Slow Burn (MM) (18 page)

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Authors: Sam B. Morgan

BOOK: Slow Burn (MM)
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“Here ya go.” The perky brunette delivered another whiskey in record time, flashing him a smile. “You just move to Folly or here on vacation?”

Brody looked up at her. She was a beach-bronzed beauty, there was no denying that. Nice body, great hair, amazing smile. And she did absolutely nothing for him. “Neither. Why?”

She smiled again, adding a flirtatious flip of her hair. “We normally just get regulars here, and I know I’ve never seen you before. I’d remember you.”

He stared at her. “Thanks. I’m just here…” What? Why was he here? He didn’t live on Folly. He lived fifteen minutes away, at least, and had plenty of bars near his house, a few that knew him. He’d dragged his sorry ass all the way out here to drink himself loose…to be near Zack. Not here
Zack. Just near him. Pretty fucking pathetic, but he couldn’t go straight from dealing with death to touching Zack

But sitting here, with the warm honey-wood bench and seats, the same color as Zack’s stupid, gorgeous hair. And the crazy art on the walls, a wobbling hula girl on the bar. It all just reminded him of Zack. Silly, grinning, fucking perfect Zack.

It wasn’t him, but it made Brody feel like he was close.

“I’m here to see a friend,” he finally answered before downing half his drink.

“Oh yeah? Who?”

“You islanders are nosy as hell.” He shot her a look.

“Sorry.” She gave him a glare right back. “Just making conversation. Whoever they are, I’d say they’re lucky, so long as you don’t bite their damn head off.” She gave him another smile, sharp and defensive, before sashaying away.

Brody grimaced. He’d have to leave her a good tip, because he’d just been a jackass. There was no reason for it. Wasn’t her fault. He wasn’t mad at the cute bar girl or the old beach bum. He was mad at himself. For another dead girl added to this case, for even entertaining the idea that he might not get his case back after he returned, and for the fact that he was this close to Zack and still hadn’t called him.

It was a creepy-stalker move to lurk this way. He wanted to see Zack. He
to see Zack. To be near him. Talk to him. Touch him. Feel him. Be touched in return. Memories of the last time were branded onto his skin. Zack taking over, taking charge. His hands and mouth all over. Inside.

Just thinking about it made heat rise up to his face and down to his groin.

Zack would make it all better. He’d make the dark memories go away and give him a reason to smile. A reason to be happy about anything.

Brody downed the rest of the whiskey in one gulp and clunked the glass down on the scarred top of the wooden table. He got up, and as he passed the waitress, he did something he’d never done before. Apologized.

“Sorry for being a jackass. Long day.” He handed her two twenties to cover the drinks and tip.

“Thanks.” She smiled. “I hope your day gets better.”

Brody thought about Zack, probably asleep by now. Rumpled bed head and sexy sleep-hooded eyes. “Actually, I think it will.”

Chapter Fourteen

Zack blinked, trying to come awake since there was someone knocking on his door. A well-worn copy of Twain’s short stories slid off his chest as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. His couch. His home. Had to be late, because he’d worked at the clinic until almost night tonight. Who the freak was knocking at—he checked his watch—midnight?

His heart rate increased. Late-night visitors were rarely good news.

“Hang on!” he yelled through a yawn.

It’d better be Brody, because he’d be the only one visiting at this hour for some reason other than a death in the family or otherwise catastrophic event. Zack padded over to the kitchen in his bare feet and peeked out the glass at the top of the door.

He could tell by the shape and size of the dark silhouette that it was Brody. Brody turned his face to the side, glancing down the street, just enough light to show his expression. Which told Zack exactly nothing, as usual.

“Hey.” Zack gave him a smile as he opened the door. “I’m guessing you aren’t selling Avon at this hour?”

Brody wrinkled his eyebrows, the joke clearly flying right over his head.

Zack had been raised in an entirely female household. Sometimes he did the mom-joke thing.

“Never mind. Come on in.” Zack closed and locked the door behind him. “You okay? I mean, I’m thrilled at a late-night visit from you—don’t get me wrong—but usually late hours mean—”

Brody’s mouth slammed against his. Zack went right along with it, gripping Brody’s arms and tugging him closer. His back hit the mobile island in the kitchen, and it skidded back a foot with the momentum.

“Sorry,” Brody muttered, his breath hot and sweet with the scent of whiskey.

“Don’t apologize. Do it again.”

