Slade (8 page)

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Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Slade
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I fucking disgust her? Nah, fuck that.

      I reach for my glass and tilt it back. I need to get my mind somewhere else. The liquor won’t do anything but numb it, but numbing is what I’m used to. It’s what keeps
me going. My cock starts to harden at the thought of a needed release.
Right on schedule.

      “What’s up, dick.”

      I tilt my head up at the sound of Hemy’s voice. He looks down at me and holds out a bottle of Whiskey. I can’t help but to laugh a bit when I notice he’s standing there wearing nothing but an American flag wrapped around his waist. He has claw marks all over his skin from the women grabbing at him. He loves it just as much as I do. He’s a dirty mother fucker; like me. “What’s up, man?”

      “Not shit. You look like you need another one of these.” He pours my glass back up to the top and leans against the arm of the couch. “You here to help me work the ladies tonight or what? It’s a small crowd. A private party.”

      I look up at the small group of women that have started rounding up in the back room. Most of them look slutty and willing. I’m sure the thought of
doesn’t disgust them. Most of them will probably be begging. How the fuck can I pass that up?

      “Yeah.” I take a gulp of my drink and watch as a few of the ladies wave over at us. “Why not. I have nothing better to do.”

      Hemy slaps my shoulder and stands up. “Finish that shit up and get your ass over there then. There’s a certain someone that is asking for you.” He starts backing away. “She has huge tits and a big fucking appetite. I’m pretty sure that’s your type.”

      I can definitely deal with that. There’s no shame in having a huge sexual appetite. I need a woman that can handle me. I like to fuck and I like to fuck dirty. The fact they get the ultimate pleasure in return is just the icing on the cake. If my cock is what does the trick, then why the fuck should I stop? It’s not my fault I’m so good with it.

      Taking a few more minutes to myself, I finish my drink and prep my brain by entering into fuck mode. It’s what keeps my mind from going places it shouldn’t while my cock is in charge. I stand and make my way over to the back room, ready to get out of my head.

Hemy has a group of women, groping his ass, legs and chest, while a few of the other women are waving money around and screaming. This is what we’re used to; what we live for.

      My eyes scan the room of women, until they fall on the one I’m looking for; the brunette from the other night. She’s standing across the room in a tiny white dress that is hugging her every curve. She’s by far the most attractive woman here and the perfect distraction.

      Stepping up behind her, I brush her hair behind her shoulder and whisper, “I’m here. Now what the fuck are you going to do with me?”

      She turns around in my arms and bites her bottom lip when she notices I’m shirtless; less clothes for her to take off. Her eyes look hungry. “I have a few things in mind.” Her eyes rake down my chest and I can tell she’s been wanting me for a while. Most women do.

      “You want my cock?” I run her hands down my chest and abs until it lands on my erection; always ready when I need it to be. “I’ll let you have it under one condition. There are no exceptions.” I wait for her to look me in the eyes to be sure she understands me. “It’s yours for one night and one night only. No bullshit after. Enjoy it and move on. I need to get off and I’m pretty damn sure you do too. Are we clear?”

      She lets out a soft moan and nods as her hand gropes my thick cock, moving up and down over my slightly damp jeans. The look in her eyes is pleading for me to take her right here in front of everyone. She’s about to tackle me right now and ride me right here in the open. Fuck yeah, it’s a huge turn on.

      “Even better,” she whispers. “I just want one taste. I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.” She strokes my cock through my pants. “A
long time.”

Seeing that Hemy has the room handled, I pick the leggy brunette up and walk forward until her back is against the back wall and we have a little privacy. She moans as I slide my hand up her dress and rub my thumb over her lacy thong, teasing her through the thin fabric. “Well, it’s worth the fucking wait. Trust me.” Wrapping her hair around my hand, I pull her head back, exposing her neck to my mouth and graze it with my teeth as I shove my finger into her entrance. It’s so fucking wet that I can feel it dripping down my hand. “You like that, huh?”

      She moans next to my ear before biting my earlobe and tugging it with her teeth. “Oh yes. I love it, Slade. Don’t stop.”

      I move my finger in and out, slowly at first before going faster and deeper. Her legs tighten around my waist as she moans out and starts breathing heavily. “This isn’t shit. Just wait until I shove my thick, hard cock in there.” I bring my lips up to meet her ear. “You’re going to be screaming. You like to scream?”

      “Mmhmm.” Grabbing my face, she attempts to pull me in for a kiss, but I turn my head out of her reach. “Come on, baby. You’re not even going to kiss me? I want to taste those lips.” She leans in again and I
lightly pull on her hair, stopping her an inch from my face.

      “No kissing.” I freeze as I hold her up against the wall angry with myself. I still have the taste of Aspen on my lips and I’m being a greedy fucking bastard. I don’t want to share her taste with anyone.

What. The. Fuck.

      “You know what. Never mind.” I release her thighs and she slides down my body, landing hard on her feet. “I’ll take care of myself. I’m pretty fucking good at it.”

      She gives me a stunned look before fixing her dress and combing the knots out of her hair. “Are you fucking serious?”

      “Yeah. I’m fucking serious.” I push away from the wall and head for the doo
r. When I look over at Hemy, he’s standing there with his fucking hard dick swinging everywhere. We don’t usually get fully nude, but on occasion if no one else is paying much attention, we end up baring it all. He does it the most. He has the bad ass biker look down so when women see him stripping, they go crazy over it. Shit, one of the girls is practically sucking his dick right now. They seem to love the hard steel of his piercings almost as much as his dick itself.

