Read Slow Seduction Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary

Slow Seduction (13 page)

BOOK: Slow Seduction
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Chapter Ten

Jenisha couldn’t believe how Clinton shuddered under her light touch. How could she not want to touch him? The sight of his muscles rippling down the long, tanned torso and flat stomach pled with her to test them out. She stroked the solid wall of muscle that was his chest, loving the hardness of this wonderful male positioned in front of her.

She gasped when Clinton’s hand cupped her swollen left breast in one large hand. He rubbed his thumb across the hard nipple. She closed her eyes at the wonderful sensation. Falling back on the bed, she allowed Clinton to cover her body with his harder one.

Cool air brushed her inner thighs as long masculine fingers shoved her gown further up her thighs. Clinton spread her legs, settling himself between them. They both moaned at the same time at the first feel of him against her. He thrust the thickest part of his body toward her, trying to get closer to her heat, but her underwear and his pants hindered his wishes. Resting his elbows on either side of her body, Clinton joined their mouths for a warm, erotic, long, drugging, kiss. He used his tongue as an art of seduction inside her mouth, and she savored the hint of coffee on his tongue. She moved her hand up his strong back, lightly digging her short nails into his skin.

Clinton growled in the back of his throat, “Oh baby how did you know I would like that,” he grunted on her neck. He eased the strap of her nightgown down her arms to her waist exposing two plump breasts. Filling his hands, he cupped the full, dark brown mounds, squeezing and massaging them before taking a hard nipple into his mouth. He sucked on one nipple until it was rock hard then moved onto the other one. By now she was twisting around on the bed begging him to end her aching.

Standing up, Clinton removed the rest of his clothes then hers. From the corner of her eyes, she watched Clinton grabbed protection out of his jean pocket and put it on before returning to the bed. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, counting the moments until Clinton made her his.

He eased her lower body to the end of the bed. “Jenisha, open your eyes,” he mumbled. Opening heavy lidded eyes, she met desire-filled emerald green ones. “Keep them open because I want you to know whom you are with,” he blurted out. With one thrust, he entered her body.

She tried not to flinch at the sudden intrusion of his thick erection inside her body. Clinton’s body quickly covered her sweat covered one, and he ran his tongue down the side of her neck. She felt so full of him that she didn’t know where she began and he ended. Jenisha had wondered for months what it would feel like to have Clinton inside of her, but she never imagined how amazing it would be.

“Precious, you’re so tight and warm,” Clinton groaned by her ear, making her body jerk under his. “I can’t believe I’m finally living out my dream with you,” he confessed, sliding out of her only to thrust back in. The sound of the slick bodies together echoed in the quiet room.

She raised her hips to meet his next thrusts and slid the palms of her hands over his wide back. The sweat from his body covered her fingers, making her want him even more. This felt so right with Clinton; it was like her body was only made for his.

“Handsome, I feel the same way,” she whimpered, trying not to cry out as Clinton’s tongue licked at her hard nipple.

“You taste like paradise,” he whispered, removing his mouth from her breasts to lick the moisture below her collarbone. He stared deeply into her eyes while his body kept a slow, steady tempo that was driving her crazy. Clinton was making love to her like they had all the time in the world.

“Why are you doing this to me?” she whispered, pressing her hands against his hips, trying to make him hurry up. “You have know how this is driving me insane.” Jenisha watched Clinton’s eyes darkened with mischief as he completely stopped his movement. She felt the warmth of his erection as it throbbed inside her body, not letting her forget he was there.

“I don’t want to rush perfection. A body as flawless as yours needs to be cherished inch by delicious inch. I want to show you that this is more than just coming together to overcome a need,” Clinton answered. His body slid out of hers then back into it as he spoke, drawing out her pleasure even more.

“Don’t you feel this same way, precious?” he questioned, grabbing her hips to meet his thrusts as they got quicker and harder.

