Slow and Easy: Sensual Erotica Boxed Set (10 page)

Read Slow and Easy: Sensual Erotica Boxed Set Online

Authors: Lolita Lopez

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #friends to lovers, #boxed set, #cowboy erotica, #lolita lopez

BOOK: Slow and Easy: Sensual Erotica Boxed Set
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Cord growled and pulled free. “On your

His husky tone sent shivers through her
core. She leaned back and rested on the table. Cord walked around
to the other end of the table and took her wrists in hand. With
surprising finesse, he looped one rope around her wrists and then
secured the loose end around a table leg. He left a little slack in
the line. Goose bumps rose on her skin. Her shallow breaths seemed
to communicate her excitement.

Cord smiled down at her and caressed her
face. He bent low and kissed her sweetly before moving toward her
feet. Grasping her thighs, he hauled her down to the very edge of
the table. The rope circling her wrists pulled taut. He bent her
knees and planted her soles against the wooden top. Her eyes
widened at the sight of the gleaming knife he produced from a
sheath dangling from his hip. He sliced the remaining rope in half
and used one piece to tie her left ankle and thigh together. He
repeated the process on the other leg.

Cord!” Daphne gasped with
shock when he slid his fingers under the crotch of her panties and
split them with a quick flick of his knife. The roughness of his
action simultaneously thrilled and frightened her.

Without another word, Cord left the kitchen.
She listened to his fading footsteps. Was he coming back? Was this
part of the game?

Daphne tugged against her bonds, testing
them out of curiosity. She'd never felt so open or vulnerable in
her life. Currents of air from the overhead fan brushed against her
wet pussy lips and cooled the skin. She yearned for Cord's touch.
Her cunt clenched at the thought of his cock sliding into her
again, filling her, stretching her as only he could.

Trembling at the sound of his spurs, Daphne
lifted her head and watched him enter the kitchen. He tossed a
condom onto the table and started to remove his dusty Stetson.
“Leave it on,” she begged.

A sexy smile curved his luscious mouth.
“Whatever you want, sugar.”

I want your cock, Cord.”
Daphne decided boldness was required. “Fuck me.”

Nostrils flaring, Cord stepped up to the
edge of the table and unbuckled his belt. His fingers flicked
through the button and zipper of his fly. He freed that thick, long
cock from his boxers and covered it with the condom. With teasing
strokes, he rubbed the crown through her folds. She tried to force
him inside her cunt by lifting her hips and pushing against him but
her bonds kept her firmly in place.

Holding tight to her thighs, Cord thrust
home. Daphne arched her shoulders and shouted his name. He drove
into her mercilessly. There was nothing tender about their frantic
coupling. Daphne surrendered completely to the idea of being
completely submissive to him. The knowledge he would do whatever he
wanted to her ratcheted up her desire.

Torrents of pleasure raced through her body
with every forceful plunge of his cock into her dripping core.
Living out this fantasy, being ravished by her rough, hard cowboy,
took her to heights of rapture she'd never imagined possible. She
gripped the rope tied to her wrists. In the heat of the moment, she
paid no mind to the red marks she would likely bear after their
kitchen tryst. She lived only for that moment, for the absolute
ecstasy Cord stoked within her.

Daphne's orgasm crashed down upon her with
such force, she could hardly breathe let alone cry out. She
convulsed atop the table, hips snapping, arms flexing, as Cord
pounded relentlessly into her. The table slid across the kitchen
floor with every jerk of his hips. He growled like a bear and came,
his fingers biting into her thighs so hard she knew she'd have
half-moon bruises for a week.

Drunk with the post climax rush of
endorphins, Daphne was barely aware of Cord cutting her loose and
hauling her off the table. He sat down on the nearest chair and
pulled her down across his lap, her thighs straddling his. Cupping
her nape, he kissed her long and hard. His taste and smell
intoxicated her. She clung to his shoulders, her fingers fisting
the damp fabric of his shirt. Would there ever be a more perfect
moment than this?

I need a shower,” Cord
said finally.

