Slow Burn (A Madaris Family Novel) (21 page)

BOOK: Slow Burn (A Madaris Family Novel)
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He finally pulled back but gathered her closer to him, breathing in deeply while holding her in his arms. God, he’d needed that, but it only made the desire in him that much keener, sharper. He looked down at her, felt the love that was overflowing in his heart almost hit a bursting point. He inhaled deeply, needing to get things in control, but that kiss had his entire body spinning.

“You’re going back to your place tonight, right?” he asked, not sure if she’d made plans to spend another night over at Christy’s.

She looked up at him, smiled, and leaned closer when she whispered, “No. I was hoping that I was going back to yours.” She could tell by the look that flickered in his eyes that he was surprised by her response.

His voice was packed with desire when he reached out and touched her chin with the tip of his finger. “Baby, if that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get.”

“And what if I told you that’s not all I want?” she asked with a little laugh.

“Then I would say that your wish tonight will be my every command.”

“And what if I were to tell you that your wish tonight will be my every command as well, Slade?”

He chuckled softly. “Then I would say I can’t wait to leave here.”

She shook her head, grinning. “You just got here. It’s too soon to say good night and leave.”

He knew she was right. What she didn’t know was that the wait to get her back to his place would probably kill him. But he would wait because he knew she was worth it.

He leaned down and kissed her lips again, thinking so what if they were missing a good party? They were doing their own brand of celebrating right here.



“Did I tell you just how beautiful you look tonight in that dress, Diana?” Nedwyn asked as he and Diana moved around the dance floor.

She smiled up at him, glad Marilyn had convinced her to buy it. From the moment he’d arrived to pick her up, he had let her know that he really liked her in this particular dress. “Yes, you did, several times, but you can tell me again and it won’t hurt my feelings.”

He chuckled softly. “Okay then. Diana, I really think you’re absolutely stunning in this dress. But then I think you’re beautiful in anything that you wear.”

A sweet shudder went through her with his words. “Ned, that’s so kind of you to say something like that.”

“I’m not being kind; I’m being honest.”

Diana didn’t know what to say after that other than, “Thank you.”

Nedwyn pulled her closer to the fit of him, but decently so, since he knew that with him being the honoree, a lot of eyes were on them. Saying she looked beautiful in that dress had been an understatement. The moment he had walked into her house and seen her in it, something inside of him, something he’d held under control for a number of years, had fought to escape.

His intense desire for her.

He doubted she even realized what she did to him, even without trying. Whenever he was around her he was like a schoolkid around the girl he had a crush on, only what he was enduring was the wants and desires of a full-grown man. A man who didn’t need Viagra to stimulate his sexual urges. Diana being Diana was the only stimulant he needed.

They were both given guest cottages for the weekend and would remain at Whispering Pines until Sunday afternoon. He had to fly to Savannah on Wednesday regarding some rental properties he had there, and he wanted to ask her to go with him. Would she? She’d flown to D.C. to be his escort for several functions, but they’d never actually flown anywhere together, just the two of them, mainly to avoid people speculating about their relationship. He was no longer a public servant, and he wanted to begin spending more time with the woman he loved.

“There’s something I want to ask you about later, after the party. If you’re not too tired, would it be okay if I drop by your cottage later?”

She gazed at him questioningly and then said, “Yes. I think Jake and Diamond put us in adjoining cottages.”

He nodded. Jake had at his request, but he wouldn’t tell her that yet. “I’ll call you on your cell phone, and if you’re too tired for company, I’ll understand.”

She shook her head. “I doubt I’ll be tired, so you dropping by later will be fine.”

“Thank you.”

They continued to dance. Diana couldn’t help wondering what Ned wanted to ask her. She would look forward to later tonight when she found out.


Slade could barely hold himself in check when he and Skye
stepped onto the elevator to go up to his condo. At the end of the party when most of the invited guests had left, Christy and Alex had gathered the family together to announce they were having a baby.

Slade smiled, remembering the moment and not sure who the news affected the most, his aunt and uncle, who were thrilled at the thought of becoming grandparents again, or his three cousins—Justin, Dex, and Clayton. They’d always been overprotective toward their baby sister and the thought that Christy was having a baby had deeply touched them. At least it wasn’t a mystery anymore as to why Great-Gramma Laverne had been dreaming about fish.

Slade glanced over at Skye. The hour-long drive from Whispering Pines had tested his endurance, and he had appreciated her attempt at making things easier on him by discussing a number of topics, from the recent political scandal to the movie she and Christy had seen the other night. He had heard what Skye was saying, but he hadn’t really been listening. His mind had been centered on one thing, and that was making love to her again.

In the tight confines of his car, her scent had gotten to him and he had wanted her even more with each lung-filled breath he’d taken. And now he was as helpless as a newborn puppy. He had put up a valiant battle while at the party, but now he was quickly losing the fight. Especially when memories encroached his mind of how things had been with them the last time they’d shared a bed. And now that love had been added to the equation, it was taking all he had to retain his sanity until he got her up to his place. But as soon as the elevator door swooshed shut, sealing them inside, the question that suddenly flared through his mind was…why wait?

