S&M III, Vol. II (39 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Eric and Sarah sat back down and across from Jeff. “I must say I took a look at your business plan and you did your research. I’m very impressed. You did your SWOT very thoroughly and I don’t see any potential problems.” Jeff began. “I know some vendors who would be interested in sponsoring your plan as well.”

Sarah bounced in her seat and grabbed onto Eric’s arm. “That’s great!” she exclaimed.

“You remind me of me when I was your age,” Jeff began, “young, wet behind the ears but a lot of potential.”

“Thank you, sir,” Eric smiled.

“Oh, man. Okay, first rule is if we’re going into business together, we’re on a first-name basis,” Jeff stated, “and I’m sure my partner will appreciate the same gesture.” He looked up and saw him arrive. “Speaking of the Gucci devil, there he is. I’m going to go meet him and be right back.”

Eric breathed a sigh of relief once Jeff left. Sarah grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze. “What do you think, baby?”

“Just overwhelmed, really,” Eric let out another sigh. “But overwhelmed in a good way.”

“Everything is coming true!” Sarah smiled.

“Yeah,” Eric kissed her, “everything is.”

“I apologize for leaving like that, but here’s the man with the plan,” Jeff sat down and his partner sat beside him.

Sarah’s body became stiff with desire and fear, the two emotions battling for domination. She swallowed a few times, wondering if she was truly seeing what was in front of her. He was wearing an open collar and slacks and what was the cologne he was wearing? She recognized it as Dolce and Gabbana.

“Eric Whitmore,” Jeff introduced the men, “meet Scott Reed.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Scott shook Eric’s hand.

“And right beside Eric, is his beautiful fiancée, Sarah.” Jeff introduced.

Scott took Sarah’s hand and kissed it, his soft eyes shooting daggers at her. “Pleasure to see you again, Sarah.”

Eric looked at Sarah and Scott. “You two know each other?”

“Yes, through Mariana,” Scott clarified. He had a gleam in his eyes that danced upon the revelation that Eric had no idea who he was. He felt his cock harden. “Sarah and I got to know each other
well over the past few months. Right, Sarah?”

“I’ve heard a lot about you, man! Um, good things.” Eric clarified. “Nice to finally meet the guy that brought some life back into Mariana’s smile.”

“Thank you for that. She’s a
woman.” Scott emphasized to Sarah. “Now let’s get down to business.”


The foursome met for over an hour, hammering out details of the business plan and long-term goals. Sarah played it cool as she watched Scott present ideas and brainstorm the best possible strategy for all involved. She kept sipping her ice water to simmer the growing heat between her thighs. She closed them tightly as she adjusted her position in her chair. Just being in Scott’s presence was making her horny.

While the men talked business, Sarah fantasized that Scott took her on the table. He cleared out the dishes and glasses and they splattered on the floor. Jeff and Eric disappeared from sight, and it was just Scott and Sarah out in public. He hiked up her dress to her waist and moved her panties to the side. He dipped his head down and rolled his tongue over her cinnamon nub, occasionally nibbling it.

Sarah pinched her nipples as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. His tongue was magnetic, making her body aflame with arousal. Scott suddenly entered her, fucking her with hard strokes. Her tunnel tightly squeezed his cock, and he caressed her legs. “Say my name,” Scott ordered.


“Good pet.” He moved inside her faster and Sarah screamed in pleasure. “Are you about to cum, slut? Are you about to cum over my cock, you filthy Black slut?”

“Yes, Master!” Sarah screamed. “Yes, I’m about to cum…I’m going to cum….”

“Are we done?” Eric asked.

Sarah was jolted back into reality with Eric’s question. She was fully clothed as were Scott and Jeff. The dishes remained on the table. “I believe we are,” Jeff smiled.

Scott looked at his Cartier watch. “I have another appointment I need to attend, so I have to get going,” Scott stood up and shook hands with Eric. “Pleasure to properly meet you.”

“Likewise, Scott! Maybe we could all go out to dinner one time?” Eric proposed.

“I say that would be lovely,” Scott shook hands with Sarah. “Nice to see you again, Sarah.”

“Yes, thank you.” Sarah forced a smile.

