S&M III, Vol. II (8 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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“Okay, I’m just going to put it out there,” Robert interjected, “please stop before you go any further.”

“What? I haven’t said anything wrong, I was just saying…”

“I know what you were just saying, and I’m telling you very politely to please shut it up before you go any further,” Robert warned. “I’m not repeating it.”

Jennifer smirked. “Of course,
would defend her.”

“You know what?” Robert threw his hands in the air. “I’m done. I’m out of this. Y’all go on ahead. I’m not about to have a cocktail with Ms. If Ain’t White, It Ain’t Right over there.” He slowly backed up and walked away.

Alex and Nate looked at Jennifer and shook their heads. “Robert, hold up! We’re gonna join you.” Alex said.

Jennifer shot a stare at Tawny. “Aren’t you going to join them?” she asked.

“I’m going home,” Tawny pulled out her car keys, “because I’m staying out of this shit.” She walked away.

Jennifer shook her head. “Of course, it’s always my fault.”


Mariana waited for Scott to finish his meeting with the co-chairs. She knew her role. She would wait for him to approach her. It was standard in their personal relationship, and it wasn’t any different when they were at work.

Ever since she began doing her tasks, Mariana felt more confident about herself. She began to take the initiative in projects at her internship, calling vendors and models, and helping outline contracts and budgets. She would go on photo and video shoots to make sure everything was going just right and made suggestions that sometimes turned out to be beneficial to McCormick and Sheppard.

There were rumors she was going to be chosen as the last hire of the interns. It made Mariana proud she might be chosen because her merit and not because of any relationship she had with Scott. She was a self-made woman, not anyone’s plaything.

Although she didn’t want to admit it, Mariana owed a part of her success to Scott.

She probably would’ve still been hired by McCormick and Sheppard, regardless of his connection there. But Mariana knew there would be so many other things that would not have occurred. She wouldn’t have the overwhelming confidence. She wouldn’t have another sense of belonging, of purpose.

She definitely would not have the man she wanted to father her children.

She thought about how she needed to take the initiative more when they were together. She read about other
being direct with their
and Mariana wanted to be like them. She wanted to set some ground rules with Scott. She wanted to tell him what she wanted and how she wanted it.
But where do I start?

She then remembered their conversation when she first moved in. Scott was very sexually experienced; there was no question about that. But Mariana wanted to show him she could go toe-to-toe with him in other areas besides BDSM play. She was going to take up his offer on exhibitionism.

“You look deep in thought,” Scott interrupted her.

Mariana was startled as she looked up. She had a big smile on her face. “I was just thinking. I was thinking about the future.”

“Oh, really?” Scott perched himself on Mariana’s desk. “Do tell.”

“Um…” Mariana felt flushed. “Maybe privately?”

“Sure,” he smiled, “are you hungry? Let’s go out to dinner.”

“Okay,” Mariana grabbed her purse, “say, I’m going to need some money for Christmas.”

They began walking to the parking garage. “How much do you think you’ll need?” Scott asked.

“A lot,” Mariana stated. She caught Scott’s disapproving glance. “Okay, a few hundred.”

“What are you buying?”

“Gift cards for my family, something nice for you, and of course, something for me. Tis’ the season to be giving, you know?”

“Don’t worry about me, baby,” Scott opened the passenger door for her. “I’ll give you money for you and your family.”

“Come on, Scott! I’m sure you want something nice for Christmas!” Mariana said.

Scott grabbed Mariana’s hand and kissed it. “I have everything I want right here.”

Mariana’s heart melted. “After dinner, let’s stop by the Christmas lot and pick out a tree!”

“A tree?” Scott asked.

“Yes, a Christmas tree. You know, it’s pretty big, pine, and green.” She gesticulated. “You can put decorations and fake snow on them if you want?”

Scott shook his head. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a Christmas tree.”

“How long?” Mariana asked.

Scott thought hard. He honestly couldn’t remember when the last time he had a Christmas tree. “Childhood?”

“Oh, you’re definitely getting a tree! That’s it. No argument.” Mariana put her foot down.

Scott grabbed Mariana’s face and pulled her in for a kiss. “What did I do deserve you?”

