Slave To Love (41 page)

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Authors: Bridget Midway

BOOK: Slave To Love
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He put his hands under her ass and lifted her. Taren wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he took her to her bed. After placing her on it, he ripped off her panties. It took him no time to remove his pajama pants and underwear.

Neither of them spoke when he reached down and held his shaft at her pussy opening. He slid himself inside in one hard thrust. Taren stifled her scream by burying her face in his chest. She reached across the bed.

Jace knew she wanted a pillow. He wanted the whole house to hear her, hear him pleasuring her. He didn’t want to get eliminated because he broke a stupid rule. He assisted her with securing a pillow.

As he thrust inside her, he kept his stare on her. Her eyes weakened him every time. She had no idea of her power.

“I like the way you caned Sweetheart.” Taren wrapped her legs around his hips. “So strong. So sexy.”

“Keep talking.” He kissed the side of her face and cupped her breast in his hand.

“You have a beautiful body.” She raked her fingers through his hair. “I hate that you have to wear a mask.”

He couldn’t agree with her more on that end. Jace moved his free hand down to her ass and held it while he drove into her core. He had so many dreams about her tight, wet pussy.

“Thank you for fucking me even though I’m not perfect.”

Jace turned over onto his back and pulled Taren with him so that she rode him. “You are just right.”

Taren undulated her body, riding him until she had to grab a pillow and press it to her mouth. She muffled her scream while her body stiffened.

Jace felt her vaginal walls tightening around him. He had to take control or he would explode. He sat up and removed her pillow from her grasp.

“Keep talking. I love hearing you talk.” He moved to the edge of the bed and continued thrusting in her. He held her around her waist as she grabbed his shoulders.

“I won’t tell about this.” She shook her head. “I promise. I won’t.”

He believed her. Jace lowered his head and put a breast in his mouth. He licked her nipple, twirling his tongue around it until he felt her body constricting him again. She hugged his shoulders and squeezed her legs about him until he felt like she became a part of his body.

“I can’t wait until you play with me.” She kissed him all over his face.

To whet her appetite, he slapped her ass. That prompted her to ride him faster.

“What turns you on so much about being disciplined?” Jace had to know. Not that he minded her arousal level.

“The control.” She circled her thumb around his nipple. “The danger.” Taren per her face next to his and licked the shell of his ear. “The trust.” She moved her hand down and stroked his shaft each time he pulled back. “I trust you.” She pulled back and looked at him in the eyes. She moved her mouth like she wanted to say something else. “I trust you.”

Jace understood her reservation. He’d been hammering in her head the idea that true love didn’t exist in his lifestyle. Truthfully, he hadn’t found anyone to stimulate his mind and body in a long time…until Taren.

He felt her inner walls closing in on him again. She rode him harder. “I. Hate. Peas.”

Jace would have laughed if he didn’t have an orgasm building inside him. “Come for me.”

Taren reached for the pillow again. When she couldn’t snag it, she pressed her lips against his mouth and screamed into it. In turn, Jace growled as he emptied his seed into her.

“I just came up here to comfort you.” Jace smiled.

She nodded. “You did. Believe me. You did.”

He held her face in his hands. “I don’t want you giving up finding the right Dom for you because of this. If I’m not the one you want, I’ll be fine with that.”

Taren smiled.

“Why are you smiling?”

“I figured out how to tell when you’re lying.”

Jace stood and carried her to the bathroom. “You take a bath or shower.”

“You’re not joining me?” She slid down his body and sauntered to the shower stall. Taren raised her hips in the air like a proud peacock.

“I would love to, but if I do, I’ll never leave.” He went up to her and gave her another kiss. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

Taren nodded. “Don’t forget your mask.”

He couldn’t forget that. Jace didn’t have concerns about his physical mask. He would have to tell her the truth about himself and this contest. How could he not after he revealed something so heavy?




Now, with four contestants left, being with the house slaves felt intimate for Taren. She could talk to them openly. The last few days, she would eat breakfast with them after they served breakfast to the Doms. Since Kitty planned on filming that day, Taren decided to delve deeper into the slaves’ minds.

“Are you all okay after the caning episode?” Taren picked up a platter of biscuits, selected one, and passed the tray to Bubbles.