Sarah watched Scott walked away from the table and talk to the waiter. It seemed the waiter showed him where the men’s restroom was. Sarah found an opportunity. “Excuse me, honey. I need to go to the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.”


“What are you doing?” Sarah approached Scott as he exited the men’s restroom.

“I should be asking you that question,” Scott grinned, “you’re the one who’s waiting for me outside the bathroom.”

Sarah walked up to Scott and got in his face. “You will not destroy this for Eric! He has worked really hard to get this program for the kids going. It will not be ruined by your feelings towards me!” she declared.

“Sarah, let’s get a few things straight: One, I have no feelings towards you. Two, I am solely doing this venture because my partner suggested it and not because of anything I planned. I had no idea who Eric was until about an hour ago, and you certainly weren’t trying to flaunt your happy relationship around me, remember?” Scott reminded. “That being said, I will only be professional with you and Eric. I suggest you act the same.”

Sarah calmed down a bit. Maybe Scott only had pure intentions in his dealings with Eric. “Thank you. I’m glad we cleared that up. Thank you.” She began to walk away.

“Oh, and Sarah?” Scott smiled. “My offer still stands.”

Sarah turned around. “Your offer?”

“Yes, my offer,” Scott approached her and whispered in her ear. “If I find out you tried interrupt my relationship with Mariana, I will personally go out of my way to ruin your life, and if Eric’s non-profit is a casualty of that, so be it.”



Mariana woke up renewed. She had some of the best sleep in a while. Her heart no longer bled with pain, confusion, and anger. Instead, it rejoiced it was a new day. Her stomach no longer turned in knots.  Instead it growled, a signal that her hearty appetite was back.

She looked over at her alarm clock. It was already seven-thirty, and she had a big day planned. She was going shopping for items in her new apartment. Then she was going to swing by her parents’ home for a short while.

Mariana got out of bed and showered. After she dried off, Mariana wiped the steam from the mirror.

“To Sir, I give my submission. To Sir, I give my devotion. To Sir, I give my sex. To Sir, I give my fears. To Sir, I give my…” Mariana abruptly stopped the mantra.

It no longer mattered.


On the hunt again…just can’t wait…to get back on the hunt again…

Several weeks passed since Mariana quit McCormick and Sheppard and she was anxious to get back to work. She already applied to five jobs, spending time perfecting her cover letter page with each submission. She hadn’t been planning on looking for a job so soon when it was guaranteed she would get a position at McCormick and Sheppard based on her hard work and not because of any relationship with Scott.

That was before Caprina. That was before the mistake heard around the world.

Mariana knew Caprina screwed her over, and she hoped one day she would be lucky enough to see her karma come back to her in threefold. But wishful thinking was not going to get her a job, and she needed to focus on the present and future. She had a new and expensive apartment she needed to pay for.

“Working hard or hardly working?” B. approached her.

“Um, a little bit of both.” Mariana smiled and sipped on her drink. She motioned to the chair in front of her. “Please, have a seat.”

“Well, this is a first,” B. sat before his friend, “and what did I do to deserve this honor?”

“I didn’t want you to hover over me, and I really don’t like looking up at people when I’m talking to them.”

“Fair enough,” B. smiled, “so what’s going on with you? How’s your boyfriend?”

“I’m fine and we broke up,” Mariana still had to adjust to that new fact. It had been six weeks and Mariana was finally able to wake up in the morning without crying. She had gotten a gym membership and poured her heartbreak into the elliptical and weights. Her body became more toned and her mind was sharper. Maybe the heartache was the best thing for her. 

“I’m sorry to hear that,” B. frowned.

“Are you really?”

“For me, no.” B. was honest. “But for you and seeing how fine and intelligent you are, yes. You’ll find yourself a good man.”

“I know, but not now. I need to be by myself for a bit.” Mariana replied.

“Good for you. Say, I’ll be DJing at EMK this weekend if you’re interested?” B. offered.

Mariana briefly remembered the ultra-hip lounge. The last time she was there, it was the beginning of the end between her and Scott.  There would be a chance he might be at the lounge, since he knew the owner. She also knew if Scott weren’t there, he would have eyes there watching her every move and possibly reporting back to him on what they saw.

