  Never change.

To Mel and Wurry, my soul friends - I think “
” says it all. Mwah.

Thanks to Meri for being my sounding board, for listening to me waffle on, and for giving great advice.  You’re one of the best!

To my mum and dad – thanks for having such an awesome child.  I bet you’re proud of yourselves! ;)  And an extra special thanks to my mum who implanted a deep love of reading in me at a young age by reading The Adventures of Blinky Bill & Nutsy to me every night when I was a little girl. 


“If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

Stephen King


Thank you to Emily, again, you’ve gone above and beyond for me.  Never underestimate the depth of my appreciation for you and everything you do for me.  I’ll never be able to thank you enough!

Kylie at Give Me Books blog – thank you for all you do for me.  I’m lucky to not only have you as my promotions extraordinaire, but also as a friend.

Kell, thank you so much for everything you’ve done – the proofing, the teasers, the advice – all of it!!  I’m so lucky to have found such a beautiful friend in you!

Annie, thanks for being you.  I love that you love my characters almost as much as me!

Thank you to the super talented Louisa at LM Creations for creating such a beautiful cover.  I absolutely love working with you.  You always do a beautiful job for me.

To my Vixens – You’re all awesome and I love each and every one of you!  You brighten my days and always give me a laugh.

To each and every blogger that participates in my cover reveals, blog tours and book blitzes – THANK YOU!!!  I wish I could list you all individually, but that would be a novel on its own!  Thank you for everything you do.  Your hard work never goes unnoticed and it’s appreciated from the bottom of my heart.

To the girls in 101 – Wow! You ladies are such knowledgeable, friendly, helpful people.  I’ve learned so much since I found y’all, and I’m so very grateful. <3

Lastly, thank you to each and every one of you that reads this book.  You are making my dreams come true.




Goodreads.com – Kasey Millstead

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UNDERCOVER – A Zephyrs MC novel.


In, out.  In, out.

I watch my cock sliding in and out of the club whore's pussy. My gut tightens, not with desire in the lead up to my climax, but in disgust. I squeeze my eyes shut, praying the image isn't burned into my retinas.
Sometimes, I fucking hate my job...


When undercover agent, Oak, infiltrated the Zephyrs MC, he expected to find a lot of things - all of them illegal. What he didn't expect to find was the beautiful brunette serving drinks behind the bar at Club Z.


Willa Burke spends her nights serving drinks at Club Z. It's not the life she imagined for herself, but sometimes you don't get a choice; you just have to do what you can to get by.


Outside of working for them, she'd never shown an interest in the Zephyrs. Until she met Oak. The tall, wide, muscled man with skin the color of burned caramel and eyes a shade lighter than melted chocolate. 

She wants him.

He wants her.

She's good and clean.

He's good and clean pretending to be bad and dirty for the sake of his career.


When Oak brings the Zephyrs to their knees, will it also mean the end for Willa and him?

Or, will it strengthen their bond?

~UNDERCOVER is a standalone novel with a happily-ever-after~








Tossing my empty water bottle into the trashcan, I bring my knees up to my chest and wait to hear the familiar rumble of my brother’s Harley.

My mind is still spinning, unable to comprehend that I am now parentless.  An orphan.  Granted, I’m not a little kid, or even a minor, but the loss still hits me hard.  Even if they weren’t the best parents, they were the only set I had.

I hear the bike coming before I see it, so I stand and peer down the street.  My heart speeds up with excitement as he pulls to a stop by the curb. 

“Hey, little sis.”  My brother takes his helmet off and runs his hand through his chin-length, dirty blond hair.

“I’ve missed you so much,” I say, launching myself at him.  He catches me with ease and chuckles.

Conrad is older than me by five years.  He is my only sibling, and now, my only living relative.  He joined the Zephyrs Motorcycle Club ten years ago - the day after his eighteenth birthday.  Our parents were not impressed and banned him from the house, so he stopped coming by.  That didn’t mean he’d abandoned me, though.  He didn’t.  He called me at least twice a month and visited me whenever he was in the area.

“You ready?”  he asks.

I nod.  “Yep.  I’ve just got this one bag, is that okay?”

