Slow Release (Ebony and Ivory Book 1) (8 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele,Stormy Dawn Weathers

BOOK: Slow Release (Ebony and Ivory Book 1)
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Chapter Eleven


  I gently lifted the dress that cost more than anything I’d ever owned over my head. One good thing about having extremely short hair was that it didn’t get messed up when I got dressed or, for that matter, undressed.

I looked at the reflection of my body in the long wardrobe mirror. Though my breasts were small, they were perky with dark nipples. My waist tapered in to the size a normal model might have; it was my hips that set me apart. They gave me the perfect hourglass shape. I was fine with them, but they weren’t the hips of a white woman. I slipped my panties off and turned to look at my ass, bubbled out in perfection. There were no lumps, bumps, or cellulite. The men in my country salivated over my figure and likened me to an African American goddess. I was blessed with a voluptuous figure, but honestly, I was convinced my build would hold me back from succeeding in an industry known to cater to waif-like figures.

I looked up to see Damon watching me, seemingly mesmerized by what he was observing. His voice came out sounding strained and agonized.


“Please what, Damon?”

“Please let me taste you. Let me bury my tongue between your thighs.”

He stalked over to me with his eyes pleading and his cock tenting his trousers. This man’s build and size disproved everything he told me about being small as a child. The years he devoted to working out and boxing were evident and had more than paid off. I couldn’t help but notice the hardness in his pants. It was thick, long, and looked hungry to consume me.

“Just lie down on the bed, baby. You don’t have to do anything. I promise I’ll make you feel so good.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he led me over to the bed and laid me down. His hands ran over my body as if trying to memorize every curve. Damon had a way of making me feel like I was the only woman in the world.

“Don’t break my heart, Damon.”

“Not what I want to do to you, girl.”

His lips clamped down on a nipple, and he started sucking as his tongue flicked over it. My body began doing a foreign dance beneath him as his tongue languidly worked me over. He started at my breast, moved down to my abdomen, and then finally came to a stop when he reached between my legs. He took his time, exploring my womanhood with his fingers and spreading me open. His tongue slowly lapped at my core, burying deeply within me as his lips pulled at the pearl no longer hidden in my folds. My fingers clenched at the long hair on top of his head as fervid pleas escaped my lips. Over and over, he taunted me and brought me right to the brink of climax, just to leave me hanging on the edge in an acute state of urgency, desperate for release.

“Please, please, Damon, I’ll do anything, baby.”

As if I uttered the magic words he was waiting to hear, he slipped a finger into my opening. Pulsing, licking, and thrusting, Damon finally gave me the orgasm he had me edging on for so long.

“I want you, Damon. I want you to be my first.” Even as I told him, I knew he would deny me. He’d make me wait because he was concerned that I was a virgin. Though it went against all my beliefs about waiting until I married, my body seemed to have its own opinion. It was only a matter of time before I gave my innocence to this man; he already held me captive.


I’d walked into that room with the intention of telling her something, though I have no idea what it was now. After I saw her studying her body in the mirror, I lost the ability to think rationally and became a man with no restraint. All I knew, in that moment, was that I had to make her mine. If I couldn’t have her completely, I needed to, at the very least, pleasure her. I knew it was selfish, but if I could make her sexually attracted to me, I would have a part of her no one else had. I wanted her hungry for me. I wanted to act on the sexual chemistry we shared and show her what she was feeling was real. Most of all, I wanted her to understand there was no reason to feel ashamed for anything we might do.

The way she was looking at me—all innocence and curiosity—was making me want to show her what words couldn’t say. Laying her down on that bed and burying my tongue into that pink pussy was all I could think about.

I spread her open, intrigued by the contrast of her coal black skin against her bright pink opening, but nothing could have prepared me for her taste. She was the perfect mixture of tart and sweet, and I knew I would never be sated, no matter how many times I had the privilege of dining on her essence.

I purposely tormented her and left her on the edge of ecstasy until I pulled the words I wanted to hear from her. I needed her to tell me she would do anything. I needed her to need me.

Her screams as she pulled at my hair while climaxing were nothing compared to her voicing that she wanted me to be her first. Not only did I have every intention of being her first, but I would also make certain I was her last.

“Skye, there is nothing I want more, but the timing isn’t right. When you lose your virginity to me, I need to know that you’re doing it because you want to, not because you feel obligated. In my mind, I’ve already made you mine just by pleasing you sexually. I don’t need to take your innocence to feel that way. You’ll need to hold on to sweet memories like these for the times when I fuck you like I hate you. Believe me, those days are coming. You’re mine now, and you need to know I take that shit real serious. Don’t. Break. My. Heart!”

“You’re so intense, Damon.”

“Dangerously so, Skye. I’m giving you full disclosure. I’m an over the top alpha male, and I won’t hesitate to protect what’s mine. There will be no photo shoots with anyone else, and you damn sure better not give any other man your attention.”

“Like I said,” she chuckled, “you’re so intense.”

