Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father (6 page)

Read Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father Online

Authors: J.L. McCoy

Tags: #vampires, #steamy adult paranormal romance, #paranormal romance, #fangs, #steamy content, #vampire book series, #urban fantasy

BOOK: Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father
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I looked passionately into his eyes as I
slowly ran my soft, wet tongue over his rock hard, ripped chest. I
took my time tasting every ripple, every inch. He threw his head
back, shivered, and growled gutturally before looking back down at
me and bringing his head to the mounds of my chest. I leaned my
head back and let him have his turn on me. He licked and gently bit
each mound before undoing the top two buckles of my bustier and
freeing my needy, aching breasts.

Jameson lifted his head a moment and looked
deeply into my eyes. “
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat
, Skye.
.” he whispered. Raw honestly and passion painted
his beautiful words. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t understand
them, I understood their intensity immediately. They caressed my
heart like a lover’s hand and wrapped it in warm joy and promise. I
reached up and gently grasped his face between each of my hands and
pulled him down for a soft, slow, deep kiss.

I poured my sorrow and bliss, my life’s
breath and my tears, my very being into that kiss. I kissed Jameson
with every word I wanted to say and didn’t; with every word I
wanted to say and couldn’t. I kissed him so completely that it
brought tears to my eyes. I wanted to make love to him right this
very moment. I wanted to show him how much he meant to me. I wanted
to lose myself in this beautiful, perfect, caring man’s arms and
never come back.

He briefly pulled away, gently laid me back
down on the ground, and looked me deep in the eyes. His eyes full
of the passion and heat we were both feeling. “I’ve wanted you for
so long, Skye Morrison.”

I nodded my head in complete understanding. I
had wanted him, too. “Make love to me, Jameson,” I whispered as I
reached down between us and undid the button on his tight black
pants. He rumbled with need and simultaneously worked my black PVC
skirt up my thighs. I unzipped his pants and unabashedly plunged my
hand inside while he captured my left nipple in his mouth, rolled
it around on his tongue, and reached between my legs to lightly
caress my warm, aching mound. I moaned with need and worked to free
his hard, bulging, impressively large member as he slid his hand to
my waist and started pulling my tights down my thighs. He reached
between my legs, quickly pulled my thong to the side, and got ready
to enter me. I took a deep, quivering breath, lifted my hips to
meet his, and trembled in anxious, desperate anticipation.

Just then the stockroom door opened and
Lochlan strolled in. Jameson immediately flattened his body over
mine and growled loudly in warning as I let out a small, surprised
scream and buried my face in his neck.

Gabh mo leisgue!

Lochlan said in surprise and laughed, briefly covering his eyes.

Ifreann na Fola
Math thu-fhèin
, Jameson.
. But, ya’ know our Archer’s going to kill ya’,

Jameson growled savagely as I watched the
color drain from his eyes. “
, Lochlan.” he said in a
low, threatening voice. “If you mention this to Archer tonight, so
help me God, I’ll kill you.” I looked up into his eyes and saw
fierce determination in them.

I wrapped my one arm around Jameson’s neck
and gently ran my ringers through his soft hair with the other,
trying to calm him. “I think you need to leave, Lochlan.” I said,
never taking my eyes off Jameson.

Thoir do chasan leat
!” Jameson yelled
when Lochlan made no move to leave. “

Lochlan shook his head and laughed, holding
his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, Jameson, damn. I was just
tryin’ to see what all the fuss was about.” Jameson growled deeply
again in warning and Lochlan took a step back. “Well,
, ya’ two. But don’t forget, Jameson. Archer and
An Dílis
are still waitin’ for their bottle o’ Connemara.”
With that he turned around and closed the door.

Jameson sighed heavily and rested his
forehead on my left shoulder. “
Damnú air
,” he swore against
my skin. “I forgot.”

I took a deep breath and blew it out,
steadying myself. “I didn’t know Archer was here today. I thought
he said he was going to be busy with those guys tonight. He said
you and I were running the club.”

