S&M III, Vol. II (22 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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Mariana’s eyes widened as she glanced at her body. Many diamond-like shapes surrounded her body with careful attention to her breasts. Walking wouldn’t be an issue but sitting down was going to be interesting. The rope was going to rub against her clit the whole day. “I like it, my Lord.”

“Very well. Put your clothing and go about your normal activities today.” Scott spoke softly.

Mariana immediately thought about how she would be able to go to the bathroom. She just hoped she wouldn’t have any bowel movements. “My Lord, what if the rope rubs me too hard?” Mariana was worried.

“It won’t cause burn, I’m not concerned with that,” Scott smiled as He stood behind her. He gently stroked the rope with one hand, while cupping one of Mariana’s breasts with the other.  “I’m more concerned how you’re going to walk when you keep getting off all day.”


“Mariana Harlow speaking.”

“Hello Mariana Harlow, this is Caprina Waters,” Caprina carefully applied her mascara, “how are you doing, lovie?”

“I’m fine, Ms. Waters, how are you?” Mariana wondered how Caprina got her work phone number. She then remembered Caprina probably called the reception desk and asked to be transferred to her line.

“I’m doing wonderful. I have a proposal for you: since we’ll be working closely together, I was wondering if we can meet for lunch today. You know, get to know each other better.”

Mariana had no desire to have lunch with Caprina. She was going to be out with one of the world’s most beautiful women, someone she had admired for years. She was also going out with the woman who destroyed Scott’s life and subsequently made it difficult for her to connect with Scott’s family. If she blew off the meeting, however, she wouldn’t hear the end of it from Chris, who likely would be reamed by Scott.

Mariana couldn’t avoid Caprina if she tried.
Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
“Sure, what time?”

“Around eleven-thirty. I’ll send a car to pick you up. Can’t wait to see you!” Caprina hung up.

Mariana wanted to object to the meeting but it was too late. It was already fifteen minutes past eleven and Caprina was well on her way. Mariana sent out an e-mail to Chris letting him know of her change in schedule and made her way to the bathroom. At least she could look semi-decent in front of Caprina.

She walked carefully to the bathroom, feeling the rope rub against her clit. She soon felt wetness form between her thighs and she became hot. It felt as if every step she made, she was closer to having an orgasm. She hurriedly walked to the bathroom and rushed to the nearest stall. She made it just in time. She bit her fist as the orgasm washed over her.

She was no longer concerned about meeting with Caprina after all.


Mariana walked out of the office building just five minutes before eleven-thirty. She saw a Lincoln Town Car waiting for her. “Mariana Harlow?” the driver asked.

“Yes,” she nodded.

The driver opened the door. “Here is your pick-up car. I’ll take you to meet Ms. Waters.”

Mariana smiled as she got inside the vehicle. She already felt important and like a celebrity. “Thank you.” The driver closed the door and walked back to the driver’s side. He soon sped off.

Mariana looked around on the inside of the vehicle and was impressed. Maybe the lunch meeting with Caprina wouldn’t be that bad. Maybe the past was just that—the past. Maybe she had turned a new leaf and would keep her relationship with Scott purely professional. Mariana silently chanted her mantras again.

To my Lord, I give my submission. To my Lord, I give my devotion. To my Lord, I give my sex. To my Lord, I give my fears. To my Lord, I give my trust. To my Lord, I give my happiness. To my Lord, I give my everything. My Lord loves me and I love my Lord.

She slightly shifted her position in the car and the rope brushed up against her clit. The small movement sent shivers down to her core and Mariana felt herself becoming aroused. She shifted her position again and the rope moved against her clit more. No matter how many times she moved, she knew Scott would be the reason behind each climax.

It was a going to be a great lunch meeting.


“Mariana!” Caprina greeted her with a kiss on each cheek and clutched her arms, as if they were old friends. “Thank you for coming!”

Mariana had a naturally big smile to match Caprina’s. Getting over several times that morning had done the trick. “Thank you.”

Caprina sat down at the table and Mariana sat across. “How are you doing, love? How have you been?”

“Great,” Mariana remembered her last orgasm. She had thought she was going to create a hole in the leather seats of the Town Car because she gripped them so hard. “Never better. You?”