The slightest smile crossed Brody’s lips before they were heavy against Zack’s again.

Zack pressed his body against Brody’s, tilting his hips so they fit together. And yep, that was Brody’s hard-on, already in progress. He had no idea to what he owed the pleasure, but he figured a few whiskey shots played a part. Whatever. It was a hell of a way to wake up, and he wasn’t complaining.

“We need to get naked.” Brody spoke against his lips.

“Uhm. Okay.” Zack grinned. He eased back, allowing just enough room to start on the buttons of Brody’s dress shirt as he unhooked the holster. “Are you drunk?” he asked. “Not that it matters. I’ll still totally take advantage of you.”

The shadow of a smile again from Brody. “I had a few at…Jack’s? I think it was called, and walked here. Or was it Mack’s?” He tilted his head back to think, and Zack took that moment to lick at the bared neck, forgetting what he’d even asked. “Anyway it was only three in over an hour, so not drunk. I’ve got a healthy buzz. That’s all.”

Zack tugged the undershirt up and over Brody’s head, flattening his palms against the broad chest. “Well, now I’ve got a whole different kind of buzz, so thank you, Jack’s.” He started on Brody’s belt, biting back the urge to just grab the hard cock taunting him from behind fabric and start rubbing. No, he wanted flesh on flesh, and part of him kind of wanted buzzed-up Brody to beg for it.

Did that make him the awful tease Brody accused him of being? Probably. And he wasn’t even sorry.

He jerked Brody’s pants and briefs down in one move, helping him out of his socks and shoes. Then he stood back to have one long,

“What?” Brody shifted on his feet and took a step toward him.

“Nothing, I just want a chance to appreciate the view.” Fully naked Detective Brody in his kitchen at midnight. Early Merry Christmas to him.

“Enough looking.” Brody grabbed him and pulled him toward the hall. He pushed Zack up against one wall, his hot, naked body pressed in so tightly, Zack could feel everything. Somewhere, somehow, he’d done something right in his life. And this was the reward.

Zack pushed back against him, and they fell against the opposite wall, knocking a painting crooked.

“Stay there,” Zack said, and stepped back. Away from Brody.

Yeah, he was fucking nuts to do so, but he couldn’t resist. Slowly, he pulled his own shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor. One swift tug on his basketball shorts and boxers, and he was just as naked as Brody.

Even in the dimness of the hall, he could see Brody’s eyes on him. A storm lit from within, his dark gray gaze hungry with a gleam of danger. It was the first time he’d seen that look so openly from Brody, wanting him, not hiding the fact he’d do anything to catch him.

He reached out without moving closer and ran just his fingertips across the head of Brody’s cock, moisture already gathered, coating his fingers before he slid his hand down the underside of the shaft.

Brody moved to touch him too, and Zack smacked his hand away. “Uh-uh. No touching yet. Stand still.”

Brody’s eyes flashed, and the slightest rumble came from his chest, but Zack knew it was one of approval. As much as Brody was a man of control, there was something within him that liked it when Zack took over. Just so happened, Zack liked it too.
A lot
. He cupped Brody’s sac and massaged, stroking his erection with his other hand.

“You want me right now?” he asked.

Brody nodded in a quick, jerky move.

“I want you too. Put your hands on the wall and leave them there,” Zack told him.

A rumble shook Brody’s chest. “That’s usually my line.” But he did exactly that.

Zack moved in, licking and kissing at Brody’s throat, stroking his tongue over the Adam’s apple and making a hot, wet trail all the way down, stopping to flick his tongue over each nipple until Brody’s back arched off the wall.

He knelt in front of Brody and ran both hands up the front of his muscular thighs and down the backs of his legs. He looked up, wanting to see that hunger staring down at him again, wanting to feel the tension in those thick legs, the slightest quiver because he knew Zack could make him come undone.

Brody dipped his chin, his gaze dark, eyes dilated with need.

Zack edged closer, keeping his hands on the backs of Brody’s legs. “Don’t touch, or I’ll stop.” With Brody still watching, Zack flicked out his tongue, making the first pass over the head of Brody’s cock, then sucking him in, a shudder running up Brody’s thighs.

“Fuck…Zack,” Brody ground out, still watching him as Zack took him in all the way.

Zack let him slip out of his mouth with a
. “What? You don’t like it?” He ran his closed lips across the head again, kissing him there, then ran his tongue underneath, firm licks against the ridge.