Daphne grinned impishly and wrinkled her
nose. “Yes, you do.”

He rubbed her backside through the scrunched
fabric of her skirt. “Care to join me?”

She nuzzled her nose against his. “As if you
have to ask…”

Cord chuckled and kissed her. He inclined
his head toward the table. “Was it everything you wanted?”

Even better,” she replied,
stroking his stubbled cheek. “Maybe we can try one of your
fantasies next.”

Cord flicked his tongue over her lower lip
before nibbling it playfully. “Sugar, I think you and I are going
to set tongues wagging out on this old ranch.”

Giggling, Daphne brushed her lips against
his. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”




Be Our Valentine

"We can't do this, Frank. We're going to get
slammed with a sexual harassment lawsuit, man."

Frank frowned at Tom. The other man paced the
office like a caged lion, his impressive fighter's physique making
the graceful movements seem so primal. "How do you figure

Tom stopped abruptly and spun toward the desk
where Frank sat. "We're going to put that in her locker. In the
women's locker room. We'll be breaking every rule in the book.
That's supposed to be a male-free area of the gym. I won't even
touch the fact that we're propositioning a woman who probably
doesn't want a damn thing to do with either one of us."

"Propositioning?" Frank shook his head and
returned to the pink and red card he was writing in with a silver
pen. "We're asking her on a date and giving her a box of her
favorite cake bites from that bakery down the street. It's fine.
Besides," he signed his name with a flourish, "I'm going to have
Tonya slip it into the women's locker room after Lexi heads into
her Zumba class."

Tom looked relieved. "That's something, at

"Here." Frank pushed the Valentine's Day card
across the desk. "Sign this."

Tom didn't move. Instead he lifted his thumb
and started to chew on the tip, a nervous habit he'd had since they
were children. "What if this blows up in our faces?"

"First, stop chewing your thumb. Second, it
won't." Frank stood and crossed the distance between them. He
placed his hands on Tom's shoulders. His thumbs stroked the sides
of Tom's neck. "Lexi likes us. There's no mistaking that. We've
been fighting over who has the right to ask her out first for
nearly a year."

"I saw her first," Tom insisted.

Frank opened his mouth but shut it quickly,
choosing to let it go. They'd argued that point to death. "Sure.
Fine. Whatever. Look, since neither one of us can make a move
without pissing off the other one, the diplomatic choice is for
both of us to ask her out at the same time. Then the ball's in her
court." He shrugged. "Let the best man win and all

"And what about us?" Tom tilted his head and
caught Frank's gaze. "If she just wants you, what happens to

"And what if she just wants you and not me?"
Frank noticed the way Tom immediately defaulted to being the loser
in the situation. It seemed his old friend and lover's self-esteem
issues were rearing their ugly head again.

Tom chortled and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like
she's going to choose me over you, Mr. Hotshot Businessman with a
million dollar bank account and MBA."

"Oh, yeah, because you're not a mixed-martial
arts champion or anything," Frank retorted. "I mean, you're mug
isn't plastered on billboards and energy drinks. You don't have
piles of medals from your time in the Army, either, right? Because,
you know, women just hate war heroes."

"All right. All right!" Tom's hand slashed
through the air. "I get it. I'm good enough."

"You are." Frank lowered his voice as he gazed
into Tom's deep brown eyes. "You're more than good enough, Tommy.
You're the best man I've ever known."

Tom visibly relaxed. He leaned forward until
their foreheads touched. Frank's eyes closed as Tom's arms wound
around his waist and hauled him tight against that hard chest.
Frank brushed his lips across Tom's and coaxed a slow, sensual kiss
out of him. Only the knowledge that right outside Frank's unlocked
door were hundreds of gym clients and employees kept them from
taking things to a higher level.

"And what if she
doesn't understand this?" Tom nuzzled his nose against Frank's.
"She wouldn't be the first person to think we're total freaks for
wanting each other
a woman."

"She won't." Frank had no doubts on that
score. "She's…different. She's open and carefree. You've seen her
friends. She runs with a very diverse crew. She didn't even bat an
eye when we came to her for our bracelets."

