Skin Tight (Skin Deep #4) (5 page)

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“I know…” he replied, sounding glum.

“Well if you know, then why’d you come here asking me for advice?”

“I really didn’t come for advice. I just needed an alibi since I told her I couldn’t go out with her tonight because I promised I’d come over here for dinner and to talk about family stuff.”

“You’re an ass, Calland,” I told him, shaking my head at him.

“But you love me,” was his reply.

Chapter 8

“You’re fucking kidding me,” Chloe gasped, her jaw dropping.

“I wish I was,” I replied, succinctly.

We were at Allie’s house for the Down & Dirty party, helping her set things up. Allie and Emma were in the kitchen putting together a veggie tray while Chloe and I moved chairs into the living room from the dining room table to make sure there were enough seats for everyone.

I was filling Chloe in on all the details of what happened with Victoria at Ian’s office yesterday, and while I wasn’t whispering, I wasn’t talking loudly, but that didn’t stop my sister and Allie from stomping into the living room, wiping their hands on paper towels.

“I heard the name Victoria and I know you aren’t in here telling stories that we can’t hear,” Emma said sternly. Allie stood beside her, nodding her agreement.

I opened my mouth to say something and the door opened, bringing my mom and oldest sister, Jenna, into the room. They called their hellos, but only got half-assed hellos in response because everyone was still staring at me.

Chloe gave me a sympathetic look, because I’d already told her I was just gonna fill the rest of my family in at breakfast tomorrow, but…my family, especially the women, are like a dog with a bone when they want to know something. They’d do well in the CIA or the FBI; they’d just talk prisoners to death, or at least into giving up all the information they had.

My mom’s eagle eye read the situation immediately and turned to me. “What are you hiding?”

I threw my hands up. “I’m not hiding anything! Geez Louise, people!” I sighed. “Can’t a girl have a private conversation with her best friend?”

“Leah Nicole…” Mom warned, and I grinned.

“Okay, my God. I was gonna tell you all at breakfast tomorrow, but just wanted to tell Chloe because she and Brandon can’t make it tomorrow.” I shot Chloe an apologetic look, because I’d just essentially thrown her under the bus.

My mom picked up on that immediately, too. “Chloe? You guys aren’t coming tomorrow?”

Chloe glared at me and then smiled at my mom, shaking her head regretfully. “No, we actually already had plans…” she took in my mom’s crestfallen expression and backpedaled. “But we can move things around and be there!” she said brightly.

My mom beamed because she’d just gotten her way. “Good, that means everyone will be there, including your mom and her…and T.J. and Allie’s parents, too.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed. “My mom and her what, Mrs. Jensen?”

“Oh, blah. I’ve told you time and time again, call me Jan. Mrs. Jensen was my mother-in-law. And, nothing, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Don’t mind the ramblings of an old woman. Now, Leah, you tell us right now what you’re hiding.”

And just like that, my mom had effectively closed that subject.

“I wasn’t hiding anything, I promise,” I began, and then told them everything that had happened with Victoria.

With all that finally out of the way, we got back to setting up for the party. Chloe and I headed to Allie’s office to start dragging out her tubs of stuff and getting it all laid out on the table she had set up in front of the fireplace.

Chloe was arranging the wide array of dildos, cock rings, vibrators, bullets, and other interesting items designed to make you scream alongside the bottles, jars, and tubes containing creams, lotions, powders, and lubes of all types for whatever you could imagine, while I went back to get the star of the show, Big Kirky.

I was a little apprehensive lugging him into the living room, because, well…I honestly didn’t know what kind of crazy thing Nanny would pop off with when she saw him. Big Kirky was an eighteen inch tall, ten inch diameter, jelly-type dildo, complete with veins and balls, and the thing weighed like ten pounds.

Allie joked around about using him for a door stop (which I think she actually did at one point), but really she had just gotten him for the shock factor when she started selling Down & Dirty. I’ve been to a few of her parties over the past few years, and he’s always been the ice breaker, for sure.

Thankfully, Nannny had gone into the kitchen with Daisy and my mom, so I made my way over to Chloe, calling out for her to clear a spot for Big Kirky. She shook her head and laughed as she did so, then laughed even harder at the thump he made when I set him down.

We moved back from the table and studied our handiwork, satisfied that we’d remembered to set up everything like Allie had asked us to.

She came into the living room, holding a stack of catalogs and pens in her hands. When she saw the table, she nodded to us. “Thank you, you two! Looks great! I guess we’re ready?”