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” Bubbles smiled. She hadn’t done that in a while.

“All better now.” Sweetheart tilted to the side and rubbed her backside.

“A little tender, but I’m okay.” Breeze kept her head down as she ate.

“Tender? You were the only one of us who bled.” Solo covered her scrambled eggs with pepper before scooping some up on her fork.

“I’ve been disciplined worse than that. Bruiser was actually pretty good. I like his style.” Breeze screwed up her lips like she wanted to hide a smile.

Taren knew what made her truly happy. At least Breeze found her Dom.

“Mine had no style.” Solo shook her head.

“Shh, he’ll hear you.” Sweetheart pointed toward the bedrooms.

“I don’t care. Maybe if he’s angry, he’ll do better.” Solo took a drink of her orange juice before she continued. “I have found that Dominants who do the most posturing and have the biggest mouths are usually the ones who are the weakest in the dungeon.” She pointed her fork toward Bubbles. “The ones who don’t have to brag about their skills are the ones who truly have them, like your guy. He may not say shit, but I bet you he’s an awesome Dom. Am I right?”

Bubbles’s smile slipped down. “He’s okay, I guess.”

“Okay?” Solo dropped her fork. Then she turned to Taren. “You’ve made him a winner at least two times. That’s the most of anyone left here.” She turned to Breeze. “Your guy hasn’t won anything yet.” Then she looked at Sweetheart. “Your guy won once, right?”

Sweetheart nodded.

“And my Dom hasn’t won a damn thing.” She closed her eyes and had almost an orgasmic expression. “Lord No has an amazing body. The quiet ones are the ones to look out for. If I were a betting woman, I’d put my money on Lord No to win.”

“I wouldn’t make that bet,” Taren said. “I haven’t made my mind up yet. It’s still anyone’s race.”

“I know this.” Solo raised her glass. “Here’s to us being in the hundred thousand and up club.”

Sweetheart and Bubbles clinked their glasses against Solo. Breeze continued eating.

“What’s up, Breeze? Too good to talk about money?” Solo finished up her breakfast.

“For me, this was never really about the money.” She shrugged. “I like playing. I like serving. That’s what it was all about for me.”

“I like all that, too. But it’s nice to get what you could make in a year in a few weeks.” Sweetheart laughed. “It’s an awesome feeling.”

“Yeah, for some of us, we need all the money we can get.” Bubbles stabbed some eggs on her fork, looked at it, and put it back down. “It’s been nice playing here, but at home, my mom has this rare form of cancer that’s inoperable. Her treatments are expensive. I’m hoping to be the last slave standing. I need all the money I can get.”

“Oh, honey, why are you here?” Breeze shook her head. “You should be at home with your mom and enjoying what could be her final moments instead of being here.”

“I’m a teacher. I don’t make that much money. I needed to do something to earn a lot of dough fast, and I’m not a psychic. I can’t predict the right lottery numbers.” Bubbles shrugged.

“You’re playing this game all wrong then.” Solo shook her head. “Why are you so combative with Lord No? Why not go along with everything he does?”

“I don’t feel comfortable with him. But I’m getting there.” Bubbles stood. “Anyone else done? I’ll take your plate.”

Taren stood. “I’ll help you in the kitchen.” She followed Bubbles and stood next to her at the sink. “I’m so sorry about your mom.” She put her arm around Bubbles’s shoulders. “Have faith.”

“I’ve been keeping the faith and praying every chance I get. This money would help out a lot.” Bubbles gazed at Taren. “No pressure.” She chuckled but immediately turned away as soon as tears crested her bottom lids.

Taren wrapped her arms around Bubbles. She felt more of a responsibility to do the right thing the more she got to know the contestants. She turned her head and rested it on Bubbles’s shoulder. She gasped when she caught Lord No standing in the kitchen watching them.

Taren pulled from the embrace. “Anything I can help you with?” She tried to smile and even stood behind Bubbles to block her from his view.

He didn’t need to see his slave getting upset about a personal matter. He wouldn’t care.

Lord No kept his stare on Bubbles. He took a step closer to the two of them and stopped. In his swim trunks, bare feet, and a towel draped over his shoulder, he looked ready for a vacation, not for something heavy.