He lifted his arm to show off the specially
designed leather and titanium piece he wore every day. The matching
bracelet encircled Tom's wrist.

"She still flirted with us even after she made
them," Tom added, his tone a bit more hopeful. "Maybe she
understands that we're looking for someone like her."

"There's only one way to find out." Frank
untangled himself from Tom's embrace and strode back to his desk.
He picked up the card and pen and thrust them into Tom's hands.
"Sign this and let's tempt fate."

Tom considered the card for a moment before
nodding. He scrawled his name beside Frank's and handed it back.
"What now?"

Frank slipped the card inside its envelope and
licked the edges of the flap. He grimaced at the gross taste and
sealed it. "We give this and the box of cake bites to Tonya and
wait. She'll show up tonight at the hotel or she won't."

Tom rubbed his face and looked uncertain
again. "This could go pear-shaped really fast, Frank."

"It won't." Frank's stomach pitched even as he
plastered on a confident smile. Secretly, he shared Tom's fear. For
all his self-assured bluster, Frank worried they'd scare Lexi with
their invite. What if he'd read the situation wrong? What if she
was just being friendly with them? What if the spark in her eyes
and that sweet smile weren't a signal of attraction?

Frank embraced that bravado that had served
him so well in business and motioned for Tom to follow him. He'd
made his plans. He was seeing this through—and whatever happened,

They left the office, headed down the hallway
and entered the main floor of the gym. Frank cast his gaze across
the wide open space filled with treadmills, elliptical machines and
weight lifting equipment. Trainers guided clients through circuit
training. Some clients chose to work out on their own, reading at
their treadmills or catching up on the news while sweating on the
ellipticals. The juice bar looked busy. He noticed a steady stream
of clients going in and out of the supplement shop, too.

He stopped off at the front reception desk and
slid the card and box of pastries over to Tonya. The silver-haired
siren smiled knowingly and nodded her head. "Good luck,

"Thanks, hon." Frank winked at Tonya. That
teasing smile of hers and playful banter were one of the reasons
she was such a popular instructor in their low-impact aerobics and
yoga courses.

The package dropped off, Frank veered toward
one of the metal staircases that led upstairs. Tom shadowed him to
the second floor where the bulk of their classes were held. Yoga,
Pilates, Zumba, basic aerobics and walking programs, kickboxing,
Krav Maga and more took place in the spacious rooms. Recently,
they'd renovated the third floor to add more class space for
mixed-martial arts, the one sector of their business that was truly

They paused just outside the Zumba room.
Careful so as not to be noticed, they peered through the glass wall
of the class. Three lines of exercisers moved to the upbeat and
infectious Latin music. Frank had initially been hesitant to add
the courses to their lineup but Tom had convinced him to give them
a try. People who would never set foot in a gym signed up to shake
their asses and sweat to the pulsing Latin beats.

Frank's gaze moved to the second row where
Lexi grinned and swiveled those lush hips. Heat streaked through
his groin at the sight of her. He'd been lucky enough to see some
truly beautiful women in his thirty-seven years but this one? Oh,
hell, this one blew every other woman of his acquaintance out of
the water.

Thick hips, full breasts, waves of blonde hair
and that mischievous smile. Frank had tripped over his own feet the
first time he'd clapped eyes on her. She'd caught his eye near the
reception desk that day and he'd been unable to tear away his gaze.
Tom, of course, swore he'd spotted her the second she'd walked in
the front door. He had been loitering around in the juice bar so it
was possible. Still—Frank refused to concede.

He smiled as she tossed back her head and
laughed. He'd never met a woman so vibrant and vivacious. Everyone
around her seemed to feed off those megawatt smiles and that rich
laugh. Even out in the hallway, Frank couldn't help but smile as
she made exaggerated movements, whipping her hips side to side and
tossing her arms up into the air and snapping her

"I'll see you around," Tom announced
unexpectedly. He quickly pivoted away and stalked toward the

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