Jameson lifted his head and looked into my
eyes. The color was slowly returning to them as he spoke. “He is
busy, but he is here…at least he will be for a little while longer.
And you and I are running the club.” He leaned down and softly
kissed my swollen mouth. I parted his lips with my tongue and
kissed him for all I was worth. I knew we couldn’t stay in this
stockroom any longer, but I wanted to give him something to
remember me by. He growled hungrily and kissed me deeply.

“I don’t want to leave,” he said with a
groan, pulling away and placing a small, lingering kiss on my
forehead. “But, I have to.”

I nodded my head as he lifted himself off of
me and gripped my hand tightly to pull me up after him. He quickly
grabbed his shirt and righted himself using vampire speed. He
turned to the wall of stored liquor bottles as I did the same, only
not as quickly. He selected the bottle of Irish whiskey and turned
back to me, setting it down on a box and helped me buckle the front
of my bustier back up.

“Can I see you after work?” he asked

I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked
up into his beautiful green eyes. “Absolutely,” I said with a brush
of my lips to his. “I can’t wait.”

We kissed each other one last time before we
walked out of the stockroom.



Chapter 3



Jameson headed back to Archer’s office with
the bottle of Connemara, and I went a few doors down to the
employee lounge. The music was on full blast and I could tell that
most of the cage dancers were already here. When I entered the
room, I was surprised to see what time it was. It was 7 o’clock and
Jameson and I had been in the stockroom with each other for over an

“Skye!” the group of dancers called in
greeting when they saw me.

I smiled and waved to them.

“Hey, Skye!” Eden called out to me as I went
to my locker and retrieved my travel makeup bag.

“Hey, Eden,” I called back to her. “How’s it

“Good!” she sang as she grabbed her outfit
off the couch and walked behind one of the corner screens to
change. She popped her head out as I walked up to the lighted
mirror and set my bag down on the table. “You’ve got to fix your
lipstick, girl,” she said in a whisper before disappearing

I felt my face flush hot with embarrassment
as I checked the mirror.
Oh, my
. My bright red lipstick was
smeared something awful. I took out a small pack of makeup removing
wipes and took the remainder of my lipstick off.
my ass
, I thought silently.
Well, it has never before been
put through that rigorous of a test
. I chuckled to myself and
selected a tube of dark purple lipstick to wear next. The tube of
red that I had been wearing was back in my bathroom at home.

I fixed my eyeliner, refreshed my face
powder, blotted my lipstick and then took the travel bag back to my
locker. I grabbed out the five black wristbands Archer gave me last
night and relocked my locker. Three more dancers poured in and I
did a quick head count. Three general employees and ten dancers
meant that they were all here. I walked over to the boom box,
lowered the volume and whistled sharply.

“Good evening, all you good looking ladies
and gents!” I happily called out to the gathered crowd. “I’m going
to have to work the first floor bar tonight, so I’m going to need
to appoint one of you to assist me with watching the cages and
notifying the dancers when it’s time to switch or go on break.” I
watched as Courtney raised her hand and volunteered for the

I smiled and shook my head. “You’re working
the second floor again tonight, Courtney,” I said and she smiled. I
beckoned her over to me with my hand and placed the black band
around her right wrist. “Seth, Staci, and Peyton, you’ll also be
working upstairs,” I said and they walked over to get their
wristbands attached as well.

I looked around the room, found Brian and
called him over. “Everyone, Brian will be assisting me tonight. He
will come by and get you when it’s time to switch cages or go on
break,” I explained as I attached the black wristband to his wrist.
“And, Eden will be our relief floater.” I turned to her and met her
smile with my own. If you guys have any problems or questions, do
not hesitate to come and ask me or Brian, okay?”

Everyone nodded in agreement and I turned my
attention to my barback Ducky, and my two cleaning crew. The man
who had passed out yesterday after finding Greyson’s body
thankfully had the night off.

“Ducky, I’ll need you to help me work magic
tonight, bro,” I said with a laugh.

He laughed too and smiled. “Piece of cake,

I turned to the cleaning crew, gave them a
wink, and then I thanked everyone, turning the music back up. I
didn’t have to give the cleaning crew any orders. They knew exactly
what to do. I pulled Brian off to the side and quickly explained
the VIP and PVIP house rules. I told him that he was not to be up
there unless he was relieving someone or escorting someone up. He
nodded his head in agreement and I gave him a happy hi-five.

