Sloan (The Protectors Series) Book #9 (6 page)

BOOK: Sloan (The Protectors Series) Book #9
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Chapter 10

Becky sat at her desk with Sloan leaning over her. Dammit, she had to focus. Why did he have to smell so good? Her eyes left the computer screen to lock on his large masculine hand moving her mouse around.

“This program is pretty easy to understand.” His voice boomed next to her ear, making her jump. Her eyes returned to the screen so fast it made her dizzy.

, she thought,
if I paid attention
. She snorted to herself, wondering what happened to her big plan of no men. She could see his reflection in the screen and saw he was staring at her.

“You think you got it?” he asked, letting go of the mouse and standing straight.

“I think so.” She nodded, not sure if she were being truthful.

“Go ahead and do Adam’s,” Sloan instructed as he stepped back to watch. “He’s less likely to kill you if his paycheck is wrong.”

“What?” Becky spun in her chair to look up at him with wide eyes.

“The guys get pretty cranky when their paychecks are wrong.” Sloan cocked his eyebrow. “Jill’s the worst, actually.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Becky was freaking out now. Shit, she should have paid more attention to the program than his damn hand on her mouse. Okay, that sounded a little dirty.

“I’d protect you the first couple of times, but after that, you’d be on your own.” Sloan’s voice was even, his face serious… until he winked at her.

Okay, her no-man thing just went out of the window. With just a wink her insides felt on fire as they dipped, flipped, and did all sorts of shit. She was ready to melt off her roller chair into messy goo at his feet. How in the hell was she supposed to keep her sanity with winking going on? No man ever in her life had her questioning her own sanity with just a wink.

“Becky.” Sloan’s voice broke into her crazy thoughts.

“Yeah?” she responded, then jumped. “Yeah! Okay, Adam.”

Turning toward the screen, knowing her face was blotched red with embarrassment, she grabbed the mouse, still warm from his touch, and sighed.
Holy shit, get a grip!
she screamed to herself. Ready to go, her mind went completely blank and the program on the screen looked completely foreign to her.

After a few minutes of her staring at the screen like a complete idiot, Sloan leaned down, putting one hand on the back of her chair as the other one pointed.

“Find Adam’s name in this row and click.” Sloan’s voice was so masculine it sent shivers down her spine.

“Stop it,” she whispered to herself.

“What?” Sloan glanced at her, their faces close.

“Ah…” was all she could think to say, then snapped her head back to the computer and clicked Adam’s name. Thank God, it was coming back to her. For a minute, she thought her brain had gone to shit. Going through the motions with Sloan watching and smelling so damn good, she reached the last step. Becky glanced up at him. “Hit Submit?”

He looked down at her. “Looks good.” He nodded, his eyes then focusing on the screen.

“You sure?” Becky hesitated. “I’d really hate to mess up his pay, even though he’s less likely to kill me than the other ones.”

Sloan chuckled. “It’s fine, go ahead.”

Becky held her breath and hit Submit. She did a few more with Sloan standing over her. While she was glad he was watching, she also wished he would just go. His closeness was driving her insane and making her a nervous wreck. And she was seriously considering jumping on him. Oh yes she was, and that was not good. Suddenly the screen flashed.

“Uh-oh, what did I do?” Becky frowned, searching the screen frantically.

“Here.” Sloan grabbed her hand with the mouse and moved it, then used his finger to pressure hers to click. With no warning whatsoever, the scene from
popped into her thoughts, the Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore pottery wheel scene. Oh my God, she was going to lose her shit. No, she’d already lost it.

Thank God the door opened. Sloan released her hand and turned as she sat with her eyes squeezed tightly shut, cursing at herself to stop picturing him sitting behind her playing with her mouse. With that thought a snicker escaped her mouth. It wasn’t funny, but dammit, it was. She was so screwed, and that truly wasn’t funny.


Sloan turned to see Sid walk in with Jared and Jax following. Hearing Becky snicker, he looked back down at her, but she seemed to be focused on the computer.

“You think you got it?” he asked, his gaze going to her hand, which had felt so soft and small under his.

“I’m good,” she replied without looking up at him.

“What are you two up to?” Sid moseyed back, looking at the computer. “Hey, don’t forget about that raise. Just add a few thousand to mine monthly, Becky babe.”

“The only raise you’re going to get is my foot up your ass.” Sloan nudged him away from Becky.

“Just make sure you don’t mess mine up,” Jared warned, peeking over her shoulder.

“Then don’t make me mad,” Becky teased, but didn’t look away from the screen. “I have passwords now and know how to use them.”

Sloan grinned at her comeback, then looked at the Warriors, who were staring at him. He replaced the grin with a scowl in record time. “What the fuck do you want?”

