Slow Burn (8 page)

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Authors: Sascha Illyvich

Tags: #[BЯ]

BOOK: Slow Burn
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When did she slide his jeans down?

Her tongue sliding along the cord of muscle stole any
thought from him. She held his erection firmly with one hand while her other
cupped his balls and tugged lightly.

“How did you?”

She arched a brow. “Witch, remember?” She bent forward and
stroked his cock with her tongue while her breasts pressed against his thighs.

His balls drew up against his body and her fingers continued
rolling them around, tugging the sack. She drew a nail up the ridge of his
balls, making him shudder.

He looked down the length of his body, saw her ass up in the
air while she bit and sucked at flesh, driving the heat level higher between
This needs to stop
, some part of him thought. They were…

The warmth of her mouth sealed over him. She took most of
his cock in, swirled her tongue around it like a candy cane, before sucking
hard while drawing up the length of his shaft until she popped the head out.

He hissed through clenched teeth and gripped the bed sheets

Her mouth worked up and down the length of his shaft. Her
tongue snaked around the thick head of his cock, making his breath race. His heart
beat faster and faster in tune with her sucking. “If you don’t stop, I’m going
to come.”

She popped the head of his cock out of her mouth again and
grinned. “That’s the point.”

Not if he could help it. He wanted to be inside her heat
when he had his release, and he wanted her to have hers first, while he still
gripped something resembling sanity.

The probe in his mind disappeared, leaving behind a
lingering sensation she quickly erased with her wicked tongue.

She lifted her head and let strands of hair fall on each
side of her face, giving her the look of a witch bent on seduction. “You’re
cute telling me no, babe. But…” She gave him one last lick. “I get off on power
play, too.” She blinked and began crawling up his body. “I am dying for this.
So…” Her breasts pillowed against his chest. Their eyes met, and she stared
back just as fiercely as his beast. “Fuck me, cat.”

He couldn’t ignore the demanding tone in her voice. Yet, it
wasn’t magic, it was simply…her.

Sultry, sensual, and slightly dominating.

He caught her jeans, popped the button, and tugged the
zipper down to expose more of her heady, memorable scent, along with smooth,
creamy flesh. Derrick inhaled, drawing that scent into his nose and mind
No relationships
, he reminded himself, but he could have the
memories of a happy time for now.

She snickered until he yanked her jeans down.

“These are coming off before I totally lose my grip on
reality.” He needed to find himself lost in her, not in front of her.

Before she responded, he gave her jeans and panties a hard
yank. Then he spanked her now bare, beautiful ass.

She hissed and bit him again.

“You’re taunting a wild animal.” He growled, rolled them
both over so that he lay on top now.

Legs trapped by her clothes, she struggled against him, but
the effort remained futile. “You’ve got me. Now what? Make me pay for taunting
the mountain lion?”

The puma inside growled at the defiance of his authority.
Derrick found it exciting, attractive. “Yes, you’ll be punished for challenging
the puma about to ride you. And for stealing his coat.”

Eyes twinkling with mischief, amusement filled her voice.
“It looks better on me.”

He mentally added her playful nature to the list of things
he loved about her, then bit her neck and earned another growl from her.

She kicked out, squealed, and laughed. Her voice dipped
another notch. “Take me. Make me yours.” She kicked out again, untangling her
legs from the confines of her jeans.

The words caught him by surprise, setting off warning bells
in the back of his mind, but they did nothing to stop the ardent arousal that
controlled him. She had no idea what she’d just asked of him. The binding
between human and puma would ensure he’d be able to track her anywhere in the
world and would make it easier for her to slip into his mind.

Like she needed the help; he’d felt her probe twice already,
and while the sensation would normally annoy him, her doing this comforted him,
heightened their arousal. Almost as if they shared this moment on a much deeper

Taking himself in hand, Derrick positioned himself just at
the entrance of her heat. He planned to relish slaking his lust for her. Just
the brush of his dick against her slick wetness threatened to consume him. Not
that he cared. Burning up in her was about the best thing he could ever hope
for, considering how beautiful she was and how empty his life had become.

And how she’d seemingly captured a part of him he hadn’t
acknowledged in years.