She thought about the timing of the date—it would’ve been her and Scott’s one-year anniversary. Mariana wanted to stay at home and drown her sorrows in ice cream, but she also knew she couldn’t avoid Scott forever, despite how much she wanted to. She had even gotten off birth control because there was no point in continuing to take it if she weren’t in a relationship.

Wait a minute, why am I crying over a guy who doesn’t care?
For all she knew, Scott was probably balls deep in Caprina already. Mariana smiled confidently at B. It was time to move on, and what better way to get over her broken heart than getting a dickdown. “I would love to go.”



“So this is the business plan right here,” Jerome Harlow passed several sheets of paper to his friends. “We’re going to do house parties. We’re going to organize the tightest house parties known to man.”

They were at a local coffee shop meeting for their potential business venture: promoting and doing house parties. They were inspired by the movie
Animal House
, and decided to make their dream of organizing house parties come true. They would start in low-income neighborhoods and once word got around, they would be doing house parties for the rich and famous. It was a win-win situation.

His friends looked over the business plan. It consisted of bullet points of what was urgent: girls, liquor, food, and more girls—and what was not so important: marketing, equipment, and legitimacy.

“This looks tight, yo!” a White guy, Brian, commented. “How do we get started?”

“Well, I know some people who know some people who know some people,” Jerome caressed his goatee. “I know some people who know some people at EMK.”

Brian’s mouth hung low. “EMK? You know someone at EMK?”

“Dude, EMK is the spot!” an Asian man, Tommy, exclaimed. “If we can get into EMK, we get into any club! We don’t need to do any house parties!”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Jerome nodded. He didn’t know anyone who knew anyone at EMK, but a little white lie wouldn’t hurt. He lived by the motto, ‘Fake it until you make it.’

“Then hook us up! We can be the next DJ Tiesto!” another guy, Salazar, commented.

“Or Guetta!”  The last guy, Matt, replied.

“Just wait a minute, wait a minute…good things come to those who wait. I just need to figure out some thangs and then we’ll proceed.” Jerome nodded. “Y’all agree?”

“Well, hell, yeah!” Brian commented as Tommy agreed. “Sign us up!”

“Okay, I’m just going to need to do a bit more research right here and…” Jerome looked up and saw a familiar face. He looked the same and even smiled a ‘thank you’ to the barista when she placed his order. “Oh, hell no.”

The rest of the guys looked in Jerome’s direction. “Yo, man, what’s up?” Tommy asked. “You know that dude?”

“That’s the same asshole that broke my sister’s heart.” Jerome clenched his fists. He watched Scott take his drink and proceed to walk outside. “I’m going to talk to him right now.”

“You—you need backup?” Salazar asked. “We can back you up, dawg!”

“Yeah, come on, let’s go!” Jerome hurried outside with his friends.

Jerome approached Scott. “Hey! Hey! Yo, man, I don’t like what you did to my baby sister!” Jerome’s friends appeared behind him. “You, what you did was foul!”

Scott looked at the young men surrounding him. There were five in total and they all looked like hoodlums. “What happened between me and your sister is between me and your sister.”

Jerome got into Scott’s face. “Not if I can help it!”

Scott let out a deep breath. “Jerome, are you left-handed or right-handed?”


Scott calmly put down his cup of coffee. “Are you left-handed or right-handed?”

“I’m right-handed, why? What’s it to you, punk?”  Jerome scoffed and looked around at his friends. “You believe this guy? You believe this fool?” Jerome stepped up to Scott. “You ain’t gon’ do shit to me, man. I

Before Jerome could finish his sentence, Scott quickly grabbed him by his right arm, twisted it behind his back, and forced Jerome up against a brick wall. “If any of you dare to take a shot at me, I will break every
bone in his arm.” Scott looked around at Jerome’s apprehensive friends while Jerome screamed in pain. “I double-dog dare ya’.”

“Hey, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo….listen to him. Listen to him!” Jerome begged his friends.

“Call off your posse, ’Rome.” Scott quietly spoke.

“Yo, meet me back at the crib, alright? Meet me back there.” Jerome spoke to his friends, who quickly dispersed.

Scott waited for Jerome’s friends to leave before he untwisted Jerome’s arm. “Now, like I was saying, what happened between your sister and me is between us. I had to break up with her. I didn’t want to.”

Jerome massaged his arm. “Does Mari know this?”

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