“So, how’s the new secretary working out?” Sid wiggled his eyebrows while Jax and Jared chuckled.

Ignoring Sid, Sloan walked to his desk and sat down, looking at Jax. “What’s the progress on the trainees?”

Jax frowned. “We have one missing in action.”

“What?” Sloan had picked up his phone to check messages, but turned to look back at Jax.

“Katrina took off during training last night.” Jax frowned, anger radiating from him. “It seems the other trainees think she’s whoring herself to the Warriors for special treatment.”

“Oh, my God. Those assholes,” Becky blurted, looking up from the computer. Her eyes widened. “Sorry.” She cringed, then went back to work.

“Actually, my thought exactly,” Jax grumbled. “Blaze has been looking for her all night with no luck.”

“Did you call in Adam?” Sloan knew by the looks on their faces they hadn’t.

“And that’s why he’s the boss man.” Sid thumbed toward Sloan.

“Son of a bitch.” Jax pulled out his phone, but when Blaze walked through the door, he put it away. “Any luck?”

“No, nothing.” Blaze growled, his hands fisting at his sides.

“Call Adam and see if he can get a read on her,” Jax told Blaze.

“He’s on his way in now.” Sloan put down his phone.

“Is there anything you can’t do?” Sid looked at Sloan as if in awe. “Did you know, Becky babe, your boss is awesomesauce.”

“What are you, an eight-year-old girl?” Becky snorted, shaking her head, still looking at her screen. “And my last name isn’t babe, it’s Spencer. Call me Becky babe one more time and I’m filing sexual harassment charges.”

Sid frowned and looked at Sloan. “Can she do that?”

Sloan nodded, his eyebrow cocked. “Yes, she can.” He looked back at Becky, who was grinning behind her computer screen. He could tell because her eyes were crinkled at the corners. Yeah, she could handle these assholes pretty well. He was actually impressed.

“Well played, Becky Spencer.” Jared smiled with an approving nod. “Well played.

“Thank you.” Becky beamed, then laughed when Sid turned his frown toward her.

“What’s up?” Adam walked in, looking at everyone.

“Katrina took off last night,” Sloan answered before anyone else could. “Can you get a read on where she might be?”

“I’m sure I can.” Adam frowned. “Why? What happened?”

“The other trainees think she’s whoring herself out to the Warriors for special treatment,” Jax answered, his eyes going to Blaze, who growled.

“Who the fuck’s saying that?” Adam’s voice rose. “Katrina is the sweetest person. She would never do something like that. I’ll fucking kick someone’s ass. Who the fuck said it?”

“Slow down, killer.” Jax stood. “We’re taking care of it, but we need to know where she is.”

Adam walked away as everyone became quiet, watching him.

“She’s at a Dollar General,” Adam replied. “Not sure which one, but there is one about five minutes from here on Taft.”

“Thanks, man.” Blaze was already heading for the door.

“Are you going to force her back?” Becky still sat working, but was frowning at Blaze. “Because honestly, if it was me in her situation, I wouldn’t want to come back under these circumstances.”

“She’s coming back.” Blaze once again headed toward the door, but stopped and turned. “How would you handle it?”

Sloan sat back, arms crossed, and when Becky glanced his way, he gave her a nod to continue. Maybe Jill had been onto something with this secretary shit.

Chapter 11

Well, crap, she hadn’t expected to be asked what she would do. So why in the hell did she open her big mouth? It was only her second day, for shit’s sake. Her eyes shot to Sloan’s, but all he did was give her a nod like, “go for it.” Everyone was staring at her and all she could do was stare back.

“Well, ah….” She cleared her throat. “I mean, I don’t know exactly what to do, but I know being a woman and if I had peers thinking I was… you know… whoring around, I would be very uncomfortable going back into that situation.”

“Well, that’s kind of a no-brainer, Becky,” Sid replied with a snort.

“Ah, did I hurt your feelings with the eight-year-old little girl comment, Sid?” Becky’s attitude turned from helpful to sarcastic in a flash. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. “Sorry, I was voted most outspoken smartass in high school.”

Jared snorted and Sid actually laughed. “Well, welcome to the family.” Jared grinned.

“She’s right.” Jared glanced at Blaze. “Forcing Katrina to come back after something like that isn’t going to do her any good. We need a plan of action.”

Becky stood, feeling a little more confident with Jared on her side. “So what makes them think she’s getting special attention?”

“She lives here at the compound for one,” Adam replied. “I know me, Jill, and Steve got some shit about that from other trainees, but we just shut them up. Katrina hasn’t reached that point to be able to do that yet, and there were three of us.”