“Pass it to me.”  I hand him my backpack and he tucks it into the bags attached to his bike.  “Climb on.” 

I do as I’m told, swinging my leg over and then securing the helmet he hands me.  I grip his waist as he roars off down the road.

As the wind rushes past my face, I can’t help the flutter of excitement that swirls in the bottom of my stomach. 

Destination: Ford, Oklahoma.  Home of the Zephyrs MC.






In, out.  In, out.

I watch my cock sliding in and out of the club whore's pussy. My gut tightens, not with desire in the lead up to my climax, but in disgust. I squeeze my eyes shut, praying the image isn't burned into my retinas.
Sometimes, I fucking hate my job...

My name is Roman Drake and I am a Special Agent with the FBI.  Six months ago, I was required to infiltrate the Zephyrs Motorcycle Club in Ford, Oklahoma.

“Spank me, baby,” the whore whines.

“Shut your fucking mouth,” I growl, not wanting to hear her voice.  If she doesn’t speak, I can get lost in my mind.

Her pussy clamps down on my dick and she screams through her orgasm.  I still and groan before sliding my cock from her cunt, quickly tying a knot in the condom and then tucking it in my pocket.

She doesn’t need to know that I didn’t come.

I never do.

But I have to fuck them every now and then to keep up appearances.

Like I said, sometimes I fucking hate my job.








“The usual, Rowdy?” I ask the biker sitting across from me.

“You got it,” he replies, nodding when I slide a glass of straight whiskey across the bar to him.

“How’re things?” I wipe down the bar, waiting for his answer.  It’s quiet in Club Z today, but then again, we only just opened.  Give it an hour or two and the place will be packed. 

“Usual,” he grunts, not giving me any emotion, just as I expected.  He is the most vacant person I have ever come across.  It’s kind of intriguing.

A couple more customers come in, so I take care of them and then look up to find Carly coming in for her shift.

“Hey, girl.” I smile.

“Hey, Willa.”  She gives me a quick hug and tugs my hair.  “This looks good!”

“Thanks.  I’m still not used to it, but I like it.”  Last night, I experimented and straightened my hair.  The tight ringlets I’ve had all my life are no longer – well, until I wet my hair, that is.

“I can’t believe how long your hair is when it’s straight,” she exclaims. 

I spin around, showing her the back.  Usually, my hair comes to just above my shoulders.  But, straightened, it falls a couple of inches further down my back.

“I’m going to take inventory.  Can you handle things out here for a bit?” I ask.

“Of course.  Can you bring back a few bottles of spirits with you?”

I nod and make my way out to the storeroom with my notepad and pen.

This isn’t exactly the life I had pictured for myself.  Growing up, I had high hopes of what my life would entail.  After finishing college, I would open my own medical practice, and I would be the best damn doctor my patients had ever seen.  Then, one day, I would meet the man of my dreams and he would sweep me off my feet before marrying me in Central Park while circus animals performed for our guests.  After that, we would move into our mansion and have babies – twins and one more.  Of course, we’d have pets, lots of them.  My husband is a vet, and he loves to be surrounded by animals.

It’s a pity life doesn’t turn out the way you want it to when you are a kid.  I think I’d make a pretty good doctor!

Saying that, I have been working here at Club Z for a few months now and I like it well enough.  I’m good at my job and I get to chat with different people each day.  Carly has become a good friend as well, and since I never had many of those growing up, I really appreciate her friendship.  Mostly I’m just thankful to have work.

I finish taking inventory and double check I’ve got everything written down so we can place an order with our supplier.  Once that’s done, I grab a bottle each of bourbon, whiskey, and vodka, and take them back out to the bar.

“I’m just going to grab a few more bottles, just in case,” I tell Carly.  Generally Friday nights are busy, but they are even busier when word gets around that the Zephyrs will be partying here.  Of course, tonight, the boys are coming in because they are due back in town any time now.  They have been away for the past two weeks, so things have been fairly tame in here.  No doubt that will change tonight.  The boys can get pretty wild when they let their hair down.

“Is Rad coming in tonight?” Carly asks, trying for nonchalant but I can detect the undertone of hope in her voice.  She has a thing for my brother and she is not good at hiding it.

