Read Slave Of Dracula Online

Authors: Barbara Hambly

Slave Of Dracula (33 page)

BOOK: Slave Of Dracula
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My dearest Catherine, do you understand? I love you, and have always loved you-will always love
you, in living or dying or the shadow-world of Un-Death. One day, when it pleases God, you, and I, and
our lovely Vixie, and my beautiful Nomie will all meet, on the other side of the Veil, and after that, who
knows? Who can know?

Until that time, we can only live as well as we can, and make our choices, as the ancient Persians said,
for the Light rather than the Darkness. For even those of us in the Darkness do, it appears, remember the
nature of Light.

I write this to you in the train-station at Varna, whence we are about to depart for Constantinople and
points east. Already I seem to hear in my ears the music of sitars, and to taste upon my tongue the heady
flavor of rice-beetles and the indescribable savor of white ants!

My beloved, I will write to you when we reach Calcutta. Until that time, and always, know me to be,

Forever, your loving husband,


BOOK: Slave Of Dracula
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