“You have no idea, but don’t worry, you’ll see for yourself before you know it. When the timing is right, I’ll make you completely mine. I understand how the things we’re taught to believe growing up can cause a lot of guilt, and that’s the last thing I want for you.” I got up and made my way towards the door before I did something I would regret… or, I should say, that she would regret. I turned and looked over my shoulder to speak to her one last time before I closed her door. “This isn’t about me rejecting you; it’s about respecting your beliefs. When the day comes for you to completely give yourself to me, all you’ll feel is good about it, not pressured or guilty.”

Chapter Twelve

The Stalker

You’re beautiful; I’ll give you that. Unlike other people who are probably sucked into a vortex of voyeurism because of your beauty, you’re nothing but a means to an end for me. You’re a way to hurt Damon D’Angelo. That arrogant, pompous ass ruined my life. I am going to make him pay, and I’m going to use you to do it.

Pinning these photos of you on the wall is a constant reminder of revenge to me. I wonder if he’s won you over and wooed you into his bed with promises of fame and fortune yet? That’s what he does. He makes his fortune off the unsuspecting backs of models he secretly holds in contempt, outbidding every other agent and photographer just to add to his already massive fortune.

I’m really doing you a favor by getting rid of him before he uses you and throws you away like trash. One day, you may even thank me for killing the man who is, day by day, convincing you he loves you. Damon loves no one but himself, his bank account, and his overinflated ego. I might even do you one more favor and off you while I’m at it. That way, you won’t have to deal with the heartbreak of losing your precious agent.


“Come here and check this out.” Damon crooked his finger at me as I exited the bathroom after my shower. I threw on an ivory satin robe, pulled it closed, and tied the sash before I made my way over towards him. I’d been with Damon for a couple of weeks now, but I still felt the need for modesty around him.

“You have got the look, girl,” he stated as he pulled me down onto his lap. He was wearing a pair of drawstring pants that laid low on his hips, and I was glad to be turned away from him so I wouldn’t be caught staring at the V cutting down into his lower abdomen. Whatever exercise regime he used sure was working for him.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered softly. It was like he was talking more to himself than me as he rested his chin on my shoulder, and I marveled at how easily the words came to him. I turned my head towards him, questioning his motives.

“Have you ever done this before?”

“Done what?”

“Fixated on a woman?”


“So this whole insta-love thing is new to you, huh?”

“Insta-love is for pussies, baby. Look at that muscle,” he teased as he flexed his arm. “I don’t do insta-love. Besides, it’s your fault.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yep, you hexed me with that Haitian mojo you’ve got going on, and now I’m bewitched.”

“Oh my gosh, you think I put some kind of voodoo spell on you?”

“Nah, I just think the moment I looked into those big baby blues of yours, I was done for.”

I raised a sardonic brow. “So, you think you’ll be able to give up your playboy ways?”


“Oh, really?”

“I’ve already given them up. I told you,” he paused and his lips tickled the skin at the base of my neck as he whispered, “you’ve bewitched me.”

“Good, because I’d hate to have to go get a job somewhere else. They might all think I’m in the habit of trading off my agents.”

His hand clenched the back of my neck, not real hard but enough to make his point, and his voice came out with some sort of feral growl emanating from deep inside his chest. “Don’t play with me, girl. Don’t even joke about working for another man. You won’t be working for any of these shark agents.”

“Why do you get so crazy when it comes to me?”

He turned my body to face his and gently cupped my face as he spoke. “I’d never do anything to hurt you. You have to understand there is a very ugly side to the beauty industry. Agents will do anything to get the next, new
it girl.
I’m trying to protect you. As far as teasing about other men, I’m jealous and I make no apologies for it. You have to understand, it isn’t you I’m worried about hurting.”

His words resonated with me. This wasn’t a man who was threatening me; this was a man who was giving me a heads-up about just how dangerous he could be.

My phone ringing on the desk dissipated some of the intensity crackling in the air. I was shocked when he picked it up to see who the caller was.

“Give me my phone,” I chuckled, playfully chastising him.

“Hi, Mommy,” I reverted back to my childhood upon answering.

I listened as my mother excitedly spoke on the other end of the phone about her new house. “Oh really,” I spoke as I cut my eyes in Damon’s direction. “No, he didn’t tell me he was moving you into a house.” I spent the next twenty minutes listening to my mother gush over what a wonderful, giving man Damon was. When I was finally able get off the phone, I set it back down on his desk and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“How can I ever thank you?” I asked sincerely with tears in my eyes. “In just a few weeks, you have not only changed my life, but the lives of my family as well.

“It isn’t about you thanking me, Skye, and it most certainly isn’t about you paying me back. I know you aren’t naïve. My partner and I are making money, and you are too. In the end, it’s you who is taking care of your family. You should be proud of yourself for giving your family a good life. We’re all in this together, and we’ll all reap the rewards, benefits, and blessings of our business ventures.”

“Totally off subject, but why are you so adamant about not sleeping with me. If I didn’t know any better, I might think you didn’t want me.” I was joking with him, but there was a small part of me that felt insecure that he kept rejecting me.

“Oh shit, girl… At this pace, you’re going to be the death of me. You’re making it very hard to wait. I already informed you why I’m waiting. Losing your virginity is a big decision, and it’s definitely not one that should be made lightly or in the heat of the moment.”

“Killing you isn’t at all what I had in mind, Damon.”

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