I shrugged, looking around. I didn’t see anything else that needed to be done. The front door opened and Jackson walked in.

“Jesus…” he muttered as his eyes went directly to the table we’d set up. “I forgot about that thing.”

Allie just grinned and lifted her face to meet his kiss. “What are you doing here? The party is getting ready to start.”

“I know, I just forgot to grab extra diapers to refill the diaper bag with and wanted to get them before everyone got here,” Jackson called over his shoulder as he headed upstairs. He was back downstairs in an instant, clutching a handful of diapers.

Emma walked out of the kitchen munching on a carrot stick and almost ran into him as he stepped off the stairs. “Ooh. Sorry, Jacks,” she said, patting his chest fondly and moving away from him. She stopped and turned back to him, her eyes narrowing.

“Where’d you come from?” she asked.

“This is my house, you know,” he said, drolly.

“Smart ass,” she muttered. “You know what I mean. Is everything okay with Luke and Everly?”

Since the party was at Allie and Jacks’ house, all the guys, along with the babies, were hanging at Luke and Emma’s house.

“Chill, mama bear, everything’s fine,” Jackson said to her. “I just needed to grab some diapers.”

Emma looked confused. “You could have just grabbed one of Everly’s. She just moved up to the same size as Liam. Why’d Luke make you walk over here just for diapers?”

Allie interjected with, “Yeah, what she said. You checking up on us?”

Jackson gave her a look and said, “No, woman. I’m not checking up on you. I’m also NOT putting my SON in one of Everly’s diapers. They’re girly!”

Emma screwed her face up at him. “What? They aren’t girly, they’re just normal diapers,” she said, looking at him like he’d lost his mind.

“They have Minnie Mouse on them!” Jackson exclaimed, looking affronted that it was even suggested he use a diaper depicting a female cartoon character on his son.

Emma rolled her eyes and said, “They also have Mickey Mouse on them.” She turned to Allie. “Your husband…”

Allie just laughed. “I know, but I love him,” she said, lifting her face to receive a kiss from him again as he moved past her on his way to leave.

Jackson kissed her and waved hello/goodbye to everyone as Nanny and the moms came out of the kitchen and filed into the living room.

“Holy giant ballsack!” Nanny crowed, blinking her eyes at Big Kirky.

Jackson practically ran for the door, hollering bye again as he slammed it behind him. Which was a good thing, considering the comments that flew from Nanny’s mouth afterwards.

“Allie-girl, tell me you don’t get up on that thing!” Nanny called in her gravelly voice, her eyes still locked on the giant dildo. She didn’t give Allie a chance to answer. “Back in my day, I could probab-”

“Mom!” Daisy yelled, trying to distract her.

“What?” Nanny snapped back at her. “I’m just sayin’, I might have been able-”

The doorbell rang and we all practically sighed in relief.

“I’ll get it!” Allie said brightly, rubbing her forehead with her fingers as she moved to answer the door. “What the hell did we get ourselves into?” she whispered to Chloe and me as she passed us.

We just grinned at each other.

Within the next half an hour, the living room was almost full of women, most of which I was either related to, or might as well have been, for how close we were. Chloe and I were sitting cross-legged on the floor, Emma and Jenna on the loveseat behind us. My mom was sitting with Daisy, Nanny, and Chloe’s mom, Sarah, on the couch. All of the other ladies, a mixture of friends and neighbors, were seated randomly on chairs placed around the room, or on the floor like us. Altogether, there were about sixteen of us, which would make for a pretty good party for Allie.

Allie stood in the middle of the room, right in front of the table, and started her “show.” She kicked it off with a couple of games, one of which included tossing glow necklaces around Big Kirky in a wacky, adult version of the ring toss game. Once the games were over, Allie had given out a couple of prizes (go me! I won a mini variety pack of warming, flavored massage oils), and then we moved on to the non-sex-toy section of the catalog.

We passed around the pots, jars, creams, and all that good stuff as Allie told us about each of the products. I found a new body butter that smelled absolutely delicious and earmarked that page to order some. Once we’d all sampled everything (laughing through most of it, if not because of the things Allie was saying, but because of Nanny), Allie invited everyone to take a break and get some goodies from the kitchen.

With a glass of wine and a plate piled high with buffalo chicken dip, chips, veggies, dip, and mini cherry cheesecakes, I settled back down on the floor with Chloe to wait for everyone else to come back in.

She leaned back against the couch and popped a bite of buffalo dip in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully as she looked at me.