“Come on.” She bucked her hips up, pushing him into her.

Derrick couldn’t hold back any longer. With one measured
thrust, he speared her deep, felt the fist of her pussy grip him. “Oh Goddess,
Sonja! Just…fucking Goddess!”

She squeezed him with satiny muscles, clenching him even
tighter. “You just keep that thought in mind.”

Nodding, Derrick drew back, panted to catch his breath. He
met her gaze, saw the raw power in her eyes, the fact that they began rolling
back in her head when he moved.

He braced himself on his arms, wrapped himself around her,
and pumped once.


She gasped.

Then he did it again, picking up a slow, steady rhythm until
she began bucking back, forcing him to match her thrusts or lose the rhythm.

Her nostrils flared, the musty scent of sex filled the air
along with her earthen femininity. Something about her being a witch, being
close to the moon, only heightened his enjoyment.

Her muscles bunched beneath his when she bucked back. The
sound of sweaty skin slapping against skin echoed loudly in the room while they
moved with decadence.

Each time he pulled back, her sheath gripped the head of his
cock, making his heart beat double time against his chest.

Sweat ran down his face, covered her skin in glistening

But he could hold back no more.

Lowering his mouth to hers, he kissed her, dragged his mouth
across her sweat-soaked skin, and licked a salty trail down her neck.

Sonja stiffened, gripped him even tighter, and screamed for
him to continue fucking her.

The ravenous sound of her yelling his name spurred him on,
faster and harder, balls slapping against her ass, while he pumped and filled

It hit. The first wave caused her body to tighten, shake
beneath him.

Derrick continued pumping, his hands gripping her ass and
her shoulder, pulling her to him. Hips bucked, tilted, and took him in deeper
while he drove into her and pulled her release from her. He staved off his own
orgasm while she washed his cock with hers.

Nails dug into his flesh, clawed at his back. A hand gripped
his ass while she shook beneath him. “Goddess, Derrick!” Her breath came in
rapid pants while her heart thundered against her chest so loud that Derrick
could hear it.

“Come in me,” she begged.

The alluring, yet haunting sound of her scream tugging at
his inner primal desires forced him over the edge and into the wind, setting
him flying, falling. He kissed her, this time hard enough to bruise her lips
while he was sure other parts of her would have the same love bites in a few
hours. He drove into her in a staccato rhythm that made his gut tighten.

Then she clamped her legs closer, tightening her grip on him
even more, creating delicious friction that stopped while he jerked inside her,
spilling his seed over and over until the convulsions in his cock and body
settled and he caught his breath.

She blinked, moved strands of hair stuck to the skin on his
face to behind his ear, and smiled, that very satisfied smile only a
well-fucked woman could wear before she closed her eyes.

Derrick wrapped his arms around her and rolled them to their
sides. Sonja’s body still enveloped his; her arms clutched his as though he
were her strength. Her eyes closed and eyelashes fluttered against his cheek.

In a few moments, she fell asleep. He didn’t blame her; her
ordeal would exhaust anyone.

The shift in energy had become noticeable, too. Derrick
noted the absence of all things heavy, dark. While not quite airy, the best way
he could describe the magic surrounding them was light. Well, lighter anyway.
He still had his demons and he suspected she did, too.

Probably the reason for the tears earlier. What had he seen
again? Those weren’t his memories, they were hers. Her magic drove her to
collect all that energy and take it in, but that also meant she took in all the
pain and sorrow of those she healed in the process. She needed a filter; it
seemed sex was a good one. He had to wonder if that worked for others or just
with him. A small smile curled his lips at the thought that only he could
provide solace from her ghosts. It quickly died when he realized it was
unlikely, and he couldn’t fathom why.

With a free hand, Derrick pulled the sheet over them and
positioned them so they were both comfortable in bed. He fluffed her pillow and
settled in with her clinging to him.

Her brother had asked him to watch her and protect her, and
he’d done just that. But the threat hadn’t been isolated yet. Those men they
rescued her from were just pawns in a larger game.