“I’m doing just wonderful, thanks for asking!” Caprina smiled. A waiter came by and gave the specials of the day. After browsing the menu briefly, the women placed their orders. “So, you’re working on my new campaign, huh? Tell me what your ideas are for it.”

“Well, I was thinking we could do a series of funky and eclectic photos for the magazines and a sharp thirty-second spot for TV,” Mariana answered.

“Oh, really?” Caprina inquired. “Do tell more.”

“Well, like everyone associates supermodels with being glamour icons and everyone likes them,” Mariana began, “but we need to take you out of the box a little and put you in a different environment. Something like highlighting the shoes and jeans while you’re in a grocery store or the sunglasses while you’re out in the Mojave.”

Caprina began to take mental notes. She was going to present the ideas to Guess later as if they were her own. “Very well. I like that. I like that a lot.”

“Yeah, I would say I was the originator but I can’t take credit for it,” Mariana took a sip of water, “Scott and Chris came up a lot of those ideas. I just added my input.”

Caprina was waiting for Mariana to say the magic word. “Speaking of Scott, I’m sure you are aware of our past relationship.”

Mariana felt she just walked into a trap. “Yes,” she replied.

“I just want to let you know that the past is just that. Eight years ago we both were fools and we’ve moved past that. You have nothing to worry about.” Caprina smiled.

Mariana shifted in her chair and the rope rubbed against her clit. She squeezed her thighs together tightly, hoping to compress the feeling of an impending orgasm. “I didn’t have anything to worry about to begin with,” Mariana replied. This time, it wasn’t a lie.

“Good! You’re very smart and incredibly beautiful,” Caprina had to force the compliment out of herself. “I don’t want you to be intimidated by me.”

“Don’t worry,” Mariana smiled, “I’m not.”

Caprina read Mariana’s eyes. She was confident, and was that a smirk she saw forming on her lips? “That’s good to hear,” Caprina was silently furious.

Mariana shifted her position again and the rope moved over her swollen nub. She was becoming wetter with each passing moment. “Thank you for the talk, Ms. Waters.”

“Caprina,” the model corrected.

Mariana tightened her thighs again but it only added more pressure to the already intense feelings she had down in her heat. “Ca-pree-nuh…” She breathed. She took a gulp of water. “Oooh…”

Caprina had a quizzical look on her face. “Are you okay, Mariana? You look flushed.”

“I’m having a hot flash,” her breathing became more labored, “that’s all.”

“Are you sure?” Caprina grabbed a drink menu and began to fan Mariana. “You look really hot.”

Mariana shifted in her seat again and it sent her over the edge. She grabbed the edge of the table as the orgasm rushed through her body. After a few brief moments, she let go of her grip on the table and relaxed her body. She slumped back into her chair and opened her dreamy eyes. “I’m fine now. I’m doing just fine.”


“Okay, I’m going to keep this short and sweet,” Scott met with his creative directors, “I have a very important meeting later, so I’ll be gone starting at two. We’re going to do a roundtable of your projects. Tell me your progress within five minutes. Don’t give me a whole lot of bullshit; just the facts. All right? Let’s go.”

“We’re in the progress of revamping the website to make it more consumer-friendly,” the IT director, Bill, stated. “Nothing new here except we’re troubleshooting the problems, adding streaming video, and making it easier to navigate.”

“Great. Next?” Scott directed.

“We have about ten ongoing projects right now. We’re working with Target on revamping their website, as well as some Procter & Gamble companies. No issues here, just a lot of busy work. So far, under budget,” the Interactive & Design director, Slate, reported.

“Very good, very good. Next?” Scott asked.

Chris went next. “As everyone knows, the biggest client we have right now is Guess. No issues yet, but then again we just started the campaign. One of the interns, Mariana, is out to lunch with Ms. Waters right now, so she’ll report to me when she gets back about how the meeting went. Other than that, the other campaigns are running smoothly with the exception of the Dove fiasco but that’s been straightened out.”

Scott kept a poker face as he listened intently on Chris’s report. He particularly didn’t like to hear Mariana was out to lunch with his nemesis, but that was an issue he would deal with later. Caprina was getting closer to him, and Scott already felt suffocated. “Very well.”