“Then maybe you guys need to show up some to keep the other trainees busy so they can’t think of anything other than picking their asses off the floor.” Becky was getting into this; maybe she had missed her calling. She should have been an advisor to a bunch of hot warriors. “That way whoever is doing the training doesn’t look like they are standing up for her all the time. Plus, having another girl in there may help. I’ve heard Jill is a badass.”

“That’s actually not a bad idea.” Jax cocked his brow. “Can we clear their schedules for a few weeks? Katrina does need some extra help.”

“Consider it done,” Sloan replied, his focus on Becky.

Becky tried to hide how pleased she was that he’d not only considered her idea, but “considered it done.” Ugh, there she went again, being happy she’d pleased a man. It had to stop, but she knew it wouldn’t. She was a pleaser, always had been.

“I don’t think there is anything we can do about her living arrangements though,” Adam added. “Steve said she was homeless before coming here.”

Becky thought about it for a second. “She could stay with me.”

“That’s not your responsibility.” Sloan shook his head.

“No, but it’s a solution,” Becky added, then shrugged. “I mean, you saw my place. I don’t have a lot of room, but it could work okay.”

“Whoa, what?” Sid sat up straight, showing more interest. “The boss man has been to your place?”

Becky looked at Sid, confused, then saw Sloan’s subtle cringe. “Oh, wait.” Becky rolled her eyes. “I forgot. We’re not all adults here.”

“Ouch.” Jared snapped his head back, but grinned.

“We’ll figure it out later.” Blaze turned to Adam. “Is she still there or has she moved to another state during all the bullshit?”

“So much hate.” Sid stood and stretched. “Just curious about why the boss man was at the secretary's place already. Seems a little soon to be—”

Sloan was around his desk and had Sid against the wall so fast Becky almost fell over moving out of the way. “I don’t care how big of a badass you think you are, if you disrespect her again, you will regret ever meeting me. Her name is Becky, not secretary or babe, and there is nothing going on between us.”

“Jesus, Sid.” Jared was ready to pull them apart. “Learn to shut your fucking mouth before you get killed.”

Sid ignored Jared, his eyes black as night. “Funny how the tables turn.” Sid grinned, but then nodded. “Okay. Okay, can you let me go so I can apologize?”

“Watch your step, Sinclair,” Sloan warned before letting him go.

“I hear you loud and clear, boss man.” Sid straightened his shirt after Sloan let him go.

“Get used to this shit,” Jax whispered to her as she stood staring at Sloan and Sid wide-eyed. “I’d say twice, maybe three times a week you’ll see somebody slamming somebody in this office. Just stay in your corner and you’ll be safe.”

“Holy shit,” Becky croaked before she looked up at Jax. “Guess it won’t be boring.”

Jax laughed in agreement. “Never.”

She watched Sid head her way. “Please accept my apology, my lady.” Sid grinned down at her. “I meant nothing by it.”

Becky narrowed her eyes at him before she smiled. She couldn’t help it. “Yes, you did.” She shook her head. “You’re a handful, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea.” He winked at her before putting on a straight face and walking out of the office.

She watched everyone else leave behind Sid, except for Blaze, who must have left during the excitement. Sloan was still standing, but he was glaring at her.

“I guess I should have kept my mouth shut.” Becky bit her lip. He didn’t look very happy. “I seem to have a problem with my mouth.” Okay, that sounded… weird.

Sloan’s eyes darkened as they traveled to her mouth, but then he looked away and headed for his desk. “You’re fine,” he responded, grabbing his phone and a set of keys. “After you finish the payroll, you can leave.”

“Okay.” Becky frowned when he walked out, slamming the door behind him. “Well, shit. You really need to learn how to keep your mouth shut, Spencer. Day two on the job and you’re already showing your ass,” she told herself as she went to finish the payroll. She glanced at her phone to see the time. It looked like she was going to take her time, since it wasn’t even noon yet.

With a sigh she sat down, her eyes going to Sloan’s desk. Suddenly the room felt very empty, and that was not good at all. She was missing her boss.


Sloan slammed out of his office. “Jax!” Sloan growled, then took a breath to calm down.

“Yeah.” Jax stopped, turning toward him.

“I want all the trainees at the warehouse in an hour, as well as any Warrior that’s available.”

“Yes, sir.” Jax nodded, pulling out his phone as he disappeared down the hall.

Sloan headed out to his bike, climbed on, and took off toward the warehouse. He needed to work out. He had too much energy and he was pissed at himself. After a short a three-minute ride, he was inside at his locker changing into sweats. Looking around, he couldn’t find a shirt.

