Slice (The Elledge Family #1) (53 page)

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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“Why do I have to talk to her?”

“Because you are understanding and right now she needs to hear understanding and not mean.” He paused. “I want to talk to her, but everything I say to her leads to tears. I can’t take tears right now. There is too much that must be done.”

“What should I tell her? Sorry you got pregnant by my brother that no longer wants you. Please stop blackmailing Lucas and if you do so kindly… we can sponsor the abortion?” The sarcasm poured from my mouth. “Why am I always the person that ends up having to deal with this shit?”

“Yeah, something along those lines.” He ignored my question and smirked at me.

“Why don't you just step up? You see how it worked for dad? Three completely fucked up kids. Just talk to her and maybe you'll see that you want...”

“Let’s just clear this up, I am not Declan.” He rarely called him dad. He rarely spoke to him. They were not on good terms in his book. But it didn’t bother me like it bothered Mark. “And the next thing is I don't want any kids. The thought that I could raise a little me is highly intimidating and frustrating. What I want is for her to have an abortion and find someone who truly loves her. I don't love her. I don't even like her most of the time. When Lucas said that he would kill her I almost felt some relief.” Mark spun around. “But he doesn't need another death on his shoulders. So please just talk to her.”

“No just let him kill her.” I snapped.

“Don't be an asshole.” Mark took his keys. She's at the elevator downstairs so I am just gonna go ahead and leave. Try to make her see reason, please.”

Reason. They had a knack for forcing me to be the bad guy. I understood Shia. Hell, to a certain extent I honestly felt sorry for her. She had one brother that wanted nothing to do with her literally and then she had one that wanted nothing more than to see lying a pool of her own blood. Then there was me who didn’t want to touch this subject with a ten-foot pole.

I picked up the clothes that were thrown around the apartment and then plopped down on the couch. What the hell was I about to say to her?. I know you might love him but… he doesn't love you.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, the family trip to Ireland was just a show and the fact that he is pleading basically for you not to die is a coincidence.

The elevator doors opened and she stepped out of the elevator. Shia was a beautiful woman and I really was not clear on why Mark didn’t want her. He was harder to figure out than Lucas. Lucas wore his emotions on his sleeves like a dark reminder to stay the hell back. While Mark was unreadable. “Where is he?”

“Who?” I shrugged.

“Mark, he said that he wanted me to talk.”

“He wanted me to talk to you, you want to sit down, I can get us something to drink before we get into everything.”

“No, you know I have gone over this one hundred times in my head. This baby is mine and I am not going to listen to none of your shit. I told him already. I’m not getting rid of this baby. If he doesn't want to be a father, he doesn't have to be. I'll just make sure that none of you see daylight again.” Her head rolled and she smacked her lips. “I know that this family is fucked up and I would rather my child not be a part of it anyhow.” Her eyes cut at me and she smiled.

The nerve of her. “What good would that do you or the child?”

“I don’t want to hear this Asher!”

“I just want to know what your logic is?” I folded my arms and watched her as she strutted around the loft.

“I get what I want Asher, there is no other logic.” She smiled.

“I heard you threaten Luke. He has nothing to do with you or Mark.”

“He has a problem. I can tell it by looking at him. I told Cypress to leave him. And I wish she would have never gone back to him. It’s pretty much part of the reason I have not been around. I hate that she settled for that piece of shit. I figured out everything out once we went to Ireland everything made sense. And your father is wanted for like ten murders. I could just imply tip some people off.”

“Maybe Lucas was right.” I mumbled. “I want to help you. But I can't if you are gonna make some crazy accusations. I need you to sit...”

“Fuck you, fuck Lucas and fuck Mark. You might have her in some choke hold, but I am not the one. I don't understand why he won't even talk to me. We were together for almost a damned year and now he wants to just kick me to the curb. I will fuck his life up.”

“Just get out.”

“Oh, so now you're mad.”