The HoneyVine agency was a premier employment agency which catered to celebrity clientele. From personal assistants to housekeepers and chauffeurs, the HoneyVine agency had everything a celebrity client could need. They often did last-minute and same-day placements.

It was perfect for Caprina.

After her lunch meeting with Mariana, she went straight to HoneyVine. She drove to the agency herself and didn’t bother to alert any press. She wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible. The moment she arrived, she signed in with the receptionist. “Hi, I’m Ricci Jenkins.”
Ugh, I still hate that name.

“Yes, Ms. Jenkins, come in,” The receptionist assisted her to a large conference room. “The owners will be here shortly. Can I get you anything?”

“Yes, Evian.”

The receptionist shook her head. “I’m sorry, Ms. Jenkins, we don’t have Evian. Would you like Arrowhead?”

Caprina rolled her eyes. “Fine. That’ll work.” She was curt.

The receptionist hurried back to the main lobby and met with the owners. “She’s here,” Moira commented to the owners.

Monica glanced at her Bulgari watch. “Ooh, she’s right on time.”

Robin licked her lips. “And not a minute too soon,” Robin commented. “Let’s go.”

Robin and Monica walked into the conference room and greeted Caprina. “Good morning, Ms. Waters! It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Monica shook her hand. “Thank you so much for coming.”

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice,” Caprina smiled.

Robin and Monica had a seat behind the large conference table. “What can we do for you?”

“My schedule is getting busier, so I’m going to need some assistance,” Caprina began, “I need assistants, two of them. They need to be discreet, no drama, and have a high tolerance for punishment.”

Monica and Robin glanced at each other. “The
strikes again,” Monica muttered.

“What was that?” Caprina asked.

“My partner was making a code name for what you want,” Robin gave a stern look to Monica. “Anyway, you got it. We’ll set up interviews with candidates today. Did you want to make the final decision on them?”

“No, I don’t have time for that. You can decide for me. That’s what you’re good for,” Caprina smiled smugly.

Robin grinned back at Caprina. “I’ll have the assistants ready for you. What time should they come over?”

“Tomorrow morning, ten
sharp, and not a second late.”

“You got it,” Robin got up from her desk and shook hands with Caprina, “it’s been a pleasure to serve with you.”

“Mmm, likewise,” Caprina grinned and left.

Monica fell back into her chair. “Can you believe that?”

“If I wasn’t here to see it, I wouldn’t have,” Robin finally cracked a smile. “Un-freaking-believable.”

Moira knocked on the conference doors and let herself in. “Wow. Eight years and she’s still a cunt.” She laughed as she walked in the room.

“Hey, Moira, how’s the cooking class with Scott’s girl?” Robin asked.

“She’s doing fine. She seems very eager to learn and she gets pretty hard on herself when she doesn’t do it just right,” Moira nodded. “She’s a true

“She has a great Master,” Robin commented.

“I’m just shocked at the
. She had no clue who we were!” Monica laughed.  “I thought for sure she would’ve recognized us but, wow, she really didn’t remember us!”

Robin took a sip of the bottled water Caprina left behind. “Considering what’s coming to her, that’s not a bad thing.”



Mariana returned to McCormick and Sheppard after her lunch with Caprina. It had been surprisingly pleasant, and the two had conversed as if they were old friends. Despite her reservations about Caprina, Mariana had finally let her guard down. Caprina told her she had no interest in Scott anymore, and Mariana was satisfied with that. She would be able to do a great job on her campaign and pour all of her energy into it without worrying about Caprina trying to steal her man.

Yeah, right.

Mariana had an uneasy feeling about how nice Caprina was to her. It was almost as if the Amazon was trying
extra hard
to be nice to her. She might as well have carried a walking advertisement with the words T
on it.
Nevertheless, Mariana was happy to report that her meeting with Caprina had gone off without a hitch and that Caprina had liked some of the ideas presented to her.

Mariana just arrived at her desk when she noticed Scott was calling her. “Yes?”

“See me in my office, please.” He hung up.

Mariana looked up at Scott’s office. It was a good fifty feet from where she was. She had climaxed several times that day, and she wasn’t sure if she could handle yet another one.
If I quickly run to his office, I’ll be okay. I won’t cum!
Mariana straightened her blouse and walked quickly to her Lord’s office. Every step was a challenge and Mariana hated how sensitive her clit was.

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