“Fuck it.” He walked out of the locker room, not bothering to find gloves or wraps as he headed for one of the many heavy bags hanging throughout the warehouse. Doing some warm-up on the bag, he cursed some more.

What in the fuck was wrong with him? He’d almost killed Sid for no apparent reason. The fucker had pissed him off with worse shit than what he’d just done in his office, yet Sloan had been ready to pull a Damon and snap his fucking head off.

The more he thought, the harder he hit the bag with everything he had. Elbows, fists, knees, kicks, and once that bag ripped, he went to the next. He knew exactly what was going on, yet he fought it. He didn’t have time for this shit. The first time he had seen Becky Spencer, the day of Jill’s big interview fiasco, he’d been drawn to her and hadn’t been able to stop thinking of her. Even as busy as he was, his thoughts would regularly drift to her.

Another bag busted and he moved on to the next. He pounded the bags nonstop. When Caroline had suggested her for the job, he had fought it, even though the thought of having Becky near soothed him. What the fuck! He spun and kicked the bag so hard it hit the wall and stuck. And on to the next he went.

She was a beautiful woman, but that wasn’t it. He was drawn to her like no other woman, and he'd had plenty of women. None of them had ever made him think twice about them, sad as that was. He hadn’t even touched her sexually, yet he couldn’t get enough.

“Motherfucker,” Sloan roared, pounding the bag in frustration. As much shit as he had given his mated Warriors, it was going to bite him in the ass if he wasn’t careful. He had no room in his life for a mate, a human mate at that. He was not mate material. He knew that. Though deep down, he wanted it even knowing he couldn’t have it.

With another roar, he struck out with a spinning back fist. The bag broke from the chain and landed a few feet away. Glancing at the destruction, Sloan cracked his neck back and forth before turning to find all the trainees staring at him in awe and the Warriors grinning like idiots.

“What the fuck you doing just standing there?” Sloan took a step toward them. “Get out here and take a knee.”

The trainees tripped over themselves and each other trying to get out on the floor quickly enough, each kneeling. Wide eyed, they stared up at one huge, pissed off Sloan Murphy.

“I’m going to say this one time and if I have to repeat myself, someone is going to die.” Sloan actually took time to look each trainee in the eye. “We are a unit. I may want to beat the shit out of one of my Warriors on a daily basis, but I’ve got their back and they’ve got mine. We have a problem with each other, we talk it out or fight it out and then it’s done. What we do not do is go around like little bitches talking about each other or making assumptions that we don’t fucking know.”

“Yes, sir.” The trainees spoke in unison.

“None of you are warrior material in my eyes, so you’re damn lucky I don’t make many appearances here, but if shit don’t change and change immediately, you are going to see me here on a daily basis and that, you assholes, will not be pleasant for you.”

“Yes, sir.” Their response was louder, echoing around the building.

“Who is the one who started the rumor about Katrina?” No one answered, but a few glanced toward one trainee. “This rumor is going to stop. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You have questioned not only my Warriors, but my integrity that we would take advantage of a woman who would whore herself to get special treatment.” Sloan growled, his eyes narrowed. “I’m so fucking close to kicking all your asses out of here and getting real men who know when to keep their fucking mouths closed and how to respect a woman and each other.”

“Yes, sir.” This time there was doubt in their tone.

“Now, I’m going to ask one more fucking time who started this shit about Katrina.” Sloan once again looked at all the trainees, but saved the one he knew was guilty for last. “Are you going to be a man and own up to this, because if not, get the fuck out of my warehouse.”

“I suggested it but everyone agreed.” Ben’s voice shook as he stood, his eyes not meeting Sloan’s. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“No one gets special treatment,” Sloan announced loudly. “Just ask Jill.” He nodded behind them.

They turned to look at Jill who stood, her face pinched in anger.

“As a matter of fact, she, along with the new Warriors who just finished this program, will be here to teach you pussies what’s really important.” Sloan’s tone turned cold. “So if you don’t think you can handle training and you’re only good at talking about another teammate, then I suggest you not come back tonight.”

“Yes, sir.”

Sloan’s eyes slammed into Ben. “And as for you.” Sloan took three steps to stand directly in front of him. “Katrina will be the one deciding your fate in this program.”

Ben nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Sloan looked at the Warriors present. “I want them too fucking tired to even talk and any problems, I want to know ASAP.”

The Warriors nodded, each looking pissed, but ready to teach a hard lesson.

Once again after looking at each trainee in the eye, Sloan growled, “Get the fuck out of here.”

They didn’t hesitate. In a second flat, the only ones remaining were the Warriors. Sloan didn’t say a word to any of them. He turned and headed for the locker room. He’d said his piece and he really didn’t need to hear any shit about the heavy bags he had killed.

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