“Thanks, Bri,” I said with a smile. “I
appreciate your help tonight. Oh, and before I forget, make sure
you check to see that Courtney is wearing her pasties tonight if
she’s going to wear a mesh shirt again.”

“You got it, boss lady,” he said with an
understanding laugh and went back to getting ready.

I quietly left the room and made my way down
the hall to the main floor.

When I walked in, I noticed Lochlan and Aoife
were at the second floor bar prepping for the night. I glanced over
at the first floor bar and found Quinn, Trey, Hunter and Seamus
chatting around a few drinks. I happily strolled up to them and
took a seat on the barstool next to Trey.

Trey immediately turned to me with a
questioning arch of his eyebrow. He looked me over, head to waist
and back, and narrowed his eyes slightly. I began to fidget in my
seat, hyperaware of his divine power of empathy, and tried to calm
my nerves.

“Well,” I finally hissed under my breath. “If
you’re going to ask, ask already,” I said eager to end the

Trey chuckled and put his hand on my knee. He
briefly closed his eyes, then opened them and grinned slyly. “Oh,
you dog!” he teased quietly in his slick southern lilt. “Burning
desire, need, adoration, happiness, and…oh my,” he said as he
blushed and took his hand off my knee. I quickly glanced over to
make sure the other guys were paying us no attention and smiled at

“Yes,” I said and felt myself blush.

He pursed his lips and looked at me
thoughtfully for a moment. “It’s not who I think it is, is it?”

I shrugged my shoulders coyly and grinned. “A
lady never tells.”

He cocked his eyebrow and put his hand on my
knee again. I waited patiently as he closed his eyes and took a
deep breath. His brow furrowed suddenly and he let go, opening his
eyes. “Hurt, fear, anger, and disappointment lie under those happy
feelings,” he said aloud quietly, more to himself than me. He
looked me deep in the eyes and asked me again, “It’s not who I
think it is, is it?”

I scoffed and cocked my head to the side.
“Probably,” I replied in a thoughtful whisper. “But it doesn’t
matter anymore, honey. I’m washing my hands,” I said as I made a
show of dusting them off.

Trey leaned over and bumped shoulders with
me. “Good for you, darling,” he said with a small smile. “You
deserve all the happiness in the world.”

I reached over and hugged his neck before
getting up and walking around the bar. I exchanged quick
pleasantries and small talk with Quinn, Seamus, and Hunter before
getting to work behind the bar.

A few minutes later Hunter came around the
counter to work as the other men went off to ready their stations.
Ducky joined us a few minutes after and the three of us joked
around as we prepped for the night.

I was in the middle of catching a cherry in
my mouth that Hunter threw in the air to me, when out of Archer’s
stairwell walked a group of muscular, handsome men wearing black
shirts and slacks. I stopped mid step, dumbfounded, leaned my head
back down and turned my head to get a better look. The cherry that
Hunter had thrown hit me square in the forehead and he and Ducky
laughed heartily as it bounced to the floor.

The group of men, ten in all, was followed
closely by Archer and Jameson. Archer gestured to the large lounge
area in PVIP and led them over to a private, curtained table. They
all piled around the table on five large couches as Aoife and
Lochlan brought them over three bottles of liquor and several

“That’s The Faithful,” Hunter whispered
reverently to me.

I nodded my head in awe. “They’re huge,” I
muttered with wide, appraising eyes. And,
they’re frickin’
, I thought silently. They all looked like they could
have been runway models and I licked my lips absentmindedly at an
involuntary lustful thought.

Hunter chuckled and elbowed me. “Wait until
you see them up close.”

One of the men turned my way and looked
straight at me. Hunter quickly busied himself with cleaning the
spotless counter, but I couldn’t look away. His eyes were a
gorgeous shade of emerald green and his chiseled face was stunning.
I felt butterflies flutter rampantly in my stomach as my lower
abdomen clenched tight.
Dear God, I need to get laid
, I
silently thought as I tore my eyes away from his. I blamed Jameson
for my out of control hormones and sincerely hoped that he could
help me with them later tonight.

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