Authors: Liesel Schwarz
In 1906, the kinnari dancers of King Sisowath appeared at the Colonial Exposition in Marseilles. They took Europe by storm and performances were attended by thousands.
Unfortunately, the twentieth century has not been kind to the ballet, but despite terrible atrocities and violations of human rights, these women kept dancing. Throughout the years of adversity, the art was kept alive—with woman practicing the dance in secret—often in the face of grave personal danger. Without the dedication of these dancers, the world would have lost something beautiful forever. In my own small way I would like to acknowledge their bravery and sacrifice.
A big thank you to the staff of the USS
Museum in San Diego, California. Thank you for patiently answering all my strange and silly steam-engine-related questions. It’s only once you stand next to the turbine of a 700-foot vessel that you fully comprehend the enormity of such a ship.
I would also like to extend a little hat tip to Joris-Karl Huysmans and Aleister Crowley for their teachings on the occult. Patrice’s visit to Café de L’Enfer was my reimagining of the Black Mass as Huysmans and Crowley would have told it.
Lastly, I would once again like to thank the teams at Del Rey UK and Del Rey Spectra for all your hard work. Without you, this book would never have seen the light of day. Thank you especially, Emily Yau, for all the proofreading.
A Conspiracy of Alchemists
A Clockwork Heart
Sky Pirates
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