“Yes,” Jenisha hissed between clenched teeth as she tried to stay focused on what Clinton was saying to her.

The bed started to move under them as they both started to reach their peak. Jenisha closed her eyes as the first tingling sensation of her orgasm hit her. Raising her hips, she meet Clinton’s final thrust before she saw stars and exploded into a world all of her own. In the back of her mind, she felt Clinton’s body tense as he prepared for his release and heard his screams of fulfillment, but she was too tired to open her eyes. As she drifted back down from a plain she had never been to before, she fell asleep.


Slowly, Jenisha’s eyes open the next morning as she lay in bed noticing the difference in her body. It was sore and very tender in certain places it had never been. Turning her head on the pillow, she saw Clinton asleep with his face toward her. In his sleep he looked so much younger and sexier. She reached out to touch him, but then decided against it. Tossing off the sheet, she placed her feet on the plush peach carpet. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed five empty condom wrappers on her nightstand. Smiling, she remembered each time that Clinton woke her up during the night so they could make love.

Her love for him grew each time they connected on that intimate level. Needing time to think, Jenisha eased out of the bed to take a quick shower. Ten minutes later she came out to find Clinton hugging her pillow, still fast asleep. Brushing her hair back into a high ponytail, she let the gorgeous man stay in her bed.

Closing the door softly, she went in search of a cup of coffee. She had just got the coffee finished when two muscular arms wrapped around her waist and something hard poked at the back of her. “Why did you leave,” Clinton whispered behind her. “I wanted to surprise you this morning with breakfast in bed,” he stated.

Spinning spun around in Clinton’s arms, Jenisha gasped at the sight in front of her. Clinton was standing in front of her with an erection the size of Texas and holding a condom wrapper in his hand. “Oh, my god, what are you doing?” she gasped, trying not to notice how large Clinton was. No wonder she felt so full of him last night. He didn’t have one thing to be ashamed of when it came to his killer body.

Clinton lifted her up on the counter. Spreading her legs, he stood between them. “Since I wasn’t able to have breakfast in bed, I thought why not have it in the kitchen?” He ran his hands up her freshly shaved legs, shoving her short skirt up as he went.

His long fingers touched her through her underwear as she moaned at the sensation. “How much do you like these,” he asked, touching her underwear again.

“Not that much. Why?” she questioned. A second later she heard a tear and watched Clinton quickly put on the condom before he entered her. Wrapping her legs around her hips, Jenisha lost herself in Clinton’s lovemaking abilities. Lifting her off the counter, he carried her back to the rumpled bed.

An hour later Jenisha was taking another shower while Clinton stayed in the bedroom and got dressed. He had showered first because she had been too exhausted to get out of the bed. Turning off the shower, she wrapped a large red towel around her body.

Opening the bathroom door, she saw Clinton at her bedroom window staring out at the flower garden. Biting her lips nervously, she waited for him to turn around. She hoped that he wouldn’t say last night along with this morning were both mistakes.

“Clinton is there something wrong,” she asked.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Clinton slowly turned around to look at the love of his life. Last night had been beyond his wildest dreams. He never wanted to know another’s woman touch after experiencing Jenisha’s last night.

“Yes, I have to go back to Stamford for a couple of days to solve a problem at the office.”

“Oh,” she said, looking at him with hurt in her eyes.
You fool!
her mind screamed
He’s has gotten what he wanted and now he’s leaving you..
“I guess I’ll see you when you get back,” she replied, still looking into his beautiful green eyes.

‘No, you won’t,” Clinton’s deep voice answered.

I won’t cry until you leave.
She kept saying that in her mind
Looking at Clinton one last time, she turned her attention to the clothes laying in the chair beside the window.

Clinton moved so fast Jenisha didn’t know he was behind her until she felt his large hands on her shoulders. “Sweetheart, do you want to know why you won’t see me?”

“Clinton, I don’t have time for games,” Jenisha exclaimed, trying to shake off his touch. She didn’t want to hear the pity in his voice or see it in his eyes.