It was late, almost two in the morning, the building was quiet, and other than the security doorman downstairs, there wasn’t another living soul stirring. Besides, this particular elevator was a private one that only went to certain floors. It was like having an elevator all to themselves.

Slade turned to Skye. She saw the look and the intent in the darkness of his eyes and backed up a little and chuckled. “You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?”

A slow smile spread across his lips as he began removing his jacket. “Yes, I probably am,” he said, dropping the jacket to the floor. He then snatched off the tie from around his neck.

She backed up some more. “Don’t you think we ought to wait until we get up to your place?”

He chuckled as he tossed his tie to join his jacket on the marble floor. “You can initiate foreplay anywhere.” She probably wouldn’t be interested to know that his cousin Clayton had shared that piece of advice with him a few years ago. Nor would she be interested to hear that Clayton believed as long as you had a private spot, you could make love to your woman just about anywhere and anytime you pleased. Clayton’s philosophy was that mundane constituted boredom, but variety was the spice of life.

“That’s what you’re doing? Initiating foreplay?” she asked, barely able to get the question out.

Slade pushed the elevator button on “stop” and then smiled at her and said, “I’ll let you decide.”

He advanced on her and she backed up even more. “But what if others want to use this elevator?” she asked.

“What others? This is a private elevator that only goes to the tenth, fifteenth, and twenty-fifth floors. Most of the people living on those floors are older, more settled couples who wouldn’t be caught out this time of night.”

She glanced up and looked around. “What about security cameras? A lot of buildings install them in their elevators.”

“We didn’t. Remember, Blade and I built this building.”


He heard whatever she was saying, but had once again gone into the not-listening mode. Desire, a degree he’d never encountered before, was pulsing everywhere, but especially heavily in his groin. He had taken off his jacket, but what he should have done first was release the zipper of his pants to take off some of the pressure; however, politeness demanded that he not be that bold. Any other time he might he considered a slow burn, but tonight with Skye he was a fast burn. It wouldn’t take much for him to go up in smoke.

“Come here, Skye.”

His eyes never left hers and he knew the exact moment she decided to go along with his
approach. Instead of retreating any farther, she took a couple of steps forward. As soon as she was within arm’s reach, he sneaked out his hand, curled his fingers around her waist, and pulled her body close to his. He heard her breath hitch when she realized just how aroused he was. He wanted her to know just what she was capable of doing to him.

“Open your mouth and take me in,” he leaned forward and whispered against her mouth. Her lips parted immediately and he swooped his mouth over hers. While his tongue was mating deliciously with hers, he decided to use his hands to get reacquainted with the feel of her body by caressing all her curves and the firmness of her backside.

He broke off the kiss to murmur against his moist lips, “You’re perfect.”

The stark desire in the eyes looking at Skye had heat blazing through all parts of her body. She had a feeling that he wasn’t through with her yet. This kiss was just the beginning. The dark, heated look in his eyes promised as much.

The corners of his lips turned up as he took a couple of steps forward, backing her up against the elevator wall. She felt cornered. She felt hot. She felt ready to take him on and do whatever crossed his mind. Tonight she wasn’t Skye Barclay, the woman who only did what she was told to do. She was Skye Barclay, the woman who wanted to be as daring tonight as she could be.

Daring with Slade.

His arms went around her waist and gently lifted her feet off the floor. “Wrap your legs around me, Skye.”

She did and he bunched the dress up to her waist while bracing her back against the paneled wall. He stuck his hand underneath it to poke a little hole in the seat of her silken panty hose. Then he inserted his fingers and smiled when he didn’t encounter any panties.

“You don’t have to wear them if you wear hosiery with the panties made in them,” she quickly explained, not wanting him to think she made a habit of not wearing underthings.

He smiled. “I don’t have a problem with that,” he said softly. “In fact, it makes what I need to do a lot easier.”

She heard him ease down his zipper, and when he tunneled his fingers back through her ripped panty hose, he had something else with them. Evidently he intended to do more than initiate foreplay. It seems that he was going to go straight for the gusto.

She felt the firm head of his hot shaft brush against her thigh, and she literally moaned out an anxious breath. And when he found the spot he wanted, took aim, and pushed in, sinking deep into the warm wetness of her, she groaned deep within her throat.

“You mentioned that other time we made love that you were on the pill. Nothing has changed, has it?” he asked, barely able to get the words out.

She shook her head. “Nothing has changed,” she said, not sure she was speaking coherently. Although they had used condoms the first couple of times before, once she’d told him she was on the pill they had stopped, preferring the intimate feel of being skin to skin, heat to heat.


And then he began his thrusting motion, driving back and forth, in and out, deep inside of her. Pleasure, as keen as it could get, rammed through her whenever he withdrew, then plunged back in. And his rhythm was relentless, achingly accurate. Never had she been made love to this way, and it produced sensations that had her entire body trembling.

She purred out his name, and then he leaned forward and captured her lips. She felt the moment an orgasm struck him, and he increased the pace and tightened his hold on her lips, plunging in deeper. He then broke off the kiss to throw his head back while sucking in a deep breath.