“I think I should be asking myself that question.”

“Oh,” Scott started up his car, “what was it that you wanted to talk to me privately about?”

Mariana shyly smiled and rubbed his thigh. “I decided I want to do a little voyeurism and exhibitionism experiments.”

Scott’s interest was pique. He sensually smiled at his girlfriend. “Oh, really?”

“Yeah,” Mariana nodded. She was ready.

“Just to be clear on this, you can decide when you want to do this, and you can always back out,” he said.

“I know,” Mariana sexily smiled, “but we only live once, and I say why not?”

“I’ll let you when the next
party is. I’ll take you there,” he replied.

“Great! This is going to be so much fun!” Mariana smiled.

Scott warmly smiled at his girlfriend. “Ooh, my baby got a little freak in her?”

“It’s because you brought it out in me.”



“Okay, your flight leaves Christmas night around one
from LAX. I arranged a driver to come meet you at your home, and you have a rented luxury car when you arrive in Atlanta,” Elissa handed Scott his itinerary. “Was there anything else you needed?”

“A body double,” Scott grimaced. He was not looking forward to the trip back home.

“That bad? Still?” Elissa asked.

“They say time heals all wounds, but what is the healing method for time?” Scott wondered aloud. “Seven years was a long time ago, but they make it seem like it just happened yesterday, all the time.”

“Well, to be fair, Scott, your mom and sister were harassed a lot while you were in Europe. They had a lot to deal with, and no one could get a hold of you.” Elissa mentioned. “Your dad and your uncle had to call in other agencies to come help them with the traffic and media.”

“And I’ve apologized to them several times over,” Scott spun his chair around to look outside, “it seems they don’t
to forgive me.”

“It’s not your fault the Great Disaster did what she did,” Elissa comforted her boss, “it’s not your fault at all.”

“Yeah, but Mari’s gonna suffer,” he shook his head.

“She might or she might not. Look at it this way: you’re not dating a weak woman. Mari can hold her own.” Elissa nodded and Scott agreed. “That girl got some fight in her.”

“I hope that fight comes out while we’re in Decatur,” Scott sighed, “because she’ll need it.”


“A-ha!” Mariana hurried to a parking space and parked her car. A half-hour circle around the parking lot proved to be worthwhile for a cushy parking space in front of the mall. “I’m all set and ready to shop!”

She made a list of everything she needed to get. Gift cards for her family, a nice tie for Scott, and something
nice for her. Scott told her not to worry about giving him a gift but Mariana insisted. He had the best of everything and she had to buy him
. She only asked for a few hundred dollars and Scott ended up giving her a couple of
to work with.
“I know your spending habits,” he smiled as he handed over the money to her, “I know you’ll spend all of it.”

She stopped walking as she remembered one person who wouldn’t get anything.
She missed her best friend terribly, but those days were long over. She could never trust her again.

“Okay, where do I start?” Mariana wondered aloud. Her parents and brother were going to get hundred-dollar gift cards. That would leave $1700 for Mariana to work with. She would probably pick up a new purse and a few outfits for herself. That would leave roughly $1400. And then Scott’s designer tie she’ll get for him. That would leave $1000. “Well, look at that. I have a surplus!” She smiled.

Mariana finished shopping earlier than she expected and was on her way out the door when she passed by the pet store. A golden retriever puppy caught her eye.
I wonder where the nearest rescue shelter is…
she got out her phone and did a quick search. She was pleasantly surprised by the results.

“Mr. Reed, I do believe I just found your Christmas gift.”


“Come on in!” Linda greeted Scott and Mariana as they arrived at her home. “Dinner is almost ready and the pecan pie is baking. Oliver! Scott and Mari are here! I’m glad you two were able to make it in before you left for Decatur tomorrow!”

“I had to stop by and drop in to hand everyone their gifts!” Mariana hugged her mother. “Merry Christmas, Mommy!”

“Merry Christmas, Mariana!” Linda hugged back. She approached Scott and gave him a big hug. “And Merry Christmas, Scott!”

“Merry Christmas, Linda,” he hugged back.