Clinton didn’t understand the change in Jenisha’s behavior. “Darling, what’s wrong?”

“How would you feel after sleeping with someone if they told you it sent them running home?”

Laughing, Clinton wrapped her up in his strong arms. “Woman, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions so fast. I’m not running home to get away from you. I really have an emergency at work that only I can take care of.”

He planted a soft kiss below her right ear. “So, how quickly do you think you can pack?” he asked, kissing her neck. Spinning around in his arms, she noticed the sparkle in his eyes.

She leaned back in his arms. “You want me to go with you?”

“Of course,” he whispered, touching the tip of her nose with his finger. “You still have time off, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I don’t have to be back at work until Monday,” she answered, happy with the way things were going with Clinton. He wanted to take her with him.

“Wonderful. We can consider it a weekend getaway,” Clinton muttered before he kissed her on the temple. “I could never leave you after last night, Jenisha. Don’t you know how our souls connected?”

Jenisha’s eyes started to tear up with emotions. “I feel the same way.”

“Honey, don’t you start crying on me,” he scolded. Kissing her slowly and thoroughly, Clinton proved his love for her. He patted her firm, tight butt, giving it a little squeeze. “God, I just love your body. Everything is so perfect.”

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her to the closet. “Pack something comfortable and meet me at my house. Also make any phone calls you need to. I’ll call Principal Kimball from my car,” Clinton brushed his fingers against her cheek then left.

Jenisha packed several different items, hoping she was making wise choices. She decided to wear jeans, a t-shirt, and a short, purple jacket for her trip. Wanting to be on time at Clinton’s, she checked her home one last time and went out the door.

Robin sat outside Clinton’s house waiting for him to come home. She was upset he wasn’t there. It meant only one thing: he spent the night with Jenisha. She really hated the other woman’s class and style. She wished she had a little more of both.

She quickly got out of her car when she saw Clinton’s car drive past hers and park in his driveway. She didn’t want him to think she had been waiting for him the last three hours. As she walked toward him, she noticed him pulling out an overnight bag before going into his house. As soon as the door closed, she ran to the door and rang the doorbell.

Clinton was halfway to the bedroom when the doorbell rung. Thinking it was Jenisha, he spun back and tossed his bag on the couch. He couldn’t believe how quickly she packed her bags. He had only left her about forty-five minutes ago.

Wrapping his hand the door knob, he opened with a smile. “Precious, I can’t believe you’re already packed.” The smile slipped from his face when spotted Robin on the other side.
What in the hell was she doing here?

“Can I do something for you, Robin,” he asked, bracing his shoulder on the door frame.

Twisting the envelope in her hands, Robin stared up at him with a smile plastered across her heavily made up face.
Doesn’t she know that less is more
? he thought.

“Yes, Principal Kimball told me to bring these papers over.” She extended a large manila envelope toward him.

Wondering what it was, Clinton took if from her and opened it. Pulling out papers, he quickly skimmed the first page and shoved it back into the envelope. “T
s for bringing these by.”

He made a move to shut the door, but Robin stuck her hand out stopping him. “How’s everything going with the designs?” she questioned.

“I can’t complain,” he answered, wondering why Robin even cared.

“That’s good to hear.” She nodded, removing her hand from the door. “You know that if you have any problems you can call me. My door is always open.”

Clinton stepped out on the porch and shut the door behind him. “Robin, is there something wrong?”

“I’m fine,” she stammered. “Why do you ask?”

“You just seem a little nervous.”

She shook her head. “No…I’m fine. I just need my morning cup of coffee.”

Seeing Jenisha’s car coming down the street, Clinton knew he had to get rid of Robin and fast. “Well…t
s for bringing this by,” he whispered, tapping the envelope with his fingers. “But you need to leave now. I need to make some phone calls.”

BOOK: Slow Seduction
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