I shrug.  “Not sure.  Probably.”

I know she wants to ask more, but I walk away to serve a customer.  I don’t want to get involved in their shit, because I don’t feel like losing a friend or pissing my brother off when things go south between them – and they will go south, because that’s just the way my brother is.  If Carly wants to get hung up on a commitment-phobe man whore like Rad, then there isn’t much I can do about it. 

The next few hours pass quickly and before I know it, night has fallen and the club is full.  Drunken girls in barely-there clothing litter the dance floor.  They shake their asses and laugh loudly, trying to gain the attention of the men, or more specifically, the bikers. 

I’m bent over, fetching a beer for a customer, when the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.  I grab the beer and rub my neck as I turn around.  My breath catches in my throat like it always does at the sight of him.


He’s the tallest, most muscular man I’ve ever laid eyes on. 
  That’s the only word to describe him.

His skin is the color of burnt caramel and his eyes are a shade lighter than melted chocolate.  More times than one, I’ve found myself wondering if he tastes as good as he looks. 

The problem is, he never even notices me.

I hand the beer over and turn my attention to Oak, putting on my friendly, professional, I’m-not-affected-by-you-at-all face.

“Hey, Oak, what can I get you?”

His eyes narrow as he looks over my hair, and I watch in fascination as his jaw tics and he displays the first sign of actually
me.  As quickly as the emotion shows, he wipes it from his face and his deep brown, impassive eyes find mine.

“Beer,” he answers shortly, his voice sounding like warm honey drizzling over sandpaper. 

I turn to grab him a beer and take a deep breath to calm myself.  Popping the cap, I pass it across the bar to him and smile.

“Have good night, Oak.”

He grunts in reply and walks away.  I try not to watch, but I can’t help it.  My eyes find his ass and my mouth waters.  Two round, solid buns, encased in a pair of low-slung jeans that fit him perfectly.

My body wants him.  My heart wants him.  But my mind doesn’t.  My brain is smart and she knows the kind of heartache a man like him can bring.

“Are you going to serve us, or are you going to keep staring at something you’ll never have?”  I glance over to the girl who is now giggling raucously with her friends at the end of the bar.

Gritting my teeth, I make way over to them.  Rather than asking them what they want, I simply raise my brows in question.

“We’ll have three vodka oranges and three Quick Fucks,” one answers.  She flips her fake-blonde hair over her shoulder and pretends to chew on a long, bright red, acrylic nail as she gives
fuck me
eyes to one of the men.

I serve up their drinks and take their money.

“Ooh, Bre, she’s looking at you like she wants to fuck you,” the girl with brown hair whispers loudly to the blonde while looking at me.

“Maybe she’s a lesbian,” the third girl snarls, her lip curling in disgust looking me over.

“Even if I am a lesbian, I wouldn’t touch your fugly asses,” I snap.  Lame comeback, I know, but it’s all I can think of on the spot.  No doubt something better will come to me later on…it always does.

“That’s what all the jealous girls say,” Blondie says flippantly while strutting away, swaying her hips in a way I’m sure she thinks is sexy.  It’s not.

Just then, Carly comes back behind the bar, her arms full of empty glasses.  I quickly rush over and take some from her.

“Thanks, girl.  Were Bre and her mini-hoes giving you a hard time?” she asks, placing her glasses in the sink.

“No more than usual,” I mutter.

“Take no notice of them.  They’re just jealous of your natural beauty, Willa,” she says.

“Natural beauty?” I scoff.  “That’s like telling a fat kid they’re just big-boned.”

She bursts out laughing and flicks me with a towel.  “Don’t be ridiculous.  You are beautiful.  You’re fucking stunning, Willa, and you’re ten times the woman those girls are.”

“Whatevs,” I say through a smile.  I spin around to check on the customers and come face to face with Oak.  Unsurprisingly, his face is void of emotion, as usual.

“Another beer?”

He jerks his head once, confirming my question.

“Do you think I’m naturally beautiful, Oak?” I ask, tilting my head to the side, trying not to smile.  In all honesty, I’m curious about his answer, but mostly, I just want to extract some sort of emotion from him.