“Jerome is out with his friends, so he’ll be home later,” Linda led the couple to the kitchen, “have a seat and relax!”

“Actually, Linda, if Oliver is available, I would like to talk to him privately?” Scott asked.

“Sure!” She pointed to the downstairs den. “Just go right on in.”

Scott walked downstairs and saw Oliver working on a custom ship. He had his seeing glasses on and looked very concentrated. “The only time I can get a moment’s peace in this house is when I’m working on my ship,” he spoke, “Jerome is usually out with his friends. Linda has her book club meeting. But down here? No one bothers me. And yet my wife feels that if I’m down here in the den, despite me telling her several times over I don’t want to be bothered, she always bothers me. It must be a wife thing.”

Scott smiled. “I’ll come back, Oliver,” he offered.

“No, no. You’re here,” Oliver took off his glasses, “I can tell whatever you want to talk to me about, it’s pretty important. You wouldn’t have just come down here.”

“It is pretty important,” Scott replied.

Oliver gestured to a nearby sofa. “Have a seat. I’ll make us a drink.” He walked over to the bar and poured two glasses of Hibiki. He walked back to Scott and handed him a glass. “It’s Japanese whiskey.”

“Japanese, huh?” Scott clinked glasses with Oliver. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” Oliver sat a close distance to Scott. “So what brings you down here?”

“I want to ask for Mariana’s hand in marriage,” Scott was direct, “I want to make her my wife.”

“Please take her!” Oliver laughed as Scott chuckled. “I love my daughter but she can be a handful.”

“Oh, I know,” Scott smiled.

“But in all seriousness, I know you’ll make a great husband to my daughter. She really loves you and I can tell you feel the same towards her. You give her everything a woman could ever want but you give her the one thing she needs,” Oliver paused, “peace.”

“I don’t deal well with drama,” Scott added.

“I know,” Oliver took a sip of the cool liquid, “I know your background.” Scott turned to Oliver with a raised eyebrow. “I do background checks on all of my daughter’s boyfriends.”

It took Scott a moment to digest the information. The older gentleman knew everything there was about him but didn’t relay the information to his girlfriend. Scott wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. “You didn’t tell Mariana.” It wasn’t a question.

“When it comes to your children, as you’ll find out, you have to let them learn on their own before you can intervene,” Oliver nodded, “whether she already knew or doesn’t care is anyone’s guess. The point is she loves you for who you are

“My past is my past, Oliver,” Scott reasoned.

“You don’t need to explain that to me,” Oliver shook his head. “I trust you.”

“You don’t trust many,” Scott prodded.

Oliver leaned towards his future son-in-law. “And neither do you.”


“What are they talking about?” Mariana anxiously asked her mother.

Linda stood up and trying to contain her excitement before she could burst. She rushed over to her daughter. “Scott just asked your father for your hand in marriage!”

Mariana’s jaw hung low and a swell of emotions encompassed her body.
So he is going to propose soon!
She and Linda started jumping around in the kitchen, hugging and holding each other. “I’m going to get married, Mama!”

“My baby girl is growing up!” Linda beamed. “My baby girl is growing up.”

“I need to go dress shopping! I need to look at the wedding sites!” Mariana started biting her fingernails. “I need to do so much!”

“We need to figure out when you want to get married. We need to book Charlene for the hair,” Linda started making a mental list.

Downstairs in the den, Scott and Oliver heard the commotion upstairs. “What’s going on?” Scott looked towards the door.

“I’m assuming Linda was eavesdropping again, and she heard that you were asking for Mariana’s hand in marriage,” Oliver smiled. “You would think after being married to a detective for as long as she has, she would get a little better with eavesdropping.”

“How could you tell?”

“Linda is too nosey. She claims she’s not, but she is. She always has to know what someone else is doing. She’s been listening in my conversations for the past thirty years. If I really didn’t want her to know something, we would’ve gone somewhere else to talk. She hasn’t quite figured that part out yet.” Oliver said to Scott’s amusement.


“There’s one thing you need to learn about women, Scott, and this is the only lesson you ever need to know,” Oliver took another sip, “no matter what you do, no matter what you say…the woman is always right.”

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