“No!” I yelled. “I'm tired of your shit. Get the fuck out. You act like you can't comprehend common sense. If this was about the welfare of the baby, you wouldn't have threats. You would just want him to help. You're mad that he doesn't want you and that doesn't make sense in my book. You should know better. You aren't shit.”

“Perfect...” She rolled her eyes. “So they ruled Whit's death an accident?”

“What?” I turned my head.

“I heard the conversation when you called Mark… he thought I was sleep. I heard every damn thing…”

“Get the fuck out.”

“I'll take you down too… all three of you boys can have matching white jumpsuits on death row… The Elledge Boys…”

“Yeah just leave...” I stood up. “Be careful on those steps...” I said as she walked out of the back door. I wouldn't want you to fall.”

Now there was a real threat and if she didn't calm down there would not be any other answer to the problem. I just knew it wouldn't be me. I hadn't even gotten the image of Whitney out of my head.



They were sleeping in their beds. Willow had developed the habit of sucking her entire finger to lure her to sleep and Nathaniel slept with no worries. I looked at myself in the mirror and searched to find what she saw. I splashed water on my face, then turned to her in the shower.

“Shame about the sex.” I winked at her as she wiped her body down with the wash cloth. My eyes looked over each curve. She swatted at me. “You are beautiful.”

Cypress dropped the towel and smirked. “You hate waiting don't you?”

“More than anything else in this world.”

“Too bad, get out. Check on the twins and I'll slip into my dress.”

My eyes were hooked on her curves and the small things. She had battle wounds now. It was evident that she had a baby, but that was what made her more perfect to me. Her scars were perfect, stretch marks even seemed to make her prettier by the second.


“Come on...” I winked.

“Go check on the kids please!” She giggled.


To no surprise they were still asleep. The loft was silent and virtually all packed up. There were several things that I was giving away to Lydia. She had gotten an apartment with her boyfriend and Tracey didn't care. I figured it had something to do with the fact that there were no more children besides grandchildren that she had to see.

I actually put on a decent outfit. The white shirt hung loose on my body covering the top of my jeans and my hair was in a bun on the top of my head. She loved when I wore my hair up and I figured that I should do everything that I could to make sure that this date was a good one. I wore my black square framed glasses. There was no telling what she would come out wearing. She had said that she wanted to dress up as much as she could because she hadn't been close to her probably weight in a while.

I lingered around the apartment cleaning and checking on my babies until she finally stepped out of the bathroom. The yellow dress clung to her body and accented her every curve. Yes, she was thicker in places that had simply been nonexistent before, but now they were there and perfect. Her legs were accented by the stark white heels; they lead straight to her hips that were slowly but surely driving me mad. Her hair was tamed. It was straight. I had never seen it flow so far down her back. My eyes danced with amusement.

“I am ready whenever...”

“You look so damn perfect.” I couldn't think straight. My eyes were hooked on hers and it might have been a miracle if we made it out of the apartment.”

“Sorry I'm late! Mark didn't give the damn code before he left and I had no way in hell to get here except the steps.” Asher walked through the side door. “Damn, you look good.” Asher tossed his phone on the couch and smiled. “Where are you going?”

“He won't tell me.”

I nodded my head. “We have reservations so it's probably best that we head out. What time did Lydia say she would be here?”

“Later, stop worrying. I got them. And Mark said that he would stop by after he finished doing whatever he was doing. I have no clue what.”

“Perfect,” I grabbed my keys. “We will be back around midnight. Don't call us fifty million times. Everything is where it always is and please take care of our kids. I hate to throw death threats around loosely, but I will kill you brother or not.”

“Stop being an ass and take her out.” Asher clicked on the television and nodded his head.

“Have you talked to Shia yet?”

“I have no plans to. She is not my girlfriend. She is with Mark, so he should be the one that handles that. And don't ask me again, you two head out so you can get back by curfew.”

Dates had never been my specialty. We took her car, the feds rarely followed her car and for once we wanted some privacy. No matter how limited it was. We hopped in her car and I started the engine. “Are you going to sell it?”

“I technically don't own Luke.” She chuckled. “I'll just take it back to the dealership and then maybe get one in Ireland.”