      Heading back over to the bar, I take a seat in front of Cale and grip the bar. I really need to get my shit together. “Three shots of Jack,” I say stiffly. “Actually, make it four.”

      Cale reaches for the shot glasses and lines them up in front of me. “I’m guessing I’ll be giving you a ride home.”

      “Yeah. Your guess is fucking right.”

      Yeah, and as soon as I get home, I’ll be taking a fucking shower to wash this day away.

      “So what is Aspen doing then? She didn’t want to come hang out here?” He looks up from pouring the shots. “She doesn’t get pissed off easily. It must be a

      Not really caring to hear what he has to say, I grab the first shot and slam it back before wiping my mouth off with my arm. “How do you know this chick anyways? She’s not even from around here.”

      Now it looks like he’s battling a demon of his own. I know that look well. I wear it with pride. “I was best friends with her sister, Riley, growing up. Riley Raines. They used to live here back when we were all kids.”

      Okay. I’ve heard him mention that name before. I can’t remember for shit why, though. There must be something about these sisters that make a man go fucking nuts.

Aspen fucking Raines. What a sexy name.






















Chapter Eight







Stupid, piece of crap, no good vibrator . . .

I toss what I thought was my handy dandy vibrator down beside me and roll over on my stomach, shoving my face into the pillow. I’m so frustrated, I could scream. This cannot be happening. Gripping the plush pillow, I smother my face deeper and curse my damn vagina.

Is it broken? Seriously.
I mean my vagina. Not the vibrator. The vibrator definitely had some kicking power left in it. I think that cocky, sexy, asshole broke it. Obviously, my vagina has decided it wants the best and has gone on strike until it gets it. I’ve never had this problem before him. Why now? 

      Rolling back over, I sit up and grab my panties, pulling them on with a sigh. A very frustrated sigh. After the orgasm I had yesterday, I
’m ruined. No other orgasm I’ll ever have will compare to it and it makes me so angry. It seems I’ve lost the control over my vagina. I’ve spent the last hour just trying to have a small orgasm; any orgasm and nothing. Trust me, I’ve tried both ways and what were the results? Nada . . . it’s completely numb now.

’s definitely time to throw in the towel. It’s not happening. Maybe I just need to make some breakfast, relax and try again later. I think I just have too much on my mind.

Yeah. That’s it. I’m just mentally frustrated.

      I stand from the messy confinements of the bed and grab my t-shirt from the wad of clothes on the floor, pulling it on. Exiting the room, I walk past Cale snoring on the couch and dodge my way into the kitchen. The boys didn
’t get in until at least two a.m. There’s no way they will be waking up anytime soon. I’m surprised that I’m even up to be honest. I didn’t sleep for crap. It was an endless night and a part of me wants to just crawl back in bed and force myself to sleep.

      One minute I was checking my phone and the next minute I was checking the driveway. Not sure why I cared so much about when they were getting back but it seemed to drive me nuts. I haven
’t even gotten to spend any time with Cale and I’ve been here for three days. So far Slade has been my only real entertainment.

Lucky me . . .

      My stomach starts growling as I begin to search through the fridge for something to cook for breakfast. Digging through the contents, I end up with a roll of sausage, a pack of bacon and some bagels. My mouth is practically watering just anticipating the taste. At least there
in this house to look forward to.

      Half way through cooking, everything starts to go horribly wrong. If I thought I was flustered before, this just confirms it. The bacon is popping grease everywhere and the stupid sausage is stuck to the bottom of the pan. The whole kitchen is full of smoke. It would be really embarrassing if the smoke detector went off right now. It
’s pathetic. I just can’t seem to concentrat
. .
on anything.

“Ow, damn!” I jump back when I get popped with bacon grease
. That shit really hurts.

“What the hell are you doing?”

I turn around to the sound of Slade’s deep, raspy voice. He’s standing there shirtless in a pair of low hanging jeans, showing off the muscles right above his . . . penis. His body is slightly damp as if he’s just taken a shower, but I know he hasn’t. I would’ve heard the water . . . I think. What is it about a wet man that is so sexy?

      His eyes are dark and intense; looking at me as if he wants to either strangle me or just fuck me really hard. I can
’t really tell. I get a rush of excitement from both. That’s really fucking messed up.

      Clearing my throat, I turn back around and start scraping the sausage off the bottom of the pan as if it
’s not a big deal. I just pretend I didn’t mess breakfast all up. The last thing I want to do is see him standing there half naked, looking disturbingly delicious while judging my cooking skills. He looks tastier than this damn food. That’s not what I need right now. “What does it look like I’m doing?

I ask, not bothering to hide my irritation.

      When he speaks again his voice is right behind me, sending chills up my spine. His body is now pressed against mine, but not in a sexual way; in a way that makes my heart jump a little. Just a little.
“Burning down the damn house. I hate to tell you this, but I left my fireman suit at work. I’m not prepared for this shit this early in the morning.” He reaches for the spatula and hisses in my ear. “Now move out of the way.”

Not budging, I reach for the spatula but he pulls it out of my reach. “I can handle it. Shouldn’t you be sleeping or I don’t know . . . kicking some skank out of your bed. I’m pretty sure you had a

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