The deep connection they shared happened so quickly he
wondered if her predicament caused it or if his feelings for her were genuine.
He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. His mind wouldn’t get
the best of him yet. Not until he was away from her, would he give pause to
think about everything that happened so fast.

They’d have to talk. No doubt about it. Especially after
he’d come inside her and forgotten about the words his father spoke to him.

“You’ll get her knocked up the first time, son. Don’t you
worry. We’ll have more pumas in the area.”

Derrick groaned. He didn’t know how a human could have a
child with a shifter. He hadn’t gotten close enough to anyone to ever find out
because he’d always used protection.

“Shit.” He sighed and tried to relax his body. Sonja would
need him to be calm and tranquil by the time she woke up.

And for no reason he could explain other than it was the
right thing to do, he’d be calm and tranquil.

The bond had been established.


* * *


“Wake up, love birds.”

A low voice alerted Sonja, and her eyes opened. She lay with
her body plastered to Derrick’s and with him still inside her. And still so
very aroused. Glancing over his shoulder, she saw Max standing before them,
dressed in black jeans, thigh-high Goth-style boots, and a black long-sleeved
shirt. The thin goatee on his chin was properly trimmed. Green eyes narrowed.

A sigh followed. “I knew you two were going to end up this
way, but goddammit…”

Derrick stirred. Realization that they weren’t alone must
have hit because he pulled the covers over himself and Sonja’s chest before
pulling out of her and turning to face Max. “Where are we?”

“We’re in Miami.” Max smirked.

“What the fuck are we doing in Miami?” Sonja stirred and
looked around for her jeans. On the floor, along with her panties, shirt, and
her new trench coat. “Great.” She muttered the last part beneath her breath.

“I know it’s not optimal, but the thing is, you two made a
big mistake. You…” Max pointed a lit cigar at Sonja. “Just had to kill off
Russian Spetznaz operatives working for a bigger paying client, thus
eliminating our only leads. He was paying them to kidnap you and start a war with
America over the shifter thing.” Max pointed his cigar at Derrick.

Like this was news before. Same shit, different toilet. “So?
What does this have to do with me?”

“Because…” Max took a puff off his cigar and blew a thick
cloud of white smoke into the air. “They were hoping to enlist your services to
conquer their enemies, i.e. the humans. If they couldn’t have you, they’d kill
you and then start slaughtering humans. Also, I have the dossier on your latest
job, Derrick.”

He stiffened. “Fuck.” Derrick sat up and looked at Sonja,
then at Max. “So what do we do?”

Sonja moved and clutched the sheet tighter to her chest.
“Wait, what latest job?”

Derrick averted his gaze from hers just long enough to clue
her in.

She blinked. “Wait a moment. Miami, you guys on the other
end of the negotiations. My brother…” She didn’t bother hiding the ire in her
voice. “What are you guys?”

“I’m sort of like the CIA for shifters. Derrick can tell you
his deal later. But your brother was doing what he thought was necessary to handle
things and keep you safe based on this.” Max pulled out a sheet of paper from
the folder beside him and handed it to Sonja.

She quickly scanned the pages, photocopies of all the
threats she’d received, plus two new ones she’d never seen before. “What the
fuck? This isn’t new.”

“But the most recent ones are. Intel is giving me a hard
time since I’m working with a civilian on this, but we have reason to believe—”

“You’re speculating?”

Derrick set a hand on her shoulder and she quickly shrugged
it off. He ignored her response, trying to be understanding of her feelings
since this looked like a betrayal. He hadn’t exactly been honest with her up
front, a mistake he wouldn’t make again. Max’s involvement concerned him, but
he’d place his trust in the other puma. “Sonja, Max is very good at his job.”

She glared daggers at him, then looked down at the paper.
“Two new threats. Only…” Closer examination said the targets were going to be
humans and children if she didn’t cooperate. “Fuck.”

“Exactly.” Max took a puff of his cigar and blew a thick
cloud of smoke overhead. “We don’t usually deal with the singular terrorist,
they’re too small to do any real damage; the regular police can handle those
affairs. And the shifters working with the CIA usually aren’t involved either.
But this one threatened to reach a global scale if you were in fact captured
and auctioned off.”

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