His eyes flash angrily at my question and then they slowly travel down my body and back up again before resting on my face.  He brings the bottle to his lips and takes a swig, his gaze still on me.  Then, he turns and walks away.

That’s right!  He turns and walks a-fucking-way!

Well.  I’m not sure what to make of that…




Naturally beautiful?
  Fuck me.  The woman is crazy if she thinks she’s even in the same realm as beautiful.  Calling her beautiful is an insult.  She’s fucking stunning!  The best part is, she has no clue.  She has no idea how gorgeous she is, and it just makes her even more attractive. 

Usually, her hair is curled.  Tonight it isn’t.  She’s straightened it, and god, fuck me.  It takes all I have not to drag her back into the storage room and fuck her into oblivion. 

I have to be focused on my job.  The consequences of a lapse in judgment quite literally means death, and that is something I can’t afford.  But, Christ, she makes it hard to concentrate.  She invades my thoughts at every opportunity and I find myself fighting off the temptation to take her every second I’m in her presence. 

Ignorance is the way to go.  But it’s hard to ignore someone you want so badly.

Making my way back over to the boys, I spend the night with one eye on Willa.  She moves effortlessly behind the bar. She flirts with the guys, even though she probably doesn’t know she’s doing it.  It pisses me right the fuck off, but there’s nothing I can do about it.  I don’t even allow myself to imagine the amount of men in here who are going home to jack their dicks to images of her.


“Brother, you all right?” Rad asks, his eyes glancing down to my beer.  I follow his gaze and see my white knuckles clutching my beer.

“Fine,” I grind out.  I take a swig of the cold ale and tell myself to snap out of it.  I don’t need to be arousing suspicion, or bringing any extra attention to myself.

“Go easy on the beer, hey?  It didn’t do nothing to you,” Rad jokes, attempting to lighten the mood. 
I bet he wouldn’t be so cheery if he knew exactly what I wanted to do to his sister…




The rest of the night passes by without incident, and before I know it, we’re closing the doors and turning off the lights.

“My feet are killing me,” I groan, wishing I could sit down for five minutes and give them a rub.

“Mine, too,” Carly agrees.  “Let’s get out of here.”  She links her arm with mine and we walk down the back passage to the rear exit.  Pushing open the door, we walk out into the parking lot.

“See ya tomorrow,” Carly says, giving me a hug.

“Sweet dreams,” I reply.  She walks to her car and I continue on to mine.  Just as I’m about to open the driver’s door, a large figure emerges from the darkness, startling me.  My breath catches in my throat, my scream trapped.  The person comes closer and I realize who it is.

“Jesus, Oak.  You scared the shit out of me.”

He doesn’t reply and I don’t say another word until he comes to a stop a few inches in front of me.  Slowly, I tilt my head back so I’m looking at his face.

“You always walk out here alone?” he rumbles.

“Uh, yeah.  I don’t need anyone to hold my hand,” I say with an eye roll.  Jeez.  How old does this guy think I am?

“You shouldn’t be walking out here alone after dark,” he grinds out.

“I can take care of myself, thank you very much,” I fire back.  God knows I’ve been handling my own shit for as long as I can remember.  My parents might have been present during my upbringing, but since they spent most of their time out doing god-knows-what, I often took care of myself.

“Does your brother know you do this?  ‘Cause he should fuckin’ know better.”

“That’s none of your business.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got better things to do than this.”  I fling my door open and slide into the seat.  Just as I’m about the slam my door shut – to emphasize my point – he grips it with his fingers and holds it open.

“See you around, Willa.”

He releases the door and I close it and quickly snap the lock down.

He knows my name!

No! Don’t swoon.  Don’t.  Dammit, Willa!

Oh, lord, the way my name sounded rolling off his tongue…

Twenty minutes later, I pull into my car space and climb the stairs to my apartment.  It’s a nice place, small, but I’ve made it homey. 

Growing up, my parents never stayed in one place for longer than around three months.  When they got behind on their rent and we got evicted, they would just move us on to the next house.  It was a cycle that never stopped.  As a result, I found it hard to make friendships when I knew they wouldn’t last longer than a few months.  I kept to myself, and buried my nose in books.  I preferred making friends with fictional characters because at least I could take them with me wherever we went.

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