Brody’s head fell back against the wall with a
, his knees bending slightly. “Yeah,” he said, breathing hard as Zack sucked him in and out, in and out. “I just…I…”

Zack watched Brody curl his fingers against the wall, looking for something to hold on to. Needing something to touch.

“I…” Brody inhaled sharply when Zack added his hands, stroking in time with his mouth, every intention of working Brody up enough so he could slide his hand back, slick with desire, and slip his fingers into that tight heat again.

“I… I want you to fuck me,” Brody said in a rush.

Zack stopped moving.

He was pretty sure he stopped breathing.

“Wh-what?” He rocked back on his heels to look up at Brody.

Brody still stared at the ceiling. Or, hell, maybe his eyes were closed. He didn’t move. Didn’t seem to be breathing either.

Zack pushed himself up to stand, because right now, eye contact was a must. “You want me to—”

“You heard me.” Brody’s gaze finally met his. “Don’t act like no one’s ever asked you before.”

Zack fought the threatening grin, because it really wouldn’t be appropriate just yet, even as eagerness thrummed through his body. “Have you ever—”

“No,” Brody answered before he could finish.

“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”

“Doesn’t matter; the answer is still probably no.”

Zack felt himself smile a little then. Brave, stoic Brody, still stone-faced and unmoving against the wall in his hall. He stepped in, plied Brody’s hands off the wall, and squeezed them. Strong, capable, and surprisingly warm. Just like the man.

Zack knew Brody was so far out of his element here. He was handing something over to Zack, and it probably scared the hell out of him.

Brody didn’t look scared, but then, he never would. Solid body, strong shoulders, back rigid, and his face a mask of defined lines and serious angles. He put off an impressive and formidable presence that few could master, but he squeezed Zack’s hands in return. Strength and vulnerability. And Zack’s heart exploded.

Yup. He was head over heels. Gone. Zack was the fool who let himself get so damn
for this good, dry-witted, but definitely self-protective man. It didn’t matter that he would probably get plowed down and stomped on. He would just grin upon impact, because there was no way he’d lift a finger to stop what was already happening. He wanted Brody, and for however long he could have him, he’d hold on.

There were no words, so Zack kissed him. Actually, he had a ton of words, but nothing he was willing to say with the tension sitting on a razor wire. Instead Zack dropped Brody’s hands and reached for his face. He brought their lips together and put everything he had into it. He sipped and sucked and stroked at Brody’s mouth. Softly, gently, and with every damn emotion swirling in his head.

Finally, Brody relaxed his shoulders. A breathy moan against Zack’s lips.

“Okay,” he said.

Brody pressed his lips to Zack’s, pushing his way inside. He opened, melding their mouths together. Brody tightened his grip on Zack’s waist, pulling him closer, the movement rubbing their cocks together with welcome friction. He slid his hands around to the back of Brody’s neck, properly plundering his mouth as the kiss grew more urgent with each pass.

Brody pushed off the wall and maneuvered them toward Zack’s room. His hands were everywhere, and there was no mistaking the fumbling rush. A desire to hurry and get to the deed itself out of anxiety as much as eagerness.

“Hey,” Zack whispered. He pulled back and rained soft kisses along Brody’s jaw, the curve of his ear. “There’s no rush, okay? In fact…I don’t want there to be.” He kissed along the muscle of Brody’s neck, following to where it met his shoulder. “Just relax.”

A nervous laugh from Brody.

Zack straightened, meeting the sharp gray gaze. “You trust me, right?”


“Then trust I’m going to make it good for you.” Good? More like he’d do his best to make it fucking magic. “I…I know you want me to lead, but you’ve got to let me.”

Brody studied his face, his eyes so keen, so clever; Zack felt them go beneath his skin, past bone, seeing right down into his soul. Even as Brody couldn’t hide his true desire from Zack, Zack couldn’t hide from Brody. The man would know how hard he’d fallen. How imperfect he was despite all the humor and confidence.

And he didn’t care.

Let Brody know it all. He was tired of trying to keep him out.

“I will,” Brody finally said.

Zack ran his hand to the back of Brody’s neck again and dragged him in for a kiss. This time he used the other to reach down, feeling Brody still rock hard against him. He stroked, Brody’s breath catching midkiss. He worked him until Brody was completely distracted, breathing through his open mouth, his grip hard on Zack as he let the pleasure build.

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