“What?” I asked?

“We didn’t get to finish our talk. What are you going to do about the bitch?”

I shrugged. “I have no idea. Ian said he was going to call his parents, and hers, to let them know just what she’s been up to. I mean, she’s done the whole naked thing before. I’ve seen her naked more than I have myself, I swear,” I said with a snort. “But, Chloe, the look in her eyes was something I’d never seen before. I’ve never thought she was stupid, but I never thought she was smart. Do you know what I mean?”

Chloe nodded as she sipped her wine.

“I just think something has snapped in her head. I don’t think she’s going to stop unless she’s forced to. Geez, can you imagine us trying to get a restraining order against her?” I shook my head, picturing it. “Excuse me, can I please get a CPO against this crazy bitch who keeps showing up at my boyfriend’s house and office, naked and wearing a hard hat? They’d laugh me out of the courthouse.”

Chloe tipped her head to the side in half-hearted agreement, but before she could reply, the women started trickling back in. “We’ll get together this week so we can talk,” she said quietly.

I nodded quickly, and we shared a smile before I turned to ask my sister, Jenna, how my baby nephew was doing. We all chatted while we ate and when we were finished, Allie jumped back up in front to start the “fun” part of the fun party.

She held up her catalog, opened to the first page of toys, but before she could say anything, Nanny opened her mouth and rendered the room silent.

“Allie-girl, start with that ginormous piece of man meat you’ve got thumped on the table! You know, if I ever used something like that, your Poppy would have to strap a board across my ass so he wouldn’t fall in! Whoo-wee!”

The silence lasted for point-two seconds and then the room roared with laughter, over which Daisy could be heard groaning, “Oh, God no, Mom…”

Poor Allie just covered her face with her hands and shook her head, but we could see her shoulders shaking with laughter.

Chapter 9

“How’d the party go?” Ian asked a couple hours later in the car.

A rueful laugh escaped in answer. “It was interesting, that’s for sure,” I said.

Ian chuckled. “Yeah, Jackson looked half spooked when he came back from getting diapers. Said Nanny and that’s all it took. We didn’t need to hear anymore.”

“Yup. I wish I hadn’t heard more…Good Lord, that woman’s a handful!” I replied, but with fondness.

He reached over and took my hand, lacing our fingers together and bringing them up to his mouth. He kissed the back of my hand and then rested our entwined hands on his thigh.

I laid my head back against the seat and just looked at him, drinking in the sexy hotness of him in the dim light of the dash and the passing street lights.

I saw the corner of his mouth quirk up, and without looking at me, he asked, “What?”

I smiled. “Nothing. Just looking at you.”

“Weirdo,” he said, squeezing my hand briefly.

He held my hand on his thigh the whole way home, only releasing me when we pulled into the garage and parked. I got out, grabbing my black plastic bag full of goodies I’d bought from Allie from the floor to take inside.

I was a little shocked that Ian hadn’t asked what I bought the whole way home, but I knew his curiosity would get the best of him sooner rather than later.

Five seconds later, I realized I shouldn’t have been shocked, and that I was right on the money. He held the door open for me to pass by him into the kitchen and as I did, he grabbed the bag out of my hand and took off through the house.

“Ian!” I yelled, dropping my purse on the counter and stepping out of my heels before following him down the hallway to the bedroom. I didn’t chase him; what was the point? I knew where he was going and, trust me, he definitely was gonna want me with him when he started trying things out.

Er, at least I’d hope so. If not, that could end up being kinda awkward…

I stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and looked in to see him lounging on the bed, the bag beside him, still closed.

I quirked a questioning brow at him and leaned against the door frame, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Whatcha doing?” I asked him conversationally.

He leaned on one elbow and crossed his legs, mocking me, I guess. “Not much. What are you doing?”

“Nothing, really,” I replied mildly.

He lifted his chin in a nonchalant nod. “Sounds pretty boring.”

I gave him a one-shouldered shrug and stayed where I was. He reached out his hand and patted the bed beside him, jerking his head at me. I just smiled and stayed put. He jerked his head again and patted the bed once more, then rubbed his hand over it.

I sighed and dropped my arms, slouching toward the bed. “Oh, alright…”

He reached out and pulled me down on to the bed beside him, tossing the bag at me. “Show me,” he demanded.

“I’m shocked you haven’t looked already,” I mused, sitting up and dumping the contents of the bag on the bed between us.