She then felt ecstasy hit her the moment he cried out her name, shattering her body into tiny sensuous pieces. She felt hot, tingly, filled to capacity all the way to her womb. Sensations hammered through her and he covered her mouth in time to stop her from screaming. He gave her one ravenous kiss and the arms she had twined around his neck tightened as he continued to grind his shaft inside of her, making sure she got it all. Her internal muscles clenched him to make doubly sure as well.

Moments later, when he eased her back on her feet, she could barely keep her balance. He kissed her again before starting the elevator back up. He reached down and picked up his coat and tie before reaching out and sweeping her off her feet and into his arms.

“Slade! I can walk.”

He smiled down at her. “I bet you won’t say that in the morning.”



Diana moved toward the door the moment she heard the knock. It was almost three in the morning, but like she’d told Ned, she was still awake. She had undressed, taken a shower, and slipped into a long, flowing robe that she felt was appropriate enough to greet a male caller, even at this hour. Besides, she was curious as to what he wanted to ask her.

She opened the door and smiled. He had changed out of his tux and was wearing a pair of jeans and a chambray shirt. He looked just as good in casual clothes as he did in the expensive business suits that he wore. “Come in,” she said, stepping aside.

“Thanks, and again I want to apologize for coming so late, but it’s something I need to discuss with you.”

She nodded as she led him into the sitting room. She sat on the sofa while he sat in a chair. “So what’s this burning question?” she asked, glancing over at him and leaning forward in her seat, giving him her full attention.

He hesitated for a moment and then he said, “I’m leaving early Wednesday for Savannah. I bought some investment property there a few years ago and I’m thinking about expanding my interest, and need to go there for a few days to check on a few things.”

He paused for a moment and then said, “I’ll be gone through the weekend, probably returning sometime on Sunday, and I would like to take you with me.”

Diana blinked. Was he inviting her on an out-of-town trip with him? She needed further clarification. “Will you be attending some important function where you’ll need an escort?”

He chuckled. “No. It’s strictly a personal trip. The reason I’m asking you to go is because I want to spend some time with you.”

She wasn’t going to let him get off that easily. “Why?”

He inhaled deeply and then said, “Do you really have to ask me that, Diana?”

She lifted a brow at the incredulity in his voice. Was she missing something? Was there something she was supposed to know? “Yes, I think that I really do have to ask that, because evidently I’m missing something here.”

Their eyes held for a second, and then as if he’d made up his mind about something, he stood and crossed the room and when she scooted over he sat down beside her on the sofa. He took her hand in his and studied it for a moment before saying, “For the longest time I’ve considered you one of my very best friends.”

“You no longer do?”

He chuckled. “Oh yes, I still do. In that regard I think we share a very unique and special relationship.”

She had to agree with him on that. “And how do you define it?” she asked.

He thought about her question for a minute before saying, “I define it as a relationship where there’s mutual trust, respect, and admiration. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, and I believe there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for me.”

“Yes, that’s true. But it still doesn’t explain what you meant earlier, Ned.”

He sighed deeply. “I recently discovered something…and in truth it wasn’t all that recent…. I just decided to finally acknowledge it and act on it.”

“Acknowledge and act on what?”

He gazed into her eyes for several long moments before saying, “That I’ve fallen in love with you, Diana.”

She blinked. She moved her lips but found herself unable to speak. Her voice actually felt trapped within her throat. She swallowed, tried again. Her hands tightened around the hand that still held hers. “Oh, Ned. That is the most beautiful thing you could ever say to me, because I love you, too.”

He shook his head, thinking she really didn’t understand what he meant. “No, Diana, I’m talking about real love, here. Not best-friend love. What I’m saying is that I love you the way a man loves a woman.”

She nodded, clearly understanding. Her heart was almost bursting with happiness. “I know what you meant because I love you, too, the way a woman loves a man.”

He stared at her for a moment, as if at a loss for words. Then he asked, “For how long?”

She chuckled softly. “For quite some time.”

He was surprised. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She raised a dark brow as a smile touched the corners of her lips. “I’m going to ask that same question. Why didn’t you tell me?”

He managed a tight smile. “Because I didn’t think you’d want to become involved with someone as deeply into politics as I was.”

“Oh, Ned, every time you called and asked me to accompany you to some political function or whatever, I became involved.”

“But the media could be cruel.”

“I know. I see what they try doing to Sterling and Colby and Diamond and Jake at every turn. Their job is to create sensationalism to sell papers. I think it was in last week’s tabloids that Jake supposedly asked Diamond for a divorce to marry Tyra Banks.”

Ned laughed. “So I heard.”

“You need to have a strong relationship or marriage to endure such garbage.”

“And I agree,” he said.

“You didn’t think we had that?”

He inhaled deeply. “I didn’t know what we had because I was too afraid to find out. I didn’t want to ruin what we shared if you didn’t feel the same way I did.”

“And I had taken that same position,” she softly admitted.

Nedwyn’s heart felt like it was ready to burst in his chest; he was filled with elation. “So this trip to Savannah will be sort of like a beginning for us. The start of a different type of relationship.”

BOOK: Slow Burn (A Madaris Family Novel)
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