“I bought this car the day you said you were pregnant.” I admitted.

“You what!”

I cut my eyes over to here and gripped her thigh. “Calm yourself. Why do you think they keep returning your money back to your bank account? You shouldn’t have to worry about bills like that. I take care of you and you should let it happen.”

“Fine.” She submitted to me finally. Her fingers laced with mine and she kissed the back of my hand. Her fingers were so soft. “What do you have up your sleeve?”

“Something nice.” I answered.

“Like what?”

“Are you down for food? No soup… just a really good meal.” I pulled into the parking lot of the steakhouse. “I know you will probably eat a salad, but I wanted us to have a real date.”

“Lucas, I am about to destroy a steak.” She smirked.

I opened the door for her and extended my hand out to her. “The entire restaurant is empty.” It had been a small task to rent out the place but the owner was fine with it. I paid him enough to cover the entire night anyhow. We made our way into the restaurant and she exhaled.

“Wow… It's so beautiful in here.” The candle light filled the room with a dim glow and the soft whites were splashed all over the room. The violin started and she gasped. “You went all out.” She laughed.

“I did.” I placed her purse on the table and extended my hand. “We should dance.”

“I don't...”

“You have and you can… come on. I will guide you.”

“You always do.” Her hand was in mine and spun her out to the dance floor in one swift move and then pulled her back to my chest. Cypress swayed with me. Her feet barely moving just placed on mine so I could glide her across the floor. “This is perfect.”

“I know… thank god we have someone like Asher to keep those babies.”

“Yeah, what is he going to do when everyone moves?”

“Believe it or not he plans to go to spend some time traveling with our dad. He said that he wanted to know more about him and that he doesn't have a girlfriend so it should be fun. Dad is excited… granted, I don't know. I don't want Asher to lose who he is.”

“He won't.” She assured me.

“Yeah, well they have our food almost done… do you want to freshen up before they come or no?”

“Yes, I'll run to the bathroom.” She kissed my cheek and she disappeared around the corner.

I followed her to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. “Public sex is the best way to step back into things...” I smiled.

“No, sir...” She could not hide the smile.



“Okay.” I walked towards her slowly and lifted her skirt up. “I just want a minute… maybe two… probably more.” My hands crawled up her body pinching at her nipples. She gasped a little and fell onto the wall behind her. “This place is mine for the evening… No one is going to walk in that door…” The bathroom was just as classy as the restaurant. “Say yes.”

“Yes.” She said.

“I can make it quick. Hard...” I pushed her panties aside and pushed my middle finger into her. She clenched around me and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I needed to be inside her. I wouldn't last long anyhow. My eyes closed as her warmth surrounded my finger. “That feel good?” I groaned.

“Oh...” She bit her lip at the punishing rhythm I had started with her.  She rotated her hips as her head laid back in pleasure. Her hands wrapped around my neck and she dug into me with her nails. “Lucas… harder.”

“I missed the way you said my name the most...” I added another finger and pumped it into her. “Almost like a plea to get you there. No need to beg.” I unbuckled my pants and my dick was hard as a rock. My lips kissed her cheek and move slowly over to her lips. Her hands cupped my dick and everything went still for a moment and I pushed her panties to the ground. There was no more patience. I lifted her off of the ground and wrapped her legs around me and slammed into her. She trembled as something that resembled a moan and a yell escaped her body. I went into her again, this time I guided her down on me and she bounced to make it better. I drove into her panting for dear life. Everything around us was gone and she was my light. I slammed into her faster until the friction of my friends brought her there. Her clit twitched and she was in bliss. Her legs melted around me as she bit down on my shoulder. I sat down on the couch still inside of her and she ground her hips into me at an unbearable speed. My mouth was open in the shape of an O as I tried to hold onto the last bit of pleasure. But I was done. Her body had me above the clouds. I gripped her hips and thrust into her two more times, losing everything that I had to give. “Fuck…”

BOOK: Slice (The Elledge Family #1)
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