He poked around, lifting each item and reading the label before he’d throw it back down. By the time he’d gone through everything, he was scowling.

“You didn’t get anything fun?” he asked, borderline pouting.

I gathered up the body butter and the massage oil pack and other little things I’d bought, putting them back in the bag. “Massage oil is fun,” I hedged, but his face just looked even more crestfallen.

“Are you really that upset that I didn’t get a new toy for us to explore?” I asked him, watching his face.

He smiled and shook his head. “Nah, just messing around with you, baby. You know I don’t need anything to make you come hard.” He winked and his smile turned cocky, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of humor and lust.

“Mmmm…that’s so true. I actually did get something, but it’s in my purse. You jumped the gun, there, honey,” I told him, giving him a sly wink as I slid off the bed.

He leaned over and smacked my ass. “Well, get your ass in gear and go get it!”

It didn’t take me long to retrieve my purse and dig out the small, wrapped package from the side pocket. I tossed it to Ian when I walked back in the room and watched him look at it, perplexed.

“Uh, that’s awfully small, don’t you think?” he asked, turning it over in his hands. “And flat.”

“Open it,” I told him, crawling onto the bed beside him.

He opened the package carefully and pulled it out, looking even more confused. “It’s…an MP3 player?”

I sighed and took it from him, unwrapping the wires and showing him exactly what it was. “This cuff goes around the wrist, which is where the controls are. These little things go on your fingertips, the wires connect them to the control and…” I pressed the two ear bud-looking things into his palm and hit the on button. “Voila! It’s a fingertip massager.”

His hand jerked and then closed around the vibrating pads. “Mmmm…I see potential here,” he said. “A little limiting, though.”

I just smiled. “Nope. Waterproof. Can go in and out.” I took it from him and set it on the nightstand beside the bed before I stood and started playing with the hem of my shirt. “Maybe you should strip,” I told him softly, slowly edging the bottom of my shirt up over my stomach.

His eyes darkened, watching every move of my hands. He rose from the bed and pulled his shirt off in one fluid movement, his gaze never wavering from mine. He tossed it to the floor and unbuttoned his jeans with one hand, unzipping them with the other, then hooked his fingers in the waistband and shoved them off, kicking them away.

His erection sprang free of the confining denim to stand proudly at attention, every thick, velvety-steel inch of him beckoning my touch. Instead of reaching for him like I wanted, I quickly divested myself of my clothes until we were both standing naked on opposite sides of the bed.

I grabbed the massager and slid the cuff on my wrist, then fixed the finger pads to my middle and forefingers.

Ian put one knee on the bed, but I stopped him with a quick shake of my head, crooking a finger at him to call him to me. He sauntered over, his hand sliding down his rock hard abs to curl over the gorgeous length jutting from his body, stroking it slowly. My lips tipped up in a smile and I watched his eyes darken even more when I slid to my knees on the floor in front of him.

“Leah,” he breathed, his voice low and deep, thick with desire.

With my free hand, I pushed his fingers away, leaning in and capturing the head of him in my lips, rubbing my tongue over the ridge on the underside of his cock, eliciting a rough groan from him. I dropped my hand to my wrist and thumbed on the vibration, the pads on my fingertips thrumming to life.

I returned my free hand to the base of him, wrapping my fingers firmly around his girth, and brought my other hand up, lightly tracing the vibrating pads up and down his hardened length as I continued to suck and tongue the knobbed head of him. He jerked at the first touch of them on that ultra-sensitive skin, unconsciously feeding more of his cock into my mouth and I sucked harder, making him moan louder.

I took him deeper, my jaw stretching wide to accommodate the largeness of him, breathing through my nose as I fought my gag reflex until he was touching the back of my throat. I swallowed around him, making him twitch and jerk against my lips, his breathing harsh in the silence. His hands lifted and fisted in my hair, one on either side of my head, holding me in place for just a moment longer before he tugged gently, pulling me back and slipping out of my mouth.

I made a sound of protest in my throat and pushed forward again, the slight sting of his fingers tangling in my hair sending a thrill down my spine. I set a rhythm, sliding him in and out of my mouth, using my free hand to follow my mouth and stroke him, twisting my hand up and down his shaft as I sucked the swollen head, moaning at the salty-sweet tang of precum on my tongue and drowning in the intoxicating, all male, musky scent of him.

He gasped my name and I cut my eyes up, watching him through my lashes, his eyes blazing into mine. “Touch yourself, baby,” he whispered.