He pointed to Bubbles and then pointed to the backyard area.

“I can go out there. I’ll have to learn how to serve you anyway.” Taren started to go toward him, but he held up his hand to stop her.

Again, Lord No pointed to Bubbles and then pointed to the pool. He started to charge toward her like he wanted to grab her arm, but Taren blocked him.

“I’ll make sure she gets out there.” She kept her face stoic but stared at him.

He pointed to his wrist to pantomime time ticking away. Then he pointed to the pool area again.

“Understood, sir. I’ll make sure she gets out there.”

He backed away from them and went out back.

With him gone, Taren released a breath she’d been holding when she saw him. She turned to Bubbles. “Are you okay? I’ll be more than happy to fill in for you if you need a minute to get yourself together.”

Bubbles wiped her face. “No, I’m fine. House slaves don’t cry, right?”

Bubbles patted Taren on her arm before she padded out to the pool area. Taren watched the action from the kitchen. Lord No jumped out of the pool and went over to Bubbles. She saw him putting his hand under Bubbles’s chin and lift her face up. He peered over her head and stared pointedly at Taren. At that moment, he held her arm and walked her to an area out of view.

Not content to leave it up to chance that Lord No would do the right thing, Taren headed to the dungeon area to look through the window.


Taren turned to see Jace behind her. He, too, wore his swim trunks.

“What are you doing?” Jace stood next to her.

“Seeing what Lord No is doing to Bubbles.” She looked through the window to try and find them. “She got kind of upset this morning. And he demanded that she go out and serve him. Jerk.”

“Come out there with me.” He opened the door that went to the pool.

“Shouldn’t you be going out with Sweetheart?”

Jace held Taren’s hand and pulled her out with him. “What did I tell you last night? Demand what you want.” He tossed the towel on a nearby lounge chair. He jumped in the water and started his laps.

Taren searched the backyard for Lord No and Bubbles. She walked down the length of the pool to the other side of the backyard. In a far corner between the house and a large hedge doubling as a fence, she found Lord No with his back to her and pinning Bubbles to the corner.

Taren’s senses kicked into overdrive. She saw him as a bully crowding her in a corner. “Lord No, I’m getting some tea. Would you like some?”

Lord No turned around and glared at Taren. He started to charge toward her, but Bubbles held his arm and kept him back. She got in his face and whispered something before strolling toward Taren.

“I’ll get the tea. I’ll serve him.” Bubbles’s face looked drained.

Lord No stormed by Taren to get to the pool. He jumped in and settled at the bottom for a moment before coming up for air. When he did, he made sure to be at the opposite end, far from Taren.

She didn’t know what all happened between him and Bubbles, but she didn’t like him pushing her around outside of play. If she hadn’t made him a winner and granted him immunity, she would have booted him next. She’d made a promise.




Chapter Twenty-Seven



Having only a few contestants left made Jace’s stealthy moves even easier. He ducked into the guesthouse to call Rich LaMarca. He only had a week until he had to go to the follow-up meeting with him. With filming, he didn’t know if he would make it. No way would he ask Taren to eliminate him so he could make this appointment. Not only did he not want to disappoint her, he now wanted to fight for her. He wanted to win her.

“Mr. LaMarca’s office,” the receptionist answered.

“My name is Jace Morton. I have a follow-up appointment to meet with Rich in a week. I wanted to see if I can postpone that appointment. Something came up and I won’t be able to make it.” He paced in the bedroom area.

“Mr. LaMarca is not accustomed to be left waiting.”

The implication that Jace made this call in a flippant manner, like he didn’t care, made him feel like his body had been covered in lava. He had to calm himself down before speaking to this underling. “I’m sure, which is why I’m calling now. I realize how important his time is. Move my appointment.” He no longer had the tact or patience to ask nicely. The Dom side of him emerged.

“But you don’t understand. Mr. LaMarca may have subsequent meetings because of this one meeting.”

“Bottom line, I can’t make the appointment. I need you to reschedule. Call me back with a new time and date.” He disconnected the call.

Jace hid the phone again. He would have to be secretive in leaving the guesthouse. He peered out the window and saw no one. He strolled out of the small home and made his way across the lawn to the main house. Before he got there, he heard the raised voices from outside.

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