I complied, sliding the two fingers tipped with the soft vibrating pads down my body and into my cleft, moaning against Ian’s skin as they skimmed over my clit, through the copious moisture gathered between my thighs, dripping down the inside of them.

His breath hissed out between his teeth as he watched, his hips taking up the rhythm I’d set, thrusting against my mouth. It wasn’t long until I was squirming against my own fingers, the pulse of the small buds rippling through me, pushing me closer and closer to that razor edge of ecstasy. I could tell that Ian was getting close, as well, his hips beginning to thrust wildly, his hands tightening more and more in my hair. I dragged my fingers back up over my clit, shuddering at the sensation, but not allowing myself to finish.

I had other plans for those fingers at the moment…plans I carried out with spectacular results.

Ian’s head dropped back, his mouth open, low sounds emanating from his lips as I worked him with my mouth and my un-wired hand harder, faster, urging him toward the finish line. I felt him swell against my tongue, becoming impossibly larger, ready to explode and at just that moment, I pressed my two vibrating digits, still wet from my body, firmly against his perineum, that smooth strip of flesh just behind his balls.

Ian’s body went rigid as the pulsing pressure rocketed through him, sending him over the edge immediately, his voice echoing through the room as he shouted, “Holy FUCK!” He pressed my head into his hips, lodging his cock in my throat as he came hard and fast, pulsing on my tongue, guttural cries being wrenched from his lips as I swallowed around him, drinking him down.

I kept my fingers pressed against him, the vibrations feeding his release, and moved my head against the pressure of his hands, sliding him free of my mouth, only to slip him back inside, sucking and licking, until every drop had been wrung from him and he was twitching against me, his legs trembling with the effort to keep standing.

His voice came above me, hoarse and low. “No more…oh, God, Leah.”

I released him, thumbed off the vibration of the pads strapped to my fingers, and sat back on my heels, watching and smiling with smug satisfaction as he staggered and collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily.

My thighs clenched against the throbbing ache that had settled deep into my sex, and I shifted to my feet, stripping the device off my wrist and dropping it back onto the nightstand before I slid onto the bed beside Ian, pressing my breasts against his side and leaning in to kiss his jaw. He turned his head and captured my lips, his tongue tangling with mine in a deep kiss.

I broke from it on a sigh, unable to stop my body from shifting restlessly on the mattress.

Ian stared at me, his eyes still dark and shining with a heady mixture of love, lust, and satisfaction. “Beautiful girl…my God, you’re amazing.”

I felt his words on my skin like a caress, shivering against him. He moved, reaching up to cup my cheek. “You’re ready to explode, aren’t you, baby?”

I jerked a shoulder, but my body betrayed me, my thighs clenching tightly again. He slid his hand down and curled it around my thigh, pulling gently as he urged, “Come here.”

“Ian…” I whispered, but he narrowed his eyes, giving me a look that had heat tingling through my veins, pooling low in my belly.

“Baby, come here. Right now, you’re gonna get up here and I’m gonna eat your sweet pussy until you come all over my face. And then when I’m ready, I’m gonna spread you wide and fuck you hard and fast until you scream.”

Need surged through me and I complied, moving to straddle him. His hands slid under my ass, pulling me forward. I shifted with him, letting him move me where he wanted me until I was kneeling over his head, my glistening, soaked folds hovering over his mouth. I gasped as I felt the tip of his tongue just barely circle the engorged nub of my clit and then a jagged cry broke from my lips as his hands curled around my thighs, spreading them even wider as he pulled me down onto his mouth.

He ate at me voraciously, burying his face in the hot, silken flesh of my sex, his tongue spearing into my entrance, thrusting in and out and then swiping up to circle my clit again, closing his mouth over it and sucking, pulling it into his mouth and gently biting, sending sharp spirals of pleasure through my core.

He kept up his assault on my tender flesh, his fingers digging into my thighs as he held me down on his mouth, working me with his tongue until I broke, crying out my release as I flooded him with sweet honey. He lapped up every drop as I ground my pelvis down on him, shuddering and gasping, breathless with the piercing bliss washing over me until I was boneless and sated.

I carefully slid to the side, collapsing in a heap beside him as he gathered me in his arms, his lips finding mine and stealing what little breath I had left with a sweet kiss. When he finally released my mouth, we laid there entwined with each other in the silence broken only by our ragged breathing.

Then when we’d come down enough, he rolled, nudging my thighs apart and settling his hips between them before he pressed inside me and